DIDACTICS IS A THEORY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
didactic / pedagogical process / development
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маржинального риска используется модель Блэка-Шоулза. Эта модель основана на теории вероятностей и математическом анализе.

Управление инвестициями

Управление инвестициями - это процесс принятия решений о покупке, продаже и удержании ценных бумаг. Цель управления инвестициями - максимизировать доход инвестора при минимизации его рисков.

Высшая математика используется для решения различных задач, связанных с управлением инвестициями. Например, для расчета доходности портфеля акций используется модель САРМ (Capital Asset Pricing Model). Эта модель основана на теории вероятностей и математическом анализе.

Высшая математика является мощным инструментом, который может быть использован для решения различных задач в мире финансов. Она используется для расчета рисков, управления инвестициями и других финансовых операций. Список использованной литературы:

1. Brigo, Damiano, and Fabio Mercurio. "Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice: With Smile, Inflation and Credit." Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.

2. Glasserman, Paul. "Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering." Vol. 53. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.

3. Hull, John C. "Options, futures, and other derivatives." Pearson Education India, 2011.

4. Shreve, Steven E. "Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models." Springer, 2004.

© Аннамаммедов С.Д., 2023

УДК 37

Атаджанов Б. А.,

Заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков

Акмаммедова Г. М.,

Преподаватель Пограничный институт Туркменистана


Key words:

didactic, pedagogical process, development.

It means didactic (from the Greek word "didaktikos" - reader, teacher and "didasco" - learner). One of the two processes of the whole pedagogical process (work) is teaching (the work of teaching). Learning is a very complex process. It ranks below them in terms of complexity because it is an integral part of nurturing and development. Therefore, it is difficult to define this word. It maintains in its structure many and varied connections and connections of various orders and types. In the ancient and medieval ages, the concepts of "teaching" and "teaching process" were interpreted as teaching. At the beginning of the 20th century, two concepts were added to the meaning of this concept: teaching and learning. Teaching is the teacher's job of imparting knowledge, reading is the student's job of absorbing the information and knowledge presented to them. Over time, the concept of teaching work has included the meaning of the teacher's work on teaching and managing students.

Teaching is characterized by the following characteristics:

1) reciprocity;

2) joint work of teachers and students;

3) teacher leadership;

4) organized and managed according to a special plan;

5) integrity and unity;

6) matching the age characteristics of students;

7) managing student development and education.

Didactics is the part of pedagogy that studies the problems of teaching and education. The word was first used by the German pedagogue Wolfgang Rathke (1571-1635) to denote the art of teaching. Y. A. Comenius used this word in the meaning of "the art of teaching everything" in his work "High Didactics". 19th century German pedagogue I.F. Herbert used didactics in the concept of a holistic and non-contradictory educational theory. Since then, the main tasks of didactics, the problems they solve, what to study and how to study; The main problems of today's pedagogic science are: when, where, who and why to study. The term didactic changed during its historical development. By the end of the 19th century, didactics had the meaning of teaching theory. His upbringing was divided and separated from him. The word didactics in this sense was first used in the works of the German pedagogue Adolf Disterweg (1790-1866). In particular, in his work "Education of German teachers", didactics was used in the sense of teaching theory.

Until now, didactics has been used in the sense of teaching theory. But some pedagogic researchers disagree with this explanation. Some of them say that didactics is not a theory of teaching, but a theory of education (E.I. Perovsky), another describes didactics as a theory of teaching and education (B.P. Esipov). The idea that didactics is the science of teaching and learning is generally correct. But when they interpret didactics as the theory of teaching and education, they describe only one aspect of it, they exclude the function of teaching and education, and the educational and developmental functions of teaching. We consider the concept of didactics to be a branch of pedagogic science that studies questions of teaching theory and practice.

Notice the word "teaching". If we analyze this word, we find that it consists of two words: "shoot" and "shoot". If we pay attention to the word "to read", here too we see that this concept consists of two words, "to" and "to receive". So these words have been around for a long time. It is clear that primary education is related to teaching survival - hunting and self-defense.

In the science of pedagogy, the term teaching is considered in the narrow and broad sense of the word. The word teaching is simply defined as the work of a teacher. Each teacher has his own lesson. He is studying in high school. The word teaching, in a broad sense, is a specially organized, managed, controlled activity between a teacher and a student aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills. Education has several social functions. Their first major social function is educational. To arm students with a set of defined knowledge, skills and abilities. The second social function of education is the educational function. It is to develop the right outlook, confidence, and ideas in the students as a result of the acquired knowledge. Educating a person who meets the demands of the times is to educate a citizen who loves the Motherland, who can create material and spiritual values ready to defend it. The functions of education and training cannot be performed independently of each other. In the daily work of a pedagogue, they communicate with each other and act together. Teaching serves another important function - it is a developmental function. It has the function of developing students' curiosity, confidence, their mental qualities, creativity and independence, acquisition of new knowledge.

Nowadays, due to the development of science, the amount of information that people need is increasing, and not all of them can be realized through education. Therefore, it is considered important to develop independent reading skills in children. Didactics, as a science, studies the laws operating in the environment of its subject, conditions the results and progress of the teaching process, analyzes relationships, determines the methods, organizational forms and means that help to fulfill the planned goals and tasks. Didactics performs two

main functions: 1) theoretical (determinative and predictive); 2) practice (normative and instrumental performance). Literature:

1. Basarov B. et al. Pedagogy. 1 book. Textbook for secondary vocational schools.-Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2017.

2. Atdaev E. And others. Pedagogy. Book II. Textbook for secondary vocational schools.-Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2017.

3. Atdaev E. And others. Pedagogy. Book III. Textbook for secondary vocational schools.-Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2017.

© ATagwaHOB E.A., AKMaMMegoBa T.M., 2023

УДК 37

Атдаева М. Х.,

Преподаватель Годжабаева А. Д.,



Key words:

professional evaluation, creative interaction.

Based on the achievements of the scientific and technical development of the advanced countries of the world, concrete successes are being achieved in the country in carrying out the task of training specialists who excel in new technologies and innovations.

The professional work of modern specialists working in various fields involves not only the ability to determine the direction of research, analyze and make responsible decisions, justify their opinion, and make professional evaluations, but also active and creative interaction with colleagues. In the era of globalization, along with professional knowledge, skills, and abilities, communication skills necessary for interpersonal and cross-cultural cooperation are highly valued both at home and internationally [3].

A modern professional is a well-educated person who has training in any field and is always able to improve his profession. Today, knowledge of foreign languages is a necessary condition for obtaining a profession, which allows working with information available in the global community, as well as communicating with colleagues from different countries. Working with information in any language requires the development of certain intellectual skills, such as the ability to analyze information, to organize it in a logical sequence, to select the relevant facts, and to discuss arguments and counter arguments.

Mastering the rules of thoughtful speech, the rules of conducting discussions, cultivates a responsible attitude to speech, which is the most important requirement for a modern professional of any industry.

Argument is generally understood to be a form of scientific communication and learning, based on the art of reasoning and expressing one's ideas. Debate is a form of collaborative work that focuses on solving any

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