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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Golik Bella Grigorivna

In this article, the questions concerning the formation of professional competence of future technology teachers as designers of clothing in a pedagogical institution of higher education are considered. The author notes that the task of modernization of general and vocational education, the necessity of its conformity to both the needs of the individual and the demands of society, require a fundamentally new approach to the definition of its goals, content and organization. Therefore, the professional training of the future designer of clothing should be focused on the use of the possibilities of this discipline for the formation of the student's social, communicative, cognitive, and informational competencies.

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UDK 378.22:687.01

Golik Bella Grigorivna

a post-graduate student of the Department of the Theory and Methodology of Technological Education

Poltava National Pedagogical University named after VG Korolenko Ostrogradskogo st. 2, Poltava 36003, Ukraine Phone: 380987436551




In this article, the questions concerning the formation of professional competence of future technology teachers as designers of clothing in a pedagogical institution of higher education are considered.

The author notes that the task of modernization of general and vocational education, the necessity of its conformity to both the needs of the individual and the demands of society, require a fundamentally new approach to the definition of its goals, content and organization. Therefore, the professional training of the future designer of clothing should be focused on the use of the possibilities of this discipline for the formation of the student's social, communicative, cognitive, and informational competencies.

Key words: competence, education, design of clothes, professional training.


The topicality of the article. One of the problems of the native system of education is the problem of quality of the education itself. For many years it has been and still remains one of the priorities in the pedagogical science and practice. The objectives were changed (didactic-centric, ideological, personally-oriented, etc.), the content of the educational process was refined, the conditions for education were modernized, but the task of qualitative preparation of the younger generationboth general and professionalwas always considered as one of the leading ones for the whole system of native education.

Among the primary tasks aimed at improving the quality of education and strengthening its role in the socio-economic development of the country, the Strategy for the Modernization of Higher Education of Ukraine until 2020 sets out the principles for ensuring constitutional rights of citizens to a higher education of high-quality and an equal access to a higher education of high-quality; reorganization of the system of management of higher education in order to ensure the protection of national, regional and local interests as well as the interests of all subjects of the national system of higher education of Ukraine; transforming universities into centers of independent thoughts that can provide staff and ideas for theaccelerated modernization of the country; ensuring fair competition between institutions of higher education as a guarantee of high quality of higher education; Establishing a proper connection between the labor market and the system of higher education; Integration of higher education of Ukraine into the world and European educational and scientific space [9].

The Draft Strategy states that the change in the concept of quality assurance in higher education should be accompanied by increased requirements for the knowledge and competences of the teaching staff and

this problem is at the center of attention of scientists and practitioners of educational activity.

The analysis of the previous publications. In the 70's and 90's of the 20th century. in researches of scientists competence was considered as a new goal of education, an important component that determines the professionalism of teachers' teaching activity and the management of the pedagogical process, in the aspect of the training of workers of a broad profile.

In modern Ukrainian pedagogy, the term "competence" has to be interpreted as a personal component of professionalism, as a result and a criterion for the quality of specialist training [6], a practical expression of the modernization of the content of education [2], a basic component of the vocational and pedagogical competence [4], a component of reflexive competence [10 , 13], the basic components of pedagogical culture of the teacher [7, 16], as well as a new approach to the design of educational standards [3, 11].

Based on the opinion of the above-mentioned researchers, we can say that key competencies are complex psychological and practical formation, the presence of which determines the versatility, social and professional mobility of professionals and allows them to adaptsuccessfully to various social and professional communities, promotes their self-improvement and helps carry out their professional activity effectively.

The aim of the article is to analyse the importance of the existence of this formation in the structure of a personality including also the formation of professional competences of future technology teachers as designers of clothing of a pedagogical institution.

Presenting the main material. The current level of the development of the state, the society and the economy requires from the theory and practice of education the methodological and applied substantiation of the mechanisms of the formation ofnew competences of a person of the XXI century able to analyze the existing situation, seeing himself as an active subject of

an activity, being capable ofindependent and responsible decision-making.

Taking into consideration these arguments a competent approach to a vocational education meets both social expectations in the field of education and the interests of participants in an educational process. So far there has been some scientific experience in understanding the essence of this approach. The competence approach to a vocational education means a unified system of definitions of goals, selection of the content, maintaining organizational and technological teachers training based on the allocation of special, general and key competences that guarantee the high level and efficiency of a teacher's professional and pedagogical activity [6].

On the basis of this definition scientists [1, 12] formulated functions of the system of pedagogical education according to a competence approach:

- the competence approach allows to determine the nomenclature and the logic of the development of the essential professional pedagogical knowledge and skills that correspond tomodern notions of "pedagogical culture", "pedagogical creativity" more accurately;

- on the basis of the competence approach it is pos-sibleto determine the goals in the planning of the content of the pedagogical education the most precisely;

- the definitions of key, general and special competences allow us to make up a more accurate and di-agnostically verified system of measures of the level of professional and pedagogical competence of a future specialist at all stages of his preparation;

- the competence approach which reflects the idea of skillfulness and professional qualities of a modern teacher has a positive impact on the development ofsome innovative processes in the system of pedagogical education.

The functioning of such a system is carried out according to the following principles:

1. Diagnostic: targeting the achievement of a diagnosed result which is revealed in the behaviour and thinking.

2. Complexity, interdisciplinary: taking into account both educational and external environmental factors and impacts.

3. Multifunctionality: a competence cannot be characterized by only one skill or ability. It represents the ability to solve a set of tasks.

We consider the competent approach to be not only one of themeans of updating the content of the pedagogical education but alsoa mechanism for corresponding the requirements of the present, a condition for modernizing the system of training of technology teachers particularly ones who have to teach the subject "Design of clothing."

In our opinion, it is the competence approach that contributes significant adjustments into the organization of the process of a technology teachers' training, making it actively and practice-oriented.

It makes us believe that a competent approach will promote the formation of a qualitatively new model of a teacher demanded by the subjects of the pedagogical

education (students, teachers), consumers of educational services (students and their parents) and the modern society. Such a model can be attributed to the socio-personal one, that is that satisfies the needs of a person who gets a pedagogical education, of the society that requires a competent pedagogical staff, and of thestate capable of providing a competitive education that meets world standards.

We share the opinion of G. V. Pichugina who determines the specifics of this approach as a predominance of non-subject personally meaningful knowledge and skills over subject knowledge [8].

The orientation of the entire educational system to the formation of non-subject socially meaningful knowledge and skills corresponds the paradigm of the personality-oriented education most of all, since such knowledge and skills will allow young people to implement successfully in any industrial field, which is one of the main goals of the technological education.

Among many reasons that restrict the renewal of education one can refer to its one-sidedness, disharmony when instead of an integrated socio-cultural experience students actually master only a part of it, first of all a component of knowledge.

The orientation towards knowledge mastering about the world dates back to the period of the late Renaissance when European schools began to deviate from the religious totalitarian education, in the process of which some religious texts were learned by heart not consciously, and the common standards of behavior were formed on this basis. But at that very time a transition to a model of conscious mastering knowledge and some concepts, to the formation of a creative materialistic, spontaneously materialistic, creative way of thinking was outlined.

While the development of the society the educationacquired a sectarian orientation. The knowledge provided to students acquired the qualities of a system, a holistic scientific notion of the world helped students to get oriented in it which was later revealed in somesuccesses ofthe civilization. The equality of school and life components was maintained by the periodic updating of the content of education mainly due to the inclusion of new subject areasdemanded bythe production and developing social relations. Sometimes some separate additional subjects were introduced into educational ones providing a connection between learning and life. However, changes in the social, informational and technological spheres could not but lead to the emergence of aspecial type of culture within which the education based exceptionally on knowledge lost its effectiveness and even expediency.

At the current stage of the social development getting informationhas become the main area of aprofessional human activity and a condition for the existence of any modern production. The revolutionarypace of updating knowledge, techniques and technologies, forms of organization of work led to the fact that such an education began to lose its meaning. The enormous amount of information that ages faster than a student graduates from university is no longer possible to be "squeezed" into the curriculum.

Thus, recognizing the importance and significance of mathematics, physics and chemistry as fundamental disciplines which promote the formation of an integrat-edscientific perception of the world and the natural scientifically rational way ofthinking of future designers of clothing, the curriculum overloading by this aspect of knowledge should be paid attention to.

At the same time, the urgency of automation of designing and production of clothing, intellectualization of information about design processes make it possible to talk about the need to enhance the professional and psychological adaptation of students to computer means.

Moreover taking into consideration the growing role of environmental responsibility of specialists for the results oftheir activities, the need for a scientific research and the substantiation of professional problems,it is necessary to pay more attention to the developing ofecological culture, the practice of scientific research, the connection of the experience of scientific knowledge with the real consciousness and practical activities of future specialists.

In our opinion, the updating of these components will increase the applied nature of the basic training of a clothing designer, promote the integration of humanities and science, which is very significant and priority for amodern professional education.

The same situation is traced in the minimum level of educational content as far as humanitarian curriculum is concerned which does not fully represent the philosophy of the industry and there are no disciplines that reveal the methodology of design as a universal technology of designing things and the subjecive environment on the whole, a way of transforming industrial products into cultural phenomena. Therefore, the main type of the professional activity of a designer of clothing that is the project activityremained within the limits of the traditional rules of the engineering approach focused on the solution of some narrow-functional technical tasks, which are locked inside the production system.

To our mind, philosophy of the industry as a world-view basis of a specialist's professional thinking is the most important component of training, designed to consider the production system, industry on thewhole, objects and products of labour in the real cultural-historical context taking into account the ecology of our nature, a man and culture. In any curriculum this component is formed within individual disciplines of the general-professional unit which relates to labour, technological processes, control systems, engineering, a working staff, an environment and therefore it is mastered at the level of fragmentary knowledge.

Without detracting from the importance of fragmentary knowledge which reveals the specificity of some particular spheres profoundly,it would be advisable to introduce a course reflecting the structure of the industry on the whole, the nature of the interaction of elements, its relations with external objects. It will provide a reflection of a systematic approach in the future professional activity of a designer of clothing. It will also allow to understandthe

laws of education, structure, functioning and development of the modern production system, analysis of its relations with other systems, its interaction with the outside world thoroughly. As a result, it will contribute to the systematic reproduction and comprehension of the object of the activity, its harmonious inclusion in the system of ahigher level.

In this regard, we support the idea that in the XXI century such an approach to the formation of the basic groundof the specialty "Design of sewing products" seems to be a clear anachronism. Some objective factors such as scientific research, sewing enterprises practice of various capacities, segmentation of the consumer clothing markethave formed a new content and understanding of fundamental disciplines for mastering the main specialty "[5].

Since the learning object of general training is techniques and technology of the industry [15], we must conclude that the functional structure of the modern clothes production system and the specifics of a designer's activities lead to the need to include artistic techniques and technologies into the block of general professional disciplines. Among these ones we offer disciplines that are focused on forming the technique foundations and techniques of drawing, artistic graphics and the foundations of shaping in the design process. The activity of a designer of clothes can not be regarded as simply engineering one, but as engineering-artistic or artistic-technical which was pointed out by many authors in their researches repeatedly.

Therefore, basic general-professional disciplines such as engineering graphics and figurative geometry that traditionally form the basis of the designer's graphic culture need to be completed by the disciplines mentioned above. Together they are sure tocreate an ideal base for the formation of the foundations of a design culture asthe leading course and means of professional designing activities in modern conditions.

It should be stressed once more on the necessity of teaching "eternal truths", but without the ability to updatehis cultural experience a student can not be considered to be prepared for the life. In this context the socio-professional orientation is regarded as a complex scientifically substantiated system of the involvement into fulfiling some personal and social meaningful goals, the formation of values and the development of relationships, and it isused purposefully to achieve the following goals: the mastering and application of the certain system of knowledge and norms that enable to function in the society properly; the formation of thesocial and professional experience; harmonious development; the realization of creative potential, abilities, desires, etc. [14, p. 61].

It should be especially emphasized that the difference between the competence model and education based on knowledge is essential.The competency approach gives the first priority not to the student's knowledge but to the ability to solve problems in some situations; knowledge of the phenomena of the reality; mastering themodern techniques and technologies; an assessment of own actions; doing social roles of a citizen, a family member, a buyer, a client, a viewer, a voter; choosing a profession and

assessing your willingness to study at a vocational institution focusing on the labor market; solvingown life problems, choosing a lifestyle and the ways to solve industrial conflicts.

It is obvious that to teach how to behavior in such situations is impossible. The specificity of a competence training lies in the following: not the amount of knowledge offered for learning is percieved, but the conditions for the emergence of the necessary knowledge are projected.

Until recently the phenomenon of competence has been mostly closely associated with the field of the vocational education. It has always been clear that a competence is associated with some additional prerequisites for the development of a specialist, his own creative potential and the quality of education he received.

It is the vocational schoolfocused onthe competence gave the birth to such specific methods of training professional specialists, as imitating-modeling, design and contextual methods of training,the integration of educational and research work.

In general, the analysis of works devoted to the formation of professional competencies of specialists allows us to conclude that the main elements of the system of formation of vocational and teaching competence of a teacher are the following ones:

- structuring the content of the pedagogical education on the basis of a competence approach;

- the organization of the learning process based on the rating system which allows to track accuratelythe results of vocational and pedagogical training in each module of training and the progress in the formation of the key, general and special competences;

- the implementation of training courses on the basis of modern educational technologies taking into account the practice-oriented and activity approaches;

- the organization of pedagogical practice taking into account the necessity for students to accumulate the experience of a professional competence and the formation of key, general and special competences under the conditions of a real pedagogical activity;

- writing graduation papers focusing on the development of the creative competence of a future teacher, the formation of skills of problem-oriented analysis of bibliography, rapid analysis of publications on the teaching experienceon the investigated problem, the design of the own pedagogical activity on the basis of modern educational technologies using rating methods, ranking, pedagogical experiment, methods of diagnostic measurements and processing.

Significant changes in the society, accelerating the pace of socio-economic development led to the search for a new concept of education reflecting these changes and focused on the reproduction of personal traits demanded by the XXI century: not only mobility, dynamism, constructiveness,but also professional, social, personal and household competences.

The development of the informatization processes has led to the fact that the system of professional training is not able to "catch up with" the growing flow

of information. That is why a fundamentally new approach to the design of the content of the pedagogical education is necessary able tostimulate a modern teacher to a constant self-improvement ,a reflection of the quality of his pedagogical activity, his self-esteem and correction.


Summing up this article it should be pointed out that the task of modernizing of the general and vocational education, the necessity to match both the needs of an individual and the demands of the society require a fundamentally new approach to defining its goals, content and organization. Therefore, the professional training of a future designer of clothing should be focused on the use of the possibilities of his subject for the formationnot only students disciplinary copmpetencies, but alsosocial, communicative, cognitive, informational ones which are non-disciplinary competencies. Beyond any doubt a teacher must both possess these competencies and use them at a rather high level.

The modernization of the educational system cannot be achieved without providing it with a highly skilled pedagogical staff and without its support by the state and the society. We consider the improvement of the professional level of teachers and the formation of quite a new pedagogical staff corresponding to the demands of modern life to be necessary conditions for the modernization of the higher education system of Ukraine.


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Кускова Ирина Валерьевна

Учитель английского языка Хорунжина Юлия Вячеславовна.

Учитель географии:


Современный учитель - это учитель, который должен идти в ногу со временем, повышая свой профессиональный уровень и применяя в своей работе достижения науки и техники. Это учитель, умеющий создавать и организовывать особую образовательную, развивающую среду, помогающую абсолютно каждому ученику раскрыть максимум своих способностей.

В начале нашего выступления мы предлагаем Вам следующие правила:

- будь активным

- умей слушать

- не засыпай

- не перебивай

- говори кратко и по теме

- предлагай идеи уважай собеседника

Мы все родом из детства. Вспоминая детство, каждый взрослый человек часто воспроизводит события, связанные с его жизнью в школьные годы. Добрая память остаётся о том педагоге, с которым были радостные минуты общения, который помогал в решении проблем,в выборе жизненного пути, был интересной личностью. Чаще всего - это классный руководитель. Он действительно ближе всех стоит к ребёнку в педагогическом коллективе школы. Проблема здоровья, поведения, учёбы, взаимоотношений с одноклассниками, учителями -предметниками, организация досуга школьников и многое другое являются сферами заботы классного руководителя. Поэтому можно сказать, что он- одна

из ключевых фигур в процессе развития и саморазвития ребёнка, становления его мировоззрения.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Классный руководитель, учитель прогнозирует, анализирует, организует, сотрудничает, контролирует повседневную жизнь и деятельность учащихся в классе. Учитель применяет разнообразные формы работы со своим коллективом. И одна из форм, это конечно же игровые приёмы, игры, которые мы применяем на уроках, во внеурочной деятельности, на классных часах.

Итак, чтобы начать нашу работу, нам необходимо познакомиться. Во время знакомства люди обычно называют свои имена. Перед вами лежат листочки. Возьмите, пожалуйста, фломастеры и напишите на них имя, которым бы вы хотели, чтобы вас называли в ходе нашей работы. (листочки, ручки, фломастеры, булавки). Прикрепляют листочки.

А теперь проведем небольшую разминку:

- похлопайте в ладоши те, кто сегодня проснулся в хорошем настроении,

- те, кто не забыл сделать зарядку,

- те, кто любит сладкое,

- те, у кого есть домашние животные,

- те, кто любит математику,

- те, кому всегда комфортно в своём коллективе,

- те, у кого есть друзья

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