ON THE BLOG CONTENT QUALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF LEGAL CULTURE FORMATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tomyuk Olga N., Golysheva Milana V., Dudchik Andrei Yu., Dyachkova Margarita A., Egorov Vladimir K.

Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused by the development of digital technologies, their increasingly active influence on all aspects of society and human life and, consequently, the need of forming the individual's legal culture using the media sphere's resources. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main characteristics and quality of legal Instagram blog content as one of the dynamically developing applications with a multi-million audience of users. Materials and research methods. The research methodology consists of an integrative approach. Information and target analysis of texts and discourse analysis were used to interpret blog content in the context of specific cultural and historical factors. The results of the study and the discussion. The Top Instagram bloggers was compiled using the hashtag #lawyer, blog content studied. Based on the development of quality content criteria - relevance, social significance, completeness, accessibility, practice orientation, personalization, infoesthetics, multi-factor, literacy, and subscriber response-were developed, according to which the analysis of legal content was carried out. The study identified the content of bloggers who position themselves on Instagram as legal experts, analyzed the content of bloggers with more than ten thousand subscribers based on the developed quality criteria. It is identified that high-quality content causes an adequate reaction of users, contains a knowledge component endowed with legal content and aimed at improving the legal culture of the individual Conclusions. Despite the fact that Instagram, like other apps, has more entertainment content, however, users feel the need for knowledges that will let them to constructively solve situation in the legal sphere. It was revealed that high-quality content as socially significant knowledge has an adequate response of Instagram users. This contributes to the development of the individual's legal culture in the context of socio-cultural transformations, when a modern person increasingly has to solve non-standard objectives in a dynamically developing environment, including changes in the legal framework in various fields of activity.

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Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-04/ Дата публикации: 31.08.2020 УДК 37.017.4 + 37.017.7

О. Н. Томюк, М. В. Голышева, А. Ю. Дудчик, М. А. Дьячковд, В. К. Егоров

О качестве контента блогов в контексте формирования правовой культуры

Введение. Актуальность исследования вызвана развитием цифровых технологий, их более активным влиянием на все стороны жизнедеятельности общества и человека и, как следствие, необходимостью формирования правовой культуры личности с использованием ресурсов медиасферы. Цель исследования состоит в изучении основных характеристик, качества правового контента блогов в 1^адгат, как одном из динамично развивающихся приложений с много миллионной аудиторией пользователей.

Материалы и методы исследования. Методологию исследования составил интегративный подход. Был применен информационно-целевой анализ текстов, дискурс-анализ с целью интерпретации контента блогов в контексте конкретных культурно-исторических факторов.

Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. Составлен ТОП-блогеров 1^адгат по хэштегу - #юрист, изучен контент блогов. На основе разработок критериев качественного контента - актуальность, социальная значимость, полнота, доступность, практикоориентированность, персонализация, инфоэстетика, мультифакторность, грамотность, реакция подписчиков, в соответствии с которыми осуществлен анализ правового контента. В ходе исследования выявлена тематика контента блогеров, позиционирующих себя в 1^адгат как специалистов в области права, проанализирован контент блогеров с числом подписчиков более десяти тысяч пользователей на основе разработанных критериев качества. Установлено, что качественный контент вызывает адекватную реакцию пользователей, содержит знаниевую компоненту, наделенную правовым содержанием и направленную на повышение правовой культуры личности.

Выводы. Несмотря на то, что в 1^адгат, как и в других приложениях, более представлен развлекательный контент, однако, пользователи испытывают потребность в знаниях, которые позволят конструктивно решать ситуации, находящиеся в правовом поле. Выявлено, что качественный контент как социально значимое знание имеет адекватную реакцию пользователей 1^адгат, что способствует развитию правовой культуры личности в условиях социокультурных трансформаций, когда современному человеку все чаще приходится решать нестандартные задачи в динамично развивающейся обстановке, включая изменения нормативно-правовой базы в самых различных сферах деятельности.

Ключевые слова: правовая культура, медиасфера, блогосфера, образовательный контент, качество контента, блог, 1^адгат

Ссылка для цитирования:

Томюк О. Н., Голышева М. В., Дудчик А. Ю., Дьячкова М. А., Егоров В. К. О качестве контента блогов в контексте формирования правовой культуры // Перспективы науки и образования. 2020. № 4 (46). С. 441-454. сМ: 10.32744^.2020.4.31

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-04/ Accepted: 21 June 2020 Published: 31 August 2020

O. N. Tomyuk, M. V. Golysheva, A. Yu. Dudchik, M. A. Dyachkova, V. K. Egorov

On the blog content quality in the context of legal culture formation

Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused by the development of digital technologies, their increasingly active influence on all aspects of society and human life and, consequently, the need of forming the individual's legal culture using the media sphere's resources. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main characteristics and quality of legal Instagram blog content as one of the dynamically developing applications with a multi-million audience of users.

Materials and research methods. The research methodology consists of an integrative approach. Information and target analysis of texts and discourse analysis were used to interpret blog content in the context of specific cultural and historical factors.

The results of the study and the discussion. The Top Instagram bloggers was compiled using the hashtag #lawyer, blog content studied. Based on the development of quality content criteria - relevance, social significance, completeness, accessibility, practice orientation, personalization, infoesthetics, multi-factor, literacy, and subscriber response-were developed, according to which the analysis of legal content was carried out. The study identified the content of bloggers who position themselves on Instagram as legal experts, analyzed the content of bloggers with more than ten thousand subscribers based on the developed quality criteria. It is identified that high-quality content causes an adequate reaction of users, contains a knowledge component endowed with legal content and aimed at improving the legal culture of the individual

Conclusions. Despite the fact that Instagram, like other apps, has more entertainment content, however, users feel the need for knowledges that will let them to constructively solve situation in the legal sphere. It was revealed that high-quality content as socially significant knowledge has an adequate response of Instagram users. This contributes to the development of the individual's legal culture in the context of socio-cultural transformations, when a modern person increasingly has to solve non-standard objectives in a dynamically developing environment, including changes in the legal framework in various fields of activity.

Keywords: legal culture, media sphere, blogosphere, educational content, content quality, blog, Instagram

For Reference:

Tomyuk, O. N., Golysheva, M. V., Dudchik, A. Yu., Dyachkova, M. A., & Egorov, V. K. (2020). On the blog content quality in the context of legal culture formation. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania -Perspectives of Science and Education, 46 (4), 441-454. doi: 10.32744/pse.2020.4.31


he level of development of the individual's legal culture is one of the most important features of the modern society and state. The legal culture of society and the individual is defined by us as a body of knowledge of a legal character, that is comprehended by a person and acts as a regulator of behavior, professional activity, and social communication. The legal culture of the society and the individual is characterized by such indicators as legal education, practical skills in solving legal problems and following the rules of law in practice. For a society with a developed legal culture, law is a value, a social necessity, it is revealed through the category of "usefulness" for a person and society as a whole [8].

A person with a developed legal culture has a legal awareness, structurally represented by cognitive, emotional, evaluative, and behavioral components, owns the methods of implementing social actions, build constructive communications in accordance with the rules of law [9].

The issues of digitalization of all spheres of modern life, development of new media and media space, enhancement of access to legal knowledge, mastering of effective practices of solving problem situations in the legal field, etc. are in the field of view of specialists in various fields of knowledge.

The famous Russian culturologist N. B. Kirillova pays great attention to the study of media, exploring the space of mediareality in different contexts: man and myth in the media space [18], cultural diversity [22] and media culture in the media sphere [19], media management [21], etc. N. B. Kirillova believes that a new science is currently developing -medialogy as a synthesis of the humanities, among the tasks of which is the analysis of information from open sources - newspapers, radio, Internet resources and others [20].

New media, having unique resources, serve as the basis for the development of previously unprecedented communication practices and ways to promote the content authors' ideas and engage the audience. Researchers K. P. Brunner, P. R. Mckean, N. O. Gorman, M. C. Pitchford and N. R. Weickum emphasize that traditional media is currently being influenced by digital culture. The established new media are increasingly influencing cultural discourses. As a result, such scientific directions as digital rhetoric (D. Eyman), network media theory and practice (D. Pfister), network rhetoric (J. Rodolfo, W. Hart-Davidson), media philosophy (J. Durham Peters) are formed. Their achievements are necessary for the development and promotion of high-quality legal content as an educational resource in solving the problem of forming a legal culture of society and individuals, using all possible tools of new media [4]. The development of media and information technologies contributes to the promotion of legal content in the Internet. This extends research boundaries and contributes to the emergence of many questions regarding the role and place of blogs in the formation of a legal culture, features, properties, characteristics of blogs, publications' content with legal topics. To a large extent, a unique new space of open, public dialogue has already developed at two levels of legal culture - the ordinary and professional, and their interaction. We can say that the mechanisms of legal culture formation are being modernized, which require special attention and special study.

The research focuses on one of the media spheres - the blogosphere, a rapidly developing part of the digital environment, and the problem of the blog content quality in the context of the formation of the legal culture of society and the individual. We plan to study and

analyze legal content from the point of view of its quality, to justify the demand for high-quality blog content based on the analysis of users' reaction to the discussed problems, the solution of which is possible subject to knowledge of the rules of law.

Materials and research methods

The research methodology is represented by a complex of methods both of a general scientific plan and methods of empirical research: systematization, comparison, generalization, monitoring, interpretation and analysis of the results of the blog content study, their graphical modeling in order to visualize data. For ensuring a more comprehensive pattern of the research, T. M. Dridze's information-targeted analysis (intentional, motivational-target) for the text component of blog content was applied.

An integrative approach is methodologically justified, in the framework of which it is possible to objectify this sphere of communication productively and thoroughly, to approach diverse views in real-critical content. The use of discourse analysis will allow interpreting the blogs' content in the context of specific cultural and historical factors and socio-political circumstances, substantiating the connection between legal knowledge and social processes, between legal knowledge and social behavior.

_Literature analysis

Currently, no sphere of life is complete without turning to the resources and technological solutions of the digital environment. At the same time, L. Rachel believes, there continues to be a group of scientists brought up on a "diet" of paper catalogs and bookshelves, preferring to work more with printed text than with electronic journals and digital archives. The author, speaking about blogs, gives several reasons for objections to the idea of a blog: unscrupulous publication of private content, lack of content review, half-formed ideas. L. Rachel draws attention to the fact that the blog should be considered in academic, historical aspects, as well as an exciting development that is characterized by incompleteness [31].

Based on the analysis of his own experience of blogging as an accident, a pleasant game, M. Lindemann, a literary critic, came to the conclusion that content related to everyday life is popular among Internet users, when the blogger reveals his experiences, opinions, feelings, private life events (for example, about his favorite dog Rocky, a position on political events, etc.) [23]. The large-scale development of the Internet and the spread of new media served as the basis for a turn in existing writing practices, in particular, the phenomenon of blogging [26].

Blogosphere as an intelligent center, bohemian quarter, digital salon space in the Internet-city. This is the vision of the blogosphere given in the work "Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture (review)". To emphasize the expanding influence of the blogosphere in the modern world, the book indicates that even G. Lovink, a media theorist (Holland), would not refuse to be Baedeker (guide) through the information-rich space of the blogosphere, as politicians, musicians, programmers, people of various professions and interests gather in its salons to discuss issues of concern, an Internet culture develops [36]. Thus, E. I. Grishaeva studies blog content that reflects the problem of interaction between religion and secular institutions. The researcher draws attention to the fact that bloggers

take different ideological positions. This, in turn, played a key role in creating a split, for example, in the online Orthodox community in relation to the religious and political power of the church [11].

Digital discourse revolves around the role of intellectuals in the digital media development. Previously, intellectuals broadcast their ideas through Newspapers and talk shows of broadcast media, but today the "non-academic" world, digital media provide more opportunities for intellectuals - from the temptation to strengthen power and gain prestigious positions to enter the media market in connection with the transformation of information into a commodity, the commercialization of new media [33].

At the international scientific seminar "Digital diaries: resistance, self-representation, and civic journalism in the Russian-language Internet" (Uppsala university, Sweden, 29.04.2016), it was proposed to consider the blog as a cultural practice, which brings blogosphere research to an interdisciplinary level. M. Suslov considers that in the era of digital technologies, socio-cultural communications have undergone a serious transformation, the digital landscape has changed, and the content of Runet blogs reflects the Russian historical and cultural heritage, which changes approaches to blogging [34].

Digital technological solutions have made it possible to save printed texts in digital form. This naturally raises the question of archiving and saving digital texts, such as blog content. N. Cohen, describing his own experience of archiving blog content (FreeDarko. com, FireJoeMorgan.com, PowerForward.net), draws attention to what bloggers write when discussing any events or topics [5]. In this way, the author raises the issue of content quality. However, this is also an important question about the "non-momentary" (in quotes and without quotes) responsibility of their authors, which we think is important in the range of issues raised in this study.

Another important issue is the need to satisfy a person's cognitive needs, among which the needs for solving legal problems play an important role. To a greater extent, the network's agenda and blog content are formed in relation to the current situation, and the events that have occurred / are taking place are covered and discussed. Based on the theory of setting an agenda in the network, it was revealed that content creators prefer to discuss those events that will cause interest and attract more users to the blog. But there is also a problem related to the features of those who do not create content, but who turn to it as necessary and often appear in the dialogue as a party without proper training, possessing, if we use professional terminology, non-specialized knowledge and therefore, as a rule, not ready for critical perception of information. Some researchers believe that state control over the agenda is necessary in order to create a network of significant events for coverage in all media. This will ensure the responsible communication policy, setting vectors of discussion on socially important events, for example, tragedies, disasters and ways to prevent them [17].

In the context of our research, we are interested in the work of the authors of the course "Digital rhetoric" (USA, University of Michigan), who studied the features of reading and writing in the digital environment, paying special attention to the rhetorical, social, cultural, political, educational and ethical aspects of content, subjectivity and representation in digital spaces [35]. At the same time, new media is considered as one of the spheres with actively emerging neologisms, new words. Apparently, this is due, among other things, to an increase in the number of bloggers, who develop content using words and expressions that receive the greatest response from the audience of users, creating a special atmosphere of trustful communication "among their own". V. Waszink analyzes a wide range of neologisms: compounds derived from known words, existing words with a new meaning, new multi-

word units and loan words [39]. I. Josefowicz raises the problem of the connection of the blog's author, the experience of its management, the relationship with the online audience, as well as between public writing and personal life [14].

We believe that the content quality largely depends on who develops the content and what personal qualities the blogger has. Let us focus on a number of studies that attempt to create an image of a blogger. Using the method of in-depth interviews, B. A. Nardi, D. J. Schiano, M. Gumbrecht, L. Swartz (Stanford University, USA) have identified dominant motives that justify a person's decision to create and maintain a blog: the need for communication and new emotions, the need to create public forums to discuss ideas, current issues, the need for documentation, the collection of comments and opinions [28]. The identified needs give an idea that a blogger can be a person with such competencies as communication skills, knowledge of ways to create a team, with a developed ability of critical thinking, etc. R. Z. Bliznyak, I. A. Gerasimov draw attention to this, noting that blogging is a form of social interaction, where the blogger broadcasts his value orientations, social and civic position, a point of view on the issues under consideration, thereby involving network users in his value system [2].

P. U. Narusheva made an attempt to present a portrait of a blogger. She believes that the idea of a blogger can be created according to such dominant characteristics as age, level of education, content issues [29]. We believe, however, that there is a certain simplification here, because a blogger and even a very successful blogger can be a person of any age. At the same time, for society, of course, unfortunately, neither the level of education nor personal social experience does not guarantee success. Therefore, it is necessary to support the position of E. N. Grazhdan, who, based on the study of the linguistic and cultural type "blogger", expands the idea, reveals such basic characteristic features of bloggers as passion, creativity, aesthetics of account design, knowledge of the terminology of blog issues, ways to motivate users, methods of designing and presenting content [10]. The researcher believes that education, age, social status, appearance traits and attributes in the linguocultural type of "blogger" are not of fundamental importance, therefore, in principle, any person can become a blogger. a person who is not deprived of the ability to create and use the above-mentioned technologies of influence, and who has the following qualities.

Because young people (at least in our time, but, we believe, not permanently) are more immersed in social network, the importance in creating the image of a blogger is represented by their vision of who is a blogger. Blogging as a new media practice of modern culture presents new media behavior strategies, which in general is the basis for emerging ideas about bloggers [40]. During the study of young people's ideas about the personality of a blogger, M. V. Zhizhina identified the core and periphery zones. The core includes such characteristics of the blogger's personality as charisma, creativity, sociability, intelligence, stress resistance, and energy. The "peripheral system" construct includes openness, confidence, independence, publicity, material interest, and others [40]. Young people assess a blogger as a media personality with a developed ability to self-present, however, students note that bloggers often use the media environment for propaganda, advertising, and opinion manipulation, which is assessed negatively. It is revealed that the image of a blogger is formed in young people under the influence of subjective assessments and opinions about the blog and blogger, blog content. The significance of these factors is indicated by young blog subscribers. These estimates of the youth audience indicate a frequent exaggeration of its social infantility. According to S. M. Karpoyan, "I" real and "I"

virtual are intertwined in Instagram as a unique environment for self-presentation and self-demonstration. This can serve as a basis for creating a false impression of the person - the blogger [16]. R. V. Osin, K. V. Pershina conducted a comparative study of the "I" image of Instagram blogger's personality and perceptions of the media image of Instagram bloggers in the youth environment. Based on this analysis, it was found that the idea of bloggers is primarily related to the content of their blogs, the character of posts, photos, and videos published on Instagram [30].

In this regard, it should be emphasized that there is a need for a comprehensive study of the issues under consideration from the perspective of various sciences and philosophical traditions. Moreover, both clearly related to the topic under discussion and situated at a distance. For example, in the development of the philosophical searches of J. Deleuze, F. Guattari, J. Baudrillard, V. N. Moiseev highlights the importance of synchronization processes between a person and his digital profile, as well as between the digital profiles themselves [27]. These are phenomena that directly intersect with the problems under study. But an appeal to, for example, developments in art science, theater studies also seems promising for studying the features of the media environment, interactions in the blogosphere. So, P. B. Bogdanova interestingly reflects on the ensemble nature of the game, coming from K. S. Stanislavsky's concept of ensemble art, on the special aesthetics of modern theater with the transformation of realistic aesthetics into the aesthetics of surreal reality, on the phenomenon of open space reality [3]. Here, the connection of these phenomena with the problems we are considering is obvious, of course, taking into account the peculiarities of applying concepts to different socio-cultural spheres and types of communication.

Research results and discussion

According to We Are Sosial and Hootsuite, which annually prepare a report on the state of the digital sphere in the world, the Digital 2020 report highlights that digital, mobile and social networks have become an essential part of the daily lives of people around the world [4]. The figures prove this: > 4.5 billion people use the Internet, of which 3.8 billion are social network users; 60 % of the world's population is connected to the Internet and recent trends indicate that by the middle of 2020 year > 50% of the world's population will use social networks [6]. Among the countries with the largest number of Instagram users are the United States (121 million), India (71 million), Brazil (64 million), and Russia (37 million people) [12]. The report highlights the advantages of Instagram as a platform that has all the necessary tools to quickly search for content that interests the user audience, such as hashtags. Instagram is one of the most popular platforms for users, which is also explained by the multifactorial content units - video, text, photos, etc.

We study the problem of legal content quality in the context of the formation of legal culture of society and the individual using Instagram, an application for mobile devices with elements of a social network. The choice of this application is caused by the available capabilities - posting and sharing posts, photos, interactive communication with users, getting a response from subscribers to posted content.

Legal content carries a knowledge load, which is important for the purposes of our research. The transformation of the communication model in the context of digitalization in the direction of dialogue has led to the blogosphere's development, which is characterized

by the properties of interactivity and dialogism. The blogosphere retains the principles of traditional education - accessibility, consistency, scientific, but at the same time, multidimensional and targeted content, high mobility of its distribution in the Internet are of particular importance. Educational blog content in Instagram is presented as a multimedia complex, but the basic component is the text. Due to the content, the blogger finds his audience that needs the knowledge necessary to get answers to questions of concern. Dynamically developing educational content of a legal nature contributes to the development of legal competence and legal culture.

Currently there are many services for monitoring blogs. For example, Live Dune is a service for monitoring comments [24]. It is important that only open account posts are displayed. Monitoring Instagram hashtags makes it possible to analyze user content on investigated issues. However, monitoring Instagram hashtags is one of the tools of SMM (social media marketing), which aims to attract users, promote content, and unite subscribers around the problem. Among the most popular hashtag monitoring services are Mafluence.com (Instagram hashtag selection service by photo), Brand24 (identifying opinion leaders, level of influence, speed of responses and reactions to user messages, etc.), Mention (multidisciplinary real-time hashtag monitoring), Social Studio's (studying the post content), Brandwatch (monitoring content in more than 190 languages), Talkwalker (monitoring hashtags used in various social networks) [32]. Researchers often analyze blogs by posts and days - user activity for a certain period (month, day), he dynamics of the subscribers' number, the optimal posting time (the time when posts received the most subscriber reactions), publication analytics [1].

In our research, a number of hashtags for the keyword "lawyer" were identified in the Instagram, which are characterized by a large number of publications as of 13.07.2020:

• #lawyer: number of publications - 851 K;

• #legal services: number of publications - 271 K;

• #lawyers: number of publications - 261 K;

• #legal aid: number of publications - 235 K;

• #legal consultation: number of publications - 158 K;

• #online lawyer: number of publications - 113 K.

As you can see, the largest number of publications was recorded for the hashtag #lawyer -851K, which exceeds the number of publications for other related hashtags. The hashtag "lawyer" is a generic hashtag that has a wide semantic field, including legal services, legal aid, legal consultation, and much more, and Instagram users can also use it as a simple search query.

Then we monitored blogs and compiled top Instagram bloggers using the target hashtag -#lawyer. During monitoring, filters are set: country - Russia, number of subscribers - more than 10K, period - inclusive through 13.07.2020 (Table 1).

Table 1

TOP Russian bloggers on Instagram by # lawyer with more than 10K subscribers

(data as of 13.07.2020)

Blogger's Nickname City Number of subscribers Number of publications Subscriber reaction to any post

advokat_nikolai Moscow 1M 104 > 50000

yardrey Moscow 42.4K 488 > 1000

nikitinlawyer Kursk 36.1K 288 > 100

advokat_shevtsova Moscow 17^ 204 > 200

advokat_adler_alena Moscow 17^ 192 > 100

urist_mikaelov Moscow 16^ 132 > 200

airapetyan_armen Stavropol 15^ 998 > 100

advokatmartynova.e.v. Moscow 15^ 484 > 100

my_law_expert Moscow 15^ 808 > 100

grigoreva_blog Moscow / Sochi 13^ 337 > 300

glebplesovskikh Moscow 11^ 358 > 100

pravovaya_strategiya Novokuznetsk 10^ 272 > 150

advokat_shushakov Izhevsk 10^ 735 > 400

marina_urist_novosibirsk Novosibirsk 10^ 2305 > 100

In accordance with the list of top Russian bloggers in Instagram using the hashtag -#lawyer, we will analyze the content of bloggers with a larger number of subscribers (data as of 13.07.2020). A qualitative audit of published content is an analysis of the characteristics of content with many variables. Let us try to figure out what content parameters affect its quality and user satisfaction [15]. Content monitoring was aimed at identifying its compliance with a number of criteria by which the quality of content can be judged: relevance, social significance of the issue, constant updating in accordance with the ongoing changes; completeness, consistency, and interconnectedness of the text's parts; scientific character, availability and reliability of the proposed material; practical orientation, availability of concrete examples of real situations, their analysis and ways of constructive solutions; personalization; navigation and speed of getting answers to user questions and switching from one part of the text to another; infoestetics, infographics, and multifactorial content units; text literacy; reaction of subscribers (views, comments, likes / dislikes); ways of involving users in the legal information field.

We believe that in addition to the above criteria, the personality of the blogger plays a decisive role in creating legal content, because not everyone can blog legal content. First of all, professional training of a blogger in the field of law, experience in effectively solving problems in the field of law, knowledge of domestic and foreign legislation, possession of tools for reporting legal content that is relevant to users, and authority are of great importance. It should be noted that, as a rule, in the comments, users emphasize the literacy, professionalism, and accessibility of the material's presentation.

During monitoring by hashtag - #lawyer, filters are set: time period - from 01.06.2020 to 13.07.2020; legal content; geography of bloggers - Russia. Analysis of the content of bloggers' posts that professionally blogging with legal content suggests that the content covers a wide range of topical issues that concern Instagram users, from all spheres of law -criminal, family, land, housing, labor law, probate cases, business, consumer protection, and others. The legal component as the most important component of the legal culture is represented in the content by legal concepts, normative legal sources, on the basis of which it was developed. It is necessary to emphasize the scientificity, accessibility of the problem's presentation based on the current legislation. The content topic emphasizes the relevance and social significance of the content. For the period from 01.06.2020 to 10.07.2020, the most popular posts among Instagram users, as evidenced by the reaction of subscribers, were publications that raised such issues as: amendments to the Constitution, updating of legislation in the context of the "COVID-19" pandemic (new laws came into

force on 01.07.2020), amicable agreement, fraud, corruption and reward, courts online: for or against, labour market in pandemic conditions (online employment, distant work, freelance), security in the real estate market, security of services (banking, trade, etc.) in the Internet, court and new formats of proofs (screenshot, online correspondence, electronic signature, etc.), moral damage, bankruptcy, low-quality services, copyright, threats, flight cancellations in a pandemic situation, domestic proceedings, singular housing and others. The best requests and articles on views, the most commented articles, for example, the post "Appeal the verdict", posted on Instagram on 27.06.2020, got a high response from subscribers: comments - 35282, likes - 157064; post "Proof in court. Screenshot": comments - 39104, likes - 141225 (advokat_nikolai). It should be noted that a faster search for interesting content in Instagram is ensured by a properly composed hashtag, a special thematic tag that systematizes the content. The hashtag is essentially keywords and links that make it possible to find posts of interest on Instagram. In this example, the search is carried out using the hashtag - #lawyer and related hashtags -#advocate, #advocateMoscow, #advocateinMoscow.

A study on the hashtag - #lawyer revealed that high-quality content with a legal theme is also typical for bloggers with less than 10K subscribers. It is fair to mention the content of bloggers - solo.law, ashkhen68, blogtabachenkovoi, flagman_novosibirsk, adv_okat, pravoroman, meeting such criteria as scientificity, uniqueness, usefulness, practicality, informativity.

As we can see, the content issues are socially significant, which explains the high interest of the user audience in the legal posts of Instagram bloggers. The content is updated almost daily, and the update vector is requests from the target audience of Instagram users in connection with a legal problem that has arisen, which confirms its practical orientation.

The studied content is combined by type, as it can be described as informational, expert, educational, and personalized (personal blog format). The visual component plays an equally important role in the content, which is associated with such concepts as "infoesthetics" and "infographics". We should pay attention to the multifactorial units of the studied content (videos, photos, texts, infographics), which are characterized by a single style and quality of visual material. In Instagram, due to new media strategies and audio-visual technologies, the perception and understanding of the message is enhanced, which contributes to the development of a blogger's dialogue with the target audience, and acts as a factor for improving the content's quality.

In order to study the content of blogs that broadcast legal information, we applied information-targeted analysis of communication media texts, developed by T. M. Dridze [7]. In informative-target analysis, a measure of informativeness is assigned to the text, which is key to understanding this type of analysis. The informativeness of the text can be considered from two positions: the ability of the text as a unit of communication to convey the idea, the main communicative intentions of the author; the ability of the text as a unit of information to be a source of any information [13]. In our study, the information-targeted analysis method was applied to blogs, the content of which reflects legal topics, in order to identify the content and semantic structure of the text and correlate it with the intent of communication. This makes it possible to evaluate the success of communication between the blogger and the blog users. Analyzing blogs with legal content, we were tasked to answer the questions: what is (object of description) in the text, what (what information) is contained in the text and how (what language means) it is stated in the text; purpose of publishing text; what is

the problem situation that the blogger was trying to solve; is there an analysis in the text, an assessment of the situation or the text contains only a description, a statement of fact. As part of this analysis, the message is considered in two perspectives: what the blogger wanted to convey and what was perceived by the reader. Information-targeted analysis makes it possible to perform external analysis of the text (author, publication time, information source) and analysis of the text's macrostructure of the text, associated with the definition of predications, identifying the author's communicative intent.

Let us consider a specific post with legal content (introduction): "Since July 1, 2020, new laws have come into force, focused on the current circumstances in the country, but the citizens themselves are not always aware of what changes will affect them directly. How will the government surprise in the coming month? Let's discuss it together" (post "New month" from 03.07.2020, blogger - advokat_nikolai, comments - 1482, likes - 122604). At the beginning of the post, the communicative intention is clearly indicated - to discuss the changed legislation with subscribers (evaluate, comment, express an opinion), the purpose and meaning of the message. Further on, the text contains a semantic block, arguments and supporting elements (for example, a pandemic situation). When the interpretation of the intent by blog readers corresponds to the blogger's intent, then the interpretation of the media text can be considered adequate to the communicative intent. Elements of the text that contribute to an adequate interpretation determine a certain measure of informativeness. Thus, informativeness can be measured, but not by the absolute amount of information in the text, but by the proportion of it that is used to interpret the author's intent.

The possibilities of the informative-targeted analysis method enabled us to evaluate the implementation of the communication goal contained in the text; define text structure; find out the possibility of interpreting the text's content and the adequacy of the text perception. Sequence of informative-targeted analysis procedures:

• familiarization with the content of the text;

• selecting text elements that contain the message goal;

• selecting the main elements within the overall content;

• selecting secondary elements within the overall content;

• assessing the awareness of the text.

The analysis of the studied legal content, compiled TOP Russian bloggers in Instagram by #lawyer with more than 10K subscribers (as of 13.07.2020) made it possible to conclude that the content has a number of mandatory elements: theses-arguments (supporting sentences to reinforce the purpose of the message), deployment of the thesis, description/ analysis of the problem situation, illustrations to the theses, background elements, links to legal acts, sometimes the presence of game elements as tools to attract subscribers to the blog content. We think that the blogger's adherence to these requirements in the development of legal content ensures the creation of high-quality content that contains a knowledge component endowed with legal content and aimed at improving the legal culture of society and the individual.

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Based on the analysis of blogs on Instagram, as an application for mobile devices with elements of the social network, it was established that legal content is not

dominant. Instagram, as in other applications, has more entertainment content, advertising, however, users have a need for knowledge that will make it possible to constructively solve situations in the legal field. The study revealed the content of bloggers positioning themselves on Instagram as legal experts, analyzed the content of bloggers with more than 10 thousand subscribers based on the developed quality criteria. It was revealed that high-quality content as socially significant knowledge has an adequate response of Instagram users. This contributes to the development of the individual's legal culture in the context of socio-cultural transformations, when a modern person has to solve non-standard objectives that have no known actions in the experience in connection with the changing legal reality. The changes actualized the problem of formation of legal culture of society and individual, in the structure of which the cognitive component in the conditions of socio-cultural transformations involves continuous development, which is favored by the availability of resources of a dynamically developing media sphere.

In addition, during the analysis, besides the already noted for attracting scientific proposals from related fields of knowledge to the topic under consideration, the need for attention was revealed, for example, to the following turns of the topic. Experts are increasingly turning to problems called cognitive biases. The identified types of these biases characterize numerous obstacles in professional activity, everyday life, which the Nobel laureate psychologist D. Kahneman generalized: they prevent making adequate decisions [38]. The "new readings" of M. M. Bakhtin's famous ideas about carnival culture are also of great interest. Thus, O. V. Verbina, focusing on the carnivalization of the consciousness of modern youth, draws attention to the fact that "carnivalization has always been characterized by the logic of "reverse", imagery "inside out". And these qualities, properties, to a certain extent, are the characteristics, behavioral preferences of the socio-demographic group that dominates the new media environment [37]. The well-known, but often overlooked statements of authoritative legal researchers about the presence in social reality of "a set of regulatory processes, not all of which are accessible to rational control", are also relevant. And, as G. V. Maltsev emphasized, "regulatory success does not belong exclusively" to law. And the manifestations of the so-called legal rationalism, the certain unilateralism of approaches, are inherent not only in the law sphere in science, but also in social practice [25]. This constantly has to be encountered when exploring the chosen topic. In particular, in the mentioned proposals, we should look for "keys" to understanding the place and possibilities of what is happening in the blogosphere "in the chain": obtaining legal information, assistance, consultations - replenishing knowledge in the field of law - the formation of legal awareness - the formation and development of legal culture. In conjunction the latter with the culture of economic, political, scientific, cultural, media, with morality, religion and their norms, rules, customs.


The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00813 "Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia".


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Информация об авторах Томюк Ольга Николаевна

(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) Старший преподаватель кафедры онтологии и теории

познания Департамента философии Уральский федеральный университет имени первого

Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина Старший преподаватель кафедры теории государства и права

Уральский государственный юридический университет E-mail: olga.tomyuk@urfu.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364 Scopus ID:57211983935

Голышева Милана Витальевна

(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) Магистрант

Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина, E-mail: milana7497@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5133-6549

Дудчик Андрей Юрьевич

(Республика Беларусь, г. Минск) Доцент, кандидат философских наук, заместитель директора по научной работе Института философии Национальной академии наук Беларуси Доцент кафедры философии культуры Факультета философии и социальных наук Белорусский государственный университет E-mail: dudchik@philosophy.by ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103 Scopus ID: 57211980303

Дьячкова Маргарита Анатольевна

(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры художественного образования Уральский государственный педагогический университет E-mail: dyachkova.margarita@yandex.ru ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7853-2475 Scopus ID: 57211982998

Егоров Владимир Константинович

(Россия, г. Москва) Доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой ЮНЕСКО Института государственной службы и управления Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ E-mail: vk_egorov@mail.ru

Information about the authors Olga N. Tomyuk

(Russia, Ekaterinburg) Senior Lecturer, Department of Ontology and Theory of

Knowledge, Department of Philosophy, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory of State and Law Ural State Law University E-mail: olga.tomyuk@urfu.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364 Scopus ID: 57211983935

Milana V. Golysheva

(Russia, Ekaterinburg) Magister student Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin E-mail: milana7497@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5133-6549

Andrei Yu. Dudchik

(Republic of Belarus, Minsk) Associate Professor, PhD in Philosophy, Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Culture, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University E-mail: dudchik@philosophy.by ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103 Scopus ID: 57211980303

Margarita A. Dyachkova

(Russia, Ekaterinburg) Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Education Ural State Pedagogical University E-mail: dyachkova.margarita@yandex.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7853-2475 Scopus ID: 57211982998

Vladimir K. Egorov

(Russia, Moscow) Doctor of Philosophy, Professor and Head of the UNESCO's Chair of the Institute of State Service and Management

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the Russian Federation E-mail: vk_egorov@mail.ru

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