DIRECTIONS OF ARCHITECTURAL AND DESIGNED MASTERING OF DEVOLANIVSKYI DESCENT. ODESA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tuyrikova O.M., Savchenko N.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the directions of architectural and design development of Devolanivskyi Descent in Odesa (hereinafter referred to as DS). The existing environmental conditions and factors influencing design decisions are considered. The project proposals of students and specialists on the renovation of the DS environment were analyzed. On the basis of compositional constants, promising project areas and areas of project activity are identified. The author’s design proposals for the functional and figurative development of fragments of the territory of the DS are presented. The compositional frameworks of local plot compositions are determined. The problem of the study is the directions of architectural and design mastery of the DS environment. Strategy and tactics of design solutions.

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elements have a variety of characteristics (configuration, proportions, scale, rhythm, texture, etc.), in their overall integrity should provide full-fledged spatiality, which would connect imaginary and real, internal and external processes between structural elements (their masses, and external field).

"Plastic play" is built on the basis of the interaction of various motifs (large-small, monolithic-composite, open-closed, deaf-openwork, hard-soft, approach-removal, stretching-repulsion, concentration-dispersion, attack-slow, etc.).


1. Aronov V. R. Design in the culture of the 20th century: theoretical analysis. concepts: autoref. Thesis. Doctor of Arts / Aronov V.R.-M., 1995.-38 p.

2. Barsukova N. I. Design of the environment in the project culture of postmodernism of the late 20th -early 21st centuries, thesis on the Academic Academic College 17.00.06, doctor of art, http ://cheloveknauka. com/art-dizayn-v-zarubezhnom-proektirovanii-mebeli-xx - beginning of the -xxi-ct.

3. Mykhailov S. M. Interactivity as a defining feature of post-industrial society design, URL: http ://knu.znate.ru/docs/index-410452. html

4. Morozova M. L. Design as art // Zahorod Predmestya Petersburg. — 2008. — No. 5(17) -P 32-33.

5. Chernyshev O.V. Some features of design activities and personal training Artistic and constructive education: Tr. VNIITE ser.: TA — M., 1977.

Tuyrikova O.M.

Doctor of education, associate professor, of the Department of architectural environment design, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Savchenko N. Student-Magister,

of the Department of architectural environment design, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture



Тюржова О.М

кандидат педагогiчних наук, доцент кафедри Дизайну архiтектурного середовища, Одеська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури


Студент магiстратури, кафедри Дизайну архтектурного середовища, Одеська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2023.2.88.340

Summary: The article is devoted to the analysis of the directions of architectural and design development of Devolanivskyi Descent in Odesa (hereinafter referred to as DS). The existing environmental conditions and factors influencing design decisions are considered. The project proposals of students and specialists on the renovation of the DS environment were analyzed. On the basis of compositional constants, promising project areas and areas of project activity are identified. The author's design proposals for the functional and figurative development of fragments of the territory of the DS are presented. The compositional frameworks of local plot compositions are determined. The problem of the study is the directions of architectural and design mastery of the DS environment. Strategy and tactics of design solutions.

Анотащя. Стаття присвячена аналiзу напрямшв архггектурно- дизайнерського опанування Деволашвського узвозу м. Одеса (далi ДС).

Розглянуп юнуючи середовищш умови та фактори впливу на проектш ршення. Проаналiзовано проектш пропозици студенпв та фахiвцiв з реноваци середовища ДС. На mдставi композицшних констант, вщокремлено перспективш проектш ареали та напрямки проектно! дгяльностг Наведеш авторсьш проектш пропозици щодо функцюнального та образного опанування фрагменпв територи ДС. Проблема дослвдження - напрямки архггектурно- дизайнерського опанування середовища ДС. Стратепя i тактика проектних ршень.

Keywords: existing environmental conditions, compositional framework, compositional constants, factors influencing compositional decisions, local plot compositions.

The relevance of the work is to identify areas of innovation in the historically developed environment of the DS. Devolanivskyi Uzviz Street is a special zone of the historic center of Odesa. It is deep, elongated, has a complicated history and chaotic development. There is

no systematic strategy for modern development. There is no prospective contingent that makes sense to target. Locations and connections are organized randomly. The compositional idea of the street of seven bridges

and the "pipeline" under them needs to be adjusted to new realities.

There are publications in the press, scholarly articles, project proposals by students, public opinion, and unsuccessful experiences with the development and functional filling of the street. However, there is still no system and logical justification for the strategy of architectural and design searches for harmony between the past and the present in the DS. This makes the object, subject, goal, and objectives of the study relevant.

The object - is Devolanivskyi Descent as an object of architectural and design project.

Subject: directions and limits of modern interventions in the historical and cultural framework of the DS environment. The balance of innovation and tradition.

The goal is to determine the directions of architectural and design development of the DS environment, taking into account the balance of modern and historical.


Identify the factors influencing the architectural and design development of the DS environment.

To analyze existing project proposals for the renovation of the DS environment.

To propose a strategy and directions of project activities in the DS environment.

The historical and cultural heritage of Odesa is in decline. Commercial interests sometimes prevail over the idea of preserving the historical heritage and uniqueness of the city. There are examples of deliberate destruction of objects, replacement of masterpieces with commercially expedient buildings. Devolanivskyi Descent is a cloaca in the city center with all the characteristic phenomena of anti-culture. The place is

Photographic recording of the area allows us to identify key reference points (Fig.2), which include: bridges and stairs from bridges (from above and below); historical buildings, modern high-rise

depressing and antisocial in nature. But even in this form, it attracts individual merchants and businesses that tear the whole object to shreds because they see prospects and appreciate the benefits of its location in the historic center of the city. But some commercial projects have no prospects, they are doomed to be destroyed by time and decay. Only those that embody the general idea and are subordinating to a certain strategy for the development of the entire DS can survive.

The factors that determine the project potential include:

- the territory belongs to the historical center of the


- proximity to cultural, educational, recreational, industrial and administrative centers;

- transportation connections at all levels;

- bridges and visual corridors that ensure the uniqueness and originality of the environment;

- the length of the street that connects five blocks;

- the presence of relief and slopes, which allows for the formation of additional viewpoints;

- two-tiered historical buildings;

- connections with the "upper city" from transverse transport routes (Hretska, Bunina, Zhukovskogo streets) and pedestrian stairs;

- the possibility of additional pedestrian connections from Polsky Descent;

- the presence of confusing and ambiguous legends of the area, which gives a maneuver to the search for an artistic image;

- industrial past, underground character, which determines the benchmarks of modernization and focus on subcultural solutions. Fig. 1. Shows the schemes of the factor-by-factor analysis of the current environmental situation.

buildings, silhouettes of buildings with height differences; style diversity, visual corridor and perspectives, sky as a factor of design mastery.

Fig. l.Schemes of development of analysis.

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Fig.2. Photographic recording of the area.

This information makes it possible to define project tasks for architectural and design development of the DS and to analyze existing projects for compliance with these tasks. Project tasks:

Divide the integrity into separate locations characterized by their appearance, function, origin, environmental scenario, potential visitors, etc.

Identify constant and variable areas. Check them for interconnectedness. Identify visual and semantic connections.

Table 1.

Presents the project proposals of students and project institutions.

Table 1.

Design options for the Devolanivskyi Descent in Odesa

№, authors Project proposals, design ideas

Reusch N «Scaffolding»

Komissarenko «Following the light»»

Novikov M. «Art center»

Umanenko I. «Semi-factory»

Zhirova A. «Overpasses»

Develop an environmental scenario for the locations. Coordinate the local scenario with the general one.

Identify characteristic and potentially possible artistic themes and sources of imagery. Based on these themes, develop a design idea for the location.

Combine local themes and scenarios into a coherent composition.


Fig.3. Reusch N'sproject «Scaffolding»

Fig.4. Komissarenko's project «Following the light»

Fig.5. Novikov's project «Art Center»

Fig. 6. Umanenko 's project «Semi-factory»

Дизайн промышленной среды на Деволановском спуске

Fig. 7. Zhirova'sproject «Overpasses»

The project proposals identified the following areas of architectural and design development of the DS environment:

Separation of the territory into a pedestrian zone;

Preservation of bridges and vistas, rebuilding the composition along the historical axis;

Introducing the idea of alternative culture, youth leisure, a certain visual and behavioral challenge;

Formation of local groups around the entrance areas;

Creation of functional and visual "pockets" in places where the original building or function has been lost;

Focusing on the youth contingent of creative orientation and tourist needs;

Dominance of the idea of intersection and flows of spaces, formation of indoor and outdoor compositions;

Providing a style mix based on historical and technological styles;

Activation of nightlife and creative leisure, shows


Formation of ecosystems as self-sufficient compositions;

Balancing the heights by switching attention or creating an alternative height element;

Color explosion.

The author's design solution specifies these directions through a cross-cutting theme (cinema-steamer); a mix of Empire forms, organic architecture and modern techno; preservation of the historical axis within favorable prospects and its rejection in some cases; expansion and enrichment of the boundaries of visual corridors, by including the upper and lower tiers,

terracing in the composition; switching attention to an extra-architectural object, a new symbol of the DS; formation of several independent parallel themes and scenarios.

Conclusions. As a result of the study of the existing environmental situation, historical and cultural tradition and modern design proposals, the following were identified: basic design conditions; significant factors, tasks for design mastery of the DS environment. The leading directions include not full, but partial preservation of the historical framework and compositional structure; orientation and design and social experiment and challenge, youth contingent; reconstruction of several artistic and scenario themes, ensuring the flow and variability of open and closed spaces, involving the sky in the figurative concept; the use of attention switching techniques, attention management, etc. Further research can be aimed at developing a nighttime scenario for DS.


Selinov V. What do the construction archives of the province keep (materials of the construction committee of «old Odesa") // Local history. - 1927

Old Odesa. Architecture of the Black Sea Region // Odesa State Museum - Odesa, 1927; Catalog of maps, plans, drawings, and pictures kept in the museum of the Imperial Odesa Society of History and Antiquities. -Odesa, 1888

History of Odesa. / Editor-in-chief V.M. Stanko. -Odesa, 2002

V. Pilyavsky «Architects of Odesa», Optimum,



http ://www. odessitclub. org/guidebook/page_street.ph p?id=68

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https://m-a-d-m-a-x.livejournal.com/85571 .html https://usionline.com/devolanovskij-spusk-kladbishhe-pamyatnikov-arhitektury-foto/

https://www.048.ua/news/2918559/devolanovskij -spusk-v-odesse-trusoby-ili-art-obekt-fotoreportaz https://zaborona.com/majbutnye-v-ruyinah

Тюргкова Олена МиколаХвна

кандидат педагогiчних наук, доцент кафедри Дизайну архiтектурного середовища, Одеська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури

Недошитко Олег Михайлович Асистент кафедри рисунку, живопису та архтектурног графжи Одеська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури

Чуйко Ксенш студент, група 606ДАС кафедри Дизайну архтектурного середовища, Одеська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури


Tuyrikova O.M.

Doctor of education, associate professor, of the Department of architectural environment design, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Nedoshytko Oleg Assistant professor,

of the department of drawing, painting and architectural graphics Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Chuiko Kseniia Student DAS 436,

of the Department of architectural environment design, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2023.2.88.341 Abstract: The work is devoted to approaches to the development of the accent-dominant structure of Dyukovsky Garden in Odesa. Based on the application of compositional analysis and art methods, the design potential and development directions of the composition of the park as a whole and of the base locations in particular were revealed. The problem of compositional development of monuments of garden and park art or historical and cultural landscape objects has several dimensions. The need to preserve and restore the basic compositional structure appears in contradiction with the tasks of renovating the territory, saturating it with modern functions and forms, attracting a certain perspective contingent, commercial calculations. Historical parks are considered as an artistic integrity, all elements of which have subordination and connections. Applied environmental, art and associative-geometric approaches to the determination of mobile and stable elements of the composition. It has been established that the unifying factor that works with space and time in Dyukovsky Garden is water in all its manifestations. The accent-dominant structure does not consist of isolated park structures, but of landscape dominants (reservoirs), basic axes and means of their detection. Park architecture and structures play a different role in this complex, and are subordinate to it. Have a manifestation in retro forms; in forms adapted to the landscape; in water-architectural complexes, in individual expedient objects within a "small" composition.

Анотащя: Робота присвячена тдходам до розвитку акценто-домшантно1 структури Дюковського саду м. Одеса. На n^CTaBi застосування композицшного аналiзу та арт- методiв виявлено проектний потенщал та напрямки розвитку композици парку в цшому та базових локацш зокрема. Проблема композицшного розвитку пам'яток садово-паркового мистецтва або юторико- культурних ландшафтних об'екпв мае дешлька вимiрiв. Необхвдшсть збереження та ввдновлення базово1 композицшно1 структури постае у протирiччя з завданнями реноваци територи, насичення ïï сучасними функциями та формами, залучення певного перспективного контингенту, комерцшними розрахунками. !сторичш парки


http://www.zastropi.narod.ru/stati/most/Novikov _most_v_Odesse.html

http://www.zastropi.narod.ru/stati/most/Most_Ko cebu_v_Odesse.html


http://www.odessit.ua/news/odessika/9022-devolanovskiy-spusk-kanava-opravdyvaet-svoe-nazvanie -foto. html

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