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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Skrygin S.V., Galochkin P.V., Yurchenko A.L., Anurov V.L.

Objective of the study was to determine the level of aggressiveness of athletes of various specializations who have completed their careers as a factor in their asocialization.Methods and structure of the study. 55 former athletes took part in the scientific study (2 Masters of Sports of international class, 17 Masters of Sports, 20 Candidates for Master of Sports and 16 first-class athletes). All subjects were tested according to the method of L.G. Pochebut to determine the level and direction of aggression [4]. Based on the data obtained, the correlation coefficients between the variables of aggression and the type of sports activity were determined, as well as the percentage of former athletes of various specializations with high and medium levels of aggressiveness.Results and conclusions. It has been established that aggressive behavior is more characteristic of former athletes of cyclic sports. For complex coordination sports, martial arts and sports games, aggressiveness is not the dominant way of behavior in the process of achieving the goal. It is necessary to organize competent psychological support by coaches and specialists for athletes of cyclic sports, which will help reduce the likelihood of frustration phenomena in the latter throughout their career and after its completion.

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Features of the influence of the factor of internal aggression on the socialization of athletes after the completion of the career

UDC 796.012

PhD S.V. Skrygin1

PhD, Associate Professor P.V. Galochkin1 PhD A.L. Yurchenko1

PhD, Associate Professor V.L. Anurov1

1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Corresponding author: yurchenko-al@mail.ru Abstract

Objective of the study was to determine the level of aggressiveness of athletes of various specializations who have completed their careers as a factor in their asocialization.

Methods and structure of the study. 55 former athletes took part in the scientific study (2 Masters of Sports of international class, 17 Masters of Sports, 20 Candidates for Master of Sports and 16 first-class athletes). All subjects were tested according to the method of L.G. Pochebut to determine the level and direction of aggression [4]. Based on the data obtained, the correlation coefficients between the variables of aggression and the type of sports activity were determined, as well as the percentage of former athletes of various specializations with high and medium levels of aggressiveness.

Results and conclusions. It has been established that aggressive behavior is more characteristic of former athletes of cyclic sports. For complex coordination sports, martial arts and sports games, aggressiveness is not the dominant way of behavior in the process of achieving the goal. It is necessary to organize competent psychological support by coaches and specialists for athletes of cyclic sports, which will help reduce the likelihood of frustration phenomena in the latter throughout their career and after its completion.

Keywords: level of aggressiveness, kinds of sports, asocialization of sportsmen.

Introduction. In the scientific literature, psychological problems associated with the end of a sports career have been considered in sufficient detail [1, 2, 6, 8]. Despite this, the study of the subject area of social adaptation of former athletes is still relevant.

Post-sport social adaptation is the process of forming relationships with colleagues at work, with people at the household level and in personal life [2]. The basis for positive adaptation is the effective assimilation of new social and labor communication values. The main obstacle on this path can be a set of negative individual-personal qualities acquired during the previous sports experience [7]. The most destructive of them is aggression, which is generated by sports anger and is approved as an internal stimulus in the process of achieving the goal. Over time, the so-called instrumental aggression can manifest itself in the form of verbal, physical, emotional or objective hostility. This phenomenon creates the cause of conflict incompatibility between the sports character and

the need for a positive adaptation to life after the end of a sports career.

Sports anger as an object of psychological transfer can provoke cognitive dissonance in relationships with work colleagues or family members [6]. The so-called psychological transfer looks like an attempt on reality and is the cause of the destruction of socialization to the detriment of oneself and the people around.

Objective of the study was to determine the level of aggressiveness of athletes of various specializations who have completed their careers as a factor in their asocialization.

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the scientific study, psychological testing was carried out according to the method of L.G. Pochebut to determine the level and direction of aggression [4]. The experimental group included 55 athletes (2 Masters of Sports of international class, 17 Masters of Sports, 20 Candidates for Master of Sports and 16 first-class athletes). Testing the hypothesis

about the presence of a relationship between the variables of aggression and the type of sports activity was carried out on the basis of the correlation coefficient of two-dimensional descriptive statistics for a quantitative measure of interaction.

Results of the study and their discussion. Analytical data processing revealed some regularities. First, the features of sports activity are characterized by a certain interaction with aggression. Moreover, the magnitude of the interaction of variables depends on the direction of aggressive manifestations. The average value of the correlation coefficient between the variables for the classification of sports with verbal and physical aggression (0.6) was found. At the same time, a weak connection with emotional (0.4) and a very weak one with objective aggression was revealed. The weak relationship between indicators of emotional and object aggression with sports indicates that this group of data is included in the complex of interaction under the influence of the shadow factor, which is not identified, but its obvious influence excludes randomness at the level of a very weak correlation dependence.

At the next stage of processing the results, an average and high rate of aggression was revealed in former athletes by sports. To distribute them into groups, the following classification was used [3]:

1. Cyclic sports.

2. Complicated coordination sports.

3. Martial arts.

4. Sports games.

5. Speed-strength sports.

The data obtained are presented in the table. They are expressed as a percentage of the number in the group of representatives of one of the sports.

Analyzing the results, it can be noted that the aggressiveness of former athletes from various sports is subject to a certain logic. The leaders in all types of aggression are athletes of cyclic sports. 46.7% of respondents from this group have medium and high levels of hostility. This type of behavior is used by 17.8% of representatives of team sports, 13.4% of complicated coordination sports and 12% of martial arts. Interesting is the fact that athletes of complex coordination sports completely lack physical and emotional

aggression. At the same time, 23% of the surveyed representatives of martial arts and complex coordination sports are ready to solve their problems with the use of physical force (see figure).




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Number of ex-athletes (%) with high and medium levels of aggression

Thus, it can be assumed that cyclic sports have a greater influence on the social maladjustment of athletes. Many kilometers and many circles overcome form a peremptory character that does not accept compromises. The lack of communication with rivals during training and competition, as well as the narrowness of the goal at the "overtake or run" level, create conditions for limited thinking. The absence of any kind of communication with rivals, isolation in oneself, the exclusion of aesthetic and creative activity during the competitive struggle for the coveted medal creates the danger of raising aggression to the rank of the main way of behavior. Without proper psychological support, athletes of cyclic sports are very likely to lose the opportunity to gain positive experience for socialization.

Conclusions. Based on the analysis of experimental data, it can be argued that aggressive behavior is more characteristic of athletes in cyclic sports.

The absence of any kind of communication with rivals, isolation in oneself, the exclusion of aesthetic and creative activity during the competitive struggle is one of the main reasons for negative socialization.

In complex coordination sports, martial arts and sports games, aggressiveness is not the dominant way of behavior in the process of achieving the goal.

Competent psychological support will help reduce the likelihood of frustration in athletes of cyclic sports after the end of their career.

Percentage of former athletes with high and medium levels of aggression of various kinds

Kinds Kinds of sports

aggression Cyclic Gaming Complicated coordination Martial arts Speed-strength

Verbal 43,8 18,8 12,5 12,5 6,3

Physical 38,5 15,4 23,1 23,1 0,0

Emotional 54,5 18,2 18,2 0,0 0,0

Subject 50,0 18,8 0,0 12,5 12,5

1 46,7 17,8 13,5 12,0 4,7


Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I April I № 4 2023

Additional educational information on social adaptation in the education system of future coaches of cyclic sports will reduce the degree of asociality of athletes after the end of their careers.

The supremacy of psychological support of social orientation over victorious affirmation will help to form social tolerance among athletes of cyclic sports as a way of liberation from aggression.

Practical recommendations. An important component of the training of athletes in cyclic sports is the issue of acquiring positive social experience. One of the methods for solving the problem is the expansion of socially oriented activities: the assimilation of social roles, behavior patterns and positive social values.

To achieve this goal, three tasks must be solved:

• Diagnostics to assess the level of social adaptation of an athlete.

• Psychological training in the form of imitation of the right decisions when interacting with teammates and opponents.

• Consolidation of the behavioral ability to show tolerance, elevating the value of surrounding people, regardless of sports qualifications.


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