DOMESTIC POLICY OF THE KOKAND IN THE NORBUTABIYA ERA (1763-1798) Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Sotiboldiyev G.O.

The process was begin in the time of Norbutabiy who was khan of Kakand in Second half of XVIII century. In his leading time political government was devcloped and he got rid of some troubles.

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Прогресс в Кокандском ханстве начинается в эпоху правления Нарбутабия во второй половине XVIII века. Была уничтожена феодальная раздробленность и укреплена политическая власть.

Текст научной работы на тему «DOMESTIC POLICY OF THE KOKAND IN THE NORBUTABIYA ERA (1763-1798)»

УДК 94(541.2)

Sotiboldiyev G.O.

Сотиболдиев ГО. theacher department "History of Uzbekistan" старший преподаватель кафедры «Истории Узбекистана» Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute Наманганский инженерно педагогический институт

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Узбекистан, города Наманган DOMESTIC POLICY OF THE KOKAND IN THE NORBUTABIYA ERA (1763-1798) Annotation: The process was begin in the time of Norbutabiy who was khan of Kakand in Second half of XVIII century. In his leading time political government was devcloped and he got rid of some troubles.

Key words: Norbutabiy, Fergana, Namangan, Politicа, Economica ВНУТРЕННАЯ ПОЛИТИКА КОКАНДА В ЭПОХУ НОРБУТАБИЯ (1763-1798) Аннотация: Прогресс в Кокандском ханстве начинается в эпоху правления Нарбутабия во второй половине XVIII века. Была уничтожена феодальная раздробленность и укреплена политическая власть.

Ключевые слова: Норбутабий, Ферганской долина, Наманган, политика, экономика

Study of issues related to the formation of Kokand in the XVIII century in the Ferghana Valley; The activities of the first rulers, especially the era of the 30-year rule of Norbutabia; The legitimization of the power of the Ming dynasty; Analysis of the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the Khanate has not only scientific but also practical significance. An objective study of the historical events of the recent past provides answers to many of today's questions and is called upon to form in the younger generation pride for its people, its outstanding representatives, understanding of the laws of historical development, and humanistic values that are a common human asset. The study of the period of Norbutabia gives an opportunity to enrich our knowledge about the history of the Middle Ages of the Uzbek state.

Formed in the beginning of the XVIII century Kokand began to turn into a powerful state in Central Asia. As a result, domestic and foreign trade developed in the country, social and economic life was normalized. The buying and selling was streamlined. At the beginning of the second half of the 18th century, the Kokand Khanate had its own monetary system and controlled commodity-money relations. Trade was considered an integral part of the khanate, and was a significant source of income for the state.

During the reign of the Kokand khans Shohrukhbiya (1709-1721) Abdurahimbiya (1721-1734) and Abdukarimbia (1734-1750), the socio-economic state of the khanate was not stable, as they were engaged in strengthening the political position of the new state, eliminating feudal civil strife. Although internal

and external trade relations were constantly implemented during this period, they were disorderly and uncontrolled. At the beginning of the reign Erdonabia (17501752, 1753-1762) improved economic life, and there was an increase in the well-being of the population. According to Mahmud Khakim Yayfony in the era of Erdonakhon, the population lived safely. The people were pleased with the rule of their khan. After Norbutabia came to power, a period of prosperity began.

Norbutabiy, Norbutakhon (approx. 1749-1798) Khan of Kokand (approx. 1763-1798) grandson of Abdulkarimbia son of Abdurakhmonkhon, at the age of 14 he sat on the throne. Norbutabiy is directing all its efforts to strengthen the central authority. First of all, he subordinates independent beks. After suppressing uprisings and unrest in Chust and Namangan, he leaves his devoted people in these possessions. At the same time, having gained an upper hand over the rebellious bek of Khojend, he captures the city. But Uratepa still remained formally dependent on Bukhara. In the last years of the rule of Norbutabia, his brother Hodzhibek with the help of the hakims of Uratepe and Kurama tried to stir up a rebellion. He captured the cities of Turakurgan and Andijan. Norbutabiy led the troops to Andijan and made peace with his brother. At the end of the reign, he tried to seize Tashkent

Before the rule of Norbutabia, trade was conducted at the expense of the funds of neighboring khanates, more precisely, through Bukhara coins and trade. From the above information it is clear that in the history of Kokand the coinage of coins occurs in the era of Norbutabia. According to Niyoz Muhammad Khukandiya, Norbutabiy introduced black coins and one sheep could buy a sheep. In the article of Z. Madrahimov in the second issue of 2010 "Coins of Kokand", in the journal "Lessons by Imom Al-Bukhori" and in the article of A. Egamberdiev in the third issue of 2011 "Coins of Kokand", the journal "Echo from the Past" Information that the weight of the coins of the Norbutabian era was from 2.35g. Up to 4.55 grams. In general, the monetary reform carried out in the era of Norbutabia, led to the growth and development of economic welfare. In addition, the process of unification of the Fergana Valley was completed, the economy was restored, abundance and cheapness was observed. This led to the fact that people from remote areas and regions moved to Ferghana. In the period from 1763 to 1798, due to the favorable weather, there was a plentiful harvest. Rumors about low prices and abundant life in the Khanate have reached the whole of Turkestan. People began to migrate to the valley by families and tribes.

According to Ostonakulov, simultaneously in 1759 with the transition of the Dzungarian and Yarkend khanate to the power of China, the intensification of the colonial oppression of China in Kashgar, the Turkic tribes settled in groups and settled in Ferghana and Badakhshan. The Kokand Khanate showed hospitality and helped refugees. In addition, the relocation of the population of East Turkestan to Kokand was carried out as ordinary migration and for certain political reasons. Rather, because of the enmity between the two territories and military campaigns, they were resettled by the rulers of Kokand. Historical sources have certain

information confirming these events. In the second half of the 18th century, new settlers settled in the eastern territories of the valley.

Eastern Turkestans, who moved to the Fergana Valley, tried to settle more densely. Therefore, they occupied poorly developed lands. Basically, they built their homes, previously cleared of tugai, thorns and stony surfaces. Initially, 10-12 families settled in such territories, then they were given the right to own this land by the Khanate. To date, such rights are available to citizens of Kadyrov Hakim, Niyazov Adyl living in the Yazyavan district of the Fergana region.

Most of them, having settled in the upper part of the Akbura River, in the Kurshab valley, in the surroundings of Uzgang, in Suzak and Jalalobod districts, in the Kugartsay valley, and in the vicinity of Shahrihana, Yazyavan and Andijan, formed their own settlements. In particular, they were located on the right side of the Syr Darya and on the coasts of Naryn and Karadarya. The arrival and settlement of these tribes played an important role in the development of the lands of Ferghana. This process led to a reduction in the necessary pastures for Kyrgyz pastoralists. Some rich Kirghiz sold their pastures and went to wide foothill zones. For example, the land in the vicinity of the village of Zovarik, located in the south of Andijan, was sold by a Kirghiz named Boybichizaur to the local population and Kashkas. As the Russian historian V.P. Nalivkin writes: "Such small lands were sold by the Kirghiz people very cheaply, for one horse or even for a piece of cotton fabric." Some Kirghiz poor people, under the influence of the Uighur and Kokand people, went on to a settled way of life and began to engage in farming. Later, new settlements were formed. Villages under the names "Kashkar", "Ilatan", "Uyghur", "China" and "Yazyavan" appeared as a result of these relocations. Kokand has become a cultural and economic center of the valley. In the year that Norbutabiy died (1798), work was completed on the construction of a madrassah near Erdona Khan's macbara. In addition, Norbutabiy carried out works on the improvement of the state. For example, in the city of Kokand in the mahalla Zhahonobod a garden was erected. The water from the irrigation ditch Gaziaklik was diverted to this garden, with the help of ambassadors and traders from different countries, seeds of flowers and various cultivated ornamental trees were brought in and planted.

In the history of the Uzbek state, Norbutabia can be called a great statesman, wise politician, economist and representative of science and enlightenment. Because in his era in the Fergana Valley, a centralized state was created, a monetary system was introduced, and the economic state of the khanate was improved. In the era of Norbutabia, famous people of culture lived and worked in Kokand. Of these, Muhammad Ghazi, Nadir, Khuzhamnazar Huwaydo, Khozha Maslahatuddin Ummatvali, and his son Khozha Muhammad Nosiruddin .... Norbutabi worshiped Khoja Muhammad Nosiruddin and Khozha Muhammad Yakub Okhund for life, and was their murid. His sons: Muhammad Amin, Muhammad Olim and Muhammad Umarhana also gave Muhammad Nosiruddin to the upbringing. Therefore, the khans Olimhan (1798-1810) and Umarhan (1810), who received the education of Norbutabia, created the condition for the

development of creativity by Mohlrooyim, Uwaisi, Dilshod Barno, Fazli Namangani in the Kokand literary environment.

Used sources:

1.Bosworth C. E. The new Islamic dynasties. A chronological and genealogical manual. N.Y., 1996. Р. 295


УДК 316

Umarova O. J.

Умарова О.Ж. Andijan state medical Institute Андижанский государственный медицинский институт Theacher of the department of social and humanitarian sciences Преподаватель кафедры «Социальный-гуманитарный науки»

Uzbekistan, the city of Andijan Узбекистан, город Андижан SOCIAL AND POLITICAL VIEWS OF JADIDES

Abstract: In this article, we reflect on the socio-political movement of Jadidism

Keywords: spirituality, morality, culture, jadid, society СОЦИАЛЬНО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ ВЗГЛЯДЫ ДЖАДИДОВ

Аннотация: В этой статье мы размышляем общественно-политического движения джадидизма.

Ключевые слова: духовность, нравственность, культура, джадид, общества

The movement of the Jadids (from the Arab «Jadid» - a new one) originated in the territory of the present Republic of Tatarstan and spread in Bukhara, Khiva and Turkestan at the end. XIX - beg. XX century. The Turkestan Jadids were headed by Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Abdukadyr Shakuri, Munavvarkari Abdurashidkhanov, Abdullah Avloni and dozens of other enlighteners. In order to promote the socio-cultural development of Central Asia in a new direction, the Jadid leaders proposed a series of reforms in the fields of education, historiography, literature, the press, religion, and art. They came up with ideas for reassessing and improving ethics, faith, justice, health, improving the status of women, all aspects of life. This movement united representatives of various strata of society, which differed from each other both in terms of social affiliation and their views on individual problems. But the common thing for the Jadids of Turkestan was that they were the bearers of the ideas of independence, freedom and struggle for a brighter future.

The sphere of social life, most acceptable for various national movements, including the movement of the Jadids, was popular education. Comparing East and

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