Научная статья на тему 'An analog of architectural and planning organizations of hotels'

An analog of architectural and planning organizations of hotels Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Aydar Yerasyl, Mayorov Sergey Meirambekovich, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

The ancient Roman architect Vitruvius believed that architecture is a combination of three components utility, strength and beauty. This formula remains modern today. A harmonious combination of functional, constructive and aesthetic factors results in not just a building, but a work of architecture that reflects the characteristics of its era. Being a product of the synthesis of art and technology, architecture has always been a reflection of the economic situation in society, responsive to social orders and technological progress. The appearance of certain types of architectural structures has always been determined by the social order and national characteristics of the country, the system of religious beliefs and folk traditions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «An analog of architectural and planning organizations of hotels»

surrounding complex of highways and a more static "pedestrian" perception. But in both cases, the Heydar Aliyev Center is the culmination in the scenography of this space. This unusual object, having an original dynamic, curvilinear, fluid form, completely unconventionally formats urban space and perception. [7]


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2. Zakirova YU.A. Formirovanie modelej-prototipov obshchestvennyh peshekhodnyh prostranstv //Izvestiya Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. 2012. №. 3 (21).

3. Moor Valerij Kliment'evich, Erysheva Elena Andreevna Sovremennye tendencii i opyt sozdaniya effektivnoj sistemy obshchestvennyh prostranstv goroda // Vestnik ISH DVFU. 2015. №3 (24). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sovremennye-tendentsii-i-opyt-sozdaniya-effektivnoy-sistemy-obschestvennyh-prostranstv-goroda (data obrashcheniya: 23.01.2020).

4. CHuj YA.V. Razvitie obshchestvennyh prostranstv v gorodah Germanii //Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2017. №. 2 (39).


OF HOTELS Aydar Yе.1, Mayorov S.M.2, Samoilov K.I.3

'Aydar Yerasyl - Bachelor of Arts, Post Graduate Student;

2Mayorov Sergey Meirambekovich - Candidate of Architecture, Professor;

3Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich - Doctor of Architecture, Professor, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT, SATBAYEV UNIVERSITY, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Abstract: the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius believed that architecture is a combination of three components - utility, strength and beauty. This formula remains modern today. A harmonious combination of functional, constructive and aesthetic factors results in not just a building, but a work of architecture that reflects the characteristics of its era. Being a product of the synthesis of art and technology, architecture has always been a reflection of the economic situation in society, responsive to social orders and technological progress. The appearance of certain types of architectural structures has always been determined by the social order and national characteristics of the country, the system of religious beliefs and folk traditions. Keywords: hotel, architecture, rooms.

UDC 72.01 (574)

Architectural and planning organization of hotel structures. An important factor of their functioning, the features of architecture, much more clearly than the planning of hotel structures, significantly distinguishes them from the structures of other functional profiles.

The architecture of the hotel to a certain extent acts as a factor of its self-promotion. Individual hotels are known all over the world for their originality of architecture expressed in the form of structures, facade decoration, height of the building, use of building materials — one of the highest in Europe hotel "Westin Rotterdam" (Netherlands), hotel "Royal Olympic Hotel" (Greece) with terraces on the glass facade with plantings of ornamental trees, etc. At the same time, architectural features play the role of a cultural and aesthetic factor in the development of the territory, the construction of the hotel harmoniously complements the local architectural flavor or creates an architectural contrast to the local architectural planning and a certain aesthetic discomfort.

Modern hotels differ in their purpose, capacity, number of floors, type of structures, comfort level, operating mode (year-round, seasonal), location (city, resort, etc.), and other characteristics. All these factors are taken into account when designing and affect the composition of the hotel premises, architectural and planning structure of the building, etc. The main characteristics of hotels: capacity, number of floors, purpose and comfort level [1].

The architectural and planning organization of hotels is affected by a number of factors, including the main ones:

1. Historical building type

2. Place in urban development

3. Nature of the natural landscape

4. Hotel category

5. Economic

6. Ethnic features of the region

Most modern hotels were built in the XIX-XX centuries. Their construction Was especially intensive after the Second world war. The expansion of the network of hotel enterprises, including large ones, was explained by the growing importance of tourism, business activity, and the widespread use of new technologies and materials, primarily reinforced concrete, in construction.

In the architectural style of European and American hotels of the late XIX-early XX centuries, a characteristic feature is the desire to give the facade of buildings a representative appearance, which is evidence of comfort and high economic profitability of the accommodation facility. In the design of the exterior composition, a significant number of architectural and decorative elements were used, which met the requirements of increased monumentality of the facade. The mosaic composition of the facade was associated with the use of classical elements-columns, arched passages, torn pediments, which emphasized the monumentality of the building and were not inferior to the palaces of the second half of the XIX century. Architecture of hotels built during this period (hotel "Piccadilly" (London), "Victoria" (Amsterdam), "Premier Palace" (Kiev), "Grand Hotel"(Lvov) it corresponded to the aesthetic preferences of Europe at that time. The interior used new planning principles and finishing materials. Then the typical layout of the first floor for modern hotels was formed: in the center there was a lobby with a main staircase hall, then, or in the basement, there was a restaurant, administrative and utility rooms, on the other floors - living rooms. Hotels of this period in the architectural and planning composition of appearance, layout of residential and non-residential premises, size, as a rule, significantly differ from the buildings of hotels built after the Second World War.

The architecture of modern hotels built since the mid-60s of the XX century is associated with the General process of urbanization. In the architecture of accommodation establishments, this process is reflected in the construction of multi-storey architectural forms designed to serve a large number of guests. An example is the MGM Grand hotel in Las Vegas (USA), designed for 5,505 seats, today it is considered the largest hotel in the world. In the construction of this hotel, reinforced concrete is used, glass is used in the exterior lining, the interior space is rationally planned, equipped with a complex system of engineering communications, various types of food establishments, and auxiliary service enterprises.

Hotels that consist of two or more spatially separated buildings with a system of institutions of various types of infrastructure providing food, gaming, entertainment, exhibition and other institutions are gaining significant popularity. Particularly grandiose are the atrium-type hotel complexes that are typical of prominent business centers, resort centers, and gambling centers. Atrium type of architectural and planning forms of hotels was started with the construction of the hotel "Hyatt Regency" in 1967 in Atlanta (USA). The hotel has the form of a square with an internal atrium (courtyard), covered at the level of the 22nd floor with a glass ceiling. In the space of a green atrium, there are two-story galleries and an Elevator lobby with glass Elevator booths. The interior of the atrium is organized as a miniature town with recreation areas, restaurants, shopping centers, sports fields, etc. [2]

There are large and small hotels. The capacity of the hotel is determined by the number of permanent beds. The classification of hotels by capacity varies from country to country. For example, in Switzerland and Austria, hotels with less than 100 beds are considered small; 100-200 beds are considered medium, and more than 200 beds are considered large. In the Czech Republic: up to 120 places - small, up to 500 places -medium; over 500 places - large; in the United States, hotels up to 100 rooms are considered small, up to 500 rooms-medium, over 500-large. The WTO recommends considering a small hotel with up to 30 rooms. Another point of view is that a small hotel is one that can be served and managed by members of the same family. For the most part, small hotels are usually independent and not part of the hotel chain. It seems appropriate to distinguish some types of hotels based on world experience: high-class, middle-class, aparthotels and economy-class hotels.

The city's top-class hotel is characterized by a large number of staff and a very high level of service. Typical characteristics of the hotel include: size (from small to medium number of rooms), location in the city center, highly qualified staff, expensive interior decoration, high-quality equipment and equipment. The hotel is managed by a management company. Consumers of hotel services - large businessmen, participants of conferences and symposiums, individual tourists.

Another type of hotel is a middle-class hotel with a fairly wide range of services and a rate at the level of average prices in the region.

Apart-hotels are hotels with apartment-type rooms equipped with kitchens, a set of dishes, and household appliances. Such hotels are widely used in the system of vacation ownership (timeshare) [3].

Not a little important role in the architectural and planning organization of hotels is played by the classification of hotel rooms, the world has adopted this classification of hotel rooms: STD (standart) - a standard room (single or double) is represented by rooms of which the hotel has more than 70%; SGL (single) - standard room with one bed, Designed to accommodate one person; DBL (double) - standard room with one wide bed, Designed to accommodate two people; TWIN-standard room with two beds, Designed to accommodate two people; BDR, BDRM (bedroom) - room with a bedroom; Superior-a larger room than the standard one; Studio - a larger than standard room divided into zones; Family room-the family room is larger than the standard room; Family studio-a family room consisting of two adjacent rooms; King size-room with one large double bed (2 x 2 m); Suite-room with living room and bedroom; Junior suite-a large one-room Suite that can accommodate two people; De luxe-large one-room Suite with more expensive furnishings for two people; Executive suite-superior room consisting of two or more rooms; Business-a large room with office equipment (computer, Fax), suitable for work; Honeymoon room - room for newlyweds; Connected rooms-rooms located next to each other that have a door from one room to another, Used for accommodation of parents with children or persons with disabilities and their accompanying persons; Duplex-two-story room (rare); Apartment-a room similar to a modern apartment with two or more rooms and a kitchen; President-a luxury room consisting of several bedrooms, an office, two (three) toilets.

In addition, hoteliers, especially hoteliers of resort hotels, classify rooms by the view from the window: Balcony-room with a balcony; City view - room with city view; Beach view - room with a view of the beach; Pool view - room with pool view; Garden view - room with a view of the garden or patio with trees or bushes; Ocean view - room with ocean view; Land view - room with overlooking the surroundings; Dune view - room with overlooking the valley; Mountain view - room with overlooking the mountain; Park view -room with overlooking the park; SV (sea view) - room with sea views; SSV (side sea view) - room with balcony and sea view; Inside view - room overlooking the inside of the hotel [4].

The specifics of some hotels in Kazakhstan were considered earlier [5]. Moreover, if almost all types of rooms were used in most Kazakhstani hotels, then the first hotel in Kazakhstan with rooms that have an inward view into the multi-level space was "RIXOS Almaty" (2009). A similar technique was used at the "RIXOS Khadisha Shymkent" hotel (2014).


1. Tourism and cultural heritage / Pishcheva S.I. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://tourlib.net/statti_tourism/pishchova.htm/ (date of access: 28.04.2020).

2. The basic factors for the formation of hotel architecture. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://tourfaq.net/hotel-business/osnovnye-faktory-arxitektury-otelej/ (date of access: 28.04.2020).

3. Types of designs and level of comfort of hotels. [Electronic Resource]. URL:: http://www.arhplan.ru/buildings/hotel/types-structures-and-level-comfort-of-hotels/ (date of access: 28.04.2020).

4. Organization of service of guests in the process of residence / Potapova I.I. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://elibrary.kaznu.kz/sites/default/files/Besplatnie_resursii/potapova_organizaciya_obsluzhivaniya_gos tey_v_processe_prozhivaniya.pdf/ (date of access: 28.04.2020).

5. Aydar Y., Mayorov S.M., Samoilov K.I. Features of some hotels in Almaty. Nauka i obrazovaniye segodnya, 2020. 3 (50). P. 97-99.

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