Научная статья на тему 'Formation of media competence of future teachers in the process of studying pedagogy'

Formation of media competence of future teachers in the process of studying pedagogy Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Hazanov I.

Currently, the main directions of research in the field of media education already defined. The methodology for the organization of this process in school and training institutions is developed. The formation of media competence of future teachers has become the subject of individual and collective research. However, methodological provisions must find concrete embodiment in the methodical support of educational process. The author substantiated the relevance of problems of formation of media competence of future teachers in the process of studying all-professional disciplines pedagogy. The author identified the basic principles of teaching pedagogy in a professional educational institution, the main components of media competence of future teacher generated in the study of pedagogy. This article formulated the principles of formation of media competence of future teachers, described methodical experience of formation of media competence of students in their studying the pedagogy. The author conducted the study «Tools of media education in my profession» among the students and analyzed the results. The article indicated the perspectives of studies of formation of media competence of future teachers in the process of learning pedagogy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of media competence of future teachers in the process of studying pedagogy»


Media literacy education

Formation of media competence of future teachers in the process

of studying pedagogy

Dr. Ilya Hazanov,

Kurgan State University, Sovetskaya, 63, page 4, Kurgan, 640020,Russia, hazanovil@yandex. ru

Abstract. Currently, the main directions of research in the field of media education already defined. The methodology for the organization of this process in school and training institutions is developed. The formation of media competence of future teachers has become the subject of individual and collective research. However, methodological provisions must find concrete embodiment in the methodical support of educational process. The author substantiated the relevance of problems of formation of media competence of future teachers in the process of studying all-professional disciplines - pedagogy. The author identified the basic principles of teaching pedagogy in a professional educational institution, the main components of media competence of future teacher generated in the study of pedagogy. This article formulated the principles of formation of media competence of future teachers, described methodical experience of formation of media competence of students in their studying the pedagogy. The author conducted the study «Tools of media education in my profession» among the students and analyzed the results. The article indicated the perspectives of studies of formation of media competence of future teachers in the process of learning pedagogy.

Key words: media education, media competence, pedagogy, formation, future teacher, media resource, media education tool.


The modern stage of education development is characterizing by competence orientation. The role of information competence of the professionals in terms of information society development in Russiais increasing. The rapid development of information and communication technologies, the expansion of broad public access to the content of different types (professional, educational, entertainment and others) leads to the involvement of the vast majority of children and young people use social networks, media resources of the Internet. However, this process is of ten spontaneous, not organized in accordance with the laws of the formation of the value sphere. It can lead to unpredictable consequences, detrimental to the formation of the moral world of the individual. Young people in large part does not yet possess full protection abilities of redundancy information, determine the level of the irreliability, aesthetic and spiritual wealth. Work with any type of information should be conducted primarily on the basis of a clear personal approach from the position of «moral or immoral», «helpful or harmful to me and others», «leads to personal development or leads to personal degradation». This approach is inherently - professional teaching, but it is necessary, in our opinion, each person, as a guarantee of its security and personal development.

The teachers were and remain today the main mediators in the process of immersion of the younger generation in the world of human culture. Material and technical conditions, technological tools change, but the basic principles of humanistic education do not change: subject-subject interaction between teachers and students; creation of conditions for free students

choosean educational path, formulating personal position on the manifold issues of public and private life; involvement of children and youth in creative activity. There is an obvious dependence of level of information competence of students from the level of its formation in the teacher. In the field of information competence, mutual influence is especially clear: children often learn better and faster the technical tools of information retrieval, but they do not yet have experience in setting goals for their use.The teacher should correctly disclose to the trainees the mechanisms of this goal setting.

One of the components of information competence of the personis media competence. Moving the media and in Internet has created unlimited access to a young audience. Future teachers from childhood involved in the work with social networks,YouTube. But they are not yet ready for a professional, that is pedagogically appropriate use of these tools. Formation of media competence of future teachers today is one of the most important tasks of the professional educational institutions. It is necessary to determine the methodological basis of this process, to select and test the pedagogical tools for working with the media. Mastering the techniques of media education by teachers of pedagogical educational institutions becomes an actual direction of their professional self-development.

Materials and methods

In the course of the research, we relied on modern theoretical research in the field of organizing media education.To achieve these goals used methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, teaching experience, questioning, content analysis Internet-resources, mathematical methods. The basis for the study was our personal experience of formation of media competence of future teachers in the teaching pedagogy.The study was conducted in Kurgan Teachers College.


In the book of UNESCO «Media Education: A Kit for Teachers, Students, Parents and Professionals»[Media Education: A Kit for Teachers, Students, Parents and Professionals, 2006] notes the increasing role of the media in the socialization of young people. Everyone, including a teacher, must master the media in the course of education throughout life.The book is a prototype of media education program for the formation of the basic qualification of secondary school teachers, which can be extend to adults outside the school system, whether it be parents, professionals in the media and whether the leaders. The development of media is becoming increasingly necessary in connection with the introduction of new digital technologies, since every citizen must seek, retrieve and produce information as well as communicate via the network. The potential of the media used for upbringing of other peopleand self-education, getting information from other people and getting information about yourself. At the same time, the authors of the kitspoke about the danger of coagulation and media education up to form a technical training in which «critical» theory of media measurement will be lost. Strategy of development of media education is to develop clear regulations that define the mechanisms for its implementation, training programs and plans, taking into account regional specificities.Such documents should describe the specific learning outcomes, criteria and procedures for their evaluation.At the same time, there should be consistency with the standards of teaching and significant opportunities for the flexibility and autonomy of teachers. Elements of training in the field of media education should be included in the initial training programs and teacher training, which should beavailable within the framework of the current teacher training. All who participate in the partnership in the field of education in the media (teachers, producers of media, parents and youth) need regular opportunities to share experiences, resources, and to cooperate in the development of new educational programs and project plans [Media Education: A Kit for Teachers, Students , Parents and Professionals, 2006,p.17-18].

Justifying the importance of media education for young peopleand society, A.W. Khan, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Communication and Information, said that young people today are among the most important consumers of new technology and information delivery formats.They can and will have access to mass media oriented to adults. However, the notion of a vulnerable child in need of protection from the dangers of the media is steadily inferior to the concept of the child as a sovereign consumer. On the one hand, children are more intensely focused on commercial interests. On the other hand, the modern media culture offers a huge variety of tools learning and interactivity. Many young people use the opportunities provided by the media to actively participate in democratic life. Media education is an instrument for the establishment of the school due to the youth culture. Overloaded curricula and the cost of teacher training are two of the many obstacles to integrate media education into school curricula. It is necessary to make a lot of efforts to get basic teachers in the field of media education by school teachers. Middle school teacher, trained in this subject, it would be better to understand the factors contributing to the socialization of young people, culture, mass media and its relationship [Khan,2008].

R. Hobbs summarized the practical experience of media education technology to train students in grades 7-9, which allows to form such core competencies, as acuriosity, formulating questions, interpretation, synthesis and expression. In her opinion, it is necessary to create conditions for responsible use of information by students and modern technological tools.The result of media education is the students' understanding of cultural, social and personal problems related to the media and technology. The development of critical thinking can go through a dialogue about the media, through analyzing one's own interpretation of media texts, establishing links between ideas and actions of people in the surrounding life. The formation of the social responsibility of schoolchildren as participants in communication is the key result of media education [Hobbs, 2011].

D. Buckingham actualizes the problem of successes and failures of media education. On the one hand, teachers and students understand that the media play a central role in the social life in the modern world. The number of studies and training courses in the field of media has sharply increased. On the other hand, criticism of media education does not disappear. The scientist notes that there are objective reasons for this criticism - in particular, the value of research in the field of media in the UK is diminishing, the concept of «media literacy» is beginning to be reduced to functional online security or to film-making. It is unlikely that media education will become an independent educational area, as many dreamed, on the contrary, it may well remain with a low status, on the periphery of the education system.

D. Buckingham considers evolution of media education as an academic discipline.He raises how theoretical and practical training is correlated. A sharp division between «theory» and «practice» characterizes media education at the university.There are «theoretical» courses that teach media analysis, and there are «practical» courses that teach media solutions; and even in courses that involve combining them, theory and practice are often taught differently by very different people.To protect the teaching and learning media, you need to have a much better educational arguments: it is necessary to understand how and whatstudentslearn about the media at any level, and to be able to prove that what they learn, has a much wider relevance and applicability [Buckingham, 2014].

The western scientists study the increasing attention paid to the use of social networks as alearning environment.They note that theintegration of social media into the learning and teaching environment can lead to the emergence of new forms of requests, communication, collaboration, identity, or have positive cognitive, social and emotional impact. K. Greenhow and C. Lewin described the social media as a spacefor learningabout the various attributes of formality and informality. In the projects reviewed by the authors, social networks were used by trainees to manage group work (finding partners, forming groups, joint tasks), generating ideas,

communicating with peers and teachers (group discussion, questions, receiving feedback), sharing information, resources and links, evaluating and others[Greenhow, Lewin, 2016]. The Swedish scientists described the possibilities of the Facebook network in improving the integration of students into academic culture [Cuesta, Eclund, Rydin, Witt , 2016]. S. Tuzel and R. Hobbs analyzed teachers' experience of cooperation in the United States and Turkey, to organize interaction of grade 7 students through social networking in order to promote cultural understanding. Scientists have recognized that intercultural projects allow teachers to promote and understand the features of your values, share their attitude towards the media and mass culture, discussthe choice of educational programs and the use of digital texts and instruments [Tuzel, Hobbs, 2017]. There is a clear tendency to intensify the creation of student communities in social networksfor joint learning.

In Russia, A.V. Fedorov made a significant contribution to the study of the problem of organizing media education of future teachers. Thus, he highlighted indicators of media competence of the modern teacher: motivational, informational, methodical, practical-operational and creative; comparative analysis of media education models; media education technology is considered in close relationship with the technology of development of critical thinking; describes the methodology of various types of analysis (content analysis of the functioning of media in society, analysis of media stereotypes, cultural mythology and characters of media texts, etc.) used in the process of professional media training of students;developed training courses on media education program for schools [Fedorov, 2007].

I.V. Zhilavskaya revealed the main characteristics of media educational environment of the university, which can be formed,be improved and which consists of global media and the educational environment in each educational organization. She described the tools and mechanisms for youth media education [Zhilavskaya, 2013]. However, she suggested that in Russia in the first place formed the pedagogical model of media education, which for a long time existed separately from the media community and outside the actual information space. Media education was regarded as a form of transmission to students of necessary knowledge about the field of mass media and the formation of skills of working with information [Zhilavskaya, 2013, p.217].

The team of authors under the leadership of AA. Levitskaya presented a model for synthesizing the tasks of media education and media criticism for the effective development of media competence and critical thinking of future teachers, their targeted training to media education of schoolchildren.The implementation of the model is aimed at developing students' analytical, historical-theoretical, practical-creative and methodological (technological) skills.The model consists of a statement and analysis of the levels of media competence in relation to media and media texts in a given audience at the initial stage of training, theoretical training audience in the field of media education and media criticism,that is, the study of audience of methods and forms of media education, analytical and creative activity of the audience in relation to media, preparation of the audience to media education of school students, testing students to identify the final levels of media education by analyzing results. The main result - increased levels of media competence of the audience, including - in the material of the analysis the relationship of media and society and analysis of media texts of different types and genres [Levitskaya et al, 2016, p. 316-318].

I.V. Chelysheva actualized important problem in creating conditions for awakening interest in tomorrow's graduates of pedagogical universities to use the educational, developmental and educational potential of media culture. She stressed that the training of students in the process of media education activities focused on maximizing the potential of works of media culture in the organization of various leisure activities: contests, games, role-playing, improvisation and story-based games on mediamaterial. In addition, she recovered sludge large variety of activities in the process of media education: writing abstracts, reviews of creative directors, cameramen and

actors; preparation of reviews on sites about a specific topic, evaluation of their information, the aesthetic component; interpretation and analysis of critical articles media education issues in journals and scientific collections; the preparation of a plan of media education classes in school, institution of additional education; compilation of bibliography related to media literature; familiarity and direct participation in educational teleconferences, discussion, analysis discuss current socio-pedagogical problems of the region; work on media education projects using the full range of telecommunications networking opportunities: search for information, dialogue on the network, the creation of web-pages and web-quests, and others [Chelysheva, 2009, p. 125-127].

The team of authors under the leadership of Y.S.Tyunnikov [Tyunnikov, Afanasiev, Kazakov, Maznichenko, 2017 , pp. 58-59, 65-66 ] emphasizes that media education is a continuous process that accompanies all human life, and therefore, the formation of media competence of teachers should be viewed as an urgent task of his continuing education the formation of media competence of the teacher. One of the conditions of formation of media competence of the teacher, according to scientists, is the dynamic informational and educational environment, where change is necessary to react adequately. The authors described the structure and contents of preparedness of teachers to respond adequately to the changing information and education environment and developed a theoretical model of the formation of this readiness in the context of continuing education of teachers.

Earlier we noted that for teachers of vocational education one of the objectives should be the intensification of cultural component of disciplines, described the potential of cinema in the training of future teachers, which is, in particular, in its retrospective character, reflecting the values and lifestyle of different eras. The movie pays special attention to education and school, many films have a clear pedagogical issues include the domestic situation and pedagogical communication, disclose the nature of childhood, complex conflicts of the child's interaction with the surrounding world. Therefore, it is possible and necessary pedagogical analysis of the film from the point of view of reflecting the pedagogical processes [Hazanov, 2014].

Thus, the technology of media education of future teachers today has methodological base, created and implemented media education model. Certain forms and methods of media education future teachers are described: web-portfolio of student [Grigoryeva, 2009], student media club [Muryukina, 2009] and others. However, the specific methods using tools of media education of future teachers in the study of professional disciplines, in particular, pedagogic, are described, in our opinion, not enough.


Pedagogy as an academic discipline is a kind of «window into a profession», which opens to the future specialist in its entirety relationships with real practical activities. Among the basic principles of teaching pedagogy in vocational schools, we highlight the following: focus on the formation of professional thinking and outlook of students; the relationship of ethics, value and competence approaches in the content of the discipline; deep interdisciplinary communication of pedagogy and psychology, philosophy, history, sociology, art; connection with the practical work of teachers, analysis of pedagogical situations, problema nalysis, use of Internet-resources; transformation of ethical dialogue into polylogue; organization of pedagogical discussion clubs. We develop and implement the concept of humanism teacher education, which is based on the principle of ethical orientation of vocational training content based on human and national moral values. The application of the tools of media education contributes to the successful implementation of such conditions for the formation of humanity, of teacher education as humanism and learning from each other through professional and personal contacts of participants of educational process; orientation of students on knowledge of the internal world of the child, the care, the joy of communication; the emotions of educational process; formation of Human culture as one of the main goals of professional training [Hazanov, 2014, p. 41].

In the study of pedagogy, the conditions for the formation of the following main components of media competence of a future teacher are creating:

1. Motivational worldview: media as a part of daily life and values of the spheres; combines positive motivation with students harness the power of media for personal development; a willingness to use media in the educational process; the availability of adequate pedagogical principles of using media in their professional activities.

2. Content: knowledge of the mechanisms of influence of media on the mental development of the personality, moral and social formation of the personality in accordance with the age stages of development; knowledge of types and uses of media resources and media tools, ways of access of children and youth; knowledge of the basic scientific approaches to the use of media in teaching.

3. Technology: the ability to search for and selection of media resources for child and youth audience; possession procedure pedagogical analysis of media content; the ability to promote and advance in child and youth positive media content; ability to identify and make use of didactic, educational, developing the potential of media assets; ability pedagogically expedient design media content.

Among the principles of the formation of media competence of future teachers, we highlight the following:

1. Compliance tools used media objectives and content as a specific educational theme and across disciplines.

2. All teachers use media tools (the ability to adapt them to the didactic units each academic discipline), broadcast media education experience during the training sessions.

3. Promoting student use of receptions of technology of media education during teaching practice, the analysis of their compliance with the age peculiarities of students.

4. Creating the students «media tools bank» for future professional activities.

Media resources does not dominate in the teaching of our pedagogy, but the job related to their analysis is very harmoniously integrated into the structure of the workshops. So, in a practical lesson on the topic «The teacher of modern school» we offer students to conduct a content analysis of the blogosphere of Russian online teachers' meeting - one of the most authoritative to date, of the professional pedagogical community in Internet. Future teachers must determine the thematic preferences of bloggers and neck of a thread, the role played by the blog for personal and creative expression of the teacher. Examine, inter alia, the blog of Academician of Russian Academia of Education B.M. Bim-Bad «Man as an educator and educability» [Bim-Bad, 2012] (blog was closed, but the scientist continues it in Facebook) and our blog «Soul - the sun! Career in science - is infinite» [Hazanov, 2017].

Blog of B.M. Bim-Bad - a kind of tape of historical events, not only in education, but also in public life, art, science. This blog is an excellent means of immersion in the history of pedagogy. We raises ethical questions of concern in our blog («Is kindness a weakness?», «Why is one lucky while others are forever?», etc.), publishes original poem pedagogical subjects, essays. Students studying on the basis of a blog should answer the questions: «What, in your opinion, is the meaning of life the modern teacher? Does he have a special mission?». At the same time they may wish to leave comments in the blog.

We also offer students to study video TV shows «Steps to Success with A. Kabaeva. Maria Komleva» (ether - channel 5 Spb, Russia, October 2010) [Steps to success with A. Kabaeva, 2011]. The life path of people's teacher of Russia M.A. Komleva, who grew up in the Urals and more than 50 years has worked as a teacher and headmaster of the school is rich and varied. Students get acquainted with her pedagogical beliefs, characteristics of the organization of the educational process at her school. The aftereffect view of the program is the task to analyze the grid of broadcasting of Russian TV channels and to identify, as represented in the teaching

profession and leaders of the enlightenment, which channel has the most pronounced educational focus.

Another task - study materials video conferencing TED [Performing the TED, 2014] and determine what current education issues and their solutions foreign teachers actualize, whether these ideas are applicable to the Russian education. Students are finding that foreign teachers are faced with the same problems that Russian: lack of creativity in schools, the construction respects the first teachers and students as a guarantee of positive learning motivation, the development of online education, and others.

In a practical lesson on the theme "Forms of organization of educational work", students study videos of lessons and master-classes of the finalists of the contest "Teacher of year of Russia", posted on the official website of the competition. Mission: to provide a creative communication techniques and educational work, to justify the importance of this competition for professional self-development of the modern teacher. Another task is to describe what services the Internet and how you can use when organizing remote scientific-practical conference of students; virtual tour; design activity of pupils; lesson in primary school (according to a specific discipline chosen by the student); business and professional communication in online communities of teachers. Students are also encouraged to justify their use of Internet services and describe the conditions of introduction of pupils to use ICT in the educational process.

In a practical lesson on the theme «The goals, objectives and driving forces of education», we use the potential of the Facebook. So, Professor B.M. Bim-Bad has been published a post with the statement of the famous Russian pedagogue K.D. Ushinsky about education goals. To discussion joined by experienced professionals - and get a belt with useful material problem [Bim-Bad, 2012]. We have also participated in this discussion. Students are encouraged to examine the arguments of the participants of conversation and, if desired, to leave their posts. The lesson is also given to the problematic task: «We educate or raise children? Analyze the publication of Russian Montessori Society in Facebook [Russian Montessori Society, 2015]. Which approach do you support?». Material of this post is interesting because it describes an approach to the understanding of education in foreign pedagogy, which can be compared with the domestic.

Practical exercise on the theme «Education for academic and extracurricular activities of pupils» includes the task: «Learn the Portal films of the Russian geographical society [Portal films of the Russian geographical society, 2017], describe the potential of its application in educational work. Suggest themes of events in the early grades, and a method of using a particular film». A portal opened in the Year of Russian cinema is a useful set of materials that can be used for educational and educational purposes.

We believe situational analysis one of the main ways of development of students of pedagogy. All teaching activity is essentially a daily set of events and situations-teacher interaction with the participants of the educational process. In the decision of pedagogical situations manifest the moral qualities, creativity, professional tact of the teacher, his knowledge of the age characteristics of children's development, goal-setting and professional values. A great opportunity for practicing the skills of situational analysis is feature films with pedagogically oriented content. In the course of independent study, students are invited to see two films -«Toy» (France, 1976) and «Freak from 5 «B» (USSR, 1972). Both films areemotionally saturated, rich in educational situations. Film «Toy» shows the influence of the social and psychological conditions of the child's life in his moral world and behavior. The film redisclosed mechanisms, the importance of friendship, humanity and dignity in the formation of the child's personality, the need for patience and tact in dealing with them. The film «Freak from 5«B» describes the pedagogical experiment: the teachers decided to ask the fifth-grader, characterized by the absence of concentration, and inattention to study, but kind and able to care for others, becoming a counselor in the first grade. The film shows the stages of the re-education of the

student, once matured and manifested in the course of communication with kids their best personal qualities. The film also vividly highlighted in the age characteristics of children of primary school age and adolescence, the specificity of their communication with each other and with adults. Students make the analysis of films by the following algorithm: 1. Read the story of the film. 2. Select the basic moral and pedagogical problems highlighted in film. 3. Describe pedagogical situation shown in the film. What are the solutions found characters in the film, do you think they correct? What is the educational impact on the personality of the characters have these decisions? How would you do in these situations? 4. What is the role the film in your professional development? Students are also encouraged to create a list of films for the feature educational work with students.

Every year we hold a special session dedicated to the International Day of Music, during which students show samples of children's musical creativity, reveal mechanisms to support and promote talented musically children. So, we introduce future teachers with the work of participants in the TV project «Voice. Kids» (Russia, 1TV channel; this project is best known for the students, but they know almost nothing about the activities of singers out of the project), the competition «Blue Bird» (TV Channel Russia 1), International competition of young musicians «Nutcracker» (Culture TV channel, Russia). We pay special attention to the project of the All-Russia Choral Society - «Children's Choir of Russia». Also, students get acquainted with fragments of the great musicals of the Moscow company «Ivanhoe», with the participation of talented children («Treasure Island», «The Ballad of little heart» etc.). All music content located on the sites of projects, as well as publicly available on YouTube, and used by us only for training purposes. Following the results of session students will write an essay «Children's musical creativity: Aspects of application in educational work», which reveals the possible ways to promote music among children, influence of the arts on the personality of schoolchildren.

We have developed and tested the extracurricular association «Teaching film club». The relevance of its introduction due to the fact that future teachers insufficiently aware of the ethical and aesthetic influence of film on the formation of world outlook, value-semantic sphere of the individual student. Cinema can and must be a school of life and a source of emotional and moral experience for the students, so students need to open ways of educational work with its use. The purpose of the association - to create conditions for the development of students' knowledge about the laws, the content, how to integrate film and modern educational process and the formation of film application skills in educational work. In the course of the club, we involve students in activities to learn basic laws and principles of using film as an educational tool in educational institutions, content and forms of work with film as a means of training and personal development. After activities, a student must know: theoretical bases and mechanisms for the use of cinema as means of education in the modern school; the structure and content of ethical-pedagogical analysis of the film; goals, objectives, regularities, principles, the content of the use of cinema as means of education and personal development of students of all ages; be able to: create educational and nurturing environment with movies; to conduct the selection of films for educational work with children and young people in educational and extracurricular activities; exercise ethical-pedagogical analysis of the film together with the students; to use the material film for professional self-education and self-development; to promote the film in childrens and youth millieu, look for and create efficient forms and ways of realization of educational potential of cinema.

The themes of the studies reveals the ways of using film in educational work in accordance with the age characteristics of students. Examines the biography and creative path became the well-known foreign and domestic of child actors. There are two quiz - «Frame from the movie» (correspondence; participants must name the movie by one frame) and «Music movies» (parttime; need to define a film based on the musical fragments). A summary of the work in the club

is to create a portfolio «Movie in my professional activities», the development of various forms of cinema for the course and diploma projects, industrial practice of students.

One of the main goals of such an active implementation of media to stimulate the interest of students to educate themselves in the field of media, namely reflection on their pedagogical potential. The modern teacher should be able to find in any field (arts, science, sports, technology, etc.) their own ways and means for more effective organization of educational process.

In the study, we conducted a survey of students on the theme «Media Education Tools in my career». It was interviewed 40 students of senior groups, majoring in «Teaching in elementary classes» and «Correctional Pedagogy in primary education».

To the question «Do you consider it necessary for the modern teacher ownership of the tools of media education?». The vast majority (97.5%) of the respondents answered in the affirmative. This shows that among educational technologies, developing future teachers, technology media education has taken a worthy place.

Answers to the question «What kind of media do you use in everyday life?» revealed quite a varied approach of the students to the development of media. Some respondents mixed whether the concept of everyday life and educational activities. Thus, 27.5% of the respondents noted magazines devoted to primary school; 30% - social networking sites; 22.5% - site «InfoLesson» (Russian); 10% of respondents are interested in blogging, and only 5% of students are using YouTube and the Google. 5% of the respondents wrote about the TV and scientific films.Some students indicated the children's cartoons, digital libraries, professional pedagogical community news sites. Newspapers in printed form, radio was not mentioned.

To the question «For what purposes do you use the media tools (select all possible)?» 67.5% of respondents answered «for self», 62.5% chose «to know the latest news», 50% - «for the organization of teaching educational process», 35% - «to expand the circle of communication», 32.5% - «for fun». Thus, the means of the media chosen by future teachers mostly with professional goals, while at the same time, students want to be informed of developments. However, the potential of media assets for aesthetic, emotional personality development of future teachers does not realized.

Students were asked to rank the media means for their relevance to the educational process in an elementary school. The following results were obtained.

Table 1. Median means for educational process in elementary school

MediaTools Rank

Scientific and educational films 1

Feature films 2

School newspaper 3

Children's magazines 4

Children's television programs 5

Cartoons 6

Broadcasts 7

Music, videos 8

Social networks 9

Blogs 10

Perhaps the role of social networks and blogs is underestimated due to the insufficient popularity of these tools developed specifically for younger students. At the same time, high grade got the school paper, thus future teachers are familiar with this tool (in Kurgan Pedagogical College the newspaper «The Mirror» publishes). Leadership movie is understandable, as, on the one hand, the majority of respondents watching films since childhood, from a different methodological procedure of application of educational films used in

the teaching of many academic disciplines. In our opinion, students underestimate the potential of radio and a little familiar with children's radio.

The question «Is enough to use means of media education in the activities of the college teachers if presented?» - 60% of respondents said yes, 35% - negative, 5% -undecided.This means that, despite the fairly high attention of teachers to the use of media resources in the classroom, it remains possible to continue the search instructional techniques and conditions of use of the media for the training of future teachers.

To the question «Do you consider it necessary to introduce a special training in the discipline of a college or anassociation devoted absorptive media in teaching activities» 67.5% of the students answered yes, 17.5% - negative, 15% undecided. Despite the fact that the college is implemented circle, the result of which is to issue of the newspaper «The Mirror», there is a need for a systematic training of the future teachers the use of media resources complex (cinema, music, theater, publications, Internet resources, etc.) in the organization of educational process.

Questionnaires showed great potential for further expansion of the use of tools of media education in the educational process of college. According to the results of the survey, we have decided to include in the content of the practical training in pedagogy study: «Study the social networks and blogs for younger students, describe their orientation, developing potential». In this case, we particularly recommend for review blog «ShkolaLa» by Eugenia Klimkovich [ShkolaLa, 2015] (although it is entirely more focused on parents and teachers), the project «VebLandia. Best Sites for Children» [WebLandia, 2013] andother resources. When using Internet resources the problem of information security students of primary school is actualizing.

Thus, media education today is one of the elements of the process of study professional disciplines. It is obvious that students need to learn the pedagogical potential of media tools.We consider the possible development and inclusion in the program of extracurricular activities professional companies association «Modern media in teaching», whose main task will be the formation of skills to create and use media content and media resources with pedagogical orientation.


The direction of modern researches the role of media in vocational training the future teachers is defined quite clearly. It is the development of a methodological basis for the organization of media education in the teaching institution, the selection and testing of specific tools, media, appropriate targeting and content of the discipline. Further, search for effective ways to stimulate self-education of future teachers in the field of media. Deploying the potential of the Internet - one of the key conditions. Its cultural and educational opportunities are immense. The result of the study disciplines is the formation of a professional outlook, which is pedagogically appropriate use of media with a positive educational content became one of the leading ideas. The position of a future teacher can be described as: «I see the scope of human culture - so I learn it myself and engage in the development of students. Mutual interest and enthusiasm - the key to successful education and development of personality».

In the study, we found a fairly high level of interest of the future teachers to use the media tools in their professional activities. The most important means for the educational process in elementary school, they recognized scientific and educational film, feature film, and the school newspaper. Therefore, it is necessary to involve students in the development of these tools - in particular, to create lists of films and TV programs, to develop the content of the newspaper for students in accordance with their age characteristics, etc. It seems relevant to introduce a special session to explore the educational potential of the YouTube, the online television channels for schools, children's radio. Also the subject of future research will be the use of media resources in the course of teaching practice and the creation of tools to assess its effectiveness.

Great opportunities for the development of prospective teachers tools media contains in extracurricular activities. The extracurricular associationas a community of like-minded people helps to study and disclose the goals, contents and methods of media education. But the need to expand the range of forms of work - it could be quizzes, social events, festivals, theatre performances, tours, concerts, interactive games and other forms of promotion media in the student's environment.

Technology of media education occupies a worthy place among the other technologies used in professional pedagogical educational institution. Adequate synthesis techniques and tools of different technologies is the way of increase of efficiency of professional training. Technology of media education is organic, value-oriented and in-demand in the process of formation of future teacher's personality.


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