Научная статья на тему 'Severity of level aggression in the emotional sphere of young players aged 13-15'

Severity of level aggression in the emotional sphere of young players aged 13-15 Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Makarov Yury M., Lutkova Natalia V., Shchedrina Yulia A., Zaytsev Anatoly A.

The article presents the results of studying the relationship between the levels of aggressiveness and the emotional state of young athletes playing at the age of 13-15 years. For taking corrective measures aimed at improving psycho-emotional conditions of athletes it is necessary to create the information database as regards the emotional sphere of these players. Research objective was to study the extent of aggression level in the emotional sphere of young athletes playing at the age of 13-15 years. 90 young athletes at the age of 13-15 years playing sport games have been interviewed. To identify the emotional state of the experiment participants, the presence of aggressiveness, its direction and intensity, special psychological testing has been carried out using projective methods called “Non-existent animal” and “Cactus”. Standardization of the results has been carried out on the basis of the data analysis presented in descriptive form. At preliminary investigation phase there were established the following levels of aggression: excessive, high, average and low. Further the expressiveness of level aggression in the emotional sphere of athletes was defined and analyzed. As a result of the conducted research the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Level of aggressiveness of young players 13-15 years old is not determinative for their emotional sphere. On the emotional background, young athletes, regardless of their belonging to different levels of aggressiveness, are prone to aggression. 2. The emotional sphere is significantly affected by the clash of contradictory in their essence and simultaneous emotional states that cause various forms of behavioral reactions of young players 13-15 years old.

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Выраженность уровневой агрессивности в эмоциональной сфере юных спортсменов-игровиков 13-15 лет

В статье представлены результаты взаимосвязи уровней агрессивности и состояния эмоциональной сферы спортсменов-игровиков в возрасте 13-15 лет. Для применения мер по коррекции психоэмоциональных состояний спортсменов необходимо располагать информационной базой данных об эмоциональной сфере этих игроков. Целью исследования явилось обоснование выраженности уровневой агрессивности в эмоциональной сфере юных спортсменов-игровиков. В исследовании приняло участие 90 спортсменов в возрасте 13-15 лет, занимающихся игровыми видами спорта. Для выявления состояния эмоциональной сферы участников эксперимента, наличия агрессивности, ее направления и интенсивности было проведено психологическое тестирование по проективным методикам: «Несуществующее животное» и «Кактус». Стандартизация результатов осуществлялась на основе анализа данных, представленных в описательной форме. На предварительном этапе исследования установлены испытуемые с определенным уровнем агрессивности: повышенным, высоким, средним и низким. Далее определялась и анализировалась выраженность уровневой агрессивности в эмоциональной сфере спортсменов. В результате проведенного исследования сделаны следующие выводы: 1. Уровневая агрессивность игроков 13-15 лет не является определяющей в их эмоциональной сфере. На эмоциональном фоне юные спортсмены,вне зависимости от их принадлежности к различным уровням агрессивности, склонны к проявлению агрессии. 2. На эмоциональную сферу оказывает существенное влияние столкновение противоречивых по своей сути одномоментно возникающих состояний, которые вызывают различные формы поведенческих реакций игроков 13-15 лет.

Текст научной работы на тему «Severity of level aggression in the emotional sphere of young players aged 13-15»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 12 (2018 11) 2021-2029

УДК 796.056.8;

Severity of Level Aggression in the Emotional Sphere of Young Players Aged 13-15

Yury M. Makarov", Natalia V. Lutkova", Yulia A. Shchedrina" and Anatoly A. Zaytsevb*

аLesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health 35 Dekabristov Str., St. Petersburg, 190121, Russia bKaliningrad State Technical University 1 Sovetsky, Kaliningrad, 236022, Russia

Received 28.08.2018, received in revised form 22.11.2018, accepted 06.12.2018

The article presents the results of studying the relationship between the levels of aggressiveness and the emotional state of young athletes playing at the age of 13-15 years. For taking corrective measures aimed at improving psycho-emotional conditions ofathletes it is necessary to create the information database as regards the emotional sphere of these players. Research objective was to study the extent of aggression level in the emotional sphere of young athletes playing at the age of 13-15 years. 90 young athletes at the age of13-15 years playing sport games have been interviewed. To identify the emotional state of the experiment participants, the presence of aggressiveness, its direction and intensity, special psychological testing has been carried out using projective methods called "Non-existent animal" and "Cactus". Standardization of the results has been carried out on the basis of the data analysis presented in descriptive form. At preliminary investigation phase there were established the following levels of aggression: excessive, high, average and low. Further the expressiveness of level aggression in the emotional sphere ofathletes was defined and analyzed. As a result of the conducted research the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Level of aggressiveness of young players 13-15 years old is not determinative for their emotional sphere. On the emotional background, young athletes, regardless of their belonging to different levels of aggressiveness, are prone to aggression. 2. The emotional sphere is significantly affected by the clash ofcontradictory in their essence and simultaneous emotional states that cause various forms of behavioral reactions of young players 13-15 years old.

Keywords: emotional sphere, levels of aggressiveness, young sportsmen, players.

Research area: theory and methods of physical education, sports training.

Citation: Makarov, Yu.M., Lutkova, N.V., Shchedrina, Yu.A., Zaytsev, A.A. (2018). Severity of level aggression in the emotional sphere of young players aged 13-15. J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Humanit. soc. sci., 11(12), 2021-2029. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0370.

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).


- 2021 -


In sports games modern scientific and technological achievements are being introduced at a fast pace, together with the perfection of medical and biological support of athletes. However, the issues of effective improvement of their psycho-emotional state remain in the field of a narrow circle of specialists, working mainly with high-class players. And to a lesser extent this applies to young athletes who are in the cage of the "long-range" reserve (Kuzmin et al., 2018). Meanwhile, almost every match of any significance turns out to be a considerable nervous and mental stress for athletes resulting in a sudden increase in perceptual motor reactions that cause greater than before emotionality and stimulate the manifestation of various kinds of specific emotions: from "muscle joy" to "sports anger" or from "bitterness of defeat" to "the joy of victory". This class of emotions also includes: sports excitement, exhilaration, rivalry, anger, enthusiasm, pleasure from hobby, etc. It is obvious that emotions are an integral part of competition, the exponents of pre-start, starting, finishing states, and are considered an important component of tactical and technical preparedness of players (Babakov et al., 2016). Intensive play activity is accompanied by the ultimate, and in some cases by the prohibitive strain of the vital systems of the human body, where emotions are one of the main mechanisms of internal regulation of mental processes and behavior aimed at achieving the planned result (Kolesnikov et al., 2015). Emotions in conditions of severe confrontation initiate the mobilization of internal reserves in the body of athletes, invigorating their motor activity.

In this case, it must be taken into account that prolonged stay of players in an increased emotional state can have both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, emotion gives the athletes extra energy, and on the other hand completely "devastates" them. Depending on the potential power, emotion can cause inspiration, a surge of additional energy, or be extremely destructive. Emotions are able to catalyze not only common reactions, but also become the drives of concrete actions (Lesheva et al., 2016). In this sense, there is a certain terminological "kinship" between the definition of emotion and aggression. The first provokes the athlete to act, and the second is the result of a complex of negative emotions. In this case, aggression is nothing more than a "reckless" emotion, a complex emotional reaction, mostly destructive. There is another degree of "kinship" associated with the nature of the emergence of emotion and aggression. The emergence, development of emotional arousal and aggressive behavior, according to a number of specialists, is determined by a variety of factors, both biological and psychological (Kozlov, Povareshchenkova, 2016).

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In this regard, the purpose of this study was to justify the severity of the aggressiveness level in the emotional sphere of young athletes aged 13-15.

Methods and organization of the research

To identify the emotional state of the experiment participants, the presence of aggressiveness, its direction and intensity, psychological testing has been carried out with the application of projective methods: "Non-existent animal" and "Cactus". Standardization of the results has been carried out on the basis of the data analysis presented in descriptive form. This allowed us to determine the levels of aggressiveness and find out their severity in the emotional sphere of each subject. The study involved 90 young athletes aged 13-15, who play sports in the St. Petersburg junior sport school.

Results of the research

In sports games, as noted above, the psycho-emotional state of individual players and the team as a whole has a major influence on the effectiveness of tactical and technical actions. If the mental state of one player is violated, the overall emotional background of the team changes and not always for the better. Therefore, one of the most important conditions for the successful management of the psycho-emotional state of athletes is the availability of necessary information about the management object. To apply any measures to correct such states it is necessary to have an information database with the details about the emotional sphere of the players. Based on this, at the preliminary stage of the study, there were identified subjects with certain levels of aggressiveness: excessive, high, medium and low levels (Lutkova, Makarov, 2018). After that, all the participants of the experiment underwent psychological testing (the projective method "Cactus"). The results of the survey are presented in Table 1.

The material obtained in the course of the study confirms the existing opinion about the dynamic component of a person's mental states, where the emotional and aggressive boundaries do not have clearly defined horizons. Analysis of the results of psychological testing of young athletes shows the absence of differences in the emotional sphere as regards first two parameters: aggression and egocentrism, aspiration for leadership, while the results reliably differ in the distribution by the level of aggressiveness. This fact proves that from the point of expressing emotions belonging to aggressiveness level is relative and cannot be decisive.

Further analysis of psycho-emotional states of players by rank coefficients testifies that demonstrativeness and openness are the most noteworthy states for subjects

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Table 1. Severity of aggressiveness level in emotional sphere of players aged 13-15

Aggressiveness level

Excessive High Medium Low

• Aggression • Aggression • Aggression • Aggression

• Self-centeredness, commitment • Self-centeredness, commitment • Self-centeredness, commitment • Self-centeredness, commitment

to leadership to leadership to leadership to leadership

• Demonstrativeness, openness • Sneakiness, caution • Sneakiness, caution • Sneakiness, caution

• Extroversion • Demonstrativeness, openness • Demonstrativeness, openness • Demonstrativeness, openness

ö • Striving for home protection the • Introversion • Impulsivity • Impulsivity

desire for family unity • Extroversion • Optimism • Optimism

1 • Striving for home protection the • Introversion • Introversion

o U desire for family unity • Extroversion • Extroversion

• Lack of desire for home • Striving for home protection the • Striving for home protection, the

protection, a sense of loneliness desire for family unity desire for family unity

• Lack of desire for home • Lack of desire for home

protection, a sense of loneliness protection, a sense of loneliness

• Anxiety

• Diffidence

belonging to an excessive level of aggressiveness. For young sportsmen at another levels of aggressiveness, sneakiness and caution become the leading states for them. This is the fundamental difference in the influence of these qualities on the psycho-emotional state of the individual. Players with a high degree of aggressiveness do not hide their intentions, they are focused on their own self, do not hesitate to show their own merits and demerits in the presence of spectators. And display of such quality as extroversion only enhances emotional potential and makes these athletes more noise-resistant in extreme situations of tough competitive struggle, which is not true for those with low aggressiveness level. This contingent of teenagers also displays demonstrativeness and a great desire to show it to all those present. However, the dominance of more significant traits of sneakiness and caution mitigates their desire to "turn to themselves". Moreover, the presence of states with opposite vectors of direction (extroversion and introversion, the desire for home protection, the desire for family unity and the lack of desire for home protection, the presence of a sense of loneliness) has a negative impact on the entire emotional sphere of young players. This leads to a clash of sometimes incompatible emotional impulses, thereby causing a duality of experience, which ultimately makes them very vulnerable to constant competition and a shortage of time in the real situations.

A strong expression of states of impulsiveness and optimism are the most remarkable at low levels of aggressiveness. The great influence of these states on the emotional sphere is explained from the standpoint of the short duration of action. For players with a particularly low level of aggressiveness, the states of impulsiveness and optimism are episodic, and in some cases very rare. Quite the contrary is the situation for athletes with excessive aggresiveness level, where such kind of emotions take place not only on the sports ground, but also in everyday life, being dominant. It is for this reason, in our opinion, they did not turn out to be significant states determining the levels of excessive and high aggressiveness of the experiment participants.

The intensity of aggressiveness level in the emotional sphere of young players, established in this way, cannot pretend to be the leading factor of sharp changes in their psycho-emotional state.

The conducted research actually endeavours to answer the question about the connection of emotional and aggressive behavior of young athletes. An attempt is made to justify the explanation of the "golden mean" from the point of view of the available experimental material and the analytical approach aimed to study where the emotion ends and aggression begins on the example of psycho-emotional state of players aged 13-15. As it seems, the answer can lie in the nature of the emergence of emotionality and

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aggressiveness. Here biological and psychological mechanisms are involved directly. In particular, the vector of the origin of emotion includes: physiological stimulation -cognitive evaluation - emotional expression. Considering aggression not as a behavior, but as a mental state, we distinguish the following vector structure: physiological -cognitive - emotional and volitional components. As shown in this question, there is an obvious similarity. From here one should make an assumption about the role of the bio-psychological component in the formation of emotionality and aggressiveness. Apparently, during the process of mutual influence of the marked components which is being realized in time, there is a multiple increase in the intensity of physiological excitation from a weak emotion to aggression, expressed by a destructive effect. On the basis of the material available for the work, it is not possible to give an exhaustive assessment of how the interaction of the biological and psychological components of weak emotions leads to their physiological growth and reaches the highest stage of their negative manifestation ^ aggressiveness ^ aggression.

Currently, in sports there appear more and more supporters of the idea of aggression as a motivated destructive action that violates the moral and ethical standards of competition, but which stays within the tolerable "permissibility" of the rules of a particular sport game. Therefore, the state of aggressiveness in game combat, the external expression of which is aggression, should be treated as a situational necessity aimed at achieving the planned superiority over the rival (Makarov, Lutkova, 2016). It is important to understand here that aggressive reactions, which are an integral part of contest, must be controlled by people's psycho-regulatory mechanisms. With this approach, aggressive behavior will always be constructive, because in the process of training and competitive activity, players will be able to quickly "turn on" into an aggressive state and also quickly "turn off". But for its becoming highly controlled by players it is necessary for them to learn how to manage their own psycho-emotional state in the course of special training and competitions, where appropriate pedagogical conditions for controllability must be created.


Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. It has been revealed that the level of aggressiveness of young players (13-15 years old) is not determinative in their emotional sphere. On an emotional background, almost all athletes participating in the experiment, regardless of their distribution by different levels of aggression, are prone to aggression.

- 2026 -

2. It has been determined that the emotional sphere is affected by the clash of contradictory in their essence and simultaneous states (extroversion - introversion, etc.), creating a momentary extreme psychological stress, expressed in various forms of behavior of young players aged 13-15.


Babakov, A.I., Loginov, L.V., Magomedov, N.M., Golets, A.V. (2016). Osobennosti emotsional'nogo sostoianiia bortsov v sportivnykh poedinkakh po natsional'nym i internatsional'nym vidam bor'by [Peculiarities of emotional state of wrestlers during national and international martials arts matches]. In Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 4, 75-77.

Kolesnikov, M.B., Getman, V.D., Makarov, Yu.M., Lutkova, N.V., Solomenina, K.S. (2015). Metodika formirovaniia lichnostnogo komponenta dlia povysheniia effektivnosti tekhniko-takticheskikh deistvii kvalifitsirovannyh voleibolistok [Technique of formation of personal component to increase efficiency of technical and tactical actions of skilled players in women's volleyball]. In Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 9, 70-72.

Kozlov, A.A., Povareshchenkova, J.A. (2016). Kriterii prognoza realizatsii funktsional'nykh vozmozhnostei v professional'nom bokse [Professional boxer's functional capacity mobilization - forecast criteria]. In Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 6, 66-67.

Kuzmin, M.A., Tatarova, S.Yu., Shakirova, Yu.V., Zhikhoreva, V.A., Antonova, I.N., Vitko, S.Yu. (2018). Psihologicheskaia adaptatsiia k usloviiam sorevnovanii v igrovykh vidakh sporta [Psychological adaptation to competition conditions in sports games]. In Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 9, 24-26.

Lesheva, N.S., Grineva, T.A., Makarov, Yu.M., Lutkova, N.V. (2016). Zavisimost' effektivnosti igrovykh situatsii s razlichnoi psikhoemotsional'noi napriazhennost'iu ot pokazatelei podgotovlennosti kvalificirovannykh voleibolistok [Skilled women volleyball players' success rates in mentally and emotionally tense game situations versus their fitness rates]. In Teoriia i praktikafizicheskoi kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 9, 69-71.

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- 2027 -

in the long-term process of training]. In Vestnik Sibirskogo instituta biznesa i informatsionnykh tekhnologii [Bulletin of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technology], 2(26), 129-134.

Makarov, Yu.M., Lutkova, N.V. (2016). Definitsiia poniatiia "igrovaia agressiia" v sorevnovatel'noi deiatel'nosti sporsmenov-igrovikov [Definition of the concept of "game aggression" in the competitive activity of sportsmen-players]. In Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific theory journal of the University named after P.F. Lesgaft], 3(133), 297-301.

Выраженность уровневой агрессивности

в эмоциональной сфере

юных спортсменов-игровиков 13-15 лет

Ю.М. Макаров3, Н.В. Лутковаа, Ю.А. Щедринаа, А.А. Зайцев6

аНациональный государственный университет физической культуры, спорта и здоровья

им. П.Ф. Лесгафта Россия, 190121, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Декабристов, 35 бКалининградский государственный технический


Россия, 236022, Калининград, пр. Советский, 1

В статье представлены результаты взаимосвязи уровней агрессивности и состояния эмоциональной сферы спортсменов-игровиков в возрасте 13-15 лет. Для применения мер по коррекции психоэмоциональных состояний спортсменов необходимо располагать информационной базой данных об эмоциональной сфере этих игроков. Целью исследования явилось обоснование выраженности уровневой агрессивности в эмоциональной сфере юных спортсменов-игровиков. В исследовании приняло участие 90 спортсменов в возрасте 13-15 лет, занимающихся игровыми видами спорта. Для выявления состояния эмоциональной сферы участников эксперимента, наличия агрессивности, ее направления и интенсивности было проведено психологическое тестирование по проективным методикам: «Несуществующее животное» и «Кактус». Стандартизация результатов осуществлялась на основе анализа данных, представленных в описательной форме. На предварительном этапе исследования установлены испытуемые с определенным уровнем агрессивности: повышенным, высоким, средним и низким. Далее определялась и анализировалась выраженность уровневой агрессивности в эмоциональной сфере спортсменов. В результате проведенного исследования сделаны следующие выводы: 1. Уровневая агрессивность игроков 13-15 лет не является определяющей в их эмоциональной сфере. На эмоциональном фоне юные спортсмены,

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вне зависимости от их принадлежности к различным уровням агрессивности, склонны к проявлению агрессии. 2. На эмоциональную сферу оказывает существенное влияние столкновение противоречивых по своей сути одномоментно возникающих состояний, которые вызывают различные формы поведенческих реакций игроков 13-15 лет.

Ключевые слова: эмоциональная сфера, уровни агрессивности, юные спортсмены-игровики.

Научная специальность: 13.00.04 - теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры.

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