Научная статья на тему 'Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller'

Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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TRIZ in Evolution
Область наук
Ключевые слова
TRIZ Education / application of TRIZ tools / pedagogical heritage / TRIZ educational practices / cognitive motivation / organisational knowledge

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aliyev N.G.

This study continues the proposals for TRIZ educational practices improvement at the local level presented at TRIZ SUMMiT 2022. The presentation, following the previous research, reflects the expediency of studying some theoretical aspects of pedagogical activities of the Gori Educational Seminary alumni to be able to further integrate them, along with pedagogical methods of TRIZ Education, into the learning environment at the local level. The TRiZ SUMMiT 2023 visitors will also learn about the Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller pilot project aimed at identification of talented children in remote regions of the country. This study is an opportunity to consider a prospective study of the general classification system of the history of the pedagogical heritage at the local level, further developing and increasing thus the input data using an appropriate arrangement in the descriptive part of the S-shaped development of the system mentioned in the previous paper. The first part of the paper provides information, background, and a brief time line. Further, based on the experience of the educator Alexey Osipovich Chernyaevsky and the author of TRIZ theory Henrich Saulovich Altshuller, the trends and initiatives to organise the joint development of methods for functional application in the modern period are proposed, as well as conclusions drawn on the basis of methodological developments of experts. The second part covers the prospects for implementation of the initial stage of the joint application of the experience of A. Chernyaevsky and G. Altshuller’s project on the identification of gifted children in remote regions of the country (Azerbaijan), for participation in the TRIZ Cup International Competition organised by the TRIZ Developers Summit International Association with subsequent experience dissemination at the international level among the TRIZ community. It should be noted that, as in the previous paper, the social significance of the paper for the TRIZ community lies in the possibility of referring to primary sources of information for preliminary research on the proposed topic by representatives of the Department of Education in the homeland of the author of TRIZ theory and several alumni of the Gori Seminary in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The novelty of the recommendations is the building of a symbiosis of professional competencies (organisational support) for a certain kind of pedagogical activity as presented above. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to TRIZ Experts M.S. Rubin, N.V. Rubina, V.M. Petrov, P.R. Amnuel, G.M. Akhmedov, member of the Russian Academy of Education, and Prof. A.B. Kutvan for the advice and information they provided for this research.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller»


Aliyev N.G. Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller

Abstract. This study continues the proposals for TRIZ educational practices improvement at the local level presented at TRiZ SUMMIT 2022.

The presentation, following the previous research, reflects the expediency of studying some theoretical aspects of pedagogical activities of the Gori Educational Seminary alumni to be able to further integrate them, along with pedagogical methods of TRIZ Education, into the learning environment at the local level.

The TRiZ SUMMIT 2023 visitors will also learn about the Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller pilot project aimed at identification of talented children in remote regions of the country.

This study is an opportunity to consider a prospective study of the general classification system of the history of the pedagogical heritage at the local level, further developing and increasing thus the input data using an appropriate arrangement in the descriptive part of the S-shaped development of the system mentioned in the previous paper.

The first part of the paper provides information, background, and a brief time line. Further, based on the experience of the educator Alexey Osipovich Chernyaevsky and the author of TRIZ theory Henrich Saulovich Altshuller, the trends and initiatives to organise the joint development of methods for functional application in the modern period are proposed, as well as conclusions drawn on the basis of methodological developments of experts.

The second part covers the prospects for implementation of the initial stage of the joint application of the experience of A. Chernyaevsky and G. Altshuller's project on the identification of gifted children in remote regions of the country (Azerbaijan), for participation in the TRIZ Cup International Competition organised by the TRIZ Developers Summit International Association with subsequent experience dissemination at the international level among the TRIZ community.

It should be noted that, as in the previous paper, the social significance of the paper for the TRIZ community lies in the possibility of referring to primary sources of information for preliminary research on the proposed topic by representatives of the Department of Education in the homeland of the author of TRIZ theory and several alumni of the Gori Seminary in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The novelty of the recommendations is the building of a symbiosis of professional competencies (organisational support) for a certain kind of pedagogical activity as presented above.

Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to TRIZ Experts M. S. Rubin, N. V. Rubina, V.M. Petrov, P.R. Amnuel, G.M. Akhmedov, member of the Russian Academy of Education, and Prof. A.B. Kutvan for the advice and information they provided for this research.

Key words: TRIZ Education, application of TRIZ tools, pedagogical heritage, TRIZ educational practices, cognitive motivation, organisational knowledge.


..."Teaching to be surprised" in a new

way... Л L. S. Vygotsky

This section of the paper proposes to predetermine the tendencies of organising the joint development of methods for functional application, based on the experience of the activities of the educator Alexey Osipovich Chernyaevsky and the inventor Henrich Saulovich Altshuller in the recent period.

It is an opportunity to systematise the experience and personal approach of teachers in determining methods of searching for gifted children in remote regions of the country.

Some background information and a brief time line:

On 28 February 2017, under the Pedagogical Heritage and Contemporary Issues project, a meeting with representatives of the research and educational community dedicated to the enlightener of Azerbaijan Alexey Osipovich Chernyaevsky was held at the Russian Information and Cultural Centre, Baku.


Ministry of Education, Republic of Azerbaijan

Institute of Education, Republic of Azerbaijan;

Institute for Professional Development of Educators, Republic of Azerbaijan

Learning Support Centre, Baku Department of Education

Republican Centre for Humanistic Pedagogy

State University of Education

Baku Slavic University

Baku State University

Russian Language and Literature Journal

Ministry of Culture, Republic of Azerbaijan:

(House Museums of the Gori Seminary alumni)

Jalil Mammadkulizadeh House Museum

Nariman Narimanov House Museum

Uzeyir Hajibeyov House Museum

M.F. Akhundov National Library

National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Azerbaijan,

Humanities Division, Academy Praesidium

Centre for Systematisation and Collection of Scientific Heritage, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Praesidium

Institute of History of Sciences, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Azerbaijan National Encyclopaedia

On 18 May 2017, under the Pedagogical Heritage and Modernity project of the Russian Information and Cultural Centre (RICC) in Baku, the Institute of Philosophy, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences hosted an extended session of the Russian Language Teaching and Methodological Centre dedicated to research in the history of pedagogy of Russia and Azerbaijan, including the history of the Gori Seminary:

Nargiz Akhundova, academic secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Ilgam Mammad-zadeh, director, Institute of Philosophy, Natig Aliyev, coordinator of educational programmes, RICC, scientists from the Institute of Philosophy: Rafiga Azimova, Veliyev Gorkhmaz, Institute of History of Sciences: Akhmedov Agil, Zeynalova Aida noted the importance of research at the academic level on the defining stages of the history of pedagogical heritage.

At the meeting, representatives from the National Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan noted the importance of highlighting the pedagogical heritage of the Gori Seminary alumni and its further study.

The Department of Monitoring and Quality Control, Institute for Professional Development of Educators (Nargiz Rajabova) recommended submitting the seminar minutes to the Institute for further consideration.

The seminar was attended by Maryam Seidbeyli, Director, Institute of History of Sciences, Lyubov Yakunina, Chairperson of the Association of Russian-Speaking Educational Institutions, Almaz Khasret, Head of the International Cooperation Department, Institute of Education, Azad Akhmedov, Head of the International Projects Department, Institute for Professional Development of Educators, and representatives of the research and educational community.

Brief information about the preparation for the TRIZ Cup 2023 International Competition. A kickoff seminar with the students (Grand Prix 2023 winners) of Baku European Lyceum on the application of TRIZ tools and IL (Interdisciplinary Learning; one of the authors is

Z. Veysova, Lyceum Director), was held by the moderators E. Shamilli, member of the Union of Architects, and Bahram Khalilov. member of the Artists Union of Azerbaijan

About A.O. Chernyaevsky:

Alexey Osipovich Chernyaevsky was a teacher and educator (Maraza village, Shemakhi district, Azerbaijan).

Since 1879 he was an inspector at the Azerbaijani Campus, Gori Transcaucasian Teachers' Seminary. He is the author of the VETEN DILI (The Language of Homeland) textbook.

The results of A.Chernyaevsky work at the Gori Seminary were presented by Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, Sani Akhundov, Rashid bey Efendiev, Teymur Bayramalibekov, Firudin bey Kocharli, Nariman Narimanov and others to the educational and creative community, writers and enlighteners. Composers: Muslim Magomayev Sr., Uzeyir Hajibekov.

It should be noted that O. Chernyaevsky Middle School No.1 works in Maraza village, Go-bustan district, Azerbaijan Republic, where the educator started his teaching career.

Henrich Saulovich Altshuller. He was a science fiction writer and the creator of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ). He introduced Evgeny Voiskunsky, Pavel Amnuel, Mikhail Rubin, Victor Fey and other Baku-based science fiction writers and inventors to the international community.

In this respect, we should continue the teaching traditions of A. Chernyaevsky by using the methods proposed by G. Altshuller and his TRIZ followers. It seems possible to develop combined methods to select students who are motivated to learn about systems thinking and technical TRIZ skills (G. Altshuller's Theory of Creative Personality Development), which can contribute to the formation of a new educational paradigm oriented towards digital technologies.

The representatives of the local departments of education could identify motivated students before the International TRIZ Cup Competition and during the preparatory seminars, promote further improvement in mastering TRIZ methods (Junior), and monitor their creative and professional growth (Talent Acquisition) after the competition.

The foundation for this initiative:

A limited number of the TRIZ Developers Summit contesters in the country's regions are selected through a special questionnaire to identify motivated children among the general education students and following the guidelines of the Department for Talented Children, Institute of Education, which leads to increased interest in creative projects and personal development.

It should be noted that the TRIZ Developers Summit Department of Education has done some research on this: Research Activities in Primary School by Radovskaya O.V., Rubina N.V.

The participants of the organisational and theoretical projects are invited to consider the following areas (expert definitions are used) for borrowing the pedagogical and creative heritage of A.O. Chernyaevsky and G.S. Altshuller to define the stages for further development of cognitive motivation among students, in this case, among the candidates for the TRIZ Cup International Competition:

- focus on education

- building of Intrinsic Cognitive Motivation

- the methodology for cognitive motivation building

(Experience of A. Chernyaevsky and G. Altshuller)

- A special programme to restore student motivation system in the academic process

- Neurophysiological mechanisms of building cognitive activity in children (involving more experts)

- Identification the conditions for the emergence of cognitive needs

- Building an environment for the development of research competencies among students who learn the TRIZ theory

- Building cognitive independence

- Organisation of learning and cognitive activities

- Building search and cognitive activities

- Identification of the best methodological projects from the local TRIZ Education experts

Introductory lecture course:

The Contribution of Russian Sentimentalism in Literature to the Building of Cognitive Motivation in Azerbaijani Writers-Alumni of Gori Seminary, and The Significance of the Emotional Component of Extracurricular Reading of Russian and Azerbaijani Literature for Building Cognitive Motivation in Students (from the experience of literature lessons taught by the Gori Seminary alumni) In the future, it is intended to define an organisational and theoretical space for comparative analysis, synthesis and acceptance criteria for works on the history of the pedagogical and creative heritage of our maestros, for subsequent submission to the education management bodies and research centres.


...simultaneous consideration of educational theory and practice in many countries, among different peoples and at different ages, to develop guidelines for evaluating contemporary approaches to education and training and for forecasting them with an eye to the future, taking into

account the experience of the past... From Person in the World of Uncertainty: Methodology of Cultural and Historical Cognition.

L.S. Vygotsky Conference Proceedings

The second part of the presentation suggests the prospects of organising the first stage of joint application of the experience of A.O. Chernyaevsky and G.S. Altshuller in identifying gifted children in remote regions of the country (Azerbaijan) with further extrapolation of the acquired experience to other regions of the International TRIZ Community.

To this end, it is proposed to launch a pilot project based on the Chernyaevsky Public School No.1 of the Maraza Settlement, Gobustan District, Republic of Azerbaijan: Development Trajectory: Chernyayevsky-Altshuller.

(Selective application of the S-development to supplement the previous paper) Project Category:

Knowledge Management

Component: Infrastructure creation and improvement for the integration of the Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller pilot project System Aspect:

- Organisation and Structure Key Parameters:

- External regulation of management processes

- the presence of an external regulator

- the external regulator to be represented in the management structure

- coordination, clearly defined objectives

Thereafter, the stages of system development are defined with max utilisation of existing infrastructure resources:

Development stage 1:

- Creation of information and organisational infrastructure for the project submitted for consideration at the local level

Core Level:

- Administrative and community resources Local Level:

- Administrative and community resources

Commitment-driven cooperation of the TRIZ Developers Summit (TDS) Department of Education with leading agencies in the area of TRIZ educational practices:

1.1 Preparation for a virtual meeting of the TDS Department of Education to organise the TDS interregional plan Key Areas and Promotion Tools for the TRIZ Cup International Competition

together with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, local authorities of the Gobustan region, and educational mass media

1.2 Coordination of the action plan for the selection of the TRIZ Cup 2024 International Competition contesters following the guidelines from the researchers of A.O. Chernyaevsky's legacy and the history of the Gori Seminary and experts of the TDS Department of Education

1.3 Conducting a selection round for the competition to identify the most motivated candidates (questionnaires, teachers' recommendations) among students of all age categories from A.O. Chernyaevsky Public School No. 1

1.4 Preparatory seminars for the contestants to familiarise them with the terms and conditions of the TRIZ Education contest

1.5 Submission of student works for the TDS competition

1.6 A comparative analysis of the students works to determine the efficiency of the pilot project with subsequent recommendations from the Department of Education for the preparation to new competitions in other regions and internationally

1.7 Adapt the available infrastructure and resources to the committee activities, both at central and regional levels

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Development stage 2:

Accelerate the integration of central and regional stakeholders into the committee's activities

Determination of the key parameters for the committee management processes, select the main parameter for a given stage of development

- the external regulator to be represented in the management structure

- determination of the leading activity of the committee at this stage: Organisation of an international TDS competition

- approach to the IFR of this activity

- intensive integration by the Department of Education into the infrastructure and leveraging of the resources available at the central and local levels

- Identify the key partners:

Core Level:

- Government Commission on High Tech and Innovations

- TRiZ Developers Summit, Department of Education

- Russian Academy of Education

- Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

- Moscow State University of Education

- Institute for Talented Child Education Research

- Institute of Age Physiology, Russian Academy of Education

Local Level:

- Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute

- NG Creators Club

- Innovation Agencies of the Republic

- National Academy of Sciences

- Ministry of Science and Education

- Institute of Education, Department for Gifted Children, Department of Innovative Projects

- Regional Directorates of Education

Core Level:

2.1 Partnerships for multi-level expert vision, system integration on the above initiative between TRIZ Developers Summit Education Committee, Institute of System Projects, Moscow State Pedagogical University (Laboratory of Competent Educational Practices, Laboratory of Humanitarian Expertise and Social Design of Education), Institute of Education Development Strategy of Russian Academy of Education, Institute of Education, Azerbaijan (Department for Talented Children) and to assess the progress educational achievements over the implementation period of this initiative.

2.2 Partnership between the TDS Education Committee and the Institute of Strategic Development of Education, Russian Academy of Sciences to build and implement joint activities of the Russian Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan in this area

2.3 Selecting additional stakeholders to transform the TDS Education Committee's Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller initiative into the resources for TRIZ Education, International TRIZ Cup Competition, and to provide organisational and technical support for the project implementation

2.4 Negotiations with management educational structures in order to define the next stage of innovation infrastructure development in this area (Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller)

Development stage 3:

At this stage, it is proposed to identify one of the core activities of the Education Committee to integrate the Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller project:

Core Level:

- The TRIZ Developers Summit Department of Education and the Commission for the Development of Innovative Infrastructure in Education assist in providing organisational assistance to the region to expand the geographical area of the project and information methodological support in the field

3.1 Negotiations (after completing Item 2.1) for multi-level expert vision, system integration on the above initiative between TRIZ TDS Education Committee, Institute of System Projects, Moscow State University of Education (Laboratory of Competent Educational Practices, Laboratory of Humanitarian Expertise and Social Design of Education)

3.2 Negotiations (after completing Item 2.2) between TDS Education Committee and Institute of Strategic Development of Education, Russian Academy of Education to participate in the building and implementation of joint activities of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan in this area

3.3 Moscow Museum of Education (follow-up to Item 2.3; based on the interactive experience of the institution in this field), Azerbaijan Museum of Education and A. O. Chernyaevsky Public School No. 1 to develop a programme of regular meetings and seminars for researchers of the history of education (Gori Seminary) and TRIZ-practitioners (TRIZ-Education)

Local Level:

- Assistance in solving organisational issues of expanding the geographic coverage of the project (Russian and Azerbaijani language schools), and information and methodological support at the local level:

3.4 Holding a joint meeting (virtual) of the TDS Education Committee with the representatives of the Institute of Education, State University of Education (Ministry of Science and Education), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Institute of Management Systems (National Academy of Sciences) of the Republic of Azerbaijan on organisational, research, and methodological support for this project.

Development stage 4:

Define alternative activities of the Education Committee for the further development of this project, which may include service functions at the regional level:

- Establishment of the TRIZ Education Network for the implementation of the Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller project at the local in the local language:

4.1 Preparations for the partnership of the TDS Education Committee with the Azerbaijan National Translation Centre, Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences for the purpose of translation of methodical and educational publications

4.2 Partial involvement of general education institutions where teaching is in the local language

4.3 A new stage of project integration at the general education institutions where teaching is in the local language


Messages from the Pedagogical Legacy:

Promoting "... the emergence of a positive life plan as a zone of proximal development for high school students..."

The concept of "zone of proximal development" was introduced into psychology in the early twentieth century by L.S. Vygotsky to explain human development as an ontogenesis.

The purpose of these recommendations is to present the prerequisites for the organisational support of the systemic creation of a cognitive-motivational environment and Worthy Goals (Life Strategy for the Development of Creative Personality, TRIZ), taking into account the unique local experience (Azerbaijan), the pedagogical heritage (A. Chernyaevsky's works on the selection of gifted students for study at the Gori Seminary), among motivated students in the process of recruitment and preparation for the annual TRIZ Developers Summit International Competition and other similar TRIZ events.


1. Coordination and Integration of TRIZ Tools. Collection TRIZ Developers Summit Library. Compiled by M.S. Rubin, V.M. Petrov. Prague. 2014 (in Russ.)

2. TRIZ in Development. Conference Proceedings. Collection. Part 1 Issue 7. Compiled by M.S. Rubin, V.M. Petrov. St. Petersburg, 2015 (in Russ.)

3. M.S. Rubin. TRIZ Fundamentals for Businesses. Tutorial. Moscow, 2022 (in Russ.)

4. M.S. Rubin, V.I.Kiyaev. TRIZ Fundamentals and Innovation. TRIZ Applications in Software and IT Systems: Textbook. University of St. Petersburg, 2011 (in Russ.)

5. N.V. Rubin. Webinar on Practical Application of TRIZ Tools. 2021 (in Russ.) Available at: https://triz-summit.ru/contest/vebinar-expert-2021/diagnostika-programm/

6. E.A. Barilac. Motivation of Educational Activity in School-Age Children Studying under New Socioeconomic Conditions. 2002 (in Russ.). Available at: https://www.dissercat.com/content/osobennosti-motivatsii-uchebnoi-deyatelnosti-detei-shkolnogo-vozrasta-obuchayushchikhsya-v-n#ixzz3OJASsK7T

7. Person in the World of Uncertainty: Methodology of cultural and Historical Cognition Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1. Edited by T.N. Sakharova. MPGU Moscow, 2016 (in Russ.)

8. N.G. Aliyev. Improvement of the TRIZ Educational Practices at the Local Level Paper presented at the TRIZ Summit 2022 International Conference. 2022 (in Russ.)

Available at: https://r1.nubex.ru/s828-c8b/f3647_dd/8-

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9. N.G. Aliyev. Improvement of the TRIZ Educational Practices at the Local Level Development Trajectory: Chernyaevsky-Altshuller

Paper presented at the TRIZ Summit 2023 International Conference. 2023 (in Russ.)

Available at:


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