Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-01/ Дата публикации: 28.02.2021 УДК 378.14
Е. И. Елизовд, Н. Ю. Ланцевская, Т. В. Сизова
Структурно-функциональная модель развития культуры языковой коммуникации в условиях центра открытого образования
Проблема и цель. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью поиска новых решений в развитии системы образования в условиях пандемии и возрастающими образовательными потребностями людей в дальнейшем саморазвитии. Построение и реализация структурно-функциональной модели развития культуры языковой коммуникации в условиях центра открытого образования должны способствовать выявлению эффективности системы открытого образования на русском языке и обучения русскому языку посредством вовлечения современной молодежи в России и за рубежом в деятельность учебно-познавательного клуба на базе педагогического университета. Цель статьи - представить структурно-функциональную модель развития культуры языковой коммуникации и результаты ее реализации в условиях центра открытого образования на русском языке и обучения русскому языку, созданного на базе педагогического университета.
Методология. Методологическую основу исследования составили теоретические положения системного, деятельностного, лингвокультурологического, технологического подходов. Методы исследования: теоретический анализ научных исследований в аспекте поиска методологической основы моделирования педагогической системы, моделирование.
Результаты. Установлено, что структурно-функциональная модель развития культуры языковой коммуникации в условиях центра открытого образования на основе клубной деятельности в педагогическом университете реализуется в трех подсистемах (межкультурная, речевая, рефлексивная). Структура модели позволяет отразить развитие культуры языковой коммуникации участников клуба и определить средства и технологии ее формирования. Культура языковой коммуникации представлена в составе четырех компонентов: нормативной, этической, коммуникативной и рефлексивной компетенций. Формирование компетенций осуществляется по уровням с учетом оценочного и корректировочного компонентов результативного блока модели.
Заключение. Построение структурно-функциональной модели предполагает создание основных концептов по совершенствованию изучения русского языка посредством использования интерактивных методов обучения русскому языку как родному и как иностранному в условиях центра открытого образования, действующего на основе учебно-познавательного клуба «Секреты русской филологии».
Ключевые слова: центр открытого образования, культура языковой коммуникации, обучение русскому языку как родному и как иностранному, структурно-функциональная модель, учебно-познавательный клуб, моделирование
Ссылка для цитирования:
Елизова Е. И., Ланцевская Н. Ю., Сизова Т. В. Структурно-функциональная модель развития культуры языковой коммуникации в условиях центра открытого образования // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 1 (49). С. 216-231. с№: 10.32744^.2021.1.15
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-01/ Accepted: 11 December 2020 Published: 28 February 2021
Structural and functional model of language communication culture development in the open education center
Problem and goal. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to find new solutions in the development of the education system in the context of the pandemic and the increasing educational needs of people in further self-development. Russian language education center's structural and functional model of language communication culture development should help to identify the effectiveness of the open education system in Russian and Russian language teaching by involving modern youth in Russia and abroad in the activities of the educational and cognitive club based on the pedagogical University. The purpose of this article is to present the structural-functional model development of a culture of linguistic communication and the results of its implementation in the conditions of open education in Russian language and learning Russian language, created on the basis of pedagogical University.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is based on the theoretical positions of the system, activity, linguoculturological, and technological approaches.
Results. It is established that the structural and functional model of the development of the culture of language communication in the conditions of the open education center based on club activities at the pedagogical University is implemented in three subsystems of the open education center (intercultural, speech, reflexive). The model structure allows you to reflect the development of the culture of language communication of club members and determine the means and technologies of its formation. The culture of language communication consists of four components: normative, ethical, communicative and reflexive competencies. The formation of competencies is carried out by levels, taking into account the evaluation and adjustment components of the effective block of the model.
Conclusion. Building a structural-functional model involves the creation of key concepts for improving the study of the Russian language through the use of interactive methods of teaching Russian as a native language and as a foreign centre of open education, acting on the basis of the educational-cognitive club "the Secrets of Russian Philology". Russian language teaching technologies have been implemented to form the normative, communicative, ethical and reflexive competencies of the club's participants, and to introduce effective technologies for teaching the Russian language in the course of semantic reading of Russian writers' works of art.
Keywords: open education center, culture of language communication, teaching Russian as a native language and as a foreign language, structural and functional model, educational and cognitive club, modeling
For Reference:
Elizova, E. I., Lantsevskaya, N. Y., & Sizova, T. V. (2021). Structural and functional model of language communication culture development in the open education center. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 49 (1), 216-231. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.1.15
t the beginning of the XXI century, the traditional form of education could no
longer meet the increased educational needs of the population, which led to the
emergence of an open education model. Open education, understood as a system
of organizational, pedagogical and information technologies, in which open standards for interfaces, formats and protocols for information exchange provide architectural and structural solutions [22], is aimed at creating mobility, stability, efficiency and other positive qualities formed when creating open systems.
Theoretical analysis of research in the aspect of the formation of open education allowed us to identify several domestic and foreign models that interpret the culture of speech and the norm as its important element from different points of view: sociolinguistic [2], psycholinguistic [3], communicative-stylistic [19], educational-pedagogical [23], artistic-aesthetic [2], etc. The model of development of culture of language communication in the conditions of the center of open education is realized on the basis of club activity as one of the most productive forms of development of creative potential of children and youth by means of their involvement in interactive interaction during semantic reading and the subsequent online discussion of art works of Russian writers.
Along with the fact that in the context of internationalization of higher education for Russia, and for a number of States, the export of education is an important article of the budget [1], and the work on attracting foreign students to the University [7] is a structure algorithmization event [6], including the promotion of information of the University in Internet space, in terms of open education additionally generates brand new and equal opportunities [15] independent study of the Russian language for young people from different countries. This factor entails a radical change in the education system and its properties in the direction of greater freedom in planning training [24], in choosing the place, time and pace, in the quality of assimilation of the acquired knowledge and increasing internal motivation to learn Russian as a foreign language.
It is known that teaching Russian as a native language and as a foreign language is also faces problems associated with a decrease in motivation to learn the Russian language in the traditional classroom system and the lack of interest of modern youth in reading fiction [11].
In this regard Russian Open Education Center (OEC) activity on the basis of the Educational and Cognitive Club (ECC) at the Pedagogical University can be considered as an effective solution to the key pedagogical task of developing the culture of language communication in Russian as a native and as a foreign language through reading and discussing the works of Russian writers. The functioning of the Language Communication Culture (LCC) "the Secrets of Russian Philology" of development LCC children and young people, and inclusion in cognitive process of literary texts in terms of open education promotes deep assimilation of the Russian language, its grammatical features and linguistic phenomena, the formation of their own world, the development of analytical thinking. The success of the club's activities in the course of consistent work on artistic works is achieved, in our opinion, by combining cognitive and affective aspects of personal development, which allows for a dynamic connection between the emotional mood, the ability to self-regulate and the cognitive activity of club members.
The problem of insufficient reading of children and adults in the modern world has been particularly acute in recent years. Non-reading parents grow up with non-reading children who are more interested in computer games, television and the Internet [18]. The information obtained with the help of a computer and TV is often devoid of the basic properties that are inherent in the book text. Information is presented in an easily accessible, concise form, as a result, the brain, accustomed to easily receive information, refuses to independently extract it from texts, which negatively affects the development of textual thinking. This leads to difficulties in working with the information presented on the letter, poor memorization of text information and, as a result, to a decrease of interest in reading in general, including reading fiction.
The problems associated with the weakening of attention to reading in children and youth can be largely eliminated with a correct understanding of the causes that give rise to them, with the involvement of appropriate resources, combining the efforts of the state, society and the private sector. This potential will be sufficient to support and develop a reading culture.
At the Federal level, measures for the stabilization of reading literacy of the population of Russia (decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 29.05.2017, No. 240 "declaring in the Russian Federation the Decade of childhood" // collected legislation of the Russian Federation from 05.06.2017, No. 23, article 3309 [14]; decision of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "About Strategy of state cultural policy for the period until 2030 in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" from 01.02.2017, No. 20 SF//Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2017 No. 6 article 883 [8]; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1155-r of 03.06.2017 on approval of the "Concept of the program for supporting children's and youth reading in the Russian Federation" [9]). In accordance with these measures, priority is given to the development and approval of regional reading support programs, as well as measures for the development of bookselling infrastructure. In general, state programs in this direction are of paramount importance:
• for the upbringing and education of the younger generation, the formation and development of the individual;
• improving the level of education, cultural and professional competence of all members of society, including decision-makers at the level of the state, municipal authorities, institutions, enterprises, public organizations;
• formation of the general cultural potential of the country;
• improving the quality of life" [9].
In order to implement measures to increase interest in reading in children and youth, a central educational institution was established on the basis of the Secrets of Russian Philology Code of Criminal Procedure on the basis of the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University. To ensure the effective functioning of CSB on the basis of the criminal procedure code it is urgent to develop a structural-functional model of development of a culture of linguistic communication in terms of CSB under the previously defined objectives and respecting the boundaries of the simulation. The construction begins with the study of the real system of open education, its internal structure and the content of the relationships between its elements, as well as external influences, and ends with the development of a model.
As you know, modelling is one of the main methods of cognition is a form of reflection of reality and is in figuring out or playing certain properties of real objects, objects with other objects, processes, phenomena, or using abstract descriptions in the form of figures, tables, etc. [20, p. 141].
From a general scientific point of view, modeling is considered as a reproduction of the characteristics of some objects on another object specially created for its study, which is called a model [12, p.936].
In the logic and methodology of science, a model is understood as "an analogue of a certain fragment of natural and social reality, which serves to store and expand knowledge about the original, construct the original, transform or manage it" [13, p. 177].
In pedagogical science, modelling is understood as a reflection of the characteristics of the existing pedagogical system in a specially created object, which is called a pedagogical model [17; 22].
Taking into account the fact that the model as an object has a number of constant features (it is a system, correlates in some respects with the original, has parameters that are different from the original, replaces the original in the process of research, provides new knowledge about the original in the course of research), it can be assumed that modelling as a form of reflection of reality is quite common and reveals the following types:
• conceptual modelling, in which a set of already known facts or ideas about the object or system under study is explained using some special signs, symbols, operations on them, or using natural or artificial languages;
• physical modelling, in which the model and the modeled object act as real objects or processes of a single or different physical nature, while some similarity relations are observed between the processes in the original object and in the model, resulting from the similarity of physical phenomena;
• structural and functional modelling, in which models are diagrams (flowcharts), graphs, drawings, diagrams, tables, drawings, accompanied by special rules for combining and converting them;
• mathematical modelling, in which modelling, including the construction of the model, is carried out by means of mathematics and logic;
• simulation (software) modelling, in which the logical and mathematical model of the object under study is an algorithm for the functioning of the object, implemented in the form of a software package for a computer.
• computer modeling - a method for solving the problem of analysis or synthesis of a complex system based on the use of its computer model. The essence of computer modelling is to obtain quantitative and qualitative results based on the existing model.
Materials and methods
The object of this study is the process of developing the culture of language communication of the participants of the open education center on the basis of club activities within the framework of the pedagogical university.
In the formation of the conceptual and terminological field of the development of a culture of linguistic communication in terms of open education center using the method of comparative analysis of psycho-pedagogical, scientific-methodical literature on the research problem; modelling method of the process of developing a culture of linguistic communication in teaching Russian as a native language and as a foreign.
Analysis of existing simulations showed that in the study of the activities of on the basis of the pedagogical University, the study of individual aspects of the pedagogical process is
effectively carried out on a particular model of development LCC in the functioning of the ECC "the Secrets of Russian Philology".
Based on these provisions, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to build a structural and functional model of the development of LCC in the conditions of the OEC with the establishment of relationships between the simulated subsystems and their reflection within the model.
The decision to choose methodological approaches to modelling the process of development of the LCC of the participants of the OEC in Russian determines the construction and implementation of the program of pedagogical research. In order to implement the correct formulation of scientific problems, one specific approach, understood as a fundamental methodological orientation of research, does not appear in its pure form and is supplemented by other methodological ideas. To achieve this goal, a certain set of approaches is usually implemented, the method of implementation of which is a method that provides a more detailed study of the selected object [21].
Russian language is a purposeful, systematically implemented, controlled process, the result of which is a formed system of knowledge, skills, and experience in understanding the situation, generating and perceiving statements in the Russian language, presented in the form of normative, communicative, ethical, and reflexive competencies, we have chosen systemic, activity-based, linguoculturological, and technological approaches as the theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem under study.
Let's briefly review these theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the development process LCC participants to ECC for teaching the Russian language at the pedagogical University.
Methodological specifics of the systemic approach is determined by the fact that he directs research on disclosure of object integrity and providing mechanisms to identify the diverse types of relations of a complex object and reduce them into a single theoretical picture.
Information obtained on the basis of a systematic approach has two fundamentally important properties: necessity and sufficiency. In the context of our research, two aspects of the system approach established in the theory of systems are also significant: cognitive (descriptive) and constructive (used in the creation of systems), for each of which a different implementation algorithm is defined. It should be further noted that in the process of modelling LCC parties to OEC in terms of the pedagogical University only the implementation of a systematic approach encounters some limitations due to the high degree of universalizability. In this regard, it seems advisable to Supplement the system approach active, as the process of development LCC participants to CSB is active and the activity is a purposeful system that focuses on results as critical activities.
The essence of the activity-based approach to the study of the development of the LCC of the participants of the OEC is to implement the interaction of the teacher and the club members, and the learning process should be considered as an activity for the development of the participants ' ability to carry out activities.
To further study the problem of research, it is necessary to involve approaches of a specific scientific level that determine the strategy and tactics of research work. From our point of view, the task of development of LCC the participants of ECC in the Russian language in pedagogical University provides the implementation of a linguistic and cultural approach.
The linguoculturological approach is one of the most effective approaches aimed at developing and improving the skills and abilities of intercultural communication by studying
the Russian language as a cultural phenomenon. Along with language, in this approach, culture is the main content of the educational process.
Russian linguoculturological approach is understood as the principal orientation of the research to the Russian language of the OEC participants, which is represented by a set of methods to ensure the description, structuring and functioning of linguistic and cultural characteristics in the formation of the linguistic picture of Russian socio-cultural reality.
The pedagogical potential of the linguoculturological approach reveals its cumulative, developing, normative-regulatory, meaning-forming, motivational-stimulating, value-worldview, identifying functions.
Further work on modelling of the development process LCC participants to ECC in the Russian language in pedagogical University needs to involve more private approach, appropriate level of research activity that the most productive means of technological approach, as the development process LCC is technological in nature, and leads to the introduction of modern educational technologies of teaching Russian as a native language and as a foreign.
Technological approach to the study of the development process LCC participants to OEC in the Russian language in pedagogical University is an introduction to the study of the Russian language system way of thinking of students and is implemented through the creation of educational environment and educational technologies aimed at identifying principles, development of techniques of optimization of pedagogical process, providing the pre-defined results [3, p. 56].
Implementation of technological approach to the problem of development LCC participants to ECC in teaching the Russian language as native and foreign, it provides analysis, structuring and operation of joint communication activities with regard to educational technology.
On the basis of a systematic, activity-based, linguistic-cultural and technological approaches based on the principles of integrity, scientific, student-centered and communicative orientation, providing international-standard level training, principle of consciousness and activity of subjects of pedagogical process we have constructed the structural-functional model development LCC in terms of ECC on the basis of pedagogical University allows to adequately reflect the specifics of open education, the structure of the ECC-based club, the dynamics and sustainability of its activities in the context of the development of the LCC of club members.
Under the structural-functional model of development LCC in terms of OEC on the basis of the pedagogical University, we understand that you visualize the system, reflecting the theoretical foundations and results of the development of LCC the participants of ECC in the following competences: normative, communicative, ethical and reflexive. At the same time, competence is considered by us in a broad sense as the mastery of certain knowledge and the ability to use it in practical activities.
Normative competence implies, first of all, the correctness of speech, i.e. compliance with the norms of the literary language. The language norm is the central concept of speech culture. The normative competence of the LCC is inseparable from the concept of the language norm, which includes the rules for the use of speech means in a certain period of development of the literary language.
The basis of communicative competence in LCC is the ability to select and use language means in the process of speech communication. Communicative competence plays a leading role in the organization of communication and reflects the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the interlocutors [5].
Ethical competence is related to the ability to use the rules of language behavior in specific communication situations, compliance with the ethical norms of the communication process.
The reflexive competence of LCC includes a high quality of reading, in which understanding of the informational, semantic and ideological aspects of the work is achieved and interactive interaction of the communication participants is carried out.
Therefore, the Russian language and culture development in the course of events organized in the ECC contributes to the full-fledged development of LCC and leads to the achievement of high-quality assimilation of the Russian language and culture, increasing further motivation to learn Russian as a native and as a foreign language and improving reader literacy.
_Results of the study
The main purpose of structural-functional model of development LCC was the disclosure of the relationship between the structure of OEC participants and perform its functions in terms of OEC on the basis of pedagogical University. This type of model requires a mandatory representation of structural and functional components, which allows us to more clearly determine the significance of the OEC for the formation and development of the LCC personality in children and youth.
The foundation of this model is the system of literary and language training of club members, reflecting the combination of two interrelated levels: the philosophical and methodological basis [16, p. 378] (the first level) and the pedagogical system (the second level). There is a strong relationship and interdependence between these levels.
The developed model is considered by us from the position of system, activity, linguoculturological and technological approaches as a set of natural, functionally related components that make up an integral system. The selection of components made it possible to divide the model into blocks (installation, content-technological and effective), which provide the possibility of revealing the internal organization of the LCC in conditions based on the pedagogical university (Fig. 1)
The installation block in this model performs a prognostic function and determines the solution of the following tasks for the formation of the LCC of the participants of the OEC:
1. determination of methodological approaches to the formation and development of the LCC of club members;
2. encouraging participants to develop LCC;
3. determination of methodological principles for the development of the LCC of club members.
In accordance with the set goal, the activity of the ECC involves the development of the LCC participants, which includes the following important competencies: normative, communicative, ethical, reflexive.
Content-technological block of the structural-functional model of development of culture language communication provides educational, developmental, and educational and innovative functions and is implemented at several stages of the activities of OEC on the formation of the LCC club members (diagnostic, linguo-communicative, culturally-integrative, reflexive and creative) in the three subsystems (cross-cultural, verbal, reflexive).
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Figure 1 Structural and functional model of the development of the LCC
of the participants of the OEC
Each subsystem functions in the implementation of various activities and finds a close connection with other subsystems. These subsystems are characterized by hierarchical control, where the interaction between the elements is considered taking into account the specifics of the implementation of the educational process, social order of society, the specifics of OEC, conditions of formation and development of LCC the participants of ECC.
The content and technology block includes content (selection of the content of the literary and creative stage), methodological and technological (selection of a combination of forms, methods, tools, modelling of pedagogical tasks, educational situations) components.
The effective block is aimed at establishing the results of the ECC's activities in forming the LCC of the participants of the OEC and includes the accumulation of statistical data, their analysis, and identification of the dynamics of mastering the Russian language as a native and foreign language. The Russian language learning is designed to optimize the process of learning in Russian and the Russian language and to ensure the correct definition of learning outcomes, so it is represented by two components: evaluation and correction.
The evaluation and adjustment components perform the following tasks:
1. internal and external correction in case of incorrect assessment of learning outcomes;
2. identifying learning gaps;
3. confirmation of successful learning outcomes;
4. planning the next stages of the educational process;
5. motivation by encouraging success in cognitive activities and regulating the complexity of subsequent steps;
6. improving the conditions for the organization and implementation of the educational process.
At each stage of the effective block, the evaluation component determines the level of formation of the LCC of the participants of the OEC in the form of the ECC, the competencies that are part of the LCC.
The correction component allows the correction of errors, the improvement of the level of the required competencies of the participants to OEC on the basis of participation in the activities of the ECC "Secrets of Russian Philology".
The content and technology block of the model performs a developing function, defines the structural and content elements of the LCC of the participants of the OEC, represented by three subsystems of language training: intercultural, speech and reflexive. The technological component of the block is implemented through the passage of diagnostic, linguocommunicative, cultural-integrative and reflexive-creative stages by participants.
Productive unit has a diagnostic function that provides the mapping purposes LCC participants of OEC learning outcomes, expressed in subsystems of the educational process and formed important competencies of the club members constituting a LCC.
Discussion of the results
Thus, the developed structural and functional model corresponds to the logic of the process of formation and development of the LCC of the participants of the OEC on the basis of the ECC "Secrets of Russian Philology". Building a structural-functional model reflects the pedagogical activity for improving learning the Russian language and learning Russian language in one of the forms of open education. This model assumes identification of connections between structural and functional characteristics of the
studied educational process, allows to reveal the internal structure of the studied phenomenon and its purpose.
Implementation of the model development LCC in terms of OEC on the basis of the ECC "Secrets of Russian Philology" allows children and young people from Russia and foreign countries to fill existing gaps in knowledge of the Russian language, to immerse themselves in Russian culture through readings and discussions of works of art.
The involvement of domestic and foreign youth as the most active demographic group of society in the activities of the ECC also contributes to the development of a culture of interethnic communication and respect for national traditions and customs of other peoples, understanding the basic values of the Russian people.
The nature of the activities of OEC on the basis of the pedagogical University is determined by the specifics of professional training of future teachers of Russian language and literature, Russian as a foreign language. In the course of studying theoretical and practical and methodological disciplines, attracting students of the pedagogical University, the future teachers of Russian language and literature and teachers of Russian as foreign language (RFL), to actively engage in online meetings, to discuss the results of meetings held with the point of view of methodological approaches, educational technologies, strategies for teaching reading and the development of competences included in the LCC, is a qualitative change in the attitude of future teachers to the system of professional activity of the modern teacher, a qualitative reassessment of the level of responsibility of the teacher in the development of the student's personality is carried out.
During the implementation of the development model LCC in terms of ECC on the basis of the pedagogical University has clearly identified the following indicators and criteria of efficiency of activity of OEC on the basis of the ECC "Secrets of Russian Philology" (table 1).
Table 1
Indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of the CSO based on club activities
Indicators Criteria Methods of determining
Quality of held events 1) quality of development of methodological materials 2) quality of development of didactic materials 3) compliance of the artistic work's problems with the age interests of the participants 1) analysis of actual indicators 2) questioning of teachers of Russian language and literature, Russian as a foreign language
Quality of normative competence formation 1) compliance with the norms of the literary language by club members 2) compliance of participants ' speech activity with the language norm 1) expert's evaluation
Quality of formation of communicative competence 1) selection of language tools taking into account the communicative situation 1) expert's evaluation
The quality of the formation of ethical competence 1) compliance with the rules of language behavior 2) compliance with ethical standards of communication 1) expert's evaluation
Quality of formation of reflexive competence 1) the level of semantic understanding of the artistic work under discussion 2) the level of interactive interaction of the event participant 1) expert's evaluation
Personnel structure 1) the number of teachers 2) qualification characteristics 3) effectiveness of professional activities 1) expert's evaluation 2) analysis of the results of the activities carried out
Quality of the material and technical base 1) compliance of premises and equipment with SanPiN requirements 2) availability of regulatory documents 3) availability of office equipment 1) expert's evaluation
Status of the educational club among the participants 1) friendly reviews 2) availability of means of positioning their activities (symbols, Internet support, media coverage) 1) survey of participants 2) survey of teachers 3) expert's evaluation
Developed in the framework of the activities of the OEC operating program of the course is on the development of LCC the participants of the criminal procedure code "the Secrets of Russian Philology" focuses on purposeful formation of the competences that constitute the content LCC, and introduction in educational process of educational technologies:
• technology of problem-based learning (in the process of analyzing literary texts, in the organization of research work of participants);
• technology of development of critical thinking through reading fiction (assimilation of new knowledge through a critical attitude to the actions and thoughts of literary characters);
• technology of project activity (independent search and solution of literary and creative tasks in the course of preparation for the discussion of a work of art);
• technology workshops (providing students with tools that contribute to their personal development, awareness of themselves and their place in the world, understanding other people).
Considering that reading is, first of all, a process of obtaining information, we consider the task of teaching semantic reading in Russian to be particularly relevant, since it is extremely important to teach modern youth to work with information, with text. Even with the increasing importance of computerization, there is reason to believe that reading will continue to play a leading role in human life for a long time to come.
It should also be noted that in the modern methodology of teaching Russian as a non-native language, the artistic text also occupies a special place as a unit of culture, a form of communication and didactic material that has great educational and aesthetic significance [18].
Taking into account the fact that in a literary text the meaning is expressed both explicitly and implicitly, we can argue that it is especially difficult for a native speaker of a different linguistic culture to perceive the subtext, since this is closely related to the presence or absence of background knowledge. That is why the teacher explains the subtext in advance in writing before each online meeting in the club, based on the language signs of the analyzed text. As a result of working on the meaning of the work, the student perceives and learns the spiritual values of the people reflected in the work of art, and, ultimately, recognizes other people's values or develops a tolerant attitude to them. This is confirmed by the statement of modern researchers E.R. Kornienko, N.A. Simbirtseva about the interpretation of the features of the spiritual culture of another people, the identification of their hierarchy, "content and semantic features, close and distant context, characteristic of the process of subjective personal perception" [4; 10].
Russian language development model implementation within the framework of the pedagogical University also allowed to identify some of the most effective strategies for teaching reading in Russian as a native and foreign language during the subsequent discussion of the works of Russian writers:
• strategy of pre-text activity (updating and repeating the vocabulary associated with the topic of the text);
• strategy of text activity (mastering the ability to read and isolate the most important points from the text);
• strategy of post-text activity (comparison of the actual information of the text, expressed verbally, and subtext information hidden between the lines);
• strategy of text frames (definition of the logical and semantic structure of a literary text, comprehension and understanding of the text).
Thus, we can conclude that it is important to use the above-mentioned reading learning strategies in a competent and professional manner within the framework of online meetings organized in the Code of Criminal Procedure "Secrets of Russian Philology". The curator of the club provides comprehensive assistance in immersing the participants of the meeting in history and culture, helps to see and understand the significance of a particular cultural phenomenon objectified in the language of the work.
In summary, it should be emphasized that the performance of OEC on the basis of the ECC "Secrets of Russian Philology" on the basis of the "ShGPU", the oldest University of the Urals, smithy of pedagogical shots for Kurgan and other regions of the Russian Federation, set a new vector of development in the regional educational community, where book is an integral part of modern life. Russian Philology, the involvement of children and young people not only from Russia, but also from the countries of the near (Kyrgyzstan) and far abroad (Germany), foreign students studying in Russian universities, created additional opportunities for the full assimilation of the Russian language as a non-native language and allowed to reveal the expressive power of the artistic word, to ensure the development of intercultural dialogue among young people.
The following results were achieved during the implementation of the LCC development model in the conditions of the OEC:
1) the introduction of practice-based approach to quality training of domestic and foreign students studying in FSBEI of "ShGPU" programme "Russian language", "Literature", "Russian as a foreign language" (attracting students to participate in the work of the club created the conditions for the formation and development of professional competences of future teachers);
2) improving the conditions for the development of personnel and methodological potential in the field of teaching Russian as a native and foreign language by involving children and young people in the activities of the Code of Criminal Procedure "Secrets of Russian Philology»;
3) the use of new methods and techniques of teaching semantic reading in Russian as a native and foreign language (A literary text is a means of creating everyday and professional situations on the basis of which real communication is carried out. Russian Philology Secrets online meetings and self-preparation for these meetings contribute to the participants'
mastery of oral and written forms of Russian speech and speech activity in all its forms: reading, speaking, listening, writing);
4) expansion of cultural, humanitarian, scientific and educational cooperation within the country and abroad;
5) development of distance learning technologies for learning and teaching Russian as a native and foreign language;
6) strengthening ties with compatriots living abroad, with the historical homeland.
The basis of the functioning of the OEC is the idea of the need to form and develop
the LCC of the members of the club "Secrets of Russian Philology". Within the framework of organized online meetings, the club participants confirmed their opinion that reading as one of the types of speech activity is a process of perception and semantic processing (understanding) of written speech, a communicative process in which at least two partners participate: the author (addressee) and the reader (recipient, addressee). The author's goal is to convey his idea to the reader, and the recipient's goal is to transform the content of the read into a meaning "for himself", that is, understanding. In the course of the activities of the ECC the process of semantic reading, which allows participants in preparation for the meeting at the club to allocate in the verbal text the language units (analysis), then these units are integrated (synthesis), and as a result of interpenetration of adjacent meanings of linguistic signs in the mind of the reader produces the meaning of the text, which leads to the formation of a culture of linguistic communication, composed of its important competences.
Thus, it can be stated that the effectiveness of the implementation of the model development LCC in terms of OEC on the basis of the ECC "Secrets of Russian Philology" is achieved by a system of measures for coordination and cooperation of the club members, and also due to the synergetic effect from introduction of new approaches, strategies and technologies to increase motivation for independent study of the Russian language in the conditions attached to Russian literature through the involvement of children and young people in the activities of the ECC "Secrets of Russian Philology", established on the basis of the "ShGPU".
The article was published with the support of Ministry of education of Russian Federation under the Federal grant for the implementation of measures aimed at proper functioning and development of the Russian language, the departmental target program "Scientific and methodological, methodological and staffing support of teaching the Russian language and the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation" of the subprogram "improving the management system of education" state program of the Russian Federation "Development of education".
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Information about the authors Elena I. Elizova
(Russian Federation, Shadrinsk) Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University E-mail: elisowa@yandex.ru
Nadezhda Yu. Lantsevskaya
(Russian Federation, Shadrinsk) Associate Professor, PhD In Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University
Tatiana V. Sizova
(Russian Federation, Shadrinsk) Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Head of the Department for Educational Work Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University
Информация об авторах Елизова Елена Ивановна
(Российская Федерация, г. Шадринск) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры филологии и социогуманитарных дисциплин
Шадринский государственный педагогический университет E-mail: elisowa@yandex.ru
Ланцевская Надежда Юрьевна
(Российская Федерация, г. Шадринск) Доцент, кандидат культурологии, доцент кафедры филологии и социогуманитарных дисциплин Шадринский государственный педагогический университет
Сизова Татьяна Викторовна
(Российская Федерация, г. Шадринск) Доцент, кандидат филологических наук, начальник управления по воспитательной работе Шадринский государственный педагогический университет