DIDACTIC ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPTS "INFORMATICS COMPETENCE" AND "INFORMATION CULTURE" Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tykhonova T.V.

Basing on many scientific sources the author substantiates the gist and constituents of the concepts of «informatics competence» and «information culture» and conducts comparative didactic analysis. informatics competence is the person’s integrated ability to work efficiently and effectively in the information environment; it appears in the information activities and is evaluated for the results of performance. information Culture is a measure of human excellence in the information field; it manifests itself in social activities, communication, and behavior. The author describes how these concepts affect the purposes of study, what content of the training material should be in terms of the priority of one or the other concepts, what methods and tools must be applied for the purposes of study, what diagnostic results should be.

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Tykhonova T.V.

Ph.D., associate professor, Doctoral student, National Aviation University, Kyiv


Basing on many scientific sources the author substantiates the gist and constituents of the concepts of «informatics competence» and «information culture» and conducts comparative didactic analysis. Informatics competence is the person's integrated ability to work efficiently and effectively in the information environment; it appears in the information activities and is evaluated for the results of performance. Information Culture is a measure of human excellence in the information field; it manifests itself in social activities, communication, and behavior. The author describes how these concepts affect the purposes of study, what content of the training material should be in terms of the priority of one or the other concepts, what methods and tools must be applied for the purposes of study, what diagnostic results should be.

Keywords: informatics competence; information culture; informatics product; productive-technological education; competence tasks.

The terms «informatics competence» and «information culture» are often used by authors of researches or developers of informatics learning programs as the categories that are the goals in the formation and selection of general and special informatics education. Historically, the first was the concept of «information culture», but now there are international educational standards [18-21], declaring the competence approach. Therefore most authors, describing objectives informatics education, use the notion of «informatics competence». Typically, scientists focus either on the concept of «information culture» or «informatics competence»; few of them conduct a comparative analysis of these concepts.

Native scientists, such as M.M.Blyzniuk, R.S.Hurevych, N.H.Dzhyncharadze, M.I.Zhaldak, V.I.Klochko, M.M.Levshyn, N.V.Morze, Yu.S.Ramskyi, E.P.Semeniuk investigated the problem of formation of information culture. M.S.Holovan, R.S.Hurevych, Yu.O.Doroshenko, L.A.Kartashova, N.V.Morze, O.M.Spirin researched the concept of «informatics competence» in their studies. There is a well-established scientific view that informatics competence is a part of the information culture of the person or stage of its development [4, 8, 9].

In our opinion, it would be interesting to compare the didactic nature of these concepts: how these concepts affect the purposes of study, what the content of the training material should be in terms of the priority of one or the other concepts, what methods and tools should be used for the acquisition of appropriate targets, which diagnostic results must be.

The goal of the article is the substantiation of didactic nature of the categories of «informatics competence» and «information culture» and their comparative analysis.

Defining the essence of informatics competence, we use a common definition of competence provided Yu.O.Doroshenko "competence should be seen as an integral feature of person that characterizes its functional expression during an active successful activity in the changing, unpredictable conditions. Such activity should lead to the planned results. ... Competence is manifested in the successful activity as the result of it; there is functional-result notion" [5, c.15]. That is, informatics competence is the ability (integrated property) of the person to the effectively productive activity in conditions of information environment; it manifests itself during informatics activities and is the result of this activity.

Different authors describe various models of the informatics competence. (Model of the competencies is a set of clusters of competencies that fully determine the requirements for the successful activity. «Cluster of the competencies» is the conventional term for a group of competencies that are linked together). The most commonly used clusters are: cluster of key competencies and the special-subject cluster of informatics competencies; informational, computer-technological, procedural-activity cluster [1]; methodological, research, modeling, algorithmic and technological clusters [14]; theoretical, practical, methodical cluster [9] and so on.

Researchers of the essence of the informatics competence, eg [4, 13], use the model of psychological structure of competence after I.O.Zymnia [7]. They distinguish motivational, cognitive, behavioral (activity), value-semantic (value-reflexive), emotional-volitional component.

Researchers use structural or functional criteria to determine the informatics competence formation [3]. Structural criteria usually coincide, with components of psychological structure of competence. Functional criteria determine the procedural characteristics of (tempo, intensity, volume, variety of techniques and actions) and / or performance indicators of activity (the level and quality of results in the target activity for a set time).

In our point of view, structural criteria (knowledge, skills, motivations, ability, level of self-control, etc.) are not sufficient to scientific research. The teacher can't use structural criteria in the learning process either because he hasn't got the tools to assess the psychological components of the competence. In order to assess the level of formation of the competence as an integrated quality, researchers should use integrated functional criteria.

We propose a model of the informatics competence, which is given in two main clusters: informational-communicational as a key competence and informational-technological as a special competence.

Informational-communicational competence is the ability of a person to solve the information tasks (the problems). For its evaluation researchers may use criteria developed by ETS (Educational Testing Service) for the evaluation of ICT literacy [17] (Table 1).

Table 1

Criteria of the informational-communicational competence

Criteria Skills

Define Understand and articulate the scope of an information problem in order to facilitate the electronic search for information, such as by: • distinguishing a clear, concise, and topical research question from poorly framed questions, such as ones that are overly broad or do not otherwise fulfill the information need; • asking questions of a "professor" that help disambiguate a vague research assignment; • conducting effective preliminary information searches to help frame a research statement.

Access Collect and/or retrieve information in digital environments. Information sources might be Web pages, databases, discussion groups, e-mail, or online descriptions of print media. Tasks include: • generating and combining search terms (keywords) to satisfy the requirements of a particular research task; • efficiently browsing one or more resources to locate pertinent information; • deciding what types of resources might yield the most useful information for a particular need.

Evaluate Judge whether information satisfies an information problem by determining authority, bias, timeliness, relevance, and other aspects of materials. Tasks include: • judging the relative usefulness of provided Web pages and online journal articles; • evaluating whether a database contains appropriately current and pertinent information; • deciding the extent to which a collection of resources sufficiently covers a research area.

Manage Organize information to help you or others find it later, such as by: • categorizing e-mails into appropriate folders based on a critical view of the e-mails' contents; • arranging personnel information into an organizational chart; • sorting files, e-mails, or database returns to clarify clusters of related information.

Integrate Interpret and represent information, such as by using digital tools to synthesize, summarize, compare, and contrast information from multiple sources while: • comparing advertisements, e-mails, or Web sites from competing vendors by summarizing information into a table; • summarizing and synthesizing information from a variety of types of sources according to specific criteria in order to compare information and make a decision; • re-representing results from an academic or sports tournament into a spreadsheet to clarify standings and decide the need for playoffs.

Create Adapt, apply, design, or construct information in digital environments, such as by: • editing and formatting a document according to a set of editorial specifications; • creating a presentation slide to support a position on a controversial topic; • creating a data display to clarify the relationship between academic and economic variables.

Disseminate information tailored to a particular audience in an effective digital format, such as by: • formatting a document to make it more useful to a particular group; • transforming an e-mail into a succinct presentation to meet an audience's needs; • selecting and organizing slides for distinct presentations to different audiences; • designing a flyer to advertise to a distinct group of users.


We note that these criteria have been adapted and offered by Russian (V.F. Burmakina, M. Zelman, I.N. Falina [2]) and Ukrainian (Morze N.V., Barna O.V., Vember V.P., Kuzminska O.H. [11]) scientists for assess the level of informational competence of pupils, students of high school and teachers.

Informational-technological competence is a person's ability to design and create informatics products. Informatics product is an information artifact having a purpose, created by certain requirements (standards) and rules (technologies)

with the help of ICT. Students who create informatics product, must be aware of tools, the main production operations in the program environment, requirements for the development of relevant products (see Table 2). Informational-technological competence is technical-technological aspect of key competence, it focuses on the person's ability to solve information problems and to involve modern electronic tools for processing and transmitting information.

Table 2

Criteria of informational-technological competence

Criteria Skills

Setting goals formulate goal of the creating of informatics product, its purpose

Designing create a model of the product (by requirements); choose informatics object (template) to create a product

Choose tool choose an instrumental program to create product; justify your choice

Product creation may do main technological operations; know and have rational technology of the product creation

Reflection analyze the results that ensure compliance with stated objectives; analyze the rationality and effectiveness of the chosen technology

To make the goals of the formation of the informatics competence diagnostical, (so that the teachers could check them using formal criteria and diagnostic tools), the teacher must apply the methodics of the productive-technological training in the educational process. We have developed and presented this methodics in the manual [6].

In applying this methodics, informatics competence is formed with the help of knowledge and skills to design and create informatics products using various tools, and is checked and diagnosed, for example, by solving competency tasks [11] (at the end of learning topics or learning module).

Of course, the concept «competence» is narrower than the concept of «culture» in a general sense. Culture is an object of study by philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, cultural studies, teachers and others. Pedagogical dictionary provides a definition of this term «Culture is a total set of achievements of mankind at a historically certain level of development of society and person, it is expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities and in the material and spiritual values. Culture contents:

- the objective results of all people's activities (machines, technical facilities, the results of knowledge (books, works of art, law and morality, and so on.) - the first component of culture;

- subjective human strengths and abilities of each person, implemented in activity (sensation, perception, knowledge, production skills, the level of intellectual, aesthetic and moral development, philosophy, methods and forms of mutual communication between people, etc.) - the second component of culture» [12, c.87].

Exploring the phenomenon of information culture, Yu.S. Ramskyi distinguishes information culture society and the individual information culture: «Culture Information Society is an integral indicator of the reached level of information relations in society and the characteristics of the information sphere of human activity ... Information Culture person is an integral indicator of the excellent level in the information field.» [15, c.25].

Informatics competence is an integral personal quality. To compare the concept of «informatics competence» with the concept of «information culture», we limit concept of «information culture» to his personality-activity aspect, that is we consider the concept of «information culture of personality».

According Yu.S. Ramskyi [16], there are such interrelated

components in the information culture of a person:

• intellectual (informational-intellectual) potential is a certain system of intellectual abilities to any form of knowledge, activity, creativity; it is part of the intellectual readiness for active information activities; it is characterized by the presence of certain skills to solve intellectual problems;

• informational worldview is a certain system of views to the informational sphere of society, its development and mechanisms of functioning, personal beliefs, ideals, common provisions to determine the spiritual and practical relation of man to the informational world, its way of perceiving, understanding, assessment of the environment and of itself as specific subject of knowledge and practice; it is characterized by a set of ideas, beliefs, knowledge and skills;

• informational value orientation (intersects with axiological aspect of the information worldview) - it is targeting in the information sphere why people believe; values indicate the significance of certain phenomena in the informational sphere, which is estimated in terms of good and evil, truth and injustice, beauty and odiousness, permissible and forbidden, just and unjust, etc .;

• information needs, which is an expression of active, creative attitude of a person to information and communication processes, updating knowledge, information environment; they cause human activity and send it to mastering certain informational values, thereby acting as a program of life;

• information-operating activities (praxeological component) - active actions of person in the information sphere, in which the process of formation of information culture and information potential is becoming; it is structured according to the main informatics competences: informolohical-methodological, informational-technological, competencies in computer engineering, competences in the field of modeling, design, competencies in the field of algorithmics and programming.

So Yu.S. Ramskyi believes that informatics competence reflects operational-activity component of person information culture. L.A. Kartashova agrees with this opinion. She singles out a common part of the concepts of «IT competence» and «IT culture» of the teacher: they are practical, theoretical and methodological components, but stresses that «the concept of IT culture of the teacher's personality is broader than the concept of IT competence. IT-culture of teacher includes a psychological component: informatics worldview; improving

personal skills; analytical skills, skills of creative and critical thinking, development of learning abilities; commitment to the proceedings of IT in the educational process, formation of motivation to use IT in professional activity» [9, c.95].

If we narrow the concept of «informatics competence» to its activity component, we assume the competence as integrated set of knowledge and skills that allows for effective activity, it is possible to agree with the view of these authors. But if you follow the common psychological structure of competence, which includes motivational-semantic and reflexive determinants, it can be concluded that the semantic contours of concepts of «information culture of person» and «informatics competence» coincide [13].

To compare activity components of informatics competence and information culture, you can narrow concept of «culture of

person» to the concept of «culture of person's activity», that is to consider the concept of «culture of information activity». To the characteristics of this concept you can apply signs of the culture of activity (N.B.Krylova [10, p.135]), namely: symbolism, certainty and meaning artifacts that person uses and gets in the process of activity; context of activity, multifaceted relationship with other related activities; special, value-based nature of the relationship of people, affecting activity or included in it; special technological parameters of such activities (level of organization, focus to achieving excellence and the highest quality, creative and individual significance).

Characteristics of information activity through these signs are presented in Table 3. Note that these signs can serve as quality criteria evaluation of culture information activities.

Table 3

Characteristics of culture information activity

Signs of culture activity (N.B.Krylova) Features of the information activities within the given sign

Symbolism, certainty and meaning artifacts that person uses and gets in the process of activity Knowledge of the terminology and understanding of certain system of notions of information activities; knowledge and understanding of the tools of information activity and technical, aesthetic, ergonomic requirements to artifacts (informatics products)

Kontext of activity, multifaceted relationship with other related activities Inclusion of information activity in educational and professional activities

Special, value-based nature of the relationship of people, affecting activity or included in it The relationship of people in the information activity. Compliance with ethical and legal standards in information activities

Special technological parameters of such activities (level of organization, focus to achieving excellence and the highest quality, creative and individual significance) The effectiveness of information activities, aesthetics of the process and result of activity, focus on excellence and quality, creative nature of information activity

As we can see from Table 3, the criteria for culture of informational activity somewhat agree with the criteria informatics competence, but they reflect procedural, external, social side of this activity, more as opposed to competence, which focuses on the result.

Thus, from a didactic point of view, information culture as the goal is not formally diagnostic; rather it reflects the upbringing and developmental target aspects of educational process. It does not require the introduction of complex tasks,

but does not contradict it. It can be diagnosed for certain quality criteria, but the diagnostics is not strictly formalized. The teacher must pay attention to the ethical and aesthetic components of the activity and result of the tasks when he selects methods and learning tools.

The comparison of informatics competence and information culture through appropriate didactics approaches are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Didactic and comparative analysis of competence and cultural approaches in teaching informatics disciplines

Didactic approaches Components of educational process Competence approach Cultural approach

Purpose Formation of the informatics competence of person. Learning objectives formalized and rigorously diagnosed. Formation of information culture of the person. Learning purposes are not formalized, strictly not diagnosed; more accentuated upbringing and developmental aspects

Learning content Knowledge, skills, value attitudes of informational product-technological activity. The selection of learning content based on system-activity approach Knowledge, skills, value attitudes of informational activity. The selection of learning content based on personal-activity approach

Methods, forms, training tools Methods, forms, training tools of the productive-technological training The teacher can use traditional methodics and/or methodics of productive-technological training

Result Diagnosed by solving competence tasks strictly not diagnosed


Informatics competence is the integrated ability of the person to effective productive activity in conditions of information environment; it manifests itself during informatics activities and is evaluated by the result of this activity. Formation informatics competence may be declared as goal informatics discipline if the content and teaching methods are designed by the methodics of productive-technological training. Under these conditions, the result of training is assessed by formal diagnostic methods and tools.

Information culture is a measure of human excellence in the information sphere. It manifests itself in the course of activity, communication, behavior, but it is important that this process took place in society. The level of information culture is measured by ethical and aesthetic norms, by standards of information activities, accepted in society. The purpose of the informatics discipline formulated as formation of information culture is not diagnostic, it reflects upbringing and developmental target componen more ts, learning component requires further develop formal criteria to assess the results of training.

From a didactic point of view, the concept of «informatychna competence» and «information culture» do not contradict, but rather complement each other. In our view, the purpose of informatics learning can be integrated goal of the forming informatics competence and information culture, but competence is priority.

As a research perspective, we see the theoretical study and practical development of methods and means of formal diagnosis of informatics competence using integrated functional criteria.


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Чжан Цзшцзш

асшрантка Нацональнального педагогЫного утверситету iuern М.П.Драгоманова, Украгна



Zhang Jingjing, graduate student National Pedagogical Dragomanov University of Ukraine


У статтi виокремлено на ocHoei до^дження особливостей мистецьког рефлексП методику, принципи та педаго-гiчнi умови формування мистецьког рефлексгг у майбуттх учителiв музики. Мистецька рефлекая майбутнього вчи-теля музики - це усвiдомлення власних nсихiчних сташв i процеав у широкому системному контекстi, що включае ощнку музично-виконавських та музично-педагогiчних ситуацш i дш, знаходження прийомiв i операцш ршення задач. Мистецька рефлекая як особисткна властивкть реалiзуеться у рiзних видах дiяльностi, а також вона може формува-тися i розвиватись тд впливом певних сощальних i культурних обставин, потреб й ттереав самог особистостi. Формування мистецьког рефлексгг /рунтуеться на принципах гуматстичног щлеспрямованостi, персоналiзацiг, дiалогiзацiг, естетичног спрямованостi, свiдомостi, едностi художнього i техшчного розвитку, внутршньог побудови образу-звуку. До педагогiчних умов вiдносяться: створення сприятливого шформацшно-насиченого середовища, формування потреби оволодтня мистецькою рефлекаею, забезпечення мотивацг до вивчення i використання мистецьког рефлексП в процеа вокально-виконавськог дiяльностi, здшснення монторингу процесу формування мистецьког рефлексП, виховання потреби до постшного самовдосконалення.


In the article methods, principles and pedagogical conditions of artistic reflection of the future music teachers are outlined on the basis of exploration of artistic reflection features. Artistic reflection of the future music teacher is a realization of personal mental states and processes in the broad system context, which include assessment of situations and actions in musical performance and musical teaching, as well as finding techniques and operations of problem solving. Artistic reflection as a personal feature is being implemented in various activities; also, it can be formed and developed under the influence of certain social and cultural circumstances, needs and interests of the individual. Formation of artistic reflection is based on the humanistic principles, personalization, dialogization, aesthetic orientation, consciousness, unity of artistic and technological development, internal construction of the image of sound. Pedagogical conditions include creating a friendly information-saturated environment, formation of need to master artistic reflection, providing motivation to study and use of artistic reflection in the vocal and performing activities, monitoring the process of forming of artistic reflection, educating needs to continuous self-improvement.

Ключовi слова: майбутнш вчитель музики, мистецька рефлекая, формування мистецьког рефлексП, педагогiчнi умови, педагогiчнi принципи.

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