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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Emelianenko F.V., Kondakov V.L., Kormakova V.N., Kopeikina E.N.

Objective of the study was to assess the level of formation of morality of young people involved in MMA. Methods and structure of the study. During the experiment, a theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific data were carried out, as well as psychological diagnostics of athletes, in which 41 people (38 boys and three girls) aged 1624 years old took part. For the diagnosis were used: "Diagnostics of moral selfesteem" (L.N. Kolmogortseva); "Study of Tolerance" and "Scale of Conscientiousness" (V.V. Melnikov, L.T. Yampolsky); "Personal aggressiveness and conflict" (E.P. Ilyin, P.A. Kovalev). The study took place on the basis of the sports school of the Olympic reserve named after Alexander Nevsky (Stary Oskol). Results and conclusions. The majority of those involved in MMA have a level of selfesteem of moral qualities "below average" 53.66% (according to the method "Diagnostics of moral selfesteem"); 58.54% of MMA athletes are characterized by an average level of tolerance, respect for other people's opinions and tolerance (according to the "Tolerance Study" methodology); 53.67% of athletes have the level of conscientiousness (according to the “Conscientiousness Scale” method) “below average”; the vast majority (85.38%) of MMA athletes had a low level of “positive aggression” and a high level (95.13%) of “negative aggression”; the majority of athletes (60.98%) had a level of conflict "above average" (according to the method "Personal aggressiveness and conflict"). Thus, the majority of athletes aged 1624 involved in MMA showed an insufficient level of morality. Scientific substantiation and development of a program for educating the morality of a person and an algorithm for its implementation in the MMA training system are needed.

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Criteria for the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the personality of mixed martial arts athletes

UDC 796.015

Postgraduate student F.V. Emelyanenko1

Dr. Hab., Professor V.L. Kondakov12

Dr. Hab., Professor V.N. Kormakova1

PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Kopeikina1

1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

2Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Belgorod

Corresponding author: nikulin_i@bsu.edu.ru


Objective of the study was to assess the level of formation of morality of young people involved in MMA.

Methods and structure of the study. During the experiment, a theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific data were carried out, as well as psychological diagnostics of athletes, in which 41 people (38 boys and three girls) aged 16-24 years old took part. For the diagnosis were used: "Diagnostics of moral self-esteem" (L.N. Kolmogortseva); "Study of Tolerance" and "Scale of Conscientiousness" (V.V. Melnikov, L.T. Yampolsky); "Personal aggressiveness and conflict" (E.P. Ilyin, P.A. Kovalev). The study took place on the basis of the sports school of the Olympic reserve named after Alexander Nevsky (Stary Oskol).

Results and conclusions. The majority of those involved in MMA have a level of self-esteem of moral qualities "below average" - 53.66% (according to the method "Diagnostics of moral self-esteem"); 58.54% of MMA athletes are characterized by an average level of tolerance, respect for other people's opinions and tolerance (according to the "Tolerance Study" methodology); 53.67% of athletes have the level of conscientiousness (according to the "Conscientiousness Scale" method) "below average"; the vast majority (85.38%) of MMA athletes had a low level of "positive aggression" and a high level (95.13%) of "negative aggression"; the majority of athletes (60.98%) had a level of conflict "above average" (according to the method "Personal aggressiveness and conflict").

Thus, the majority of athletes aged 16-24 involved in MMA showed an insufficient level of morality. Scientific substantiation and development of a program for educating the morality of a person and an algorithm for its implementation in the MMA training system are needed.

Keywords: morality, moral education, athletes, mixed martial arts (MMA).

Introduction. The moral education of young people is one of the important state goals, which is reflected in a number of legal documents [3, 4], according to which Russian society is tasked with counteracting "destructive ideology", ensuring "Russia's moral leadership in international relations as the guardian of universal human values ".

Appeal to the experience of moral education and personal development is a significant aspect of the training of athletes in various sports. At the same time, moral education at the present historical stage of the

development of society needs to develop new approaches, based on national traditions of education, awakening the genetic memory of young people to their historical and cultural roots on the basis of universal values, strengthening the continuity of generations, patriotism, serving the Fatherland, actualization of the educational potential of the content of education [1].

Objective of the study was to assess the level of formation of morality of young people involved in martial arts (MMA).

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I June I № 6 2022

Methods and structure of the study. 41 people (38 boys and three girls) aged 16-24 took part in the ascertaining experiment. The study was conducted on the basis of municipal autonomous institution "Sports school of the olympic reserve named after Alexander Nevsky" (Stary Oskol, Belgorod region).

To conduct psychological diagnostics, the following were used: "Diagnosis of moral self-esteem" (L.N. Kolmogortseva); "Study of Tolerance" and "Scale of Conscientiousness" (V.V. Melnikov, L.T. Yampolsky); "Personal aggressiveness and conflict" (E.P. Ilyin, P.A. Kovalev).

Results of the study and their discussion. According to V.M. Voronov and other researchers (2015), the moral education of athletes specializing in MMA forms the basis of their moral behavior, which is based on deep motives that control human actions. However, the education of morality in the training system in MMA is carried out sporadically and unsystematically [2].

Foreign scientists substantiate the idea that in order to consolidate the moral values of athletes involved in various types of martial arts, it is necessary to introduce into the training system, including MMA, philosophical and ethical codes, including meditation, rules of conduct for fights with an opponent, which helps to reduce anger and aggression [5,6]. The theoretical analysis of the literature and the experience of educational activities indicate that the most significant synergy of the scientific and methodological substantiation of the organization of such work in the training system in MMA, which requires a comprehensive study of the state of formation of the morality of athletes.

The obtained results of diagnostics of moral self-assessment indicate that a significant part of those involved in MMA have a level of self-assessment of moral qualities "below average" - 53.66% (Fig. 1

an average level of tolerance, respect for other people's opinions and tolerance. Such athletes rigidly defend their own point of view with its insufficient reasoning, while they may show disrespect for the opinions of others.

Figure 2. Tolerance level of MMA athletes

The results of the study of the degree of respect for social norms and ethical requirements using the Conscientiousness Scale method show that 53.67% of athletes have a "below average" level of conscientiousness, 36.58% have an average level, and only 9.75% have conscientiousness. are at the "above average" level (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. The level of conscientiousness of MMA athletes

The vast majority (85.38%) of MMA athletes had a low level of manifestation of "positive aggressiveness" and a high level (95.13%) of "negative aggression" (Fig. 4). This indicates that these athletes are characterized by uncontrolled aggressive behavior.

Figure 1. The level of moral self-esteem of MMA athletes

Analysis of the data presented in fig. 2 shows that 58.54% of those involved in MMA are characterized by

Figure 4. The level of personal aggressiveness of MMA athletes



The total assessment of the indicators of uncom-promisingness, irascibility, resentment, suspicion allows us to speak about the level of conflict among combatants. Thus, the majority of athletes (60.98%) had an "above average" level of conflict (Fig. 5).

below ihe avenge

Figure 5. The level of conflict among MMA athletes

Conclusions. At present, Russian society faces the problem of educating the morality of the personality of every citizen of Russia, including athletes involved in various types of martial arts. Theoretical analysis of the problem, as well as experimental work on assessing the level of morality of young people in the MMA training system, indicate that the majority of athletes aged 16-24 years have an insufficient level of morality formation. There is a need for scientific justification and development of a program for educating the moral qualities of a person, an algorithm for its implementation in the MMA training system.


1. Vasiliev P.V. Duhovno-nravstvennoe razvitie yu-nogo sportsmena v sisteme dopolnitelnogo obrazovaniya [Spiritual and moral development of a young athlete in the system of additional education]. European social science journal. 2011. No. 7 (10). pp. 250-257.

2. Voronov V.M., Gorelov A.A., Sushchenko V.P. et al. O psihomotornyh i duhovno-nravstvennyh

determinantah sportivnogo otbora v smeshan-nye edinoborstva [On psychomotor and spiritual and moral determinants of sports selection in mixed martial arts]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. 2015. No. 2. pp. 54-56.

3. Rasporyazhenie Pravitelstva Rossijskoj Feder-acii ot 29 maya 2015 g. № 996-r «Ob utverzh-denii strategii razvitiya vospitaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda» [Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2015. No. 996-r "On approval of the strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025"]. [Electronic resource]. Available at: https://www. minstroyrf.gov.ru/docs/14598/ (date of access: 20.11.2021).

4. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21.07.2020 № 474 «O nacionalnyh celyah razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda» [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 No. 474 "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030"]. [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://www.kremlin.ru/ events/president/news/63728 (date of access: 20.11.2021).

5. Fung, ALC, Lee, TKH. (2018). Effectiveness of Chinese martial arts and philosophy to reduce reactive and proactive aggression in schoolchildren. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 39(5): 404-414.

6. Mickelsson TB. (2020). Modern unexplored martial arts-what can mixed martial arts and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu do for youth development? European Journal of Sport Science, 20(3): 386-393.

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I June I № 6 2022

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