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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tangrykulyyeva Aylar

Any science has a history that informs its problems, tasks and methods. The emergence of one or other branches of science is guided by the corresponding social needs. As in other sciences, pedagogy and psychology are first in the context of philosophy, from which pedagogy is divided first, and then psychology.

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Tangrykulyyeva Aylar,


Oguz han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan

Ashgabad, Turkmenistan



Any science has a history that informs its problems, tasks and methods. The emergence of one or other branches of science is guided by the corresponding social needs. As in other sciences, pedagogy and psychology are first in the context of philosophy, from which pedagogy is divided first, and then psychology.

Key words: Pedagogy, psychology, teaching theory.


Любая наука имеет историю, которая формирует ее проблемы, задачи и методы. Возникновение той или иной отрасли науки направляется соответствующими общественными потребностями. Как и в других науках, педагогика и психология стоят сначала в контексте философии, от которой сначала отделяется педагогика, а затем психология.

Ключевые слова: Педагогика, психология, теория обучения.

Any science has a history that informs its problems, tasks and methods. The emergence of one or other branches of science is guided by the corresponding social needs. As in other sciences, pedagogy and psychology are first in the context of philosophy, from which pedagogy is divided first, and then psychology. Each of us associates the word "pedagogy" with school, teaching. The first information about the school is mentioned in ancient Egyptian inscriptions dating back to 2.5 thousand years before our era. Based on this information, teaching was not the main job of the people who built it, but a subsidiary service. But the continuity of the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation is ensured to a certain extent.

Education and training co-evolve with human society. The need to constantly develop and improve life, production, and spiritual experience gained in society are the main directions of education and experience. Education and training were usually carried out by older or more experienced people, who carried it out in conjunction with their other work. The increase in people's accumulated knowledge, the need to continuously develop material and spiritual production has led to the transformation of this attitude into an independent form of work.

Pedagogy got its name from the service of slaves attached to children in wealthy families in Ancient Greece. These slaves were assigned by parents to watch over their children when they went to school and when they were out and about. Slaves were called "child carrier", "payda" - child, "gogos" - to carry away. Later, this term is used for all those who are related to the education and upbringing of the growing generation, and in the new era it becomes a special science.

The transformation of pedagogy into an independent branch of science is associated with the appearance of F. Bacon's work "On the Attitude and Reproduction of Sciences" at the beginning of the 17th century. In this work, he divides all sciences into types and presents pedagogy as a "guide to reading". But separation from philosophy was not yet the foundation of the new science. Pedagogy as a science became famous with the foundation of the work "High didactics" by the famous Czech thinker, teacher and writer


ISSN (p) 2411-7161 / ISSN (e) 2712-9500

№3 / 2023

Ya.A. Komensky. This book focuses on the basic issues of the theory and practice of teaching children.

J. A. Komensky was the first to establish the idea of universal education and create a system of related levels of education. This system includes nursery school (up to age 6), elementary school (ages 6-12), gymnasium (ages 12-18) and academy (ages 18-24). In his practice, he introduced the classroom system and grounded it in theory. Ya. Komenskiy creates the basic rules of didactics (theory of teaching) that have come down to our days: clarity, clarity, detail, consistency, stability and accessibility. It establishes basic requirements for the textbook and the teacher.

The development of pedagogy as a science in the new era is associated with the works of the Swiss scientist I.T. Pestalozzi (1746-1827) and the German pedagogue A. Disterweg. I. Pestalossi promotes the theory of developmental learning. Continuing his ideas, A. Disterweg writes several works and textbooks on pedagogy, mathematics, nature studies, German language and others.

One of the famous pedagogues in the 20th century is the American scientist and pediatrician B. Spock. The question of whether it should be demanding or lenient is causing great debate around the world. According to the answer to this question, pedagogues are divided into two groups: a) those who prefer humanistic methods of education and b) those who consider subordination to man as the main method of education. B. Spock's books "Child Care" and "Talking with Mothers" have gained great popularity. Along with the medical aspects'of raisi"g a health" chil", innovative pedagog"c theories are put forward in them. K.D.Ushinsky, N.I.Pirogov and L.N.Tolstoy are considered the founders of the science of pedagogy in Russia. K. Ushinsky is the founder of the folk school in Russia. His books "Mother Language" and "Child's World" have become textbooks for many generations.

The great sages of the East, Khorezm, Farabi, Biruni, Ibn Sina, Omar Khayyam, Azadi, the great Turkmen classical poets, Magtymguly, Mollanepes, Kemine, Seydi and others, have universal human values and at the same time, their significance in educating the national spirit of our people is limitless. It is known that the great Magtymguly's father, Doveletmammet Azady, was engaged in real teaching along with literary creative work aimed at developing the theory of pedagogy.

For a long time, they defined the subject of pedagogy as educating and teaching the young generation, preparing it for future life. By narrowing this issue, it distracted pedagogy from important issues such as providing continuous education and training to other young generations of the society. That's why today the subject of pedagogy is defined as educating and teaching a person at all ages. The main issues of pedagogy include studying the content and laws of personality development and formation, determining the goals of education, developing the content of education, and analyzing the methods of education.

The main summary concept of pedagogy as a science is education that is active In the work content aimed at determining the system of personality traits. Education is carried out through education, training and purposeful organization of work and life of the educator. Education takes on its true meaning when it is infused with self-discipline.

Education is the transfer of socio-historical experience to the growing generation in a purposeful manner, organization of formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities. They usually understand teaching in the sense of a teacher teaching a lesson. Education is not only what the teacher gives to the student. It is what the student receives in the interaction with the entire school, society, teachers, and students.

How is teaching different from teaching? Teaching focuses on the input part of the learning process -what is imparted to the student, that is, the content of the learning process (knowledge, skills, abilities). Teaching, on the other hand, focuses on the output part - what the student learns. Moreover, what a student has learned and mastered is not evaluated in terms of content or motivation, but in the context of the importance of learning for the individual's current and future work. In teaching, knowledge is determined through lessons (individual tasks, lessons). In reading, knowledge, problems, and specific actionable attitudes

are defined.

Lessons reflect the teacher's view of events and attitudes, while teaching reflects the learner's theory. A teacher's perspective is always broad and deep, and this is the perspective of a scholar-expert. It is almost always subject to the logic of the lesson. A certain degree of importance-seeking and fragmentation characterizes the approach to the story. The teacher's attitude is mainly from the general to the particular (deductive), and the student's - from the singular to the general (inductive). A teacher teaches what he knows. A student learns what he does not yet know and cannot do.

Teaching and learning are subject to a group of influences that differ in their focus of interest. While for teaching it is the influence of other teachers and school administration, for teaching it is the students, alumni and employers, as well as many other groups interested in the effectiveness of the learning process.

That is why the leading teachers of higher education institutions are trying to focus their education mainly on teaching A number of organizational and methodological measures are necessary for this: introducing integrated, generalized teaching in accordance with the content of the lesson to study the main topics, individual tasks, directing the student's attention from focusing only on finding the correct answer to developing problem-solving skills, etc. In this regard, a more complex and effective teaching method is active teaching, which includes real tasks; it is solved in real life conditions or in models that approximate it.

Modern pedagogical education includes the whole system of sciences. This includes general pedagogy, preschool, school pedagogy, deaf-pedagogy, typhlo-pedagogy and oligophrenic pedagogy (these three sciences study the upbringing and education of deaf, blind and congenitally disabled children). Finally, industrial pedagogy, military pedagogy, high school pedagogy, youth movement pedagogy, family pedagogy complete this list. Today, folk pedagogy is of particular importance. Along with education, pedagogy includes didactics (teaching), school studies and other scientific subjects.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Basarov B. Pedagogy. Turkmen State Publishing Service, A., 2017;

2. Ataev E. Teaching skills. Turkmen State Publishing Service, A., 2012.

©Tangrykulyyeva A., 2023

Бебутова Гульназ, Гаратаева Айгуль, Шохрадова Айлар

студентки IV курса факультета русского языка и литературы Туркменского национального института мировых языков имени Довлетмамеда Азади

г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан



В данной работе рассматриваются некоторые современные теоретические аспекты преподавания русского языка и литературы. В качестве анализа были использованы исследовательские работы в данной сфере.

Ключевые слова: тенденция, язык, дисциплина, процесс, методология, анализ.

Язык является одним из самых интересных инструментов общения в руках людей. Чтобы хорошо

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