Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-03/ Дата публикации: 30.06.2020 УДК 37.017.4+37.035
А. А. Керимов, О. Н. Томюк, М. А. ДьячковА, А. Ю. Дудчик
Образовательный потенциал блогосферы как фактор формирования правовой культуры человека
Введение. Актуальность исследования вызвана, с одной стороны, динамичным развитием блогосферы, а, с другой, недостаточным теоретическим осмыслением блогосферы и ее роли в формировании правовой культуры современного человека. Цель исследования состоит в выявлении образовательного ресурса блогосферы, его востребованности, обосновании необходимости его использования в формировании правовой культуры личности.
Материалы и методы. Многообразие исследовательских методологий, связанных с рассмотрением образовательного ресурса блогосферы как фактора формирования правовой культуры, обусловлено разнообразием подходов - культурно-исторического, контекстуального, компетентностного, личностно-ориентированного, нацеленных на достижение цели исследования.
Результаты исследования. В результате мониторинга составленного нами перечня хэштегов, соотнесенных с теоретическим конструктом «правовая культура», проведенного по поисковым запросам в социальных сетях, на платформах и в приложениях - ВКонтакте, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, получена статистика по показателям «mention», «engagement», «sentiment», выстроен рейтинг хэштегов «Т0П-10». Полученные данные свидетельствует о высокой востребованности у пользователей контента правового характера, правовой информации, эффективных практик поведения в ситуациях правового характера. Обосновано, что интерес к правовому образовательному контенту в блогосфере связан с актуальной ситуацией жизнедеятельности людей, характеризуемой изменчивостью, нестандартностью, неопределенностью, активным развитием правотворческой практики, предполагающей непрерывное обновление знания законодательства.
Обсуждение результатов и выводы. Медиасфера представлена множеством сред, одной из которых выступает блогосфера как динамично развивающееся Internet-пространство, имеющее образовательный потенциал, значимый в формировании правовой культуры личности, ее когнитивной и деятельностной составляющих.
Ключевые слова: медиасфера, правовая культура, блогосфера, образовательный контент, mentions, engagement, sentiment
Ссылка для цитирования:
Керимов А. А., Томюк О. Н., Дьячкова М. А., Дудчик А. Ю. Образовательный потенциал блогосферы как фактор формирования правовой культуры человека // Перспективы науки и образования. 2020. № 3 (45). С. 459-474. doi: 10.32744^е.2020.3.33
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-03/ Accepted: 12 March 2020 Published: 30 June 2020
A. A. Kerimov, O. N. Tomyuk, M. A. Dyachkova, A. Yu. Dudchik
Educational potential of the blogosphere as a factor in the formation of human legal culture
Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused, on the one hand, by the blogosphere's dynamic development, and, on the other, by insufficient theoretical understanding of the blogosphere and its role in the formation of the legal culture of modern man. The purpose of the study is the identification of the educational resource of the blogosphere, its relevance, and justification of the need for its use in the formation of the individual's legal culture.
Materials and research methods. The variety of research methodologies related to the consideration of the blogosphere's educational resource as a factor in the formation of legal culture is due to the variety of approaches - cultural-historical, contextual, competency building, personality-centered, aimed at achieving the study goal.
Research result. As a result of monitoring the list of hashtags that we compiled, correlated with the theoretical construct "legal culture", conducted according to search queries in social networks, platforms and applications - VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, statistics were obtained for the indicators "mention", "engagement", "sentiment", the T0P-10 hashtag rating was built. The data obtained indicates a high demand among users for legal content, legal information, and effective behavioral practices in legal situations. It is justified that interest in legal educational content in the blogosphere is associated with the current situation of people's life, characterized by variability, non-standard, uncertainty, active development of law-making practice, which involves continuous updating of legislation's knowledge.
Discussion of results and conclusions. The media sphere is represented by many environments, one of which is the blogosphere as a dynamically developing Internet space with educational potential. This potential is significant in the formation of the legal culture of the individual, its cognitive and activity components.
Key words: media sphere, legal culture, blogosphere, educational content, mentions, engagement, sentiment
For Reference:
Kerimov, A. A., Tomyuk, O. N., Dyachkova, M. A., & Dudchik, A. Yu. (2020). Educational potential of the blogosphere as a factor in the formation of human legal culture. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 45 (3), 459-474. doi: 10.32744/pse.2020.3.33
urrently, digitalization as a modern global trend, based on the transformation
of information into digital form, covers all spheres of human life, forms holistic
technological habitats with the abillity of creating a user personally significant
environment for solving various problems. Thus, the digital environment, being included in the process of education, upbringing, socialization, requires studying in the aspect of human legal being, he formation of the individual's legal culture.
N. B. Kirillova in the work "Global media environment as the evolution of media culture" considers the information era in conjunction with the global media environment, where the media environment acts as an information industry that affects all spheres of human life [15]. Together with the "real" social relations environment, a parallel "digital reality" has been formed, outside of which it is impossible to imagine daily occurrence filled with various situations, including legal ones. In this regard, the problem of a legal culture forming with the inclusion of media resources is being actualized.
Under the legal culture of the individual, we understand the totality of legal knowledge and the level of people's awareness that in everyday life it is necessary to follow the law's requirements [9]. Legal culture is characterized by such indicators as "human legal education, knowledge of the existing legislation, the presence of minimal practical skills and the ability to use this knowledge in a specific life situation, conscious compliance and enforcement of legal requirements, individual legal activity" [8, p. 425]. Legal culture performs not only the function of inheriting legal values, but also as a regulator of legal behavior of people involves the acceptance by the person of "social necessity, the usefulness of legal norms, the belief in their justice and value" [8, p. 426]. Therefore, the legal culture is considered by us through the categories of "duty" and "responsibility", "rights" and "freedoms". Due to the well-developed legal culture, a person can identify and solve problems regulated by law, meet social needs.
In the context of the problem under consideration, we will operate with the concept of "Homo juridicus" [10]. According to L. S. Mamut, we can talk about Homo juridicus, a legal person, only in relation to the era of civilization [19]. The legal person is considered by us as "a type of civilized individual who is able to direct his instincts and emotions in the direction of normative, law-abiding behavior" [7, p. 217]. Developed legal awareness, the ability to carry out social actions and building relationships in accordance with the law, regulation their own actions are among the features of Homo juridicus [7, p. 217].
The research focuses on the problem of identifying the educational resource of the blogosphere as a dynamically developing part of the digital environment in the context of its influence on the formation of legal culture. Digitalization generates a range of problems of a theoretical, methodological, didactic, and technological nature. Expanding the range of needs and opportunities of modern people, who are easily oriented in the digital world, require their scientific understanding. We plan to study and analyze the relevance of blogosphere content as one of the digital space environments in the context of its impact on the formation and improvement of the individual's legal culture, the number of publications and users' feedback on legal content.
We will explore the digital environment in several ways: 1) identification of educational resources of the media sphere, legal content in the blogosphere, identification of problem fields and advantages of the blogosphere in the formation of legal culture; 2) the influence of
modern people's involvement in the digital environment and digital communication on the formation of their legal values, mechanisms for legal regulation of behavior and activities; 3) the influence of digitalization on the formation of key competencies as a necessary condition for choosing the route of legal behavior in a situation of a "storm" of legal problems. Digitalization strategy, transformation of the socio-cultural environment serves as the basis for the multi-vector trajectories of the individual's legal culture development, the legal behavior of modern man.
Another important aspect of the study of the educational resource of the blogosphere as a factor in the formation of legal culture is related to the fact that due to digitalization, everyone has access to all educational resources of the media environment. The availability of educational resources in the media environment minimizes many problems related to obtaining information of legal content, studying and understanding effective practices for solving situations that require knowledge of legal norms. M. V. Mironova, N. S. Smolina, and A. N. Novgorodtseva justify the need for an accessible environment as a necessary condition for quality education in the inclusion conditions [20].
The obtained results of the study will make it possible to better understand the processes of digitalization, the direction and essence of changes in the educational environment, the factors of the formation of the modern man's legal culture.
Materials and research methods
The methodological basis of the work is a set of general scientific and specific scientific methods. The diversity of research methodologies related to the consideration of the educational resource of the blogosphere as a factor in the formation of legal culture is due to the variety of approaches, aimed at identifying and understanding the essence of the blogosphere, its educational content in the context of solving the problem of the formation of modern man's legal culture. The main methodological approaches of this research are: the cultural-historical approach allowing the consideration of the individual as a product of the individual's development of culture (L. S. Vygotsky [35], A. N. Leontev [16], A. G. Asmolov [1], et al), contextual approach consists in emphasizing the role of the social environment in personal development, studying the interaction of the individual and society (R. M. Lerner [17; 18], C. B. Fisher [12; 18], R. A. Weinberg [18]), competence-based approach makes it possible to organize the educational process and select the educational content, taking into account the research objectives related to the formation of an individual's legal culture (J. Raven [24], I. A. Zimnyaya [39], et al), the personality-oriented approach allowing the consideration of the individual in the aspect of self-development, self-regulation, which is necessary in the process of forming the legal culture of the individual (E. Stones [31], I. S. Yakimanskaya [36], E. V. Bondarevskaya [5]).
Literature review
Culture and the human rights system in the context of globalization is studied by O. N. Tomyuk, M. A. Dyachkova, A. V. Shutaleva, N. S. Smolina, and A. N. Novgorodtseva [34]. Foreign researchers S. Herring, I. Kouper, R. Lerner, C. Fisher, R. Weinberg, R. Scoble, Sh. Israel, H. Kim, C. Yang, Y.-S. Chang and others influenced the formation and development of theoretical knowledge about the blogosphere.
According to D. S. Pfister, blogs perform the most important tasks in modern society, manage knowledge, demonstrate the ability to broadcast expert opinions to a wide audience of users, spread meanings, arguments, and serve as a mechanism for rapid response to changing society [22].
R. Scoble, Sh. Israel think that consider that among the main characteristics of blogs are the ease and accessibility of publishing, posting, searching, commenting on information; "reliance on society", creating relevant content; "virality" of blogs, otherwise, the speed of information dissemination; "direct communication", which makes it possible to subscribe to updates and participate in discussions [27].
G. Zvereva, studying the behavior of academic bloggers, considers the space of positioning them in the public digital environment, analyzes the ways of representing and identifying bloggers. On this basis, it is explained how academic professionals organize their interaction with the general public, how specialized knowledge is transformed and broadcast in a public network culture [40].
Blogs are considered in the context of their inclusion in the educational process. H. Kim explores the practices of teachers who use blogs instead of traditional computer communication applications (SMS) to improve the communication environment. H. Kim, having studied the effects of educational blogs-interactivity, decentralized communication environment, openness, visualization, proposed a model for using blogs for educational purposes, taking into account the theory of socio-technical systems [14]. Educational blogs have a specific audience, purpose, and objectives. V. Sotiroudas, based on the study, concludes that the educational blog can be considered as a tool for solving scientific and research problems [30]. M. Zhizhina studied student attitudes towards bloggers using the method of individual conversations and online discussion, which revealed: some students expressed a positive attitude to bloggers, considering that bloggers perform important social functions, transmitting meanings and values; others noted that bloggers more pursue their personal commercial goals [38].
Yang C., Chang Y.-S., as a result of studying blogs, revealed their importance as an educational resource in the development of motivation and interest of students in cognitive activity [37]. Researchers justify this by the fact that blogs have the property of interactivity, which provides users with the opportunity not only to get acquainted with information, but also to make comments, express their position, evaluate content [37].
For the purposes of our study, we are interested in the educational potential of blogs, blogs with educational content. This issue on the material of the US blogosphere was considered by E. M. Berezina, E. V. Baskova. Researchers have identified three types of educational blogs - blogs for solving educational problems in different subject areas on Edublogs, CampusPress platforms; blogs with lectures (18 min.) by well-known experts from different fields of knowledge on the channels TED - TEDxYouth, TED Ed, TED Ed on YouTube, TED Ed Student Talks; blogs professionally oriented as a platform for professional communications, essentially unfolding the idea of blogs as a new communication model [3]. The authors consider the main characteristics of the communicative model of the blogosphere: equality of positions in the blogger-user relationship system, the variety of information presentation formats, the absence of space-time restrictions, the wide possibilities of presenting themselves and the results of activities, the dialogue nature of relationships, interactivity, self-reflection, mobile updated content.
Currently, the blogosphere is undergoing transformation under the influence of socio-cultural factors, namely, "blurring the image of a blogger, as well as the destruction of the
blogosphere in the form in which it existed during the active functioning on the basis of the «LiveJoumal»" [11]. According to E. F. Efimov and A. N. Leontev, a blogger today is positioned as a "status symbol " without reference to a specific social community, topic, or media resource. As a result of the growing popularity and multifunctionality of blogs, a blogosphere has developed, which is simultaneously a news medium, political platform, communication tool, educational activity, etc. H. Rheingold studied blogging as a tool of Internet activism [25]. Through the concept of "Smart mob", he describes a smart crowd as a form of a self-structuring digital-based social organization, whose behavior is defined as intellectual and rational.
Research results and discussion
We must also take into account the fact that the modern generation of children, defined as digital, was born in the era of the Internet, and is a carrier of values formed under the influence of computers, mobile phones, and social networks. Thus, digital devices and technologies are the new cultural and historical tools that mediate the activity and communication of modern man.
Russian Public Opinion Research Center (hereinafter - VCIOM) conducted a sociological study "People in the digital world. «Post-truth era»" (2018). The study showed that the number of Internet users in our country is 84%, while 66% of them use the Internet daily; 95% of young people aged 18 to 24 are active participants in network communications, while 79% of them receive information from the Internet, namely, from social networks and blogs. The popularity of the Internet is largely due to the anonymity and universality of communications with the ability to exchange information, communicate in real time; free access to information that meets the various needs of users, its continuous updating, presentation in electronic form.
U. Beck wrote at the end of the 20th century that society will soon be divided into those who perceive information passively (TV with ready-made images), and those who are Internet users with the ability to select, critically process information [2]. In the 90s of the 20th century, blogs began to increase in popularity, which became the presentation tool of authoritative experts (politicians, writers, musicians, artists, etc.) due to the interactive nature of communications, various content, etc. The mass character of the user audience is provided by a functional variety of functions performed - communication, entertainment, psychotherapy, self-development and self-presentation, information, promotion of services, etc.
We draw attention to the fact that the first news page of T. Berners-Lee appeared in 1992, and the term "blog" was used by J. Berger (1997). The computer company Pyra Labs (USA, San Francisco) opened a website Blogger.com in 1999, which became the first blogging service. The company LiveJournal (USA) for a long time remained the monopolist of Live Journal (hereinafter - LJ), as It was hosted on its servers, and only since the end of 2016, Rambler&Co (Russia) has hosted LiveJournal on its servers. "LJ" as an interactive blog platform provides users with a unique opportunity not only to publish their own texts, but also to comment on other people's posts, to polemize with members of collective blogs, actually functioning as a popular social network.
Blogs as network diaries (event logs, online diaries) are related to the mobile and interactive functioning of information in the form of media texts with information and cultural content posted on SciVee, TV, YouTube, LiveJournal, Instagram, etc. The key figure
in the blogosphere is a blogger who, as the creator and presenter of the blog, ensures the interest of the user audience in the proposed content. At the same time, success largely depends not only on subjectively selected content, but also on the possession of a set of competencies such as: creativity, communication, critical thinking, the ability to create a team and work in a team, the ability to manage one's own development and time, the ability to work in conditions of variability and uncertainty, mobility, entrepreneurship. With the development of YouTube video hosting (created in 2005), video blogging (or vlogs) with video as a form of message submission has become popular, characterized by audience scale, dialogues, interactivity, feedback and comments, for example, "like".
The blogosphere as a territory of free information flows is the most important factor in the dissemination of opinion and information. Despite the obvious disadvantages of the blogosphere (spreading false information, rumors, manipulating news information, etc.), the mass audience is increasingly turning to blogs as sources of information. Researchers draw attention to a number of rules that should guide the blogger when preparing and posting posts: relevance and quality of content, responsiveness to events, regular publication, posting on more visited platforms (such as Facebook, YouTube, etc.), adapting blogs to mobile apps, and actively using the video content features [4; 28]. However, the degree of dissemination of information and the organization of the interested discussion depends on many factors. Brian Dean, Backlinko blog's author, talks about the need to develop an SEO strategy, a plan for website promotion in search engines, and, of course, relevant, high-quality and useful content for users [6]. The author recommends using forums as a source of content topics. "Viral" content is interesting to the audience by itself, it is rapidly spreading on social networks without the participation of optimizers, however, Brian Dean believes, on the one hand, such content provides an increase in views in a short time, and, on the other, a short time of interest in viral content. The formation of a legal culture is not a one-time process, so a blogger needs to understand the importance of developing two types of content: viral and strategic, which does not lose significance for network users for a long time.
Currently, many Russian [26] and foreign [32] agencies are engaged in research on the blogosphere. The Russian bloggers research agency (hereinafter-RlAB) studies trends in social media, the dynamics of the blogosphere development, and identifies the coefficient of social activity of bloggers, which is an indicator that reflects the activity of subscribers, the totality of their actions (likes, comments, reposts, views) on the blogger's page in the social network. The calculation of the coefficient is based on the methodology developed by mathematicians and media analysts and taking into account the activity of blogger subscribers in 6 social networks - VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LiveJournal, YouTube. Analysts note that the most significant indicator is not the number of subscribers, but the number of views, links, and comments, which also needs to be taken into account when conducting research. Brand Analytics ("Skolkovo" project) as a system for monitoring and analyzing social media and mass media builds a rating of blogs by the number of comments to publications in social networks, while taking into account continuously updated data [21].
Different criteria in analytical systems are used to identify the status of the blogger and the degree of its popularity, for example, the number of Friend (users whose entries are interesting for the blogger), the citation of materials, the number of comments, the contents of the journal and its thematic originality, the quality of the posts, the novelty and relevance of information, reliability of information, regularity of updating information, the number of visitors, the features of the reference material, the degree of the blogger's activity, the general dynamics of the blog's development, etc.
Our research uses the analytical tool Talkwalker to provide an in-depth understanding of search queries. The advantages of chosen analytical tools are that Talkwalker works with a global source database (sources in 187 languages), supports more than ten social networks, has convenient ways and forms of reporting, and tracks blogs and forums [22]. Our search queries were formed based on our monitoring of hashtags (a word / phrase preceded by the # symbol that turns the word / phrase into a link). Using this search tool, it became possible to identify all messages related to the theoretical construct "legal culture" and with the subject of our research in social networks and on platforms - VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, in the TikTok app. We used the publication "Philosophical dictionary of human rights", compiling the list of key concepts for the search query [23]. As a result, a list of 92 hashtags was compiled for the search query, which can be conditionally represented in the form of enlarged blocks - "General concepts of law", "Law enforcement and human rights protection", "Human rights", "Life safety".
Let's analyze the results of search queries for hashtags in Instagram as a social network that provides users with many opportunities, including blogging. The relevance of legal knowledge and information of a legal character was identified on the basis of the criterion "number of publications, messages" (Table 1).
Table 1
Search results for hashtags related to the theoretical construct "legal culture" in Instagram
(as at 14.06.2020)
№ Hashtags Number of publications, messages
1 #constitution 104^
2 #law(s) 418^
3 #jurist 83^
4 #lawyer(s) 526.4K
5 #right 257К
6 #court 346K
7 #hildren'sday 748К
8 #crime 173К
9 #honor 15^
10 #safety 720K
11 #bankruptcy 106К
12 #mortgage 834К
13 #corruption 126K
As we can see, the demand for legal information is very high. Modern people use various sources of legal knowledge and legal information as components of legal culture, including the dynamically developing blogosphere resource. Legal awareness is a necessary condition for the formation of a legal culture of the individual. The list of human concerns is diverse, as shown in Table 1. Instagram resource is full of information about law enforcement practices, and bloggers share their own experience in solving issues from different areas of law. A separate segment is the posts of lawyers who give recommendations within their competence. The activity of users on the Instagram network is largely due to its availability and ease of searching for the necessary information. It should be noted that the social network Instagram has messages for all 92 hashtags included in the search list, but in Table 1
only those hashtags were reflected, according to keywords, which revealed the largest number of messages (more than 100K).
We used Talkwalker as a tool that provides the ability to build filters and search by specified criteria. The following filters were set: country - Russia, platform type - blogs, date - time period from 06/08/2020 to 06/14/2020, language - English. The selected Talkwalker service made it possible to identify not only blog updates for the week, but also to obtain statistics on the demand for educational content on legal topics among users of social networks, video hosting, and applications, which is necessary for solving the problems of our research. We used the Talkwalker analytical tools to identify "mentions" (total hashtag publications) and "engagement" (user's feedback - likes, comments, reposts) on the VKontakte, Twitter, and YouTube platforms, which provides an in-depth view of search queries. The results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2
TOP 10 hashtags related to the theoretical construct "legal culture" on platforms-VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube (based on the results of a search query in Talkwalker, the
period from 08.06.2020 to 14.06.2020)
Rating Hashtag Mentions* Engagement**
1st place #honor 371 7.5K
2nd place #court 530 3.8K
#constitution 530 3.8K
3rd place #safety 179 3.3K
4th place #law 344 2.8K
5th place #war 281 2.5K
6th place #credit 352 2.1K
7th place #punishment 104 1.1K
8th place #lawyer 96 1.1K
9th place #crime 94 1.1K
10th place #conflict 122 1K
1st place #court 32.2К 111.2K
2nd place #racism 9.7К 64.4K
3rd place #crime 11.4К 58.9K
4th place #honor 16К 57.2K
5th place #law 20.1К 53.3K
6th place #lawyer 9.2К 34.6K
7th place #war 10.5К 28.2K
8th place #child'sright 387 29K
9th place #punishment 8.1К 25.1K
10th place #constitution 8.5К 24.8K
1st place #credit 84 118.8K
2nd place #court 186 44.9K
3rd place #war 208 39.8K
4th place #law 214 27.9K
5th place #conflict 42 20.3K
6th place #constitution 101 19.1K
7th place #punishment 67 17.3K
8th place #honor 126 8K
9th place #lawyer 21 7.1K
10th place #laws 136 1.8K
* Mention - total publications.
** Engagement - the feedback (likes, comments, reposts).
Based on the results of search queries for hashtags, we have built a rating of "TOP-10" for "engagement", the users' feedback in one week, considering that user comments, the perception of information messages that affect the formation of an appropriate position in a legal situation are important. It was revealed that hashtags - #honor, #court, # constitution, #law, #war, # lawyer, #punishment (7 out of 10) are in the TOP-10 hashtags. Comparing the data in tables 1 and 2, the hashtags #honor, #court, #constitution, #law, #lawyer (5 out of 10) were identified, which are included in the rating of the most popular topics of a legal nature by users.
We believe that this is not accidental, and it shows the high demand of users for legal content, the desire to find interesting legal information in content posted on different platforms. Bloggers who create content may not set the task of forming a legal culture of users, but implicitly in any content of a legal nature there is a knowledge component as a necessary component of legal culture. The blogosphere as a significant Internet resource in the modern man's life, thus, has an educational resource in the formation of the legal culture of the individual.
TikTok has been actively developing as a service for creating and viewing short videos since 2018. TikTok content is diverse in subject matter, but for the purpose of our research, based on a search query from the formed list of key concepts, hashtags have been identified that are in the field of attention of a wide user audience (Table 3). The table includes hashtags that scored the largest number of views over the entire period of the app's existence.
Table 3
Search results for hashtags related to the theoretical construct "legal culture" in TikTok
(as at 14.06.2020)
№ Hashtags Number of views Rating
1 #law 63.6M 5
2 #jurist 189.2M 2
3 #lawyer 129.8M 3
4 #stateservices 24.0M 9-10
5 #court 24.0M 9-10
6 #childrensday 47.9M 6
7 #violence 33.7M 8
8 #safety 39.4M 7
9 #credit 90.1M 4
10 #howtowriteoffdebts 824.9M 1
11 #corruption 30.6M 9
Based on the results of the TikTok study, it can be concluded that legal issues are relevant for users of this application. The most interesting issues are those related to rule-making and law-enforcement practice. It should be emphasized that the current legal issues-laws, security (physical, financial, etc.), and legal protection-are reflected in the content of bloggers, while the content itself is in demand among users.
We also used Talkwalker as a tool for identifying sentiment, the "emotional color" of legal blog posts. In accordance with the specified search queries for keywords, the above method, processing the query with the filters set, graphically represents the ratio between positive, neutral and negative mentions (%).
Based on the data received and presented in Tables 1, 2, 3, hashtags were identified, which are included in the rating of topics of a legal nature more demanded by users on VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok platforms. In all the identified ratings, there is a hashtag - #law, studied by the indicator "sentiment" on the platforms VKontakte, Twitter, and YouTube. The study covered the period from 10.06.2020 to 16.06.2020. The data is presented graphically (Figures 1, 2, 3).
15% 33%
Positive Negative
Figure 1 Indicator "ser Kontakte
tor COKV(BUTit»js
43.1 K
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Figure 2 Indicator "sentiment" by hashtag - #law in Twitter
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Figure 3 Indicator "sentiment" by hashtag - #law in YouTube
Figures 1, 2, 3 show the graph "sentiment" by hashtag - # law and the ratio (%) of emotional colors of mentions - positive, neutral, negative (10.06.2020-16.06.2020). In the example above, a negative mood prevails in relation to the keyword "law". The graph shows periods of positive and negative colors. Note that the explanation of the reasons for the identified "sentiment" is not the task of our study. An example is given to confirm the importance of blogosphere resources for users, their need to evaluate the content offered by bloggers, as well as to indicate the direction of further research related to the study of legal educational content in the blogosphere. The graph data is summarized in the final table (Table 4).
Table 4
The value of the hashtag - # law by the indicator "sentiment" on the platforms VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube in the period from 10.06.2020 to 16.06.2020
Platform Of conversations Engagement Sentiment Potential reach
Positive Negative
VKontakte 347 2.5K 15% 33% 0
Twitter 16.3K 43.1K 16% 65% 25.9M
YouTube 200 10.8K 15% 69°% 85.1K
The increased interest in legal educational content in the blogosphere is associated, in our opinion, with the actual situation of people's life, characterized by variability, nonstandard, uncertainty, when there are no effective, tested methods of activity in a person's experience; active development of law-making practice, involving the continuous updating of knowledge of legislation.
As a result of studying the demand for legal content by users on the most visited platforms Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, it was found that:
• the blogosphere is a popular media resource with educational potential;
• Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok are the most popular platforms for users at the moment, and they all host legal content that is necessary for the formation of the individual's legal culture;
• currently, an array of legal information and practices of behavior in legal situations is publicly available;
• In accordance with the ranking of hashtags (#honor, #court, #constitution, #law, #war, #lawyer, #punishment, etc.) users need not only to understand the most important legal concepts, but also effective ways to solve legal problems character;
• the blogger, offering legal content, helps to attract the attention of users to regulatory issues, actively demonstrates the capabilities of blogs in updating and discussing legal issues;
• blogger, as a rule, creating content, relies on their own knowledge, experience, vision of solving legal situations, so the reaction to the content has a different emotional color, otherwise, "sentiment": positive, negative, neutral. Thus, in the educational content of the blogosphere, it can contribute to the maintenance of a legally safe lifestyle for people, the formation, enhancement of the legal culture of the individual, and serve destructive purposes aimed at destroying the moral and legal foundations of man and society.
A. S. Klyuchkin, General Director of the ANO "Internet Development Institute", a coordination center for interaction between the state, the digital industry and society (hereinafter - "IDI"), notes the increased demand for positive content: "In today's very difficult conditions, we see an acute shortage of positive content, while the request in the youth environment for it is extremely high. We certainly do not offer to look at the world through pink glasses, and content dedicated to the problems facing the younger generation is no less important to us" [33]. ANO "IDI" today is the initiator of competitions to support the production and placement of content on the Internet in the framework of the national project "Culture", aimed at strengthening civil identity and spiritual and moral values among young people (2020) with the thematic lines of projects - "Be yourself", "We are together", "Do good", "We are Proud", "Act!" [13]. One of the directions of the competition is "Content in the Blogosphere" (approved prot. № 1 ANO "IDI " from 17.01.2020), the purpose of which should be to strengthen the civil identity of the younger generation. This initiative is considered in the context of the formation of a legal culture, which is one of the manifestations of a common culture built on the existing experience of living together and acting as one of the factors in the formation and maintenance of civil community. In the situation of a pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19, ANO "IDI" announced a collection of proposals for the creation of socially significant content in the blogosphere, which is intended to help overcome the negative consequences of the period of quarantine and self-isolation, maintain social optimism, reduce social tension, counteract fakenews and strengthen civil identity in the situation of a pandemic. The expected content can be both popular science and entertainment, but in any case, it can have an educational resource that forms the legal culture of young people by strengthening the knowledge component as the basis and condition for legal behavior. In this context, the problem areas - "self - isolation and freedom", "limited space-self-management / timemanagement", "social optimism / social tension", "social support and assistance", "fakenews and legal responsibility", "pandemic and volunteering", etc. are relevant.
The blogosphere as one of the virtual environments of modern man has educational potential, which must be used to form a legal culture of the individual. One of the factors in the formation of legal culture of the individual is the blogosphere's educational resource.
As a result of studying the relevance of legal content by users on hashtags on the most visited platforms Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, it was revealed that the blogosphere has an educational resource of legal character, which should be considered as a component of the process of forming an individual's legal culture. It has been established that through blogs, socially significant and personally necessary knowledge of a legal character is formed, which is a condition and result of the process of forming the individual's legal culture.
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00813 "Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia".
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Perspectives of Science & Education. 2020, Vol. 45, No. 3
Информация об авторах Information about the authors
Керимов Александр Алиевич Alexander A. Kerimov
(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) (Russia, Ekaterinburg)
Доцент, доктор политических наук, доцент кафедры Associate Professor, Doctor of Political Science,
политических наук Департамента политологии и Associate Professor of political science Department of
социологии political science and sociology
Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Ural Federal University named after the First President
Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
E-mail: kerimov68@mail.ru E-mail: kerimov68@mail.ru
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5807-9810 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5807-9810
Scopus ID:57215904379 Scopus ID:57215904379
Томюк Ольга Николаевна Olga N. Tomyuk
(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) (Russia, Ekaterinburg)
Старший преподаватель кафедры онтологии и теории Senior Lecturer, Department of Ontology and Theory of
познания Департамента философии Knowledge, Department of Philosophy
Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Ural Federal University named after the first President of
Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина Russia B.N. Yeltsin
E-mail: olga.tomyuk@urfu.ru E-mail: olga.tomyuk@urfu.ru
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364
Scopus ID: 57211983935 Scopus ID: 57211983935
Дьячкова Маргарита Анатольевна Margarita A. Dyachkova
(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) (Russia, Ekaterinburg)
Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Associate Professor,
кафедры художественного образования PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the
Уральский государственный педагогический Department of Art Education
университет Ural State Pedagogical University
E-mail: dyachkova.margarita@yandex.ru E-mail: dyachkova.margarita@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7853-2475 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7853-2475
Scopus ID: 57211982998 Scopus ID: 57211982998
Дудчик Андрей Юрьевич Andrei Yu. Dudchik
(Республика Беларусь, г. Минск) (Republic of Belarus, Minsk)
Доцент, кандидат философских наук, заместитель Associate Professor, PhD in Philosophy,
директора по научной работе Института философии Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Philosophy,
Национальной академии наук Беларуси, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Associate
Доцент кафедры философии культуры Факультета Professor, Department of Philosophy of Culture, Faculty
философии и социальных наук of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Белорусский государственный университет Belarusian State University
E-mail: dudchik@philosophy.by E-mail: dudchik@philosophy.by
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103
Scopus ID: 57211980303 Scopus ID: 57211980303