Научная статья на тему 'Ecological aspects of production meat of cattle in the Volgograd region'

Ecological aspects of production meat of cattle in the Volgograd region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Bulanova D.A.

It is determined the relevance of ecologically safe production of animal products in the article, particularly beef cattle in the Volgograd region; dynamics of production and consumption of main types of meat is analysed taking into account the established rational medical standards; identified the mismatch and imbalance between main kinds of meat in the consumption structure, as well as negative trends for a number of years; grounded conditions and preconditions of development of meat cattle breeding in the region on the basis of ecologically oriented technologies taking into account local circumstances and flexible use of the competitive advantages.

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В статье определена актуальность производства экологически безопасной продукции животноводства, в частности, мясного скотоводства в Волгоградской области; проанализирована динамика производства и потребления основных видов мяса с учетом установленных рациональных медицинских норм; выявлены несоответствие и дисбаланс между основными видами мяса в структуре потребления, а также негативные тенденции ее изменения на протяжении ряда лет; обоснованы условия и предпосылки развития мясного скотоводства в регионе на основе экологически ориентированных технологий с учетом местных особенностей и гибкого использования конкурентных преимуществ.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ecological aspects of production meat of cattle in the Volgograd region»

3. Baranova N.M., Sorokin L.V. Vyisshee obrazovanie kak osnovnoy faktor razvitiya chelovecheskogo kapitala v period perehoda k shestomu tehnologicheskomu ukladu [High education as the main factor of human capital development during the transformation to the sixth technological order.]. /Modeli i metodyi innovatsionnoy ekonomiki [Models and methods of innovative economy]. - M.: CEMI, 2016. - P.18-26 [in Russian].

4. Human Development Reports [Electronic resource]: United Nations development program. - URL: http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI (accessed - 26.09.2016).

5. Reyting stran /Rossiyskaya Federatsiya. [Countries' Ranking /Russian Federation] [Electronic resource]: CHT. - URL: http://gtmarket.ru/countries/russia/russia-info (accessed - 25.09.2016) [in Russian].

6. Zarabotnaya plata. [Salary] [Electronic resource]: Goskomstat Rossii [FSSS]. - URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/wages/labour_costs/# (28.09.2016).

7. Uroven i kachestvo zhizni moskovskih domohozyaystv [The level and quality of Moscow households' life]. [Electronic resource]: RBK. - URL:http://money.rbc.ru/news/5615461d9a7947095c7dc432 (accessed - 05.09.2016) [in Russian].

8. Kontseptsiya dolgosrochnogo razvitiya RF do 2020 [Russian long-term development concept until 2020] (accessed -17.11.2008 №1662-p) [in Russian].

9. Proekt byudzheta 2015-17: rashodyi na obrazovanie [Budget statement 2015-17: expenses for education]. [Electronic resource]: RIA Novosti. - URL: http://ria.ru/society/20140916/1024310206.html#ixzz3oowJrTn3 (accessed - 15.09.2016) [in Russian].

10. Korchagin Yu.A. Rossiyskiy chelovecheskiy kapital. Faktor razvitiya ili degradatsii? [Russian human capital. Development or degradation factor?] - Voronezh: RCED, 2005. - 252 p. [in Russian].

DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2016.52.129 Буланова Д.А.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3775-1169, старший преподаватель, ФГБОУ ВО «Волгоградский государственный аграрный университет», ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА МЯСА КРУПНОГО РОГАТОГО СКОТА



В статье определена актуальность производства экологически безопасной продукции животноводства, в частности, мясного скотоводства в Волгоградской области; проанализирована динамика производства и потребления основных видов мяса с учетом установленных рациональных медицинских норм; выявлены несоответствие и дисбаланс между основными видами мяса в структуре потребления, а также негативные тенденции ее изменения на протяжении ряда лет; обоснованы условия и предпосылки развития мясного скотоводства в регионе на основе экологически ориентированных технологий с учетом местных особенностей и гибкого использования конкурентных преимуществ.

Ключевые слова: мясное скотоводство, экологическое сельское хозяйство, экологически безопасная продукция, условия развития.

Bulanova D.A.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3775-1169, Senior lecturer, Volgograd State Agricultural University ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PRODUCTION MEAT OF CATTLE IN THE VOLGOGRAD REGION


It is determined the relevance of ecologically safe production of animal products in the article, particularly beef cattle in the Volgograd region; dynamics of production and consumption of main types of meat is analysed taking into account the established rational medical standards; identified the mismatch and imbalance between main kinds of meat in the consumption structure, as well as negative trends for a number of years; grounded conditions and preconditions of development of meat cattle breeding in the region on the basis of ecologically oriented technologies taking into account local circumstances and flexible use of the competitive advantages.

Keywords: meat, beef cattle, ecological agriculture, ecologically safe production, conditions of development.

According to statistical information, Russian Federation takes the 105th place in the world on quality of life. If in 1989 the ecological safety in the country was on the third place, then in 2014 it takes only the 18th place. Consumer risks don't decrease, but increase. In production of foodstuff it is authorized to use over 500 synthetic additives for today. Crops of genetically modified plants in the world approach 60 million hectares. All this exerts a negative impact on health of the person already now.

The ecological principles and criteria become an important factor of market grouping of goods and services where the crucial role is played by consumer preferences taking into account product quality.

Environmental safety is largely qualitative indicator that reflects the impact of elements of the diet on the individual. It is known that the majority of hazardous and harmful substances entered the body with food, but because of requirements quality properties of food products are extremely high.

The work experience of livestock farms and complexes shows that the livestock production intensification often isn't followed by improvement of hygienic and veterinary and sanitary conditions in livestock rooms, makes negative impact on health of animals, the environment is intensively polluted. Big concentration of animals on confined areas, not always the balanced feeding reduces their natural resistance, productivity and finally worsens product quality.

Now in livestock production various chemicals are intensively applied. For preserving and improvement of quality of forages various preservatives, nonprotein nitrogen-containing additives, vitamins, antioxidants, and also other biologically active agents are used. Among them there are also hormonal medicines capable to make considerable changes to biological processes in an organism of animals, and through a food chain - and in a human body.

Ecologically safe products shall conform to the requirements and indicators enshrined in medical and biological standards rates, and standards, specifications and not to pose hazard to life and human health. In these products content of some hazardous substances in concentration, maximum permissible for the person, is allowed. In case of production of ecologically safe products, except observance of strict quality requirements of forages, controlled special conditions of keeping are provided.

In the current economic conditions provide the population with quality food is the most important task. Volgograd region has great potential and conditions for development of meat cattle breeding. The modern production rate of meat products in the region is provided to table 1.

Agrarian policy in the field of development of meat livestock production and the developed macroeconomic conditions caused a situation when the priority was given to poultry farming and pig-breeding as to the subindustries of agricultural industry providing the most rates return of investments. It led to the fact that in 2010 the beef share in total amount of the consumed meat in the Volgograd region was reduced to 25,8 %, and in 2014 - up to 25,5% (tab. 1) though, it agrees to the recommendations about the rational regulations of consumption of foodstuff meeting the modern requirements of healthy food [3] developed and approved by a ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation shall constitute at least 35,7 %.

Table 1 - Dynamics of structure average per capita and rational norms of consumption of main types of meat in the _Volgograd region in 2000-2014._

2000 2010 2014

Type of meat Rational norms of consumption Average per capita consumption, kg in year Structure of con-sumption, % Average per capita consu-mpti-on, kg in year Structure of consumption, % Averag e per capita consum ption, kg in year Structure of consumption, % Changes in structure of consumption

Meat and meat products, including: 70-75 49 100,0 55,8 100,0 57,3 100,0 -

beef 25 17,4 35,5 14,4 25,8 14,6 25,5 -10,0

pork 14 16,0 32,7 22,3 40,0 18,1 31,6 -1,1

fowl 30 13,5 27,5 16,5 29,5 21,3 37,2 +9,7

Other types of meat 1 2,1 4,3 2,6 4,7 3,3 5,7 +1,4

According to the analysis of structure of consumption in the region, some growth of consumption of meat of all types has happened only at the end of the analyzed period, and consumption of beef, having sharply decreased during 2000-2010, in 2014 remained practically at the level of 2010, and growth of consumption of fowl was considerable - on 9,7 items in structure of consumption at consumption of pork, traditionally high for the Volgograd region, which, by data [3], exceeds norm of rational consumption of this type of meat for 29,3%.

Thus, the actual structure of meat consumed in the region does not meet the «Recommendations about the rational regulations of consumption of foodstuff meeting the modern requirements of healthy food» [3], resulting in the exceedance of pork consumption by 29,3%, other types of meat - 3,3 times, a lack of consumption of poultry at 29,0 %, beef-by 41,6 %.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

■beef Ш pork fowl X of her types of meat

Fig. 1 - Production of meat in all categories of farms in the Volgograd region in 2007-2014


Feature of production of meat of cattle is the prevalence of small-scale production. In 2014 family farms and country farms made beef in 92,8 %.

Production of ecologically safe products of livestock production assumes creation of the mechanism of market grouping of ecological products and identification of the environmentally friendly territories. The Volgograd region in this relation possesses all necessary conditions and prerequisites.

The technology of meat cattle breeding is based on the maximum use of the natural and improved pastures, rough and juicy forages in case of rather small specific weight of the concentrates mainly fed by an animal during final sagination. The meat cattle breeding doesn't require considerable capital investments, energy and labor costs therefore it can successfully develop in regions with big areas of pasturable grounds and a limited manpower.

In modern conditions in case of receipt of beef it is necessary to be guided by low-cost technologies, the maximum use of potential of the cattle of specialized meat breeds and fodder resources that will allow to receive ecologically safe products.

According to ecological system of traceability on which are based the international standard ISO 22000: 2005 and GOST R ISO 22000-2007, production of food shall be performed in the environmentally friendly territories. In the Volgograd region the territories, and it is generally Pallasovsky and Staropoltavsky districts, where the entities on cultivation of meat breeds of cattle are located, satisfy to the quality standards. Therefore when using highly productive specialized breeds of the cattle of the meat direction, providing cost efficiency of production, at the same time the ecological effect is reached that in modern conditions is indisputable competitive advantage and grants the right to use the Ecologically Safe Products brand.

Thus, development of meat cattle breeding in the region on the basis of ecologically oriented technologies of cultivation will promote preserving ecologically favorable territories, increase in competitiveness, release of natural and safe food, increase in demand for meat products, improvement of quality of life of the population.

Список литературы / References

1. Metlitsky F.F. About market grouping of ecologically safe goods and technologies. Environmentally friendly areas. Access mode: http://www.ecochistyproduct.ru/

2. GOST R ISO 22000-2007 «Food safety management systems. Requirements for organizations in the food chain». - M.: Standartinform, 2007. - 28 p.

3. Recommendations about the rational regulations of consumption of foodstuff meeting the modern requirements of healthy food» [Electronic resource] // Help search engine ConsultantPlus.

4. Production and consumption of main products of food: statistical review / Territorial authority of Federal State Statistics Service in the Volgograd region. - Volgograd : VolgogradStat. - Volgograd, 2014. - 71 p.

DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2016.52.085 Городиенко Т.А.



К диверсификации услуг в том или ином виде, в конечном счете, приходят большинство коммерческих организаций. В условиях стабильного развития экономики диверсификация помогает организации снизить зависимость от тенденций одного потребительского рынка, то есть повысить финансовую устойчивость. Также диверсификация услуг, в ряде случаев, выступает как элемент повышения конкурентоспособности предприятия. В период кризисного состояния экономики стратегия диверсификация услуг становится главной стратегией развития компании, а ее эффективное применение выступает обязательным условием деятельности предприятия.

Ключевые слова: диверсификация, управление диверсификацией.

Gorodienko T.A.

Undergraduate, Almaty Management University MANAGING THE PROCESS OF DIVERSIFICATION


By the diversification of services in one form or another, in the end, come the majority of commercial organizations. In the context of sustainable development of economic diversification helps the organization to reduce its dependence on the trends of the consumer market, ie to increase financial stability. Also, the diversification of services, in some cases, acts as an element increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. During the crisis state of economy diversification strategy of becoming a major service company's development strategy and its effective application performs a prerequisite of the company.

Keywords: diversification, management of diversification.

В данной статье под «диверсификация услуг» будем иметь ввиду деятельность компании по выходу на новые рынки услуг с целью улучшения собственных финансово-экономических показателей и конкурентоспособности.

От эффективности управления процессом диверсификации зависит и выполнение поставленных перед организацией задач. В первую очередь необходимо идентифицировать процесс диверсификации услуг. При идентификации необходимо определить главную цель диверсификации услуг, то есть с какой целью собственник бизнеса решил диверсифицировать свой бизнес. Затем необходимо определить сроки и масштабы диверсификации услуг. Если сроки и масштабы небольшие, а влияние на общее состояние предприятия небольшое, то возможно и нет смысла рассматривать процесс как объект стратегического управления. Под процессом диверсификации в статье подразумевается совокупность возможных путей использования доступного (собственного или привлеченного) актива организации.

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