CRUCIAL ISSUES AMONG ADOLESCENTS: A REVIEW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Nimisha Beri, Avinash Kumar

It is said that adolescence stage is a period of storms and stress. Adolescence is a word which derives from a Latin word Adolescere which mans to grow to maturity. It is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. This period of growth and development is leading towards one’s maturity physically emotionally and socially as a good person. Adolescents are mature enough to leave their dependence to parents to their personal independence. Being part of a family group to being a part of a peer group. This is a lengthy process because they prepare themselves to understand meaning of life and stand alone in society at large. It is advisable to have birds-eye view on various aspects to have a wider knowledge about the happenings around them. A youngster is neither a child nor an adult, but in between. It is a period of regression, struggle, conflicts, identity crisis, confusion, unresolved agendas, etc., it is also a different environmental and unexpected situation. Finally, adolescence take a steady step towards develop and adjust the problem. The purpose of paper is to explore problems related to adolescence and role of adjustments

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Nimisha Beri

Professor, School of Education

Lovely Professional University (India, Phagwara)

Avinash Kumar


Lovely Professional University (India, Phagwara)


Abstract: It is said that adolescence stage is a period of storms and stress. Adolescence is a word which derives from a Latin word Adolescere which mans to grow to maturity. It is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. This period of growth and development is leading towards one's maturity physically emotionally and socially as a good person. Adolescents are mature enough to leave their dependence to parents to their personal independence. Being part of a family group to being a part of a peer group. This is a lengthy process because they prepare themselves to understand meaning of life and stand alone in society at large. It is advisable to have birds-eye view on various aspects to have a wider knowledge about the happenings around them. A youngster is neither a child nor an adult, but in between. It is a period of regression, struggle, conflicts, identity crisis, confusion, unresolved agendas, etc., it is also a different environmental and unexpected situation. Finally, adolescence take a steady step towards develop and adjust the problem. The purpose of paper is to explore problems related to adolescence and role of adjustments.

Key words: Adolescence, Adjustments, Problems, Issues Introduction

Adolescence is a period of physical and psychological development which

commonly occurs during the period of puberty to legal adulthood and this is a critical and


important part of human life in which males and females jump into a colorful and dreamy world. In this stage, both boys and girls see everything colorful in which they usually may lose or go on a wrong track. Along with this, it is very sensitive period so, lots of freedom is harmful just like a disaster for them. In this period, they rush toward destruction unintentionally without knowing the conclusion. Beside this, adolescents are young people who are going from childhood to adulthood. This period is undoubtedly full of risks and they may be addicted to cigarettes, alcohols, hashish and other chemical drug that may lead them to deadly illness. In addition, during this stage sexual aspects develop because of a flow in production of testosterone in males and estrogen in females (Slee, 2002). These hormones continue up to full maturation is achieved. Weight and height is achieved rapidly. Moreover, girls produce breast buds in early adolescences around 12 to 18 age and pubic development of hairs around armpit and other pubic areas compare to boys with hair development from face, pubic area, chest, armpit and legs (Slee, 2002).

As mentioned above that, it is a serious stage for boys and girls in which they may face various issues without knowing the consequences. Thus, many researches and experiments have been done and suggested various strategies and ways of solution to deal with current issues of adolescence in various areas such as self-esteem and Self-image, school issues, learning problems, physical growth and development, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, alcoholic, teen suicide, bullying at school, behavioral problems and so on in order to, inform and understand their parents and educators to deal and motivate them for a normal and cheerful life forever.

Self-esteem and self-image are critical issues among adolescents. This idea should be positively developed in adolescents who bring thoughts and feelings toward how they look and behave in environment. Self-esteem is related to how much a person like him or herself and how you appreciate and recognized you characters, skills and qualities. The idea of fat talk weight related notions among adolescents significantly contribute to the development of negative perception and dissatisfaction of body (Voelker and et al, 2015). So, it is vital for parents and school educators to develop positive and better environment at home and school in order to keep adolescents from these ideas which may stop their personality growth and academic career.

School related issues are very crucial to be considered such as, low academic performance, dropping out and bullying due to these problems they may go to depression and mental problem which lead to deadly illness. Because, school makes a huge part of adolescent existence Children low academic accomplishment is associated with high maternal depressives' symptoms and this depression of parents have direct and indirect link with children academic achievements (Knight and et al, 2017). Problem and difficulties almost in any part of life manifest as school problems such as, dropping out, fear of going to school, truancy (making absence without permission) and educational underachievement. Some of the adolescents find the issue of fear going to school. This problem can be related to a specific person (student or teacher) or can be a physical class in school and they find physical symptoms like, pain in abdomen or purely refuse going to school. There for, parents and school educators should try to identify the problems or reasons and encourage them to be a part of school.

Another important problem is a dropout from school which should be given consideration. In general adolescents have poor academic accomplishment and have little achievements or satisfaction in school may be due to taking drugs, involving in violence or any other factors. To solve the current issues of adolescents of drooping out from school, they should be informed alternative option for instance, graduate equivalent degree, professional; training or other alternative courses and programs. High school drop-out is major concern and adolescents may shift in to various illnesses such as, chronic somatic disease psychological distress and concentration to difficulties. Thus, government and parents should expose their children to a realistic field of education in which they overcome their academic problems and succeed (Karin and et al, 2013).

Finally, explaining all those issues or problems related to adolescents need to

present a proper solution to save and make them on the right track. Several researchers, in the

light of their researches have revealed: there is no excuses allowing psychosocial and physical

changes in adolescents to overwhelm them so much that lead them to begin taking antisocial

behavioral steps and start ruining their fruitful life. "Each professional who works with

adolescents can bring positive changes in their lives, if this message is given that, all

adolescents are resilience, energetic, creative, and challenging as well as worthwhile. There


are resources available for them to meet their needs (American Psychological Association 2002").

Review of Related Literature

Compas and et al (2001) studied several research papers associated with problems and issues related to stress among children and adolescence. In these reviews, questionnaire, observation and interview were evaluated with respect to reliability and validity and association between coping with symptoms of psychology social and academic capabilities are studied. The study revealed that, primary development has been made in the conceptualization and measurement as well as considerable statements made by researchers about the association between handling stress and adjustment. The study also concluded that, problem in conceptualization and measurement of coping with young people is still remained. The study further suggested for more research with the construct of association of coping with physical health and sickness and the role of coping and responses to stress act in childhood and adolescence in the regulation or dysregulation of biological processes, and ultimately health status and onset and progression of sickness. There is also a need for basic research on child-adolescent coping needs to be associated with intervention research.

Silk, Steinberg and Morris (2003) conducted the study on 152 adolescents of grade 7 and 10 to examine the association between emotion regulation and it adjustment. Sampling method is used to evaluate the emotion regulation and participants also completed a self-report which measures adjustment. The study indicated that adolescents with more intense and unstable emotion as well as less effective regulation of these emotions also reported more miserable symptoms and obstacles and reply to negative emotions with denial or rumination is considered less effective in maintaining negative impact and the use of strategies were correlated higher degree of depressiveness signs and problem behavior.

In a study on 4115 adults, 4018 children in 1999-2000 and from 4258children,

4390 adults in 2001 to 2002, in order to inform the recent prediction of overweight in children

and obesity in adults by Hedly and et al (2004). Data is collected through national data of

height and weight measurement and representative sampling is selected as well as multistage

probability design is used. The study revealed that, there is no considerable change (decreases)


in the prevalence of obesity in adults and overweight in children and it is still a major concern in public health.

In a study on 422 participants Espelage and Holt (2008) examined the relationship between peer dynamics and bullying behavior in early adolescents. Data is collected via survey which contained peer report and self-report to identify bullying and victimization along with other variables. The study showed male adolescent were selected as bullies in a self-report then female ones and senior students self-report showed more bullying performance then younger learners. The study also concluded that the notion of teasing or bullying can be an initial support for gaining control and a position in a school.

Martin and Dowson (2009) examined educational theories, current issues and educational practices in order locate the role of interpersonal association of student with school and teacher. The study proposed that any type of information should be explained in three different level of analysis (trilevel) to enhance students' motivation, engagement and academic achievements. The study also concluded that, trilevel framework which includes, key courses and extracurricular activities, cooperative learning and mentoring, complete program and interventions and school settings as community.

Pathak (2011) conducted the study on 1150 adolescents to investigate the prevalence set of behavioral and emotional issues among adolescents as well as to find out the relationship between socio environmental stressors and maladaptive outcomes. Data is collected through youth self-report (2001) questionnaire for evaluation of behavioral and emotional problems and family stressors were also assessed with a pre-test 23 item questionnaire. Data is analyzed via Univariate and multivariate multiple logistic regression analysis is done. The study revealed that, total prevalence of behavioral and emotional issues among adolescents was 30%. The study further discussed most of the adolescents suffer from emotional and behavioral difficulties regarding family environment. The study proposed a school-base mental health facility for these types of adolescents.

Markova and Nikitskaya (2014) conducted the research on 320 adolescents (152

boys, 168 girls) to explore various coping strategies that deviant and non-deviant adolescents

use during stress and anxiety. Data is collected via Self-report questionnaire to evaluate how

adolescents manage and apply strategies during stress. The study revealed that adolescents


were more likely to use avoiding coping policies. The study also discussed the limitations of the study and suggested for future research with the respect of concerning to the sample. The numbers of the adolescents were from several schools, however these participants cannot be perceived as a general representation of the whole country and current finding is limited to by age and urban location. Thus, future studies should compare the impacts or effects of rural and urban poverty on coping across age groups. Second limitation of the study is that this study did not measure gender differences due to small sample. There for it is required to investigate with more samples using gender analyses.

Khattab (2015) conducted a longitudinal study on young people age (17-18) in England, (LSYPE, a center for longitudinal studies) in order to investigate that how various combination of aspiration, expectations and school attainment influence learners' future academic behavior. The study revealed that, high expectations or high aspirations significantly influenced students' achievement compare to those with low expectations or aspirations. The study further added that, comprehensive alignment between high expectation, high aspiration and high achievement is the best predictor of future learning behavior among learners.

Raufelder and et al (2016) conducted a multi methodological study on 88 learners in order to find the association of amygdala reactivity of learners toward teachers' fear, anger and relationship as well as learners neural response to teachers' faces. The study showed that, teacher-student relationship significantly influenced the amygdala activity to teachers' fearful faces which is associated to worry and students with high neuroticism perceive their teachers as motivators and showed higher amygdala reaction to angry faces which is related to emotional measurement.

Ballard (2016) conducted the study on 400 high school students to investigate longitudinal association between discrimination and civic development between Asian and Latino adolescents. Data is analyzed via cross-legged structural equation modeling for bidirectional links among perceived discrimination, civic beliefs and civic activism between Asian and Latino adolescents. The study revealed that, civic beliefs (thinking that the government is not attentive) and activism (protesting and explaining political views) were exist earlier time and now it is significantly decreased in high school level then earlier.

Woods and Scott (2016) conducted the study on 467 Scottish adolescents to find the impact of social media use during nighttime, sleep quality, self-esteem, depression and anxiety. The study revealed, adolescent who invests sufficient time on social media feels lower self-esteem, sleepless, depression and higher degree of anxiety.

Bista and et al (2016) conducted the study on 787 students from 13 schools in Hetauda, Nepal to examine the prevalence of psychological dysfunction and its relationship with factors related to family in adolescent of Nepali students. Data is collected via structures questionnaire and Y-PSC and data is analyzed through SPSS. The study indicated a notification regarding psychological dysfunction among adolescent leaners of Nepal. The study further concluded that family dimension as considerable as considerable factors for psychological dysfunction.

Knight and et al (2017) Conducted a longitudinal study in three forms on UK children aged from11-12 years in order to find whether maternal depressives' symptoms affect adolescent academic accomplishment or not. Data is collected in three waves and study revealed that children low academic accomplishment is associated with high maternal depressives' symptoms and this depression of parents have direct and indirect link with children academic achievements. The study further discussed that there were sufficient supportive points regarding an indirect impact of parenting depressives' symptoms on children academic achievements that mother-child and father-child lessen children self-control which influence children accomplishment in school.

Haque and Farhana (2017) conducted the study on 200 participants (children n=100) and (parents n= 100) in Dhaka Bangladesh, to find out the relationship between parents' attitude toward math anxiety and their children's math anxiety. Data is collected via questionnaire and measured by math anxiety scale prepared by haque and Hossain for secondary school students and parent anxiety questionnaire toward math is used to test parents' attitude toward math anxiety. Study revealed that, there is a considerable association between parents' attitude toward math and children's math anxiety and parents' attitude toward math positively affect children math anxiety. The study also concluded that no gender differences has found regarding children's math anxiety.

Kelley, Alexander and Pransky (2017) conducted the study on 45 children and 26 high risk adolescents which is selected randomly for experimental groups in order to find the effects of exposing children and adolescent to these psycho spiritual principles, Universal mind, consciousness and thought. Training is given regarding how these principles interact with the construct of psychological lives. The study revealed that exposed group considerably improved regarding resiliency with high risk participant and larger development has noted then moderate and low risk participants compare to control group.

Davis and Carol (2017) conducted the study on 311 adolescents age range 14-19 to find the association between parenting style such as using social and material reward, Socio cognitive, socio emotive traits and pro social behavior of adolescents in a low-income communities. The showed that social reward positively linked with viewpoint taking, emphatic concern and pro social thinking. The study also concluded that, there is direct link between social behavior and material reward.

Trekels and Eggermont (2017) conducted the study on 1591 adolescents in a two wave panel study with six month interval to study the longitudinal rapport between appearance focused exposure and social appearance anxiety. The study showed that magazine exposure significantly associated with internalization of appearance ideal and the attribution of social motivation to attractiveness which is related to social appearance anxiety and these attribution and internalization of social reward make spiral reinforcement. The study also concluded that once peer acceptance and insight reward rise then, this correlate with positive ideas which support internalization of adolescents that tap off appearance anxiety.

Blasi and et al (2017) conducted the study on 128 adolescents which is needed to be treated to find that how domain-specific self-image is related with psychological distress. Data is collected via self-image questionnaire and study revealed that, adolescents' feelings and concerns about their self-image can be main factors to keep in mind while planning, developing providing actual psychological health services for adolescents. The study further discussed gender differences appeared in the study which shows complicated risk factors in adolescents' females so, it is required gender-directed strategies and planning.

Ginevra and et al (2017) conducted the study on 1202 Italian high school students

and cross gender multi-group approach is used in order to prevalence the understanding of


association between career adaptability, courage and life satisfaction. The investigation revealed that courage act as mediator to maintain the link between career and life satisfaction in both boys and girls. The study also suggested the importance of career intervention to support courage for career flexibility and motivation for strengthening life satisfaction in adolescence.

Franicka (2017) conducted the study on 280 participants' age range 12-19 in Poland to identify appropriate risk indicators for unsafe behaviors in adolescents. The result revealed that gender effect aiming to higher degree of involvement in insecure behaviors among males. The study further discussed that prophylactic and therapeutic interventions are needed to be considered such as educational accomplishment, age, social help and aggressiveness.


From the above related literature reviews, it is shown that courage, discrimination, bullying, psychological stress and low motivation are indicators, which support risky behaviors of adolescents. Low school motivation seems to be the only central factor for identifying the adolescents apparently at high risks (Resnick and Burt, 1996). Adolescents who faced and experienced bullying issues in school, poverty, alcohol and unsafe sex behave differently in social life. Thus, psychosocial development is very important to be considered to solve each problem and every crisis in their own stages. According to Erik Erikson, adolescent must solve two main and important crises in order to mature in to well-adjusted life. The first adolescents' crisis is identity versus role confusion. During this stage teens face the effort to figure out their identity while still fighting with peers. According to Erikson, successful adolescents have a clear understanding of their individual indent and can feasibly share his or herself with others which contribute in building a confident person who is able to create normal and healthy association with people around them. The second adolescent crisis is usually come between late adolescence and early adulthood is intimacy versus isolation. In this psychological stage, teen is required to know the nature of intimacy. Erikson explained that successful adolescents can develop and keep close friendship and proper association

outside and inside the family. Adolescent who fail to manage this stage become distant and socially isolated (Live Strong .Com).

All in all, many researchers have struggled to point and present a proper solution to each in every concerns and problems face adolescents. These researches significantly influenced families and schools administrators in adapting proper environment for adolescents through whom they feel free life from psychological stress and negative feelings for a smooth and charming life. However, still it is required to take in to consideration this critical stage of life which is full of risks and negative consequences. Factors such as, self-esteem, self-control, needs, aspirations, social skills and more importantly motivation, are required to be developed among adolescents. For the development of these factors within adolescents, parents, peers and especially school educators are required to take significant steps and plans for adapting a healthy environment in order to keep them motivated as well as perceive their selves as a champion in each part of their lives.

During studying above research papers, several research gaps were found for further study with the respect of to compare the effects of rural and urban poverty on coping strategies of adolescents with deviant behavior across age groups. Further more research is required with more samples using gender analyses regarding coping strategies of adolescent with deviant behavior. This will be significant work and a major contribution in this area.


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Compas, B.E. et al (2001). Coping with Stress During Childhood and Adolescence: Problems, Progress and Potential in Theory and Research, Psychological Bulletin, 127, (1), 87-127, American Psychological Association.

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Espelage, D. L and Holt. M. K. (2008). Bullying and Victimization During Early Adolescence, Journal of Emotional Abuse, 2, (3), Taylor and Francis group.

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