PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS AND PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES OF THE MODERN TEACHER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
global cooperation / interactive and non-traditional pedagogical technologies / innovations or interactivity / communication technologies / personal qualities of a teacher / professional skills / modern information / pedagogical techniques / responsibilities / responsibility

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Z. Ismailova

The article discusses the importance of the teacher’s work in education, pedagogical skills, the role of using new interactive and non-traditional pedagogical technologies, pedagogical techniques and responsibilities of a modern teacher. This also includes the study of the personal and professional qualities of a teacher, mental characteristics, the ability to work with a student-teacher, research and orientation towards teachers to achieve learning objectives by determining whether acquired knowledge should be personally interesting and necessary for the student. In this regard, it was emphasized that the main problem is the correct interpretation of the content of the concept of pedagogical mastery of a teacher and the appropriateness of their work based on the essence of the content

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Z. Ismailova

Professor at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers-

National Research University https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10403112

Abstract. The article discusses the importance of the teacher's work in education, pedagogical skills, the role of using new interactive and non-traditional pedagogical technologies, pedagogical techniques and responsibilities of a modern teacher. This also includes the study of the personal and professional qualities of a teacher, mental characteristics, the ability to work with a student-teacher, research and orientation towards teachers to achieve learning objectives by determining whether acquired knowledge should be personally interesting and necessary for the student. In this regard, it was emphasized that the main problem is the correct interpretation of the content of the concept ofpedagogical mastery of a teacher and the appropriateness of their work based on the essence of the content.

Keywords: global cooperation, interactive and non-traditional pedagogical technologies, innovations or interactivity, communication technologies, personal qualities of a teacher, professional skills, modern information, pedagogical techniques, responsibilities, responsibility.

"A bad teacher just tells the truth, and a good one teaches to find it"

A.F. Disterweg is a German pedagogue

Today, the fulfillment of the tasks that our state sets before the educational system depends to a large extent on the teacher. Based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", the National Program of Personnel Training and the demands of the society, responsible tasks are faced by teachers today. Article 5 of the Law "On Education" states that "Persons with appropriate education, professional training and high moral qualities have the right to engage in pedagogical activities."

The nation, which is not indifferent to its future, sees its bright and prosperous days in the perspective of its owners, the young generation, pays special attention to education.

In improving the efficiency of the educational system:

• firstly, based on the perspective of regional development, the definition and introduction of professions was carried out;

• secondly, professional directions of educational institutions were designed;

• thirdly, the material and technical base of education was strengthened;

• fourthly, educational institutions were provided with highly qualified pedagogues and engineer-pedagogists;

• fifthly, the state budget and sponsorship funds were effectively used in the operation of educational institutions;

• Sixthly, the supply and demand of labor force has been coordinated to ensure cohesion between educational institutions and the labor market.

The socio-economic changes and reforms implemented in our republic serve as a solid foundation for the fate of our students and their bright prospects. In this sense, on the basis of the Decree No. PF-5847 dated October 8, 2019 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On

approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030", setting priorities for the systematic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, modern knowledge and high moral and ethical Special attention is paid to raising the process of training highly qualified personnel with qualities, independent thinking to a new level in terms of quality, modernization of higher education, development of social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies.

As the President noted: "We are facing an urgent issue that cannot be overestimated, such as providing educators with modern knowledge, improving their education and qualifications. In my opinion, the main problem in mastering the education system is here. We demand that the teacher should give modern knowledge to our children. But in order to give modern knowledge, first of all, the coach himself must have such knowledge."

Two important indicators of the reforms implemented in the higher education system -quality and efficiency - are closely related to the teacher's potential and professional skills. His demand (prossio-gram) is increasing day by day.

The role of the teacher in raising a mature, perfect person in all respects, which our society demands, is incomparable. Teaching is an honorable but very difficult profession. To become a good teacher, it is not enough to master pedagogical theory. In this regard, the great thinker Bedil's thoughts that "if the memory does not lay the first brick correctly, the wall will remain crooked even if it reaches the stars" are also of great importance in human education. If you think a year ahead - plant rice, if you think five - six years ahead - plant trees. If you think about the whole life, educate people, educate them, direct them to the profession" directly remind once again that the profession of tactistry is hard and responsible.

The nation, which is not indifferent to its future, sees its bright and prosperous days in the perspective of its owners, the young generation, pays special attention to education. See that in order to talk about a teacher, we need to refer to a number of words, phrases, sentences, explanatory dictionaries. In this regard: Education, training, skill, attitude, manners, pedagogical technique, etc. If we do not fully understand their meaning, we cannot fully explain the importance of these expressions in the work of the teacher, so we should stop at each of them separately. This requires the teacher to have extensive knowledge, thorough practical training, high pedagogical skills, creativity, and management skills. So what is pedagogical skill?

Pedagogical skill means organizing all forms of the pedagogical process in the most convenient and effective way, directing them towards the goals of personal development, forming a broad worldview and abilities in students, and instilling a tendency towards activities necessary for society. "Pedagogical skill" - "pedagogical ability of a teacher-educator", "teacher's culture and speech art", "pedagogical politeness, manners and ethics" "attitude to various pedagogical situations", "self-education" and scientific and creative work on oneself1' is described by such expressions.

So, pedagogical skill is characterized by professional, personal, universal and special qualities of the teacher, along with his competence and love for his profession. "A teacher," says Al-Farabi, "must be intelligent, have a beautiful speech, and be able to fully and clearly express the thoughts he wants to convey to the students." He continued his opinion and said, "The task of a teacher and leader is similar to the task of a wise head of state, therefore a teacher should remember everything he has heard and seen, have intelligence, a beautiful speech, and know how to fully and clearly express the thoughts he wants to convey to young people. At the same time, he

should value his dignity and be fair. Only then will he have a high level of humanity and reach the peak of happiness," he says.

Pedagogical skill is not an innate talent or an inherited trait, but a product of research and creative work. This multifaceted pedagogical activity is based on creative work. Therefore, pedagogical skill is not a standard for all teachers, i.e., it is not a standard way of working, but it is formed and developed in the process of each teacher's own work and creative work. it is necessary to enrich its activities with advanced experiences. Pedagogical skills of the teacher are mainly evident in classroom training. Because training is the main work of the teacher in the school according to its content and essence. Therefore, it should be scientific, ideological and popular, connected with the level of preparation of students. In the educational process, a lively language, exchange of ideas, sincere attitude, respect and cooperation between the teacher and students are necessary to achieve the main goal.

From the above points, it can be said that pedagogic skills are the highest results achieved in all aspects of educational work, if the teacher uses the experiences gained in learning subjects creatively in his work.

Nasriddin Tusi in his work entitled "On Education of Teachers" says: "A teacher should be able to conduct discussions, know how to prove at an irrefutable level, believe in the correctness of his thoughts, and his speech should be absolutely clean, and his sentences should be expressed logically." A teacher's speech can never and anywhere be poisonous, rude or harsh.

"The teacher's lack of self-control during the lesson can spoil the work," he says. Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher to use pedagogical skills wisely and to use management mechanisms in the process of education. The word "management" is usually understood as an active influence on a controlled object or subject system to achieve a specific goal. Today, several directions can be distinguished according to the meaning of management. According to the first direction, the meaning of management is activity. For example, one of the founders of management theory, Henri Fayol, who conducted scientific research on the management process, defined management as:

- seer of the future;

- activity organizer;

- perceiver of the organization;

- coordinator of activities;

- describes it as a powerful weapon that controls the execution of decisions and orders. In the second direction, management is considered to be the influence of one system on another, and of an individual on another person or group. S.N. Tidor describes the meaning of management as follows:

- try to coordinate the object in the direction of the goal;

- influencing the object to achieve the goal;

- vertical coordination of influencing the organization of the system in the direction of achieving the goal.

M. Sharifkhojaev defines that "Management is a choice that requires unique high art and skill, the process of making a decision based on this choice and controlling its implementation"4. At the beginning of the 20th century, Henri Fayol distinguished five functions of management: planning, organization, command, coordination, and control.

Today, it is important to fulfill the requirements of our state and society for education workers. Responsible tasks are assigned to pedagogues in solving the development of our republic.

A number of requirements are placed on the teacher, such as being a skilled master of his profession, developing the ability to manage a group of students. How does the management of the pedagogical process begin? The educational process in educational institutions is determined by planning, organizing, making decisions on educational situations, obtaining a guaranteed result, monitoring, and coordinating professional activities (shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1. Issues specific to the art of management in improving pedagogical skills

Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher to constantly improve his qualifications, search for himself, and work diligently. For this purpose, the management system is taught in depth at the institute of retraining and professional development of pedagogues. The use of the art of management is also important in improving pedagogical skills. There are issues that are relevant in education management

In this case, the activity of the pedagogue must meet the following conditions:

- ability to influence education and students;

- demand;

- taking responsibility;

- to have a reputation;

- justifying the trust of the pedagogical team;

- correct perception of students' activities;

- being able to observe, evaluate and criticize the results of education in necessary situations.

All managers, students, and parents want to see these thoughts especially among the teachers of higher education institutions, who send their children to these schools and hope that they will be qualified personnel of tomorrow, perfect people, our future foundation and pride. For this reason, it is necessary for teachers to have pedagogical techniques in their fields and specialties. This, in turn, constitutes a set of general pedagogical skills necessary for a teacher in both educational and extracurricular activities.

Thus, the teacher's pedagogical technique is a set of skills that allows the teacher to convey his thoughts and feelings to the students through what they see and hear. The same qualifications of a pedagogue to deal directly with children are reflected in his behavior. Pedagogical technique is the sum total of teachers' skills, which helps the teacher to have the best creative behavior, in other words, to effectively influence students in any pedagogical situation. A.S. Makarenko appreciates the pedagogical technique with the opinion that "The educator should know how to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry, he should behave in such a way that his every action is educated."

Therefore, mastering pedagogical techniques can and should lead to an increase in the teacher's level of independence from his professional activity. The developed pedagogical technique allows the teacher to deal with the students, find the necessary words, sentences, tones, gestures, quickly and accurately, to maintain calmness and the ability to think and analyze clearly in the most acute and unexpected pedagogical situations. If the speech of the pedagogue is low, poor and disordered, if he gives free rein to his emotions for inevitable reasons, if he has an aesthetic consciousness, then both the "correct" words and the most "necessary" actions affect the understanding and emotions of the students. does

Teachers working in the higher education system are at the same time teachers, trainers and educators. If we start with teaching one of the main tasks, then first of all it is required to have professional skills in the fields. Especially when it comes to teaching and educating the young generation in the process of implementing the continuous education system, this extremely complex and multifaceted task can be implemented only by teaching staff with qualified pedagogical skills.

Adoption of modern methods of modern information and computer technologies, internet system, digital and wide-format telecommunications in the field of education, such advanced achievements, which determine the level of today's development, are not only in schools, lyceums and colleges, universities, but also in the life of every family we need to deeply understand everything. The study of the mental characteristics of the student shows that the acquired knowledge must be personally interesting and necessary for the student, otherwise they will definitely be rejected. If this situation is expressed figuratively, knowledge becomes subjective in individual thinking, while unique individual imagination and personal thoughts gain objective importance, knowledge is acquired as a result of the conflict of different points of view, debate, and cooperative activity, which is an important part of organizing the educational process in the traditional way. requires forms (discussion, mutual cooperation).

The teacher should create such conditions in his lesson that, as a result, the initially neutral object for the student unexpectedly acquires a subjective character. As a result, the student works in cooperation with the teacher, is sought after, and the teacher achieves the educational goals. The person-oriented technology of education differs from traditional educational technologies in the following way: the main purpose of the training is to organize the thinking process, knowledge,

skills, and abilities are created as a product of the student's activity. The power of the thinking process is higher than the power of knowledge, it is manifested as an element of self-development of a person, this process itself is very important, as well as the result of creative research, it is the joy of creativity of the student and teacher, it inspires the creation of new things, independent research and creative activity. encourages organization.

Because the quality and efficiency of education and upbringing depends on many factors, it is impossible to give a single and powerful recommendation or guidance in this regard. It should not be forgotten that there are specific and appropriate criteria for knowing how to use modern pedagogical or information and communication technologies. Even those who raise the banner of unconventionality, innovation or interactivity should not deny the thousand (maybe million) years of traditions and experiences of teaching, the huge accumulated experience reserve.

The abundance of methodological methods and especially their combination shows the creative initiative and pedagogical skills of teachers. A creative pedagogue discovers new methods, changes well-known methods, and achieves better educational and educational results.

One day, a man who was hungry by the lake met a wise man who was catching fish and turned to him: "I am hungry, help me!" The wise man replied: "I can give you a fish, you will be full quickly and after a while you will be hungry again and you will ask me for help again." I can give you a fishing rod, but it might break at some point, and you'll have to come back to me. Well, I'll teach you how to make a fishing rod, it's long and hard, but you won't need my help later. Choose your own path...".

The conclusion from the above narration is that a good teacher should teach a student to "make a fishing rod" and a smart student should learn it. The faster and more firmly students learn to "make a fishing rod", the more they will have their own "catch" without needing someone else. New interactive and non-traditional pedagogical technologies are very useful in the implementation of such tasks.

At the same time, it is necessary not to stop the activity in the issues of continuous monitoring of the activity and knowledge of the modern teacher. Because evaluating the knowledge of pedagogues, improving their qualifications, and improving pedagogical techniques and pedagogical skills is aimed at conducting control of the modern education system. In the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 5, 2018 "On additional measures to increase the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in comprehensive reforms implemented in the country" No. PQ-3775 the issue of forming a modern system of skill assessment was considered. In this regard, the competences of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of quality control of educational processes, teaching staff, personnel training and their qualification improvement in the educational system are determined, and the professional competence of pedagogues is in accordance with the qualification requirements. the task of systematic analysis was noted as one of the priorities.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to develop a system for evaluating the pedagogical and professional skills of teachers in order to improve the quality of education and to form a rating of higher education institutions in the international arena, to take into account the existing advanced foreign experiences in this regard, and to ensure the adaptability of these criteria to the rapidly changing conditions of the labor market.

In our institute, based on these priority tasks, within the framework of the research, experimental work was carried out on the development of the diagnostic system of the professional competence of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions. The purpose of conducting this experiment is to develop a diagnostic system of pedagogical skills (competence) and the level of development of pedagogical techniques and competence of teaching staff of higher educational institutions in accordance with the qualification requirements in the fields of education.

It is known that scientific research conducted in the pedagogical direction relies on its organizational and methodological foundations. In this process, the diagnosis of the level of development of the level of professional competence of pedagogues is carried out on the example of educational activities and mastery indicators of pedagogic staff of higher educational institutions.

In this, we evaluated using the NIPP - (needs study, input, process and final results analysis) model based on the modification of the American scientist-researcher Stafflebeam (Stufflebeam) model (presented in Figure 2.).

- the first stage - based on online surveys, the results and needs of students expected from the educational process were analyzed;

- in the second stage - online - test results were studied;

In accordance with these criteria, a diagnostic map of the level of development of professional and pedagogical skills of teaching staff of higher education institutions was developed. This diagnostic map reflects the requirements for the level of professional pedagogical skills of pedagogues, and it serves not only to reflect diagnostic indicators, but also to determine the level of efficiency of future activities.

The results of such an analysis are evaluated based on the levels of integrated development. They are evaluated in a 100-point system at the lower, base, productive and creative creative levels.

In this regard, special attention was paid to the following aspects during the diagnosis of professional pedagogical skills of teachers of higher education institutions:

1. Analytical conclusions were formed taking into account not only the level indicators based on the evaluation criteria, but also the analysis of the previous diagnostic results when evaluating the professional pedagogical skills and techniques of teachers and pedagogues.

2. Along with determining the level of development of professional pedagogical skills in the diagnostic processes, the art of leadership and individual-professional development opportunities and trajectory of the teacher in this field were determined.

Evaluation criteria and diagnostic map of pedagogical skills and pedagogical techniques of HEI teaching staff

3. By studying the level of development of professional pedagogical skills of teachers and pedagogues, it served to determine their independent self-evaluation, formation of personalreflexive approach, motivation for professional self-development.

4. Based on the assessment of the professional skills of teachers and pedagogues, the need to develop a strategy based on the corporate goals of each HEI was based on the implementation of modern mechanisms of its development, as well as the implementation of integrated monitoring.

Nowadays, the following requirements are required for modern teachers:

Criteria Indicators Integrated diagnostic technologies

Educator's knowledge of regulatory and legal documents in the field of management and activity, social activity Test, essay, project work, assessment tasks, training

iformational Independent search, analysis, sorting and direction of information related to pedagogical and administrative activities Assessment assignments, expert assessment based on analysis of open lessons, synergistic analysis

— HH Use of AK and PT in solving administrative and professional pedagogical tasks Test, creative assignments, expert assessment based on the analysis of open lessons, training

Communicative methods, authentic analysis

Development of industry-oriented foreign language skills Situational assignments, interviews, case studies, decision trees

Analytical Making decisions based on a systematic analysis of pedagogical-management tasks Reflexive technologies, trainings, SWOT analysis, presentation of project work, acmeogram

Professional development, management skills Analysis based on the results of scientific works,

Figure 2. Evaluation criteria and diagnostic map of pedagogical skills and pedagogical


Requirements for modern teachers:

1 A teacher is, first of all, an educator who feels responsible, an experienced speaker, a promoter of culture and enlightenment.

2 A teacher should be able to love students by nature, to be able to connect his love and feelings with the inner world of students at every moment, to earn their love and respect.

3 The teacher should be able to deeply understand the changes taking place in the social life of the society, the essence of the ongoing socio-economic reforms, and objectively evaluate them, and be able to constantly provide correct and reasonable information to the students in this regard.

4 It is necessary for a modern teacher to be aware of the news and achievements of science, technology and information and communication technologies.

5 A teacher must have deep and thorough knowledge of his specialty, master the integration of all disciplines, and conduct continuous scientific research on himself.

6 A teacher should thoroughly know the basics of pedagogy and psychology, organize educational activities taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students.

7 A teacher should be able to effectively use the most effective modern forms, methods and tools of education and training in his professional pedagogical activities.

8 A teacher is a creator, an initiator of educational activities and a person responsible for the future of the young generation

9 In the course of his professional activity, the teacher must master the rules of highlevel pedagogical skill, communicative ability, pedagogical technique (speech, face, hand, foot and body movements, mime, pantomime, tact)

10 It is necessary for the teacher to have speech culture, his speech should reflect the following features: be free of various dialect words and be expressed only in literary language; the teacher's speech should be simple, fluent and understandable

11 The teacher's dressing culture should be unique, i.e. simple, neat, modest dressing, not using various decorations (gold, silver jewelry) that quickly attract the student's attention during the educational process, season, age, body structure, facial features, even, it is required to dress according to hair color and style

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12 The teacher is the main organizer of the class team in the educational institution and the most active participant in the reforms carried out in the field of education.

Figure 2. Requirements for modern teachers:

Conclusion. Thus, conducting experimental tests aimed at improving the professional pedagogical skills and pedagogical techniques of teachers and pedagogues based on a specific program and plan made it possible to achieve the set goal and achieve the expected results.

Today, first of all, a teacher should be mentally healthy and able to think broadly, deeply know their national values, traditions, and the creative heritage of great figures of our nation. Therefore, he should have conducted research in the field of his chosen specialty and science, have a good knowledge of the life and work of scholars, and have logical thinking. This is important in the formation of the teacher's pedagogical skills. In particular, providing in-depth knowledge to the young generation, who are the great future of our country, based on our national traditions, customs, and values, requires high ability and diligence from teachers.


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