BIOPHILIC DESIGN AS ONE OF THE METHODS FOR PLANNING SUSTAINABLE AND SMART ENVIRONMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Konsyna O.M., Bondarenko A.R.

The article substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines the purpose and objectives of the study, the object and subject of scientific work, the state of the problem and research methods, traces aspects of scientific novelty, and indicates the theoretical value and practical significance of the work done. The research, which is conducted within the scientific activities of the Department of Drawing, Painting, and Architectural Graphics, the Department of Design of the Architectural Environment, indicates the need to consider innovative educational processes as part of the practical activities of architects aimed at adapting the city to new challenges. The article discusses the issues related to the use of research results in the development and improvement of programs for disciplines of departments for architecture students and the methodology for depicting a relevant design solution for human living and their environment in modern times, which develops compositional thinking of future architects. Also, one of the main issues of today - biophilic design, as one of the methods of alternative modern architecture, is considered. The necessity of integrating traditional academic and innovative approaches in teaching drawing as a comprehensive subject in the architectural profession has been substantiated. The theoretical foundations of the disciplines "Drawing" and "Architectural Design" have been disclosed, taking into account the peculiarities of professional activity of specialists in architecture. Conditions for improving creative training in the system of professional training of architects at a university have been identified. A comparative analysis of student works on drawing and sketch design of interiors, exteriors, and urban environments has been conducted in a leading domestic higher education institution in architecture - OSACEA. A classification of techniques for drawing interiors, exteriors, and urban environments during practical online classes on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd courses of the AAI has been carried out. A theoretical sequence of stages for completing a task on drawing architectural objects in the city, including the external appearance of buildings and particularly identifying the use of biophilic design in interiors, has been proposed and theoretically justified. The article discusses current approaches in education and their reflection in architectural solutions of higher education institutions based on the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign experience. East European Scientific Journal #3(88), 2023 5 New educational methodologies that correspond to these transformations are being studied. Conceptual and practical solutions in the field of architectural space imaging in higher education institutions have been identified, which correspond to current changes in the educational process system.

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УДК: 72.02

Konsyna O.M.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Drawing, Painting, and Architectural Graphics at the Architectural and Art Institute of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,

located at 4 Didrikhsona Street, Odessa 65029, Ukraine. Email: ОRCID: 0000-0001-5270-1368. Phone: +380677315167

Bondarenko A.R.

Student of A-341 at the Architectural and Art Institute of t he Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, located at 4 Didrikhsona Street, Odessa 65029, Ukraine. Phone: +380983592687



Коншина О.М.

Старший преподаватель кафедры Рисунка, живописи и архитектурной графики

Архитектурно-художественного института Одесской государственной академии строительства и архитектуры,

ул. Дидрихсона, 4, Одесса 65029, Украина ОRCID: 0000-0001-5270-1368. Телефон: +380677315167

Бондаренко А.Р.

Студентка А-341 Архитектурно-художественного института Одесской государственной академии строительства и архитектуры, ул. Дидрихсона, 4, Одесса 65029, Украина. Телефон: +380983592687



DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2023.2.88.345

Summary. The article substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines the purpose and objectives of the study, the object and subject of scientific work, the state of the problem and research methods, traces aspects of scientific novelty, and indicates the theoretical value and practical significance of the work done.

The research, which is conducted within the scientific activities of the Department of Drawing, Painting, and Architectural Graphics, the Department of Design of the Architectural Environment, indicates the need to consider innovative educational processes as part of the practical activities of architects aimed at adapting the city to new challenges.

The article discusses the issues related to the use of research results in the development and improvement of programs for disciplines of departments for architecture students and the methodology for depicting a relevant design solution for human living and their environment in modern times, which develops compositional thinking of future architects. Also, one of the main issues of today - biophilic design, as one of the methods of alternative modern architecture, is considered.

The necessity of integrating traditional academic and innovative approaches in teaching drawing as a comprehensive subject in the architectural profession has been substantiated.

The theoretical foundations of the disciplines "Drawing" and "Architectural Design" have been disclosed, taking into account the peculiarities of professional activity of specialists in architecture.

Conditions for improving creative training in the system of professional training of architects at a university have been identified.

A comparative analysis of student works on drawing and sketch design of interiors, exteriors, and urban environments has been conducted in a leading domestic higher education institution in architecture - OSACEA.

A classification of techniques for drawing interiors, exteriors, and urban environments during practical online classes on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd courses of the AAI has been carried out.

A theoretical sequence of stages for completing a task on drawing architectural objects in the city, including the external appearance of buildings and particularly identifying the use of biophilic design in interiors, has been proposed and theoretically justified.

The article discusses current approaches in education and their reflection in architectural solutions of higher education institutions based on the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign experience.

New educational methodologies that correspond to these transformations are being studied. Conceptual and practical solutions in the field of architectural space imaging in higher education institutions have been identified, which correspond to current changes in the educational process system.

Анотация. В статье обоснована актуальность темы исследования, определены цели и задачи исследования, объект и предмет научной работы, состояние проблемы и методы исследования, прослежены аспекты научной новизны, указана теоретическая ценность и практическое значение проделанной работы.

Исследование, проводимое в рамках научной деятельности кафедры Рисунка, живописи и архитектурной графики, кафедры Дизайна архитектурной среды, указывает на необходимость рассмотрения инновационных образовательных процессов как части практической деятельности архитекторов, направленной на адаптацию города к новым вызовам современности.

В статье рассматриваются вопросы использования результатов исследования темы, при разработке и совершенствовании программ по дисциплинам кафедр для студентов-архитекторов и методике изображения актуального решения дизайна жилья человека, и его окружающей среды в современности, которая развивает композиционное мышление будущих зодчих. Также рассматривается один из главных вопросов - биофильный дизайн, как один из методов альтернативной современной архитектуры.

Обоснована необходимость интеграции традиционного академического и инновационного подходов к обучению изображения как комплексного учебного предмета в профессии архитектора.

Раскрыты теоретические основы дисциплины «Рисунок» и «Архитектурное проектирование» с учетом особенностей профессиональной деятельности специалистов в архитектуре.

Выявлены условия усовершенствования творческой подготовки в системе профессиональной подготовки архитекторов в высшей архитектурной школе.

Проведен сравнительный анализ студенческих работ изображения и эскизного проектирования интерьеров, экстерьеров и городской среды в Одесской государственной академии строительства и архитектуры.

Осуществлена классификация приемов изображения интерьеров, экстерьеров и городской среды, во время проведения практических он-лайн занятий на 1, 2 и 3 курсах АХИ.

Предложена и теоретически обоснована последовательность этапов выполнения задания по изображению объектов архитектуры в городе как внешнего вида построек, так и особенно выявления использования биофильного дизайна в интерьерах и экстерьерах.

В статье рассмотрены актуальные подходы к образованию и их отражение в архитектурных решениях высших учебных заведений на основе анализа украинского и зарубежного опыта.

Изучаются новые методики образования, соответствующие этим трансформациям. Выявлены концептуальные и практические решения в области изображения архитектурных пространств в вузах, соответствующих актуальным изменениям в системе образовательного процесса.

Keywords: higher architectural education, drawing, architectural design, biophilic design, outdoor painting, artistic and graphic skills, exterior, interior.

Ключевые слова: высшее архитектурное образование, рисунок, архитектурное проектирование, биофильный дизайн, пленэр, художественно-графические умения и навыки, экстерьер, интерьер.

The term "biophilia" was first coined by German psychoanalyst Erich Fromm in 1973 and defined as "the love of life." The term was popularized by American biologist Edward O. Wilson in the 1980s when he observed how the growing rates of urbanization led to a disconnect with the natural world. Biophilia is rooted in human nature's love for living creatures and objects. People have a genetic need to interact with nature and its biophilic forms due to evolutionary dependence on survival and for positive emotions. Biophilia combines such familiar concepts as sustainable design, ecological design, biomimicry in the architectural environment, floristics, and more.

The understanding of environmental sustainability, directly related to biophilia, is based on the 1987 United Nations document in which sustainability is defined as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Natural systems are crucial for the functioning of cities, but they are typically seen as separate from urban development. The biophilic approach posits that

humans, as a part of nature, surround themselves with its elements at all scales - from large urban fragments to the private spaces of residential areas. In this case, sustainability manifests itself in a duality: protecting humans from the harmful effects of the environment on one hand, and protecting the environment from destructive human actions on the other.

Problem statement. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that biophilic design has become more actively developed and implemented in our lives in recent years, becoming more relevant than ever before. This system includes studying the relationships and interactions of all environmental factors aimed at maintaining human health at all stages of life. Recently, specifically since 2019 when the world faced the coronavirus (COVID-19) and from February 24, 2022, when a full-scale invasion of a neighboring country -Russia into sovereign Ukraine began, all these events have caused a massive nervous state among people that needs to be corrected to establish and improve their lives after victory.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

Different aspects of the environmental direction in scientific works can be conventionally divided into four groups:

1) systematization of theory and practice of the ecological direction in adjacent fields of knowledge (psychology, ergonomics, design theory, sociology). Among the authors, the following should be mentioned: O. Genisaretsky1, G. Kur'yerova2, V. Danilenko3, O. Boychuk4 and O. Halushka4, K. Kondratyeva5, O. Bodnar6, V. Svirko7, B. Barkhin8, V. Papanek9, and others.;

2) research on the relationship between production and design activities and the formation of the ecological environment includes authors such as M. Pankina10 and S. Zakharova10, L. Jones11, and J. Gallopine12.;

3) Studies that explore the issues of the ecological direction in education, authors include: I. Bondarenko13, O. Vasina14, V. Prusak15, and others.;

4) the aspects of the influence of natural components on human psychological state were considered by O. Kopitin16 and V. Yasvin17.

In the article "Conceptual Foundations of Eco-Art Therapy", O. Kopitin provides a characterization of art therapy practices from the perspective of an ecological approach. The researcher uses the term "eco-art therapy" to describe manifestations of this approach in the context of contemporary trends towards greater involvement of natural factors in human life. Kopitin emphasizes the connections between eco-art therapy and environmental psychology, and the potential for creative activities to be used as a means of changing people's attitudes towards nature and their necessary interaction with the natural environment. It should be noted that due to the intensification of environmental issues in recent years, many organizations and leading architectural firms in different countries have been tasked with defining aspects of project practice with consideration of the biophilic design concept, which requires theoretical and project-artistic rethinking. Thus, despite the existence of a number of publications on this topic, the absence of a separate independent study on the formation of the learning environment of a school based on the concept of biophilic design indicates the relevance of the problem.

1 Genisaretsky O. I. Ecology of Culture: From Value Orientations to Project Conceptualism. Genisaretsky O. I. Theoretical and Project Problems. Ecology of Culture. Moscow: All-Russian Institute of Cultural Studies, 1991. Pp. 39-40.

2 Kurierova G. G. A New Model of Design. Project-Search Concepts of the Second Half of the 20th Century. Moscow, 1993, 152 p.

3 Danilenko V. Ya. Ecology of Thinking in Design. Kharkiv: KhDAAD, 2003. 320 p.

4 Boichuk O. V., Halushka O. O. Basic Directions

of Ecodesign Development. Formation, Development

and Current Problems of Higher Art and Industrial

Education in Ukraine: Abstracts of Reports of the All-

Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Conference.

Kharkiv: KPI, 1996. Pp. 28-29.

5 Kondrateva K. A. Design and Ecology of Culture. Moscow: MGHPA named after S.G. Stroganov, 2000. 105 p.

6 Bodnar O. Ya. Current Problems of Modern Design Theory. Current Problems of Research, Restoration and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. 2005. Issue 2. Pp. 22-27.

7 Fundamentals of Ergodesign / V. O. Svirko, O. V. Boichuk, V. M. Goloborodko, A. L. Rubtsov; Ukr. Research Institute of Design and Ergonomics, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art. Kyiv: NAU, 2011. 300 p.: ill., tables.

8 Barkhin B. G. Methodology of Architectural Design in the System of Architectural Education. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1969. 224 p.

9 Papanek V. Design for the Real World / trans. from English by V. Severeskaya. Moscow: D. Aronov, 2004. 416 p.

10 Pankina M. V., Zakharova S. V. Ecological Design as a Direction of Modern Design. Definition of the Concept. Modern Problems of Science and Education. 2013. No. 4. URL: http://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=9670 (accessed: 01/24/2020).

11 Jones L. Environmentally Responsible Design: Green and Sustainable Design for Interior Designers. John Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008. 432 p.

12 Gallopm G. C. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators and the Concept of Situational Indicators. A Systems Approach. Environmental Modeling & Assessment. 1996. No. 1. P. 101-117.

13 Bondarenko I. V. Ecological Approach in Environmental Design: Requirements and Advantages of Using Modular Objects. Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art. Kharkiv: KhDAAD, 2011. No. 4. Pp. 8-10.

14 Vasina O. V. Design thinking in the context of the ecological paradigm. Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Kharkiv: KSADA, 2016. No. 6. Pp. 4-8.

15 Prusak V. F. Program of comprehensive environmental training for students of the "Design" specialty in the direction of 0202 "Art". Lviv: RVV UkrDLTU, 2004. 10 p.

16 Kopytin A. I. Conceptual foundations of eco-art therapy. Medical Psychology in Russia. 2019. Vol. 11, No. 1. Pp. 4.

17 Yasvin V. A. Psychology of attitude to nature. Moscow: Smysl, 2000. 456 p.: ill.

Identification of previously unresolved parts of

the general problem. The research and experience of this work have allowed to formulate contradictions between:

- humanization of architectural and artistic education as a strategic line of modernization of the system of professional training, and the established traditions of professional training of architects;

- stereotypes of architectural solutions that have developed during the years of command-administrative regulation of the economy in Ukraine, and modern

requirements for the organization of the material and spatial environment;

- the need for interdisciplinary integration of blocks of disciplines of artistic and architectural cycles, and the level of development of theoretical and methodological foundations for their provision.

Despite the number of scientific studies and positive experience in improving certain aspects of the process of graphic representation of interiors and exteriors, as well as preliminary sketches, the topic remains relevant. This has led to the problem of our research: determining theoretical issues regarding the application of the laws of linear and aerial perspective in the representation of architecture and the architectural environment; studying and analyzing architecture and its relationship with the surrounding environment; developing the creative activity and initiative of students, their artistic needs and aesthetic taste in the conditions of artistic activity; forming skills of artistic selection, the ability to choose the most important from variety, compositionally think - the ability to create artistic images using graphic representation means.

The need to improve the quality of professional training for future architects in this direction was determined by the choice of research topic.

The goal of the article - improving the professional training of architecture students in the process of graphic representation of architecture, pre-project proposal sketches, in the system of interrelations and interactions of all factors of the environment, aimed at maintaining human health at all stages of life.

Research objectives:

During the research of this phenomenon, the following tasks were solved:

1. studying and analyzing architecture and its interaction with the environment;

2. developing creative activity and initiative of students, their artistic needs and aesthetic taste in the conditions of visual arts activities.

Object of research:

1. Graphic representation of architecture, sketches of pre-project proposals, within the system of interrelations and interactions of all environmental factors aimed at maintaining human health at all stages of life.

Subject of research:

1. Professional training of architecture students.

Presentation of the main research material.

Urban life plays a significant role in modern human ecology. The percentage of the world's population living in cities has increased from 5% to 50% over the last two centuries. As a result, the human population is becoming increasingly urbanized. Urbanization brings about changes in social relationships and can lead to many changes in human behavior [5, 9]. On the one hand, the urban environment is diverse and stimulates new opportunities. On the other hand, large concentrations of people often lead to alienation and deindividualization. Urban populations have long been

incubators and gateways for infectious diseases. Air pollution, traffic accidents, and the formation of the urban "heat island" (a meteorological phenomenon that results in higher temperatures in urban areas compared to surrounding suburban regions) [7] are just a few of the threats posed by cities.

Biophilic design, "whose goal is to create optimal environments for people as biological organisms living within the conditions of modern infrastructure" [8, 10], is capable of making significant changes in various environmental situations. Society is increasingly aware of the importance of environmentally responsible design - designers have a huge impact on the sustainability of the environment, as they decide which materials and products will be used and how people will interact with the surrounding space in an environmentally friendly manner.

Biophilic design in urban environments.

Biophilic urbanism aims to achieve a connection between people and nature in modern urban development by incorporating direct or indirect elements of nature into the urban space. The inclusion of plants in newly created artificial environments is one of the proven methods that promote ecologically interrelated design solutions at different scales and allow for the restoration of natural systems in the urban environment. This involves the integration of nature into the design of the surrounding environment, from the scale of an individual building to the street, neighborhood, district, etc.

An example of using this technique is the project proposal "Fragment of the recreational area for students on the academy's territory" (drawings 1, 2, 3). The object of development is areas free from buildings with vegetation in the form of individual trees and shrubs. Sanitation of greenery, zoning of the territory, functional and planning measures aimed at optimizing the space, and the development of a stylistic, compositional, and coloristic solution for the site should be carried out on the territory of the internal enclosed spaces (central alley, space near the AAI and GS academic buildings, space along the dormitories №4 and №2, territory in front of the CT academic building). The task was to integrate small architectural forms into the existing space, while preserving the integrity of the surrounding environment, supporting the idea of unity with nature and the environment, and using materials to "dissolve" structural elements in space. During the creation of the site planning solution, modern trends in open space design were taken into account. The following elements were used: a gazebo on a tree, a covered pavilion in a spherical shape where a cafe-orangery is located. They are a compositional dominant of the areas, physically articulate the space, set the scale and emotional-artistic impression, dictate the behavioral scenario on the territory, a certain way of actions. These architectural elements are a connecting link between the levels (lower and upper) of the areas, integrated with stairs in the structure that complete the transition connecting the opposite sides of the courtyard space of the academy.

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Drawing 1. Fragment of a sketch for the improvement of the student recreation area on the academy grounds.

Author: student of group A-155, Sinitsina A.O. Supervisor: senior lecturer Konshyna O.M., Zavarza 1.0.

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Drawing 2. Fragment of the student rest area on the academy's territory.

Author: student of group A-155, Khamid A. Supervisor: senior lecturer Konshyna O.M., Zavarza 1.0.

Drawing 3. Fragment of the student rest area on the academy's territory. Author: student of group A-155, Karachkovska I. Supervisor: senior lecturer: Konshyna O.M., Zavarza 1.0.

On different sides of the cafe-pavilion, galleries are arranged as mobile, temporary exhibition zones that serve as observation platforms. Each of them has entrances through stairs. The galleries provide panoramic views of the territory from different angles. Plants integrated into the structural design of metal supports serve as a thoughtful integration of nature into the artificial environment. Overall, the task of a comprehensive use of the territory of the recreation area is solved.

The concept of biophilic design in interior design. Designers have long understood that natural elements such as natural light, natural materials, water, and living plants create a comfortable atmosphere, and have used them in interiors. However, biophilic design addresses the task on a much larger scale—not just to create a cozy place for work or living, but to fundamentally improve people's mental and physical well-being (drawing 4).

Drawing 4. Fragment of the design sketch for the apartment renovation. Author: student of group A-332, Yufit A. Supervisor: associate professor Konshyna O.M.

Bedroom interior.

The room is intended to have a variety of plants. Opposite the window, next to a cozy seating area, there is a small winter garden that is illuminated by built-in panel sources directly above the garden.

A comfortable microclimate is provided by installed water filters in the boudoir area, as well as built-in air purifiers. Due to the presence of large window openings and open spaces, a heating system is built into the lower panel around the perimeter of the room.

The project makes use of wood, fabrics, canvas, and plaster as organic materials with a natural composition. As for recycling, this position can be anticipated by relying on fabric and canvas items. Wooden furniture with an intact exterior appearance can be reused by repainting and adding to it.

The project makes use of subdued, pastel tones and multi-level lighting to alleviate visual strain. There are darker shades of wood, and wall-mounted bedside lamps are illuminated. Floor lighting creates a maximum feeling of softness as the light accentuates and emanates from another source.

Conclusion: The interior of the private zone initially envisioned an ecological approach in all aspects to create a harmonious space and minimize the boundaries between the natural environment and the environment of ordinary interior design solutions. It is well-known that the use of plants is a method of improving the microclimate of a room. Additionally, plants regulate humidity and the chemical composition of the air, enriching it with oxygen and purifying it of carbon dioxide, toxic substances, and dust. They also ionize and humidify the air and create additional sound insulation.

Ways of biophilic design

1. Internal and external views of nature (landscaping, landscape design, and aqua design) are techniques of biophilic design. Incorporating vegetation into interior spaces should be significant (e.g., using green walls or a large number of potted plants). It is widely known that plants have a positive impact on physical health, productivity, and reduce stress. Interaction with representatives of the fauna (aquariums, bird cages, etc.) promotes interest, mental stimulation, and satisfaction. In fact, being surrounded by natural elements (or elements that mimic nature) generally has a calming effect.

2. Quality control of air, toxin levels, and ventilation (protection from pollution and ensuring comfort). People spend most of their time indoors, so ensuring a healthy environment should be a top priority for an interior designer. When designing a healthy space, several factors should be considered, such as air quality, heating, ventilation, lighting, and acoustics. Indoor air pollution is one of the biggest environmental threats to public health. To improve indoor air quality, it is important for air to circulate regularly and remain fresh.

3. The use of natural materials and recycling. When choosing interior finishing materials, interior designers should, on the one hand, prefer natural

materials with a high degree of environmental safety. On the other hand, they should understand their responsibility for the rational use of the environment. The planet's valuable resources are limited, so recycling and repurposing are a priority. Designers can (and should) come up with creative ways to give new life to used materials.

Another way interior designers can help reduce depletion of natural resources (and divert waste from landfills) is to choose synthetic materials (provided they are environmentally friendly) that are made from recycled waste or can be renewed or recycled at the end of their lifecycle. With this approach, waste becomes a raw material for new products, creating a circular production cycle that effectively minimizes or even eliminates waste.

4. Color solutions with consideration of natural landscapes. Natural colors or "earth tones" are those that are commonly found in nature and are often subdued pastel shades of brown, green, and blue. The color scheme of biophilic interiors should include these natural tones. Bright colors should be used with caution.

5. Improved natural and artificial lighting. The impact of natural light is another beneficial factor for both physical and psychological health. This is particularly important for workspaces as natural lighting reduces stress and increases productivity. To save energy used for lighting, much can be done simply by choosing the right colors. Lighter tones reflect more light, while rooms with darker walls and furniture require more artificial lighting. The use of reflective surfaces increases the amount of light in a room by reflecting it, reducing the reliance on artificial lighting. Installing home automation allows for remote control of lighting systems, which also helps to use the building's energy more efficiently and economically.

6. Optimization and organization of space with a focus on the human element. In the conditions where urban green areas, lost with the development of urbanization, are drawing city dwellers away from nature, biophilic design elements are a part of a design approach aimed at bringing nature inside to create a sensory atmosphere in which people can achieve comfort, health, and relaxation through a connection with nature. Through the conducted research, the design elements that influence the atmosphere in the premises are detailed.

Residential interior analysis:

Greening, landscape design, and aqua design

Protection from pollution and ensuring comfort

Use of natural materials and recycling

Color solutions based on natural landscapes

Improved natural and artificial lighting

Conclusions and prospects for further development in this direction.

Biophilia is becoming increasingly important for our health and well-being in artificial environments:

1. Modern design development cannot exist without relying on the ecological knowledge of the designer. This knowledge should relate to both the protection of the environment from the consequences

of human activity that can destroy it, and the protection of humans from the adverse effects of an environment changed as a result of anthropogenic factors.

2. The designer of the architectural environment bears responsibility for the quality of their design decisions and can have an impact on the well-being of people in the surrounding space, whether it is an interior or a fragment of the urban environment.

3. Biophilic design, which combines several disciplines (ecodesign, floristics, biodesign, etc.), is not just a trendy style of architectural and design planning, but forms a new way of design thinking, based on the belief that humans are part of nature and are inextricably linked to it.

4. Biophilic design will allow cities to better adapt to stresses that arise from climate change and thus the local environment.

5. The results indicate that biophilic design and planning can be considered a useful paradigm for addressing the challenges posed by the city of the future, including in terms of resilience, by rethinking and improving the relationship between humans and nature in the urban context.

The research goals, such as developing students' abilities for observation, quickly perceiving proportional, constructive features and light-tonal relationships, fostering creative activity and initiative, artistic needs and aesthetic taste in the context of visual arts, have contributed practical skills to the creative nature of artistic exploration. This provided the opportunity to flexibly manipulate imaginary models of the object in the mind and visual forms, techniques, and space, directly determining the sequence of the creative learning process, mobilizing students' creative efforts, stimulating the invention of original solutions, and aiming at the development of an individual authorial style.


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Tyurikova Olena,

candidate of educational sciences, associate professor, of the Department of architectural environment design, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Nedoshitko Oleg, Assistant professor,

of the department of drawing, painting and architectural graphics Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Lazareva K.M., Master of architecture, of the Department of architectural environment design, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture



Тюршова О.М.,

кандидат педагогiчних наук, доцент кафедри Дизайну архiтектурного середовища,

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