FEATURES OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
high-rise building / skyscraper / typology / architecture / architectural and planning solutions / multifunctional buildings / premises / urban development / urban planners.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Serdyuchenko V.

The article deals with the architectural typology of high-rise buildings, their architecture. It is established that the architecture of the building affects the economic efficiency of the project. In this regard, the development of the architectural typology of high-rise buildings is a scientific task that is of great importance for their architectural design.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24412/9215-0365-2021-60-1-45-48
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Figures 2 and 3 show the ship's turning at different initial data, but on the same scale, allowing us to assess the effectiveness of the software code. This software code makes it possible to simulate the manoeuvre on various rudder shifts.

5. Conclusions

1. As a result of the implementation of the algorithm for calculation course (bearing) in the MATLAB environment the programming code has been tested, which has proven to be effective in three examples. This code can thus be used to program autonomous ship management devices.

2. The elaborated programming code for constructing the ship's turning circle trajectory is effective on various rudder shifts. This code can be used to play for autonomous ship steering for simulate the turning circle maneuver with the overlay on the isobaths of depths as well as for designing terminals, playing the ship's trajectory in the port area.


1. Kupraty O.G. 36ipHm LIII М1жнародно! нау-ково-практично! штернет - конференцп el-conf.com.ua «Вплив пандемп на розвиток науки»,

(Тези: «Elaboration of an algorithm for calculating the course (bearing) of the loxodrome»), Том 2, С. 4-7, 12 жовтня 2020 року, м. Вшниця,

2. Kupraty O.G. The 10th International scientific and practical conference "Priority Areas of Science Research", (Тези: «Elaboration of empirical formulas for constructing the trajectory of the vessel's turning circle and calculating the geographical coordinates of the vessel's gravity center when turning»), 26-27 жовтня 2020 року, ISBN 978-1-75881-206-0, С. 14-21, Primedia E-launch LLC, USA, Washington,

3. Ботнев В.А., Устинов С.М. Методы решения прямой и обратной геодезических задач с высокой точностью// Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ 3' (198) 2014 Информатика. Телекоммуникации. Управление // Математическое моделирование: методы, алгоритмы, технологии, С. 49-58.

4. Спешилов В.Н. Вычисление длины локсодромии и ортодромии для протяженных маршрутов плавания с учетом сфероидичности Земли//Науко-вий вюник ХДМ1 №1 (2), 2010, С. 56-61

5. http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html


Serdyuchenko V.

3rd year student of the faculty of architecture and construction Kuban state agrarian university named after I. T. Trubilin


The article deals with the architectural typology of high-rise buildings, their architecture. It is established that the architecture of the building affects the economic efficiency of the project. In this regard, the development of the architectural typology of high-rise buildings is a scientific task that is of great importance for their architectural design.

Keywords: high-rise building, skyscraper, typology, architecture, architectural and planning solutions, multifunctional buildings, premises, urban development, urban planners.

In the modern world of construction, high-rise buildings have received great development. They are an example of how the utilitarian needs of humanity serve as a powerful incentive for scientific and technological progress, including the development of architectural science, the emergence of new methods of urban planning, architectural and construction, structural and engineering solutions. With the construction of skyscrapers, the outlines of urban development have changed, new dominants have appeared, and the organization of living space is being transformed, both within the buildings themselves and on the scale of the development area. The more actively any branch of the national economy develops, the more in-depth study it requires, the more questions it raises for researchers. One of the topical issues of high-rise construction that is proposed to be considered is the architectural typology of high-rise buildings [1, p. 60].

In the existing regulatory framework for construction, it is difficult to find clear guidelines for determining the type of high-rise building. This issue is also not disclosed in the Russian literature on architecture. The very concept of typology is often mentioned in various

articles and lectures on high-rise buildings, but, as a rule, it is not covered fully enough to form a clear concept of it and the need for its use in practice.

Researchers do not have a single approach and methodology for dividing high-rise buildings into types. As a rule, high-rise buildings are considered exclusively multifunctional. This is due to the fact that currently there is only an official definition of a multifunctional high-rise building, which is given in MGSN 4.19-2005. But even this concept does not have a clear definition of what exactly and in what ratio should be the premises in such an object [2, p. 46].

The division of buildings into types is the basis for research and the creation of a regulatory framework for their design. The concept of typology refers to a method of scientific knowledge, which is based on the dismemberment of systems of objects and their grouping using a generalized, idealized model or type. It is used for the purpose of comparative study of essential features, relations, functions, relations, levels of organization of objects both co-existing and separated in time.

The architectural typology of buildings and structures systematizes and develops the basic principles of

the formation of buildings and structures, taking into account their preferred characteristics. It reveals the social, ideological, functional, structural and technical, economic, urban planning and architectural and artistic requirements. Defines the classification and nomenclature of types and types of buildings, sets the main parameters of design standards, composition, size, nature of technological connections of premises and their equipment [3, p. 65].

It should be noted that, first of all, the type of buildings is determined by urban planners when planning the development or reconstruction of an urban area, taking into account its purpose (residential, administrative, industrial).

At the same time, modern high-rise buildings attract special attention of specialists as they have become part of the urban structure that includes the main types of people's life activities - housing, recreation, places of employment. Active construction of tall buildings affects the quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure and appearance of cities - a significant change in way of life of the population, improving the social status of their construction, creation of modern infrastructure, the approach of the service system to the user, enhancing comfort.

Along with the positive factors of high-rise building has a lot of negative - first of all this complication of architectural and design solutions, large energy consumption, complex engineering systems and equipment, difficulties in evacuation of high-rise buildings, impact on the environment of construction area. Acute issues of high-rise construction were the excess of the density of buildings and population, transport services, and the preservation of historical city centers. Therefore, the study of the types of high-rise buildings, their impact on the existing buildings, has become an important issue of theoretical and practical research, especially for urban planners. A number of studies on this problem have already been carried out by urban planners, and their result is the regulatory requirements included in the regulatory documents.

Thus, MGSN 1.04-2005, developed by the State Unitary Enterprise NIiPI of the General Plan of Moscow, appendix " B " defines the main types of high-rise complexes, the functional composition and the ratio of the areas of their premises. With this in mind, clause 4.4. specifies the requirements for the placement of these types of high-rise complexes in various urban areas. For example, high-rise public and public-residential complexes may be located on the territory designated for residential groups and microdistricts.

Considering the approach of planners to the classification of high-rise buildings and architectural traditions of domestic science, the typology of the objects in question can be made based on their functional purpose, taking into account architectural and artistic architectural solutions. The functional purpose of the building is determined by the nature of the premises placed in it. Therefore, to develop issues of typology of high-rise buildings, first of all, it is necessary to analyze their functional composition, classify the premises included in it, identify functional-forming elements, their

placement in the building, relationships and mutual influence.

The analysis of high-rise buildings constructed, designed and proposed as concepts in our country and abroad shows that most often their functional-forming elements are residential, hotel, and administrative premises. In addition to these, it can be educational, medical, library premises, designed in high-rise buildings less often, and production facilities, which could potentially be designed in them in the future. The types, nomenclature, safety requirements and design rules for each of these premises separately have already been identified and regulated by the relevant building codes and regulations: SNiP 31-01-2003, SNiP 2.08.02-89*, SNiP 31-05-2003, SNiP 21-02-99*. Meanwhile, the typological requirements for a high-rise building that includes these premises have not yet been formed.

Considering the functional and planning solution of the building, it can be noted that if the premises of various functional purposes share its area in approximately equal parts, then the classification of such an object as a multifunctional one is not in doubt. At the same time, in the practice of design and construction, there are a significant number of buildings with architectural and planning solutions, in which the entire building is occupied by premises of only one functional purpose, for example, residential (apartments and apartment-type apartments); The exception is the public premises that serve the residents of this house, as well as trade enterprises and service institutions in the first floors or the stylobate part. If such a building has a height of up to 75 m, it is designed according to SNiP 31-01-2003 and is considered a "residential multiapartment building with built-in and attached public premises". In this regard, the question arises, can a high-rise building with a similar functional and planning solution be considered multifunctional? Obviously, such a definition would be inappropriate. The same situation occurs when almost all floors are occupied by a hotel or administrative premises. The authors suggest that such high-rise buildings should be considered specialized, that is, their architecture will be subordinated to the placement of premises of any one functional-forming element.

High - rise building- a building whose height is more regulated building codes for residential and public multi-storey and multifunctional buildings and design, which is in accordance with the requirements of the town planning code, SNiP and other regulatory documents is based on Special technical conditions for the design.

Buildings with a height of usually more than 26 floors are called high-rise.

High-rise complex - a group of buildings, including a high-rise building (or several high-rise buildings), united by a common architectural and planning and architectural and artistic solution.

Winter garden - a heated room that has mainly natural light and is adapted for growing plants.

High-rise buildings can be divided into two main types: multifunctional and specialized.

In the practice of construction, the most common high-rise specialized buildings are residential, hotel, and administrative.

High-rise specialized residential buildings include apartments for permanent as well as for temporary residence (apartment-type apartments). These include such objects as "Edelweiss"(Moscow, Russia), "Triumph Palace" (Moscow, Russia), the building on Ko-telnichesky Embankment (Moscow, Russia), "Marina City" (Chicago, USA), "Velska Tower" (Milan, Italy) and others.

High-rise specialized hotel buildings include residential rooms of different comfort levels. These include such objects as the hotel "Cosmos" (Moscow, Russia), the hotel complex "Izmailovo" (Moscow, Russia), the hotel "Leningradskaya" (Moscow, Russia), Hesperia Hotel (Barcelona, Spain), Burj Al Arab Hotel (Dubai, UAE) and others.

High-rise specialized administrative buildings include administrative offices, including offices. These include such facilities as the Delta Research Institute building (Moscow, Russia), Commerzbank (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), National Commercial Bank (Jedah, Saudi Arabia), BMW Headwaters building (Munich, Germany), the Chrysler Building (New York, USA), and others.

In addition to the common types of the specialized high-rise buildings can be other variants, for example, training - the main building of Moscow state University on Sparrow hills (Moscow, Russia); the building of Moscow state University (Moscow, Russia); health -the building of the Russian cancer research center RAMS (Moscow, Russia); library building National library of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus) and others.

High-rise multifunctional buildings can include all the rooms designed in specialized buildings. Their examples are most of the buildings being built in Moscow City: the "Russia" Tower (Moscow, Russia), the "Federation" Tower (Moscow, Russia), "Wedding Palace" (Moscow, Russia), and "Scarlet Sails" (Moscow, Russia), "John Hancock Center "(Chicago, Illinois, USA)," La Tour Credit Lionas "(Lyon, France)," Jin Mao " (Shanghai, China) and others.

At the same time, there is a need to define clear criteria for the division of buildings into these types, as the ratio of rooms of various functional purposes placed in them should be taken into account. The method of solving this problem can be as follows.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish the main areas of the building that are in high altitude, and built-attached premises located in the stylobate, or if the building has a stylobate in the first floor.

Built-in or attached premises, as a rule, designed to accommodate secondary functional elements, which can include trade, service, cultural and entertainment institutions. Their inclusion in the building is due to the urban planning requirements of creating a service infrastructure for the adjacent public pedestrian spaces, which also in many cases allows for the effective use of the first floors. These rooms have independent entrances directly from the street, but they can also be connected to the lobbies of the high-rise part of the building. If they occupy several floors, then according

to regulatory requirements they must have their own stairwells, and if necessary, elevators.

Taking into account the above, when determining the type of building, only the high-rise part with the main rooms should be considered. If they are intended to accommodate two or more functional-forming elements (for example, housing and hotels), the building should be considered multifunctional. If all of them are intended for one functional-forming element (for example, only housing, or only hotels) - the building should be considered specialized (see the scheme of functional-planning solutions). This should not take into account auxiliary rooms designed to serve residents working in the building or visitors.

Determining the types of high-rise buildings should be considered as one of the first steps in their study, which will allow you to further systematize the existing knowledge and determine the directions for further research. The subsections of the architectural typology of high-rise buildings are determined by the design issues that arise during the development of architectural solutions.

The type of building should be taken into account in its architectural design. So, for each specific type, the appropriate planning schemes (hall, corridor, gallery), their solution (compact or extended), the shape of the plan, the placement of stair and elevator nodes should be selected. Some architectural and planning solutions are the most successful for the placement of residential premises, others - for administrative, and others-can be used as universal. This is due to the fact that each type of room has its own special requirements for the architecture of the building. Multi-purpose building depending on the set of functionally-forming elements are usually mixed (combined) structure.

In addition, there are nuances, for example, apartments are required to provide insolation residential rooms, hotel rooms, apartments and administrative offices insolation is not needed, but required open space, to have the possibility of transformation of areas under the demand of tenants for the offices, additionally, often require rooms with a large area.

The nature of the operation of a multifunctional building, where people work and live, determines the need to take a number of additional measures for regulatory requirements -evacuation, fire safety, separate accessibility, lighting and ventilation, etc., which in turn affects the architectural and planning and spatial solutions of high-rise buildings. When forming functional-planning solutions for multifunctional buildings, in contrast to specialized ones, it is necessary to pay special attention to the mutual arrangement of functional-forming elements in order to avoid mixing the flows of working staff, visitors and guests, placing "densely populated" offices with visitors on the lower level, and residents and guests in more comfortable conditions on the upper floors.

It is also advisable to study the factors of natural and climatic influences, including wind and seismic, in the typology of high-rise buildings. As you know, for the perception of a high-rise building of wind loads, certain structural systems and spatial solutions are

adopted, the choice of which certainly requires appropriate recommendations.

We should also not forget that the type of high-rise building is an important factor in the choice of design solutions and engineering systems, which can be completely different for residential and a number of public buildings.

There are many such requirements and nuances that must be taken into account by an architect designing a high-rise building. They should be taken into account in the theoretical knowledge of the typology and determine the practice of design and construction.

The requirements of the typology for buildings intended for housing include restrictions in the space-planning solution for height. "Numerous calculations throughout the history of high-rise construction have shown that even despite the high cost and limited reserve of urban land (the main incentives for high-rise construction), the economic feasibility of high-rise residential buildings as a mass product ends at a height of 25-30 floors. It is this figure that the vast majority of high-rise residential buildings around the world are limited to, because further increase in the number of floors requires special measures for the implementation and control of structural and fire safety, special solutions for water, heat and electricity supply, special, complex and expensive ventilation systems, sewerage and even garbage disposal." [Chizhov. Skyscrapers and people].

Along with this, both in Russia and abroad, there are objects, the construction of which is planned based on the considerations of prestige, image. Examples include the projects of the building of the National Library of Belarus, as well as the "Grand Arch" in the Defense district (Paris, France), the towers of the Kuwaiti Investment Company "Gates of Europe" (Madrid, Spain), "Central China Television Headquarters" (CCTV) (Beijing, China) and others. In this case, the requirements of the cost-effectiveness of the project are inferior to the original architectural and artistic solution. The increase in construction costs, due to the solution of such specific problems as increased loads on foundations, significant wind loads, increasing power consumption, high cost of engineering and technological equipment of the building and its operation, requiring extensive staff of highly qualified personnel. All this obviously defines unique buildings as expensive objects and, therefore, focuses them on the consumer with a high level of income and implies the corresponding consumer qualities of these buildings. At the same time, the design, engineering and architectural and artistic solutions of these objects are carried out at a high level, which, of course, can serve as a valuable experience in the design of high-rise buildings.

Meanwhile, the architectural and artistic solution of the building cannot but depend on its purpose, on the contrary, the consistency of architecture in this area is mandatory. Building volume, composition of facades, artistic design details shall disclose the purpose of the building, creating a corresponding emotional mood of a person, attracting visitors to it, or doing the opposite unapproachable. From these positions, the architectural and artistic solution of the building adopted by the authors should be evaluated by the city planning council.

The considered material gives grounds to believe that the definition of the type of building and its corresponding architectural-planning and architectural-artistic solutions affects the economic efficiency of the project, both during construction and operation, its consumer qualities. The scheme of making architectural decisions can be simplified as follows: 1 - determining the type of building, 2 - designating it as an ordinary or unique object, 3 - selecting the appropriate architectural and planning and architectural and artistic solutions.

Thus, in the cases considered, the type of building determines its architecture. Given this, the basics of the architectural typology of high-rise buildings, the nomenclature of types and their corresponding architectural solutions require in-depth study. The development of the architectural typology of high-rise buildings is a scientific task of great importance for their architectural design, which is advisable to be carried out mainly at the level of state programs. It should be given due consideration in determining the priority areas of research in the field of architecture.

In addition, taking into account the direct interest of regions and megacities, where high-rise construction is developing particularly intensively, in solving issues of improving the quality of design of the objects under consideration, it is advisable to determine the conditions for their participation in the general work. These can be studies, the results of which are necessary for the development of local norms and standards of enterprises.


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2. Serdyuchenko V. M. Improving the human environment through neopositivist and environmentally friendly building materials / V. M. Serdyuchenko, A. V. Bychkov // The Scientific Heritage. - 2020. № 461 (46). - C. 46-47.

3. Serdyuchenko V. M. Mathematical modeling in construction / V. M. Serdyuchenko, A. E. Sergeev // Trends in the development of science and education. 2020. - № 61-3. - C. 64-67.

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