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distance learning / distance education / the Internet / modern communication technologies / classes / basic elements / distance learning models.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasynska E.

This article examines the features of the introduction of distance education into the modern education system, considers various models and technologies of distance learning. The issues of using distance learning in the educational process in higher medical educational institutions are discussed.

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Yasynska E.

Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine

"Bukovina State Medical University", Chernovtsy.


This article examines the features of the introduction of distance education into the modern education system, considers various models and technologies of distance learning. The issues of using distance learning in the educational process in higher medical educational institutions are discussed.

Keywords: distance learning, distance education, the Internet, modern communication technologies, classes, basic elements, distance learning models.

Purpose: to analyze the implementation of distance education in the educational process of medical students, to consider various models and technologies of distance learning.

In the conditions of a market economy and information technology development, the requirements for education and professionalism of specialists of all training levels, including medical workers, are becoming more stringent. Students of medical universities are faced with the task of transitioning to a training system, which, in accordance with the abilities of the individual, must satisfy his needs in obtaining an appropriate level of education. Therefore, improving the quality of higher education as one of the most important factors of this level is becoming increasingly important.

The trend of introducing modern information technologies in the learning process of the most developed countries shows that at present there is a process of fundamental changes in the education system, which leads to the re-equipment of educational institutions in accordance with modern requirements for the quality of education. One of the highly effective directions for improving the methodology of higher education, which has recently acquired great importance is the use of the distance learning system in the educational process, the purpose of which is to highlight distance education as a highly effective direction for improving the methodology of higher educational institutions. The main idea of this technique is the creation of a unified educational information environment based on computer and telecommunication technologies. After all, information technology in education is one of the main elements that develop creativity and intelligence, and therefore their development is promising for improving the educational process and the introduction of distance learning.

Distance learning today makes it possible to create a system of mass continuous self-learning, general exchange of information, regardless of time and space zones. Modern researchers of pedagogical creativity pay great attention to the introduction of distance technologies into the educational process, since the results of social progress today are concentrated in the information sphere.

Distance learning is a set of technologies that ensure the delivery of the bulk of educational material to students, interactive interaction between students and teachers in the learning process, providing students

with the opportunity to independently work with educational materials, as well as in the learning process.

The present can be called the era of computer science and telecommunications. This is the era of communication, transfer of information and knowledge. Training and work, today these two words have become synonymous: professional knowledge is aging very quickly, so it is necessary to constantly improve it. The world telecommunications infrastructure today makes it possible to create systems of mass continuous self-learning, general exchange of information, regardless of time and space zones. Distance learning has entered the 21st century as the most effective system of training and continuous maintenance of a high qualification level of specialists.

Remote technology must comply with the basic methodological requirements:

- conceptuality (inherent reliance on a certain scientific concept, containing a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical rationale for achieving educational goals);

- consistency (manifested in the logic of the process, the relationship of all its parts, integrity);

- the possibility of management (the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, design.

Distance learning is one of the systems that allows all participants in the educational process to choose a convenient time for classes, regardless of age, territory, education, profession. It is a further development of the correspondence form of education. The distance learning system takes into account the basic pedagogical principles, such as the principle of activity, problematicity, motivation for learning activities, developmental learning, functionality, individualization of learning and collectivity in learning.

The most common types of distance learning are based on:

- interactive television;

- computer telecommunication networks (regional, global), with various didactic capabilities depending on the configurations used (text files, multimedia technologies, video conferencing);

- a combination of CD technology and the Internet.

Distance learning is such training, as a result of

which a significant part of the material is transferred from teacher to student - dentist using modern information technologies: computer telecommunications,

television, multimedia, satellite communications, training systems. The effectiveness of such training directly depends on the teacher himself, since he must be prepared for mastering modern pedagogical information technologies, be ready to work with students in the new information space. Therefore, we can highlight certain advantages and disadvantages of distance learning.

The advantages of distance learning include:

• short training times;

• high efficiency of professional training;

• independence of the student from the geographical location of the higher educational institution, gives him the opportunity to study in parallel in Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions.

The disadvantages of distance learning include:

• lack of practical training;

• lack of constant monitoring;

• constant access to a source of information that requires high-quality equipment;

• there is no individual approach to teaching, since there is no direct communication between a teacher and a medical student;

• students do not always have self-discipline, consciousness and independence, which are necessary for distance learning. this type of training is not suitable for everyone, because the training system is not focused on the formation of independence in medical students, and sometimes this technology is simply not suitable for a person;

• not in all specialties it is possible to train specialists in distance courses;

• for higher educational institutions, distance learning provides prospects for cooperation with the best teachers, does not depend on their place of residence, and this pedagogical technology is well combined with the traditional education system.

Distance learning claims to be a special form of education (along with full-time, part-time, evening, external studies).

The use of distance learning technologies allows

- to reduce the cost of training (no need for the cost of renting premises, travel to the place of study, both students and teachers, etc.);

- to train a large number of people;

- to improve the quality of education through the use of modern tools, voluminous electronic libraries, etc.

- to create a unified educational environment (especially important for corporate training).

Distance learning is playing an increasing role in the modernization of education. Distance learning, carried out using computer telecommunications, has the following forms of training.

- Chat Classes - training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are held synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within the framework of many distance educational institutions, there is a chat school in which the activities of distance teachers and students are organized with the help of chat rooms.

- Web Classes - distance lessons, conferences, seminars, business games, laboratory work, workshops

and other forms of training conducted using telecommunications and other features of the World Wide Web.

For web classes, specialized educational web forums are used - a form of user work on a specific topic or problem with the help of records, they remain on one of the sites with the corresponding program installed on it.

Web forums differ from chat classes by the possibility of longer (many days) work and the asynchronous nature of interaction between students and teachers.

- Teleconferences are conducted using email. There are forms of distance learning, during which educational materials are sent by mail to the regions.

This system is based on a teaching method called "Natural Learning Process" (Natural Learning Manner). Distance learning is a democratic, simple and free learning system. It was invented in Great Britain and is now actively used by the inhabitants of Europe for additional education. The student, constantly completing practical tasks, acquires stable automated skills. Theoretical knowledge is acquired without additional effort, organically woven into training exercises. The formation of theoretical and practical skills is achieved in the process of systematic study of materials and listening and repeating exercises on audio and video media behind the speaker.

Distance learning provides an opportunity to learn when it is convenient, at a certain time and at a certain pace, and at the same time there is no need to waste time on the road. Such training is carried out using technologies such as the Internet, e-mail, telephone and fax communications, video conferencing, and mailing of training materials. These technologies form a link between the teacher and the medical student, who can be thousands of kilometers apart and enable daily communication.

Since the use of such technology in higher educational institutions reveals the possibilities of a positive impact on improving the quality of education, increases professional activity and ensures the implementation of the needs of future specialists in the educational field. Thus, distance learning is a pedagogical technology of organizing the educational process, characterized by the independence and personal responsibility of a person for the choice of a distance education program, the quality and duration of its completion, the peculiarities of the strategy of interaction of the future specialist with carriers and sources of new knowledge for him. After all, distance learning is a form of education, in which the best means and forms of education are used in the educational process, which are based on information and communication technologies. Therefore, it is a purposeful process of interaction between a teacher and a student - dentist, based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies that allow learning at a distance.

Conclusions: providing high-quality training of doctors at the level of international standards is possible subject to changes in pedagogical methods and the introduction of innovative teaching technologies, which include an individualized process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, skills, skills and methods of cognitive activity.


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