FAMILY AND EDUCATION: NEW ASPECTS OF INTERACTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Slin'Kova Irina

The article outlines the problems which occurred with the Russian family life with the implementation of the corresponding Western models. It is stipulated that in order for parents and children not to be influenced by the flows of information alien to the traditional family life it is necessary to build the proper system of family education

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Irina Slin'kova


Abstract: The article outlines the problems which occurred with the Russian family life with the implementation of the corresponding Western models. It is stipulated that in order for parents and children not to be influenced by the flows of information alien to the traditional family life it is necessary to build the proper system of family education.

Key words: family, education, family values, family education, information influence.

Семья и образование: новые аспекты взаимодействия

И. П. Слинькова НГПУ

Резюме: В статье изложены проблемы, которые произошли с российской семейной жизни с осуществлением соответствующих западных моделей. Предусмотрено, что для того, чтобы родители и дети не должны быть под влиянием потоков информации чуждой традиционной семейной жизни надо построить правильную систему семейного воспитания.

Ключевые слова: семья, образование, семейные ценности, семья образования, информационного воздействия.

Yй-бYлee жана билим: ез ара иш аракеттердин жацы аспектилери

И. П. Слинькова

Жалпы тYШYHYк: Макалада тийиштуу батыш моделин россиялык уй-булее жашоосунда жузеге ашырууда болуп еткен проблемалар келтирилген. Ата энелер жана балдар традициялык уй-булеелук жашоого тааныш болгон маалыматтардын агымынын таасиринде калбашы учун уй-булеелук тарбиянын туура системасын тузуу керектиги каралган.

Негизги сездер: уй-булее, билим алуу, уй-булеелук баалуулук, уй-булее куруу, информациялык таа-сирлер.

Family life is closely connected with the life of society and state. This connection is defined by the fact that historically family was being formed along with the development of society, and was always contributing to the solution of such crucial problems as bringing order to sexual relations, growth of population, education of children, etc. At the same time family always needed support and protection from society and the state.

By its nature family always guarantees satisfaction of the vitally important needs of its members, and through this contributes to the general condition of the people. In its turn the moral, psychological, and physical condition of the people is reflected by the condition of the state. Thus, the person, family, society, and the state are objectively linked together by mutual interests, mutual obligations and inclinations. Therefore, the stability and welfare of the family as a social institution largely depends on the condition of the society, as well as from the content of family-oriented state policy.

Modernization of Russian society according to the Western model has led to negative changes of traditional Russian family with its steady and important for the state and society priorities (possession of many children, moral inadmissibility of divorces and abortions, love, sense of duty, commitment, patience). In its turn, this trend affected the aggravation of many social problems. The increase of divorces, the decrease in the number of marriages, the reluctance to register relationships, abortions, bastard children, as well as the tendency to transfer children for the maintenance and education to the public institutions

form the noticeable trends of modern society.

The average reduction of educational potential of family is recorded, which is marked by reduction of the time devoted by parents to children, tense relations between parents and children, weakening of the ties between generations. This process is most intense in the cities due to the high destructive power of informational flows directed at family. That is why it is in the cities, where the transfer of family culture from generation to generation within the kind is weakened, the great role is played by the family support from outside, from state and society, from municipality, and those social institutions which interact with family, and assist in the upbringing of children. First of all this is education system. It now covers all children and adolescents, the whole young population of the country, and it is connected with family in general, with children and parents, because of their mutual interests (education and upbringing of children).

System of education has always played crucial role in the formation of the worldview of the younger generation. However, in the contemporary Russia educational system is oriented to learning of the basics of sciences, and transfer of professional knowledge, and as a result, family interests associated with the preparation of children and adolescents to future family life, with orientation to marriage and procreation were lost. The issues of preservation of the family in crisis periods of its life cycle are not discussed. This means that at the stage of the growth of a person (child, adolescent, and youth age), when the picture of the world is under shaping when constitution of values


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and views on the organization of his personal life are being formed, the family values do not find proper reflection in the educational institutions, and they are therefore not reflected in the consciousness of young generation.

Private problems of different families are not casual. Their reasons are often laid in the childhood of spouses, in the atmosphere of parent families. Therefore the boy's upbringing as a future husband, father, and head of the family, as well as education of girls as future wives and mothers should be well thought out and properly built since childhood.

Practice shows that modern parents are aware of the complexity of their tasks and call for professional help teachers in upbringing of their children. In this regard, the situation of modernization of education increases the need in the development and implementation of professional, family-oriented educational programs for children and adults, as well as in the development of professional competence of the personnel working with children and parents.

In the process of producing programs for training of children for family life it is necessary to provide support to parents' prestige as well as stipulate possible ways of blocking negative experience of family life, which children could obtain in the so-called dysfunctional families, and which could be subsequently reproduced it creating their own families. It is also important to ensure the formation of skills of family care for children living in children's homes and orphanages.

In the practice of social support of the family it is inclination to help the so called "problem" families. And the established system of working with them is created. However today it is necessary to pay attention to quite wealthy families, as they have produced the generation of young people who find it difficult to create stable family. The childhood of these young men and women were held in a complex informational and socio-political situation, under the influence of information aimed at the destruction of family values and lack of necessary knowledge. The young couple is sure that their marriage under threat due to the weight of financial problems. However, according to psychological research, the main reasons of the most serious family conflicts and divorce are connected not with the material situation of the family, and not with the lack of housing or finance (although these are very important factors) but with the different views on

life and education of children, with deep differences in the level of education and culture, with unrealistic expectations and high requirements to each other. That is why just the financial support of the family without reproduction of family culture is ineffective. This is seen in the world practice also.

For many years Russian mass media are distributing the models of non-family behavior, the idea of sexual contact before marriage, the hedonistic psychology of consumption and pure pleasures. The thought and behavior of children and adults are affected by false and malicious verbal formula which play the role of directions onto certain ways of behavior. For example: "not rich enough family cannot be happy"; "first we have to create the material base of the family, and then to give birth to children" (approval of family well-being dependency on finance and material conditions); "large family is a sign of ignorance" (insult of the parents); "family and children are hindrance for the business person" (blow to the prestige of the family and the destruction of the values of parenthood). There are many myths of this kind. Therefore, important strategy for support of the family is currently seen in the organization of training of children and parents to critical analysis of information flows and to other methods of information protection.

The question arises: how it is possible to influence the inner world of the family correctly and positively within the educational system? Our experience has confirmed the initial assumption: the specifically organized family education helps to unite family, to build correct marital and child-parent relations.


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сведения об авторах:

ирина петровна слинькова - кандидат биологических наук, доцент кафедры анатомии, физиологии и безопасности Новосибирского государственного педагогического университета. Россия, Новосибирск. ipsngpu@yandex. ru

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