Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2023. №1(62). a 107-125 ARCHITECTURE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES
Original article
UDC/yflK 719:711.455.06(470)
DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2023-1-107-125
Architectural Implementation of the Concept of the Tourist Brand of Russia
Yulia V. Gorgorova1
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia [email protected]
Abstract: The official tourist brand of Russia is built on the disclosure of the diversity of Russia (the whole world is in Russia), and its visual image is inspired by the avant-garde. The avantgarde is a global phenomenon that has become a hallmark of Russia, including thanks to the preserved architectural heritage of this period. To implement this concept in architecture and urban planning, it is necessary to identify valuable architectural objects and identify cities to which such an idea can be applied as a strategy for the development of this tourist area. A successful example of the implementation of such an idea for another historical period is the "Golden Ring of Russia". The architectural and urban-planning implementation of the concept of the tourist brand of Russia can stimulate the development of cities, contribute to the preservation of architectural heritage.
Keywords: architectural heritage, architecture, constructivism, territorial brand, urban design. For citation: Gorgorova Yu.V. Architectural Implementation of the Concept of the Tourist Brand of Russia. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2023, no. 1 (62), pp. 107-125. Available at: kvart23/PDF/06 gorgorova.pdf DOI: 10.24412/19984839-2023-1-107-125
Научная статья
Архитектурное воплощение концепции туристического бренда России
Юлия Владимировна Горгорова1
Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия [email protected]
Аннотация: Официальный туристический бренд России построен на раскрытии многообразия России (Весь мир в России), а его визуальный образ вдохновлен авангардом. Авангард - это глобальное явление, ставшее визитной карточкой России, в том числе благодаря сохранившемуся архитектурному наследию этого периода. Для реализации данной концепции в архитектуре и градостроительстве необходимо выявить ценные архитектурные объекты и определить города, к которым можно применить такую идею как стратегию развития этой туристической территории. Успешным примером реализации подобной идеи для другого исторического периода является «Золотое кольцо России». Архитектурное и градостроительное воплощение концепции туристического бренда России может стимулировать развитие городов, способствовать сохранению архитектурного наследия.
Ключевые слова: архитектурное наследие, архитектура, конструктивизм, территориальный бренд, городской дизайн
1 © Горгорова Ю.В., 2023
Для цитирования: Горгорова Ю.В. Архитектурное воплощение концепции туристического бренда России // Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2023. № 1(62). С. 107-125. URL: kvart23/PDF/06 gorgorova.pdf DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2023-1-107-125
At present time, in the conditions of competition between cities for investments, it is important to determine the uniqueness of a city and the strategy for its development. In the general perception, there are established images of cities formed by the work of writers, directors, poets and artists. However, the formation of the brand for the territory should be conscious and stimulate the process of economic and spatial development of the city.
In research works, there are a large number of definitions of place brand, city brand, territory brand. Approximately ninety definitions of these terms are given in the studies of D. Aaker, S. Anholt, C. Asplunada, I. Balderian, J. Bowen, F. Kotler, E. Rayne, D. Haider, D. Huff, G. Makenz, G.J. Ashworth and others. M. Cavarazis summarized the definitions of these authors.
This researcher formulated the term territory branding and determined that it is one of the fundamental tools of urban development, that is the process of conscious purposeful formation of the brand of the territory, aimed at increasing its economic, tourism and investment attractiveness [18].
Most studies in the field of city branding have involved marketing professionals. Thus, the issues of formation of the tourist attractiveness of the region and the concept of territory branding are considered in the works of N.P. Shalygina, M.V. Selyukov, E.V. Kurach. Other researchers (N.Yu. Vlasova and E.S. Kulikova) analyzed the problems associated with the strategy of joint development and promotion of territories (co-branding), the creation of city alliances, the formation of umbrella brands [4]. However, these issues must be considered in conjunction with the architectural and urban planning approach to the concept of territory development. Architectural and urban planning solutions can make a territory unique and help to increase the attractiveness of the urban environment.
Architectural and urban planning branding of territories as a key factor in the development of the city was described by A.V. Aristova and I.V. Krasnobaev [1]. These authors formulated the concept of "Architectural and Urban Branding" as the sum of processes aimed at creating an innovative (comfortable, updated, competitive and variable) urban environment that visualizes the brand concept using the expressive means of architecture. Aristova A.V. and Krasnobaev I.V. divide brand implementation in the urban environment into two directions: the first is the architecture of volumetric design, the second is the architecture of territorial design. The first direction is represented by unique buildings and structures, small architectural forms, objects of visual and non-visual design (color scheme, brand graphics, sounds and smells of the city). The authors divide the second direction into territorial planning in accordance with current marketing trends. The second direction of branding is manifested in the solution of 5 tasks: a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the territory, thematic zoning, work with the city's infrastructure, scaling the urban environment (for example, limiting high-rise construction), and organizing the urban landscape.
The multiuse model and Business model of marketing town-planning strategy are the subject of research by E. V. Demidova, V.A. Kolyasnikov [9]. The multi-useful model of the marketing urban planning strategy determines the strategic model of development based on the needs of the residents of this territory. According to the authors of the model, its main characteristics are the allocation of the mission of populated areas and their systems, as well as the definition of the city in the national and international hierarchy.
The classification of the multinational and national levels of territorial brands will help determine the place of the city in the national or international hierarchy. The basis of this hierarchy was laid by Kireev A.G., Klimin A.I. and Tikhonov D.V. [8]. Then this classification was supplemented by the author of this article. This hierarchy includes continental alliances of countries; historical and cultural territories, nations; natural protected areas of world importance; islands whose territory belongs to several countries; countries; regions within the countries; Free Economic and Innovation Zones provinces, departments, historical regions; the theme parks; natural parks, nature reserves (state, national and wildlife preserves). It is important to maintain the link between the levels of national or international hierarchy and the local levels of the territorial brand. Local levels are represented by cities and other types of settlements, urban areas, urban ensembles, squares, boulevards, stairs, bridges, memorial and natural complexes, a system of visual communications, small architectural forms and three-dimensional signs, architectural details and other elements.
The potential of the territory can be activated by grouping cities and subordinating them to the general idea of development. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the existing alliances of cities in Russia and understand the promising directions of their joint architectural and urban development. Cities and territories that have similar characteristics can be grouped together to form a territorial umbrella brand. An umbrella brand uses one brand name for several products. An umbrella brand extends the parent brand's identity to new product categories and aims to increase their competitiveness. This approach is also relevant in the formation of an urban planning strategy for the development of a territory and is based on identifying the potential of territories and its attractive qualities: natural, historical, cultural, and others [3]. The umbrella network is good because it is an open system and is ready to incorporate new cities into a common brand. This approach contributes to the development of more backward territories. Therefore, it is important to identify the territories to which the approach of creating umbrella brands has already been applied, and to assess the prospects for the development of other territories from the standpoint of joint development in relation to the architectural and urban planning sphere.
How can cities be united by a common idea of development? The networking of cities can be based on similar characteristics of these cities. In this alliance, the cities can complement each other. Thus, it is possible to form a general concept of an umbrella brand and offer a joint unique product. So in Russia, the territorial brands resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasian Mineral Waters are successfully developing. In the future, associations of cities based on cultural and historical heritage, traditions, trades and crafts, the uniqueness of nature and ecology, science, sports and others may appear in Russia.
However, it is necessary to consider the issues of Architectural and urban branding in conjunction with the overall strategy of the official Russian tourism brand. The successful implementation of the architectural component and the tourist brand of the region are demonstrated by the Golden Ring of Russia. This territorial brand, successfully developing since 1967, gave impetus to the development of the entire region and contributed to the preservation of the architectural heritage [5]. Therefore, the study of the possibility of creating an architectural and urban development concept for the development of a tourist brand in Russia is relevant.
The architectural and urban planning concept, based on the idea of Russia's tourism brand
As mentioned above, the development of the brands of individual cities cannot be considered separately from the brand of the country. The official tourist brand of Russia was registered as a trademark in 2020. It reflects the peculiarities of Russia, its culture, diversity of traditions and unique places. Its task is to demonstrate the bright shape of the country and fix this image in the perception of tourists. The visual image of the official tourist brand of Russia is inspired by the avant-garde (fig. 1). The theme of the Russian avant-garde continues to inspire, give a creative impetus to new interpretations of this trend in the works of contemporary architects, artists, and
designers [2,10]. The formation of an architectural and urban planning point of view, based on the identification of the heritage of the architecture of the Soviet avant-garde in the regions of Russia, will be aimed, on the one hand, at popularizing and preserving the architecture of this period: - on the other hand, this study can become an impetus for the development of Russian regions [7,9].
Fig. 1. The logo of the official tourist brand of Russia made by Suprematika Branding Agency
It is promising to support and continue this idea by forming a territorial brand built on the revival of the historical, cultural, architectural heritage of the avant-garde, the creation of appropriate event events, thematic art clusters, etc. The umbrella brand "Russia in the Vanguard" may include the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and others. This will make it possible to demonstrate the architecture and culture of the period that was not included in the existing territorial brands Golden Ring, Pearl Necklace of Russia, Silver Necklace of Russia and others. This approach will contribute to the preservation of the heritage of the historical period, which is of interest to tourists from many countries of the world.
The avant-garde was formed as a socialist brand, embodying the ideas of the new state in its artistic image. This style fascinates with innovation and the embodiment of new concepts, technologies, and scenarios in architectural forms. The following authors explored aspects of the preservation and use of the heritage of the Soviet avant-garde in architecture and urban planning: S.C. Buss C. Cooke, S.O. Khan-Magomedov, V.A. Kolyasnikov, E.Yu. Lobanov, N.Yu. Lysova, D.L. Melodinsky, A.G.Tokarev, O.I. Yawein, E.S. Zhdanov, and others. The formation of an architectural image with regard to marketing was analyzed in their works by Yankovskaya Yu.S., Merenkov A.V. [12]. They examined the main stages in the development of Yekaterinburg, which influenced the formation of the architectural image of the city. Including the significance of Yekaterinburg-Sverdlovsk as one of the centers for the development of constructivism and its neoclassical interpretations.
A large number of cities are associated with the theme of Avant-garde in Russia, the most important of which are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Rostov-on-Don [15]. The most famous cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, are visited by a large number of tourists. Therefore, from the point of view of the possibility of potential for the creative development of territories, it is more interesting to consider a city that is less popular with tourists, such as Rostov-on-Don [15].
It is advisable to consider the implementation of this idea in the city of Rostov-on-Don at various architectural levels (fig. 2). Significant ensembles, buildings, elements of the urban environment and other elements should be identified. Then it is necessary to develop a regulation that describes the architectural and urban planning concept of the city brand. Architectural and urban planning regulations are necessary to maintain stylistic unity, as well as to determine the ratio of the share of introduced and existing solutions.
Fig. 2. The possibility of applying the idea of a tourist brand of Russia at various architectural and urban planning levels
Architectural and urban planning implementation of the idea of using the Russian tourist brand in cities on the example of Rostov-on-Don
Level 1. City. On the example of Rostov-on-Don, the Architectural and urban planning application of the idea of a tourist brand in the cities of Russia is described below. It is necessary to determine the concept (mission) of the city brand, the strategy and the main directions of its development. The concept of the brand of the city can be set by a legend, a scenario that is embodied in a common strategy. In our case, this is the idea of applying the concept of a Russian tourist brand in the city of Rostov-on-Don.
Providing for the creation of a territorial umbrella brand, built on the idea of a tourist brand in Russia, it is necessary to determine the place of Rostov-on-Don in this network. The main feature and difference between Rostov-on-Don and other cities that can be included in the territorial umbrella brand is that it is a southern city. Therefore, the features of the figurative embodiment of this concept will be affected by the natural and climatic conditions of the city. When solving the urban environment, it is important to preserve and activate these features, to emphasize the image of the southern city by architectural means. In architectural solutions, this can manifest itself, for example, in elements that contribute to the creation of a comfortable microclimate and protect pedestrians from overheating. The image of a southern city can also be expressed in the transfer of part of the functions from closed spaces to open spaces of yards, streets, squares, etc. In addition, when formulating the mission of the city brand, it is necessary to take into account the ideas of maximum preservation of the ecology and humanization of the urban environment, which is in line with global branding trends.
The concept of "Rostov in the Vanguard" can be associated with the architectural heritage of one of the most interesting areas of the avant-garde, and specifically with constructivism. When creating new objects, architects and designers can be inspired and rethink this direction in a modern style. This will make the image of the city more intense and solid.
This concept can manifest itself not only in terms of systematization of specific architectural objects related to a given period. If we consider the concept of "to be in the Vanguard" more broadly, then this idea can also manifest itself through those achievements in which Rostov-on-Don is a leader, for example, sports, music, gastronomy, science and others (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. The collage representing one of the possible concepts of the tourist brand of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Made by A. Malakaeva. Teacher Gorgorova Yu.V.
It is important not to forget that the character of the city is ambiguous. And it is necessary to introduce the general idea while maintaining the existing urban specifics. It is necessary to maintain a balance between the created objects and the preserved urban context.
In Rostov-on-Don, there are the following aspects of the architectural implementation of the idea of a Russian tourism brand:
- determining the positioning of the city in the network of cities united by a territorial umbrella brand, reflecting the tourist brand of Russia;
- formation of the architectural image of the city based on the concept of the Russian tourist brand;
- activation of architectural and artistic symbols, the preservation of which is significant for world and Russian culture;
- the organization of a comfortable and accessible urban environment, which is important both for attracting tourists and for citizens;
- creation of the missing infrastructure;
- formation of the image of the southern city, attractive for tourists and residents.
It is necessary to develop the idea of a city brand together with the concept of tourism, strategies for the spatial and economic development of the region, take into account when developing local architectural and urban planning documents that regulate not only the preservation of the city skyline, certain viewpoints, prospects of streets, iconic buildings and elements of the urban environment, but also the characteristics created architectural and environmental objects. All this will make it possible to form a holistic approach to the development of the territory, to implement the concept of the city brand at different levels from urban planning to the creation of elements of the urban environment. To create a favorable first impression on tourists, it is necessary to think over the compositional solution of the entrance to the city, panoramas and fragments of the city skyline.
The architectural and artistic implementation of the idea of a tourist brand of the city can only be considered in conjunction with the concept of lighting the city. The developed unified lighting concept can visually combine modern and historical buildings increase the attractiveness of the urban environment. With the help of lighting, you can create accents, highlight significant buildings
and iconic objects, as well as enhance the expressiveness of the urban panorama of the entrances to the city. It is necessary to provide scenarios for everyday and festive lighting of the city. An analysis of the urban environment and its levels will help determine the light accents. The text that follows is presented as a narrative description of these levels. Significant interesting planar elements of the urban environment or an important architectural detail must be emphasized with lighting.
Level 2. City districts. Urban areas are located at the top level of the local area brand hierarchy. It is important to identify their uniqueness and historical and cultural features. This is, first of all, the historical center of the city, where it is necessary not only to preserve significant buildings, but also to create an environment conducive to the harmonious perception of these buildings.
In Rostov-on-Don, areas with recreational potential (adjacent to the city embankment, left-bank zone) are of the greatest interest. With the development of these areas, it is advisable to maintain the ecological balance, and the connections of the city with the river, increase the territory (extension) of the embankment, the removal of industrial zones and the reconstruction of abandoned and inefficiently working territories. It is also important to identify the characteristic features and preserve important elements of the city's landscape and architectural skyline.
It is necessary to solve the problems of so-called «sleeping quarters» in different areas of the city. Filling these areas with infrastructure facilities will make them places (centers) of attraction for citizens and possibly tourists. It is also necessary to create a recognizable image of these areas, mostly built up with typical monotonous houses. In order to identify the uniqueness of the area, when designing the urban environment, it is desirable to point to the history and demonstrate the toponyms of the place. For example, in the northern microdistrict built in Rostov-on-Don, there are a large number of streets with names associated with space exploration. This theme could be developed and embodied in small architectural forms, art objects, elements of urban environment equipment, planar objects, in the creation of thematic scientific and entertainment centers, parks and other objects.
In the Selmash area, it is also necessary to create a comfortable urban environment based on an artistic concept, which can be based on the history and toponyms of the place and proximity of the Rostselmash plant. For example, now there is a symbol of the place on Combine Builders Square: in the center of the square there is a combine that is produced by this plant. But the ideas for the development of this urban area could have been presented in a more multifaceted way.
Level 3. Architectural complex or large urban ensemble with adjacent space. At the beginning it is necessary to analyze the existing urban ensembles, and identify which can be interesting and attract tourists. In Rostov-on-Don, one of the monumental structures of this period that influenced the composition of the city is a unique drama theater, designed by V.G. Gelfreikh and V.A. Schuko. In front of the theater there is a significant open space of the square, and the axis of symmetry of the theater is directed perpendicular to the Don River. This is a significant urban planning ensemble, including for the development of the idea of the tourist brand of Russia. In this territory it is promising to organize various events and holidays. Theatrical, exhibition, sports and recreational, cognitive, commercial and many other functions can also be organized in this territory.
A large architectural ensemble in Rostov-on-Don is the square with adjacent buildings of the Rostov Cathedral, the bell tower and the territories of the Central Market. Tourists are attracted by the uniqueness of the Central Market. A large number of tourists come to this place to feel the local flavor. Therefore, in the reconstruction of this territory it is advisable to emphasize the features of the southern bazaar, to create zones for communication, demonstration of goods, to use appropriate architectural and coloristic solutions. There are shortcomings that need to be addressed: lack of infrastructure and shading. To create a comfortable environment, the ground space of the area can be greened and developed underground space. Thus, in the underground space there may be the necessary infrastructure and a large number of parking spaces. In adverse weather conditions, pedestrians can transit through the underground space. It is
necessary to organize a green space of the square, creating there places for recreation, to provide the possibility of organizing event city events.
Level 4. Urban space for thematic events. Thematic events can be implemented at almost all architectural levels. Depending on the types and significance of events can be international, Russian, urban, provided for citizens and residents of the region. Thematic events can also be held in urban areas.
In front of the Rostov Drama Theatre is the main city square, connected with a significant free territory. This area flows smoothly down to the Don River. The development of this free area, overlooking the river, can be designed for events and recreation not only for local residents, but also for tourists. At the moment, for the city holidays, parades use only the space located in front of the theater itself. On the square and there are concerts, set the stage, spectator seats.
This area can be used more effectively. It is necessary to develop this territory not only immediately before the theater itself, but also to arrange a descent to the river. According to the author, this urban space is suitable for organizing thematic event events, including in style or modern interpretation of the avant-garde. An example of such thematic events is the festival «Le Tatlin». This event is a festival dedicated to Vladimir Tatlin and his concepts of flying structures.
On the continuation of the axis of the Theater Descent, the creation of the territory of the Avangard Park is proposed to provide open public spaces, places for exhibitions, performances. Within the framework of this concept, the creation of special events with their appropriate design is expected. The space located near the Drama Theater is suitable for creating bright events. In addition, in case of adverse weather conditions, it is possible to use the internal space of the theater (fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Submission to a landmark architectural object. The concept of the development of the Theater Descent in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Made by Privalova Anna. Scientific adviser Gorgorova Yu.V.
The urban environment can become a stage. Modern decorations for an avant-garde performance can be placed outdoors. These can be temporary objects or permanent, transformable. Theatrical productions and open-air theatre festivals are possible. It is necessary to provide a seasonal transformation of this space, the possibility of improving the climate of the territory, protection of pedestrians from overheating during the warm period and cooling with wind during the cold period of the year.
The space of the Cathedral Square described in the previous paragraph is used for organizing city events and church holidays. At the moment, the area is not adapted for this purpose. It is necessary to analyze the options and prospects for the use of this space, provide for the possibility of scenario approach in the design, consider options for the organization of the stage and spectator seats, Toilets, etc. During the events it is also necessary to provide protection from rain, to improve the microclimate of the territory.
The venue for the city events can also be a promenade, pedestrian streets, stairs. Events can take place on squares or in urban areas, involve a river in their scenario, be implemented with the participation of planar elements, for example in the form of projections, on buildings. Urban spaces filled with interesting scenarios will help to attract tourists.
Level 5. Iconic streets and boulevards, stairs, bridges. At the moment, tourists and townspeople are the most popular main street of the city - Bolshaya Sadovaya, pedestrian space Pushkinskaya Street and city embankments. It is promising to improve the streets, creating pedestrian descents leading to the embankment of the Don River. Pedestrian spaces should form a single network of routes intended for tourists and citizens. It is also advisable to link these routes with urban areas used for thematic events.
Urban linear spaces can be filled with various events, art objects, provide actual scenarios of functioning. Stairs with a large number of steps, for example, can be used for fashion shows, art festivals, or steps of stairs can become spectator seats.
In designing these spaces, toponyms and the history of the place need to be activated in the architectural concept. For example, small forms, city furniture or pavement in the form of letters in the alley Gazetny may appear. Or design the urban environment using interesting passages from old newspaper articles and articles, for example, about the history of the city.
It is also important to consider the streets, stairs and bridges located in the places of the first tourist acquaintance with the city. First of all, it is necessary to submit to the common idea the objects located near the entrances from the airport, railway, river station. For example, in Rostov-on-Don recently was built Temernitsky bridge. The section of this bridge closes the perspective of the main street of the city. The view of this bridge is one of the first impressions of tourists coming to Rostov-on-Don railway station (fig. 5).
Fig. 5. The prospect of the main street in Rostov-on-Don is closed by a bridge. View from the railway station
The grey planes of the bridge can be filled with a coloristic solution or art objects that could also be related to the city brand idea. The example in the figure shows how a similar idea was implemented by the artist Synth Tantra on the Canary Wharf Bridge in London. In the Rostov region, thematically selected figures were installed on many bridges (fig. 6). On the Temernitsky Bridge, such elements could also appear, since this site is the first place for tourists to meet the city.
Level 6. Building or structure with adjacent territory. In order to realize the idea of a city brand, it is important to decide the places of immediate and first contact with the brand of the city. This is, first of all, the decision of the entrances to the city, as well as the buildings of the railway stations and their territories. These objects that can be subordinated to the idea of architectural and urban development of the tourist brand of Russia. The figure below shows the locations of the first visual contact with the city brand. The figure below shows the places of first visual contact with the brand of the city. For example, viewpoints where tourists can view the panorama of the city, as well as exit points from the airport, railway station, bus station (fig. 7).
Fig. 7. Iconic buildings and places of first contact with the city brand. Compiled by Gorgorova Yu.V.
The figure also shows buildings that can also be attributed to the period under consideration. Keeping these buildings and keeping them in good condition is important for the architectural implementation of the concept of the tourist brand of Russia.
Hotels are also the first place for tourists to meet the city, so their decision and inclusion in a unified concept is also important. Also in the city there are objects that are a landmark or they are located organizations significant for the city, not always have valuable architectural solutions, but they also form a territorial brand. It is therefore important to pay attention to the architectural shaping of their environment.
Level 7. Observation decks overlooking the city and the surrounding area. It is necessary to analyze the specific points from which the significant views of the city and its surroundings are obtained. It is necessary to designate the main buildings - "lighthouses" and fragments of silhouette that contribute to the recognition of the city. In the development of the city, it is necessary to preserve these recognizable objects that form the image of the city.
The panorama of Rostov-on-Don opens from the entrance to the city, of particular importance is the perception of the panorama of the city from the left bank of the river Don, where there is a city beach and a promenade. You can visualize the history of the city by placing a schematic image, as done on the observation deck of the Tate Modern in London. On the parapet of the observation deck is a city silhouette with symbols and descriptions of buildings (fig. 8).
Fig. 8. An example is an image of a silhouette of buildings on the observation deck of the Tate Modern in London
It is also important to conduct an analysis of urban development perceived from the Ferris wheel. When designing and reconstructing buildings, it is necessary to take into account their location in the area perceived from the Ferris wheel. Thus, their upper floors and roofing are also involved in the formation of an urban composition perceived from the Ferris wheel.
Level 8. Natural and landscape sites, natural monuments, Memorial complexes, Theme parks, Courtyard spaces. The author of the article conducted a survey of residents of Rostov-on-Don. Most respondents responded that they show natural and landscape objects to tourists who have already visited Rostov-on-Don. Therefore, the development of this level is important not only to improve the environment of the city, but also to increase the tourist attractiveness.
The creation of a favorable environmental environment is also important for creating a comfortable environment for residents. It is also possible to create recreational spaces in the immediate vicinity of the residence. Landscaped spaces are also advisable to solve comprehensively. This will contribute to the creation of a continuous green urban framework in the city. In this connection, it is possible to create a linear park Temernik, passing along the river of the same name.
Unique courtyard spaces also shape the image of the southern city. In such colorful yards make films, they are photographed, there are organized excursions. These courtyards can be connected into a network of public spaces. Each courtyard can be given a specific function. There are various options for using the courtyard space. For example, in the courtyard space, you can hold exhibitions, organize concerts, watch movies or use the place for educational or other purposes, arrange platforms for the summer expansion of restaurants and cafes. The originality of the southern courtyard spaces in their reconstruction is advisable to preserve and use elements of the existing environment as decoration.
Level 9. Visual communication system. The task is to select the type of pointer and font used so that it does not disturb the urban environment. On the one hand, it will be neutral, appropriate next to buildings of different historical periods in style. At the same time, the system of visual communication in Rostov-on-Don should be unique, memorable.
Level 10. Small architectural forms, volumetric sign - shaping place identity, City equipment and furniture
- Small architectural forms. Small architectural forms should be adapted to the climatic conditions of Rostov-on-Don. Their image can also demonstrate the brand of the southern city. In order to develop small architectural forms it is also necessary to work with the archive, look at the photos of the objects that were previously located in the historical urban environment. It is also necessary to follow modern trends in universal design and environmental requirements when designing.
- Volumetric sign - shaping place identity. The three-dimensional signs in Rostov-on-Don are for information purposes and are intended for signaling entrances to a city or district. Therefore, when organizing urban space, you should also add objects that tell about the history of this place.
- City equipment and furniture. To maintain the idea of a travel brand, it is necessary to individualize elements of urban equipment and furniture. For example, use images associated with a location's history. So the figure presents an example of a lattice and bench based on motifs of historical images of the fortress of Dmitry Rostovsky (fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Bench and tree grate
The concept of organization of the urban space surrounding the iconic architectural object should be subordinated to the influence of the latter. In order not to disturb the composition of this fragment of the city, the necessary infrastructure can be created through the development of underground space. The urban environment should be subject to the influence of constructivist monuments, enhanced by the stylistic conformity of the applied art objects and equipment. The urban environment can be realized with the use of solutions made in a modern key, but with the use of associations, symbols or patterns typical of the avant-garde (fig 10).
Fig. 10. Two options for applying the idea of a tourist brand in an urban environment, developed by Suprematika Branding Agency
Level 11. Architectural details, unique elements and fragments of buildings. In an urban environment, it is necessary to define not only buildings, but individual elements that shape the image of the urban environment: window openings, doors, volumetric parts. With the loss of these elements the completeness of the image of the architectural object is lost. Provision should be made to preserve not only the buildings that form the environment, but also their elements.
Level 12. Planar object in urban environment. Valuable planar elements should be identified at this level. These elements may include the use of characteristic red brickwork on the facades of buildings, for example. It is also possible to expose elements of the existing historical paving, which experience has shown to preserve in historical buildings, and in the transit traffic zone paving make more functional.
Active citizens find unique objects of the urban environment, promote their conservation and recovery, save from destruction. In order for these elements to be preserved, it is necessary not only to identify them in the regulations, but also to popularize, explaining their value to the population. So the unique mosaic panels in the underground pedestrian crossings of the city of Rostov-on-Don were preserved.
Inefficient areas have great potential for introducing the brand idea in the urban environment. It is also important to define the plane where the brand idea can be implemented.
Methods of implementation of architectural and urban planning concept of the tourist brand in the cities of Russia
The author showed the wide architectural and urban planning possibilities for implementing the idea of a Russian tourist brand in the city of Rostov-on-Don. But how can the results of the research be captured and used? In Russia there is a gradual emergence and evolution of standards that could form the basis of architectural and urban regulations describing the strategy of formation of the city brand. When forming a city brand, the rules for applying the logo and placing outdoor information were previously used. Then recommendations appeared on the formation of the design code for the central streets of the cities: Belgorod, Ivanovo, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Saratov, Tver, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Yakutsk [16].
In 2019, on the order of the Foundation of the Unified Institute of Development in the housing sphere, the Standard of formation of the city (book 4) was published. There are recommendations for improvement of open urban spaces in different types of urban environment, in different climatic conditions [14].
The existence of regulations developed for a particular city contributing to its design code shall be taken into account when determining the urban quality index [13]. This is a guide that regulates the rules for the placement of signage, advertising structures, landscaping elements. The design code is developed for each city individually. However, most such manuals on the formation of urban code appear by copying and do not meet the historical, natural and climatic conditions of the city. Therefore, when forming the architectural and urban planning concept of the implementation of the tourist brand of the city, it is advisable to consider the urban environment by the levels described above. Thus, individual elements, details that also participate in the purposeful formation of the image of the city do not disappear.
Summarizing the above, it can be noted that for the architectural and urban planning implementation of the tourist brand of Russia in the city it is important to determine the uniqueness of the city and its architectural environment:
- to determine the positioning of the city in the network of cities, united by the territorial umbrella brand, reflecting the tourist brand of Russia;
- to identify the main buildings-"lighthouses" and urban planning ensembles that contribute to the recognition of the city;
- to determine the viewing points from which to view the panoramas of the city;
- determine the zones involved in the formation of the composition perceived from the Ferris wheel and viewing platforms;
- to identify fragments of urban silhouette that contribute to reconcilability of the city;
- identify valuable street prospects that need to be preserved;
- identify valuable fragments of the urban environment;
- identify significant architectural details;
- determine valuable planar and volumetric elements of the urban environment.
We can highlight the following directions of introduction of the tourist brand of Russia in the city of Rostov-on-Don:
- the creation of an architectural and urban planning concept for the development of the city taking into account the formation of its brand;
- enhancing the urban silhouette and identifying opportunities and constraints for urban development;
- strengthening of architectural expressiveness of areas of entrances to the city and places of first contact of tourists with the city brand;
- identification of architectural and artistic symbols of the place, significant structures that form the city brand;
- the designation of cones on the scheme of the city perception of significant architectural, volume and planar objects that form the brand of the city and the introduction of restrictions for urban development of areas falling into the zone of influence of these objects;
- the introduction of restrictions on the number of floors of buildings to preserve the perception of objects forming the brand of the city: recognition of the panorama of the city, compositional integrity of significant urban development ensembles, buildings and elements of the urban environment;
- subordination of the urban environment to a significant architectural object located in the immediate vicinity;
- zoning of territories and identification of directions of development of urban areas;
- creating the missing urban infrastructure needed to make the area more attractive for tourists and residents;
- to preserve the perception of significant architectural objects, to organize and expand the missing infrastructure should be in underground spaces;
- the formation of new buildings based on their perception from significant viewpoints, including the Ferris wheels;
- organization of a comfortable and accessible urban environment for tourists and citizens, taking into account the requirements of universal design;
- creation of the concept of daily lighting of the city taking into account the identified significant urban ensembles and buildings, as well as elements of the urban environment, forming the brand of the city;
- creation of the concept of architectural festive lighting of the city, taking into account the idea of the tourist brand Rostov-on-Don;
- taking into account the perception of iconic views when constructing new objects;
- emphasis in the concept of urban lighting of significant architectural, natural volume and planar objects that form the city brand;
- the use of an architectural and landscape approach to the formation of buildings located in places where urban silhouettes need to be preserved;
- architectural and landscape formation of buildings located in the places of perception of the silhouette;
- formation of architectural and artistic image of the city aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the territory (cultural, tourist, social, technological and other).
When implementing this brand idea, the theme of the avant-garde should not be intrusive, but the concept should be visible present and unifying. On the basis of the above, it is necessary to develop a regulation describing the architectural and urban concept of the urban brand. These
architectural and town-planning norms will preserve stylistic unity, as well as determine the relationship between the share of inputs and existing solutions.
Considering the tourist attractiveness of the territory, it is also important to create favorable conditions (comfortable and convenient urban environment) for the life of citizens. The latter is significant, as the Territory's potential can only be activated with the understanding and cooperation of the urban population. Involving residents, active citizens and creative class in the process of implementation of architectural and urban aspects of urban branding can significantly stimulate the development of the city, and the negative attitude of residents to the processes taking place in the city and its environment, on the contrary may alienate investors and tourists.
When forming a brand concept it is important to rely on the culture, traditions, opinion of local residents, preservation of the environment, take into account the opinion of tourists. The desire for quick profits often contributes to the destruction of the historical and natural landscape. Dennis Graham Rodwell described the negative effects of branding in Liverpool [17]. The new buildings closed key views of important historical buildings, changed the scale and silhouette of the city from the water. Therefore, when defining the concept of architectural and urban branding it is important not only to identify key objects in a two-dimensional plane, but also to take into account the three-dimensional location of this object in the city.
It is therefore important to properly define the development strategy of the architectural component of the urban brand. When forming the concept of urban brand, it is important to take into account key objects not only artificially created, but also existing natural, as well as to take into account the perception of important objects from the river, entrances to the city and the main prospects of streets. Consideration should also be given to urban features and related compositional features.
It should be noted that in many cities of the world there is not one brand, but several. Their brand is like a canvas that is woven with the interests of various stakeholders. Therefore, the application of the idea of a tourism brand built on the image of the Vanguard does not mean that the architecture of other periods in Rostov-on-Don will not attract tourists. After all, there is an interesting layer of culture, which can be described as Merchant Rostov. But this idea associated with the tourism brand of Russia is bright, attractive, so it is very suitable for attracting tourists and getting to know the city for the first time, as well as for creating bright events. In addition, it is associated with the general direction of the country's tourism vector. Later, having learned the city with the help of this concept in more detail, tourists will discover it for themselves again and again.
Sources of illustrations
Fig. 1. Available at: Fig. 2. The author's drawing.
Fig. 3. The author's drawing. The collage was made by A. Malakaeva. Teacher Gorgorova Yu.V.
Fig. 4. Digital repository. Track number: 801281276. Final qualifying work (bachelor's degree). Course of study 07.03.03 Architectural environment design. Title: The concept of the development of the Theatrical descent environment in Rostov-on-Don. Author Privalova Anna Sergeevna. Scientific supervisor Yu.V. Gorgorova 2020. Available at: Fig. 5. Available at: Fig. 6. Photo of the author. Fig. 7. Figure of the author.
Fig. 8. Photo of the author.
Fig. 9. Project Ushakova Yu.O. Teacher Gorgorova Yu.V. Fig. 10. Available at:
Источники иллюстраций
Рис. 1. URL: (дата обращения: 12.09.2022). Рис. 2. Рисунок автора.
Рис. 3. Рисунок автора. Коллаж выполнила A. Малакаева. Преподаватель Горгорова Ю.В.
Рис. 4. Цифровой репозиторий. Трек-номер: 801281276. Выпускная квалификационная
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Рис. 10. URL: (дата обращения: 12.09.2022).
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gorgorova Yulia V.
PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Architectural and Environmental Design, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; Member of the Union of Architects of Russia [email protected]
Горгорова Юлия Владимировна
Кандидат архитектуры, доцент, профессор кафедры «Архитектурное и средовое проектирование», Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия; член Союза Архитекторов России [email protected]