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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ismailov Sherzodbek Dilshodovich

This article considers that in adolescence, family competence, universal values, household management skills, a reasonable daily routine, economic education, and the desire for novelty are important for boys.

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Section 1. Age-related psychology


Ismailov Sherzodbek Dilshodovich, Lecturer, Fergana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan.


Abstract. This article considers that in adolescence, family competence, universal values, household management skills, a reasonable daily routine, economic education, and the desire for novelty are important for boys.

Keywords: recessions, crises, family values, competence, care, ethical standards.


It is important to remember that this condition is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood. At this stage, the mental and physical development of children is significantly accelerated. Adolescence includes 11-12 years, 14-15 years, in some children, the transition to this period may begin, mainly from the 5th grade. Adolescence is distinguished by its imitativeness, informality of an important point of view, courage, masculinity, restraint, emotionality. A teenager begins to be interested in different things in life. The desire for novelty increases. The inner world is enriched, character is formed, contradictions arise.

That's why he looks at some restrictions differently. This period of child maturation is often called a "difficult", "important", "difficult" period. Parents, as well as young teachers who do not yet have sufficient experience in the field of educational work, as well as the necessary knowledge about the age and individual characteristics of adolescent children, usually believe that the upbringing of adolescents is too difficult. But at present, science knows specific patterns, features, opportunities for the upbringing of adolescents, complex mechanisms of expression and

the emergence of motives ofbehavior. This is typical for teenagers. For this reason, adolescent boys and girls need to be given close attention, and during this period, changes occur in children.

These are physiological, biological, as well as psychological. In order to form familiar competence in adolescent boys, it is necessary to first form this competence in teachers, because boys in adolescence spend most of the day with teachers in secondary schools.

Materials and methods

Family competence in the professional activities of teachers involved in the formation of the attitude of schoolchildren to family values is an important aspect of professional and pedagogical competence in the professional development of a teacher. The formation of family competence among teachers includes:

- Understanding the multifunctional and universality of family life;

- The teacher's awareness of the universal value and personal significance of family, family life;

- Acquisition of ethical norms (respect for parental feelings for etiquette, etc.) and professional

competencies for the education of younger schoolchildren in connection with family values.

- Possess the personal qualities necessary to build their own family life and organize constructive cooperation with the families of pupils on the basis of technologies for working with different types of families;

- Family relations acquisition of household skills, culture, communication skills with relatives and close people;

- A system of knowledge about the activities of the family, its creation, ways of implementing family education of children, constructive interaction with the pupil's family in the process of its development;

- For the formation of familiar competence in adolescent boys, teachers are required to:

- Subjective and personal experience in the development and implementation of models for the effective solution ofproblems of family life, preparation of schoolchildren for family life and psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

- Readiness for constant self-development of family qualities, self-improvement of family relations, self-education in the field of social partnership with the parents of pupils in order to create a personality-oriented educational environment.

The process of education and upbringing of boys in adolescence is carried out in the immediate environment of the child, that is, in the family, parents, older relatives, children, their friends create an information space in which the teenager grows up. Through this, he enters society. The principle of skillful use of exact-ingness with a respectful and humane attitude towards children. The main thing is to establish a rational order of life and behavior of children in the family, rational forms oftheir relationships with other family members.

The learning process - the formation of habits, skills, character traits - goes through the transfer of knowledge. To teach children to the daily routine, including work, study in combination with rest, how to keep their belongings and workplace in order, to form appropriate habits of positive behavior. The

next important criterion for the formation of tolerant relationships in the family is the creation of a working environment and the development of children's work skills. In the family, work should be organized according to the type of collective in which teenage boys contribute to the creation of material well-being and can measure their needs with material prosperity. The best means of motivating children to work in the family was considered the ability of parents to set work tasks, give work assignments, as well as jointly perform the planned work. At the same time, parents should not forget that people have always tried to please, so as not to force children to work.

Result and discussion

The inability of some parents to expand the scope of children's forces in practical matters leads to the fact that they do not learn to appreciate work, and also form dependent moods in themselves. Teaching children to work from an early age forms their diligence, which is one of the most important qualities of a good head of the family.

A. S. Makarenko listed more than 20 types of child labor in the family. They consist of:

Children can make beds, keep tables and workplaces in order, clean shoes and clothes, take care of flowers, place magazines and newspapers in a certain place, look after sisters and siblings, help parents clean the apartment, cook, and hakojo.

According to the classification of competencies adopted by most theorists, they are divided into general and professional. Instrumental competencies are formed in adolescence. The main ones are informative. Thinking as the ability to understand the use of ideas and knowledge. Language skills are formed faster in the process of communication, especially in children. The first skills of preschoolers are communicative. Not only teachers, but also parents take care that children's questions are not left unanswered. Practical qualities such as attentiveness and thrift are brought up in the family. The means of economic education are stories, games, reading literature, interpreting pictures, watching cartoons,

proverbs. There are also non-traditional methods of choice ofattitude to the child's mistakes and reactions

economic education in the family. For example, a to them. You can even organize a child's competition

seven-year-old boy "Found a job." with himself. Fathers play an important role in the for-

He was paid to make buttons. The teenage boy mation of familiar competence in older children. The

realized that the work was not easy, the money was reason is that the bird does what it sees in its nest. For

expensive. Decades have passed, but the perseverance, a boy, the father in the family is a role model. That's

hard work, and patience that began then accompanied why parents should pay attention to their behavior

him all his life. The most important thing in the eco- around children in the family. Adolescence is a period

nomic education of children is a respectful attitude. rich in contradictions. Some scientists also call this a

Conclusion period of "recessions" and "crises". The reason lies in

The main criterion in the economics of raising a the fact that such crisis situations arise in the psyche

teenage child is the personal example of family mem- of a teenager that, on the one hand, he himself wants

bers. Important conversations, organization of the to resolve this crisis, and on the other hand, he lacks

child's personal space - his desk, room, play corner, the capabilities, strength and intelligence to resolve it.


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