Научная статья на тему 'Application of TRIZ tools and using the software complex Compinno-TRIZ for statement and solving organizational problems and problems of state management'

Application of TRIZ tools and using the software complex Compinno-TRIZ for statement and solving organizational problems and problems of state management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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TRIZ in Evolution
Область наук
Ключевые слова
problem landscape / Compinno-TRIZ / contradictions in the field of local management

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — A. Trantin

TRIZ is currently developing in many new branches of modern life as a methodology of strong and system-based thinking. The present article describes the experience of the author concerning the implementation of the approaches ARIZ-2010-U in solving the organizational problems of different companies and bodies of local administration. Application of TRIZ in the work with problems and contradictions, existing in municipal management, in the opinion of the author is a theme, which is insufficiently developed by modern community of TRIZ practitioners. This publication will demonstrate actual examples, proving the effectiveness of using the software complex Compinno-TRIZ for solving the problems of municipal management. Also, the author will show examples of using the method of dissonance of characteristics for identifying potential contradictions; the method for adapting the Problem Landscape to topics of problems of local management will be proposed and also next steps for developing TRIZ themes in municipal management will be described in short. The novelty of the work is defined in forming a complex approach to solving problems by the specialists, who are working in various spheres of municipal management.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Application of TRIZ tools and using the software complex Compinno-TRIZ for statement and solving organizational problems and problems of state management»

DOI: 10.24412/cl-37100-2023-12-256-264

A. Trantin

Application of TRIZ tools and using the software complex Compinno-TRIZ for statement and solving organizational problems

and problems of state management


TRIZ is currently developing in many new branches of modern life as a methodology of strong and system-based thinking. The present article describes the experience of the author concerning the implementation of the approaches ARIZ-2010-U in solving the organizational problems of different companies and bodies of local administration. Application of TRIZ in the work with problems and contradictions, existing in municipal management, in the opinion of the author is a theme, which is insufficiently developed by modern community of TRIZ practitioners. This publication will demonstrate actual examples, proving the effectiveness of using the software complex Compinno-TRIZ for solving the problems of municipal management. Also, the author will show examples of using the method of dissonance of characteristics for identifying potential contradictions; the method for adapting the Problem Landscape to topics of problems of local management will be proposed and also next steps for developing TRIZ themes in municipal management will be described in short. The novelty of the work is defined in forming a complex approach to solving problems by the specialists, who are working in various spheres of municipal management.

Key words: problem landscape, Compinno-TRIZ, contradictions in the field of local management.


Municipal management as an individual institution basically (in the form, in which it is known by the majority of us) develops in Russia since the beginning of 1990-ies. The foundations laid down in the constitution of the Russian Federation [1], found their subsequent development in the Federal Law, for example, in the Federal Law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ (version dated July 14, 2022) «On general principles of organization of local management in the Russian Federation». However, even the existence of a document, disclosing the essence of local management, large number of normative subsidiary laws and explanations of legal cases did not make the practical application of these laws much easier. On the contrary, they generated additional problems, which are not solved until now. This assertion is easily proved with the aid of a simple experiment: addressing the search system with the search pattern «municipal management» the user gets 5 million results (Fig. 1), while the search pattern «problems of development of municipal management» yields 18 million results (Fig. 2). The difference between two groups of results constitutes 3.6 times, which decidedly testifies to the vital character of the present palette of topics, also with the further application of TRIZ tools.

In the present article the authors will propose a complex step-by-step approach to issues of local management implying the use of TRIZ achievements (here and hereinafter local management, LM and municipal management, MM, will be used as synonyms). Also, individual cases related to LM will be analyzed, which are associated with such subject of the Russian Federation as Krasnodar Region. These cases were studied jointly with the Deputy Heads of the administrations of the above-mentioned subject as part of the course of MPA, jointly realized by Kuban State University and High school of State Management of Lomonosov State University of Moscow.

Fig. 1


Problems of municipal government





The problems that are present in the field of municipal government at the present time are: a complete mismatch between the powers of local governments and their material capabilities necessary for the implementation of plans; insufficient development and illogical functioning of the procedure and grounds for recognizing the right of ownership, the subject of which is a land plot; significant problems in the field of housing and communal services; inhibition of development from the economic point of view of municipalities; problems in the environment.

18 millions results found

Fig. 2


As part of preparation for the work on using TRIZ for solving problems, existing in municipal management, the author analyzed the materials of different conferences, collections of articles and other sources, in which these problems were tackled.

On the whole, if we consider the problems of municipal management as problems of organizational character, one can solve these problems by using already existing general approaches, which were developed during the period of applying TRIZ to problems of this kind. But the specific character of the object under analysis - municipal management - imposes serious restrictions on general approaches, while the municipal management in itself exists within very strict frames, which are delineated (or attempts are made to delineate them) imperatively within juridical norms.

Therefore, as of today, the author never found a universal methodological manual or a reference book, like such ones for the spheres of IT, programming or business on the whole, dealing with application of TRIZ to solving problems of municipal management. Separate cases find their reflection in articles by different authors and are dedicated to the search for solutions of particular problems, which in some cases are only indirectly associated with the topics of municipal management, though, can be decidedly also used for solving similar problems in municipal management.


Initial data, existing and obvious problems and contradictions, search for dissonance of characteristics

In the opinion of the author, in order to identify the tasks of municipal autonomous management, which could be solved with the aid of TRIZ, it is possible to use three main methods:

S Analysis of general problems, which are characteristic absolutely of all subjects of municipal autonomous management with the following decomposition of problems up to the corresponding level and transition to possible contradictions;

S Analysis of obvious contradictions, which exist within the system of municipal autonomous management with the following decomposition of problems up to the corresponding level;

S Analysis of dissonance of characteristics.

If we consider the problems, which exist in the municipal autonomous management and hinder its development on the whole (and without any search for dissonances), it is possible to single out several such categories. The first big group of problems is associated with the fact that until the present day there is no correct description of objects of municipal autonomous management, criteria of evaluation, which could be identically understood by all participants of the process for carrying out local autonomous management. Until now there are problematic issues, which should reflect effectiveness of municipal institutions, but more often than not confusion is encountered instead of the ways to solve the problem.

Another big set of problems is associated with the lack of highly-qualified specialists. And first of all, it takes place because people, without getting sufficient money remuneration for their work have to leave their regions for bigger cities.

The third big problem could be formulated as the discrepancy between financial resources, which the authorities have and a set of problems, which have to be solved using these financial means.

All above-mentioned problems can be decomposed to particular problems of a particular subject of municipal autonomous management.

The next source of tentative problems, which could be solved by corresponding subjects of municipal management are obvious and explicit contradictions of the entire system of municipal autonomous management.

S Contradictions in the legal sphere. Principle of people power ineffectively works in the sphere of municipal management. A situation is being formed, when the laws presuppose the existence of local autonomous management, while the real practice of a number of settlements actually does not presuppose anything of the kind. Federal law No. 131 did not entirely solve the problems in the sphere of local autonomous management and in a number of cases even aggravated the contradictions.

S Contradiction between the processes of centralizing of state power and decentralizing, which forms the basis of local autonomous management.

On the one hand, there is no such subject in the form of a civil society, which might become the foundation of a local autonomous management, while on the other hand there is an obvious tendency of the authorities to make local autonomous management the lower grade of the top-down command structure. In this case local autonomous management did not become a foundation, but was reduced to a hanger, which hangs on subsidies, received from the upper grades. This is a conceptual contradiction.

S Contradiction of import substitution: Should it take place due to state resources and state regulation or based on market mechanisms?

It is obvious that the above problems and contradictions are system-based contradictions, which relate practically to all subjects, responsible for realization of autonomous management and naturally, it is clear that one separate district or another municipal body cannot manage solving these problems alone or on their system level. However, the decomposition of problems of upper level enables to formulate such problems, which are more obvious and quite solvable, and which later on can be ranked using Problem Landscape.

In order to visualize th search of problems using the analysis of dissonance of characteristics, the author used the data from the summary report of the Krasnodar Region «On the results of the monitoring of effectiveness characterizing the activity of the bodies of local autonomous management of municipal, city districts and municipal regions of Krasnodar Region in 2020». (https://admkrai.krasnodar.ru/content/ 1137/show/602748/)

In short, the information on all subjects of (LAM) Local Autonomous Management can be reduced to a table of dissonances between development levels in different directions (Fig. 3).

Municipal entities Economic development Social-cultural issues Housing policy and communal services Municipal government Energy efficiency Total grade Spread of values

1 1 2 1 1 1 1,2 1

2 11 1 4 3 11 6 10

3 6 S 10 6 2 6,4 S

4 11 16 5 19 3 10,8 16

5 S 9 5 10 25 11,4 20

6 13 7 18 16 18 14,4 11

7 ¿b <— => 5 12 15 16 14,8 21

8 14 15 16 7 C= h> 34 -> 5 17,2 27

9 25 10 17 33 <= 18 28

10 18 22 9 25 22 19,2 16

11 22 16 7<= -> 19,4 22

12 19 20 21 11 <= -> 3b 21,2 24

13 31 <= -> 9 21 31 23 22

14 29 24 22 29 20 24,8 9

Fig. 3

In this section of the table one can see the most important markers or criteria, according to which the effectiveness of activity of these or those bodies of municipal autonomous management is reflected. One can argue about the sufficiency of these data, however, on the whole, it is reflected in different laws and regulations acts, therefore, in any case the local autonomous management encounters a situation, when they are evaluated based on these particular parameters. It is possible to draw a conclusion from the data of the table that there is one leading municipality in this country, 23 municipalities of mediocre importance and many municipalities that are lagging behind and trying to catch up with the others.

In this case it is noteworthy that there are dissonances between various characteristics within the limits of one municipal body. For example, the municipal body number 7 has a very low level of evolution according to such parameter as economic development, and at the same time a fairly high level according to such metric as socio-cultural sphere; the difference between them amounts to more than 20 units. Municipal body number 13 is in still worse situation according to the parameter economic development, however, at the same time it looks rather well in terms of such directions as strategic housing and public utilities. Identified dissonances in characteristics enable to direct the focus into particular weak places of this or that subject of municipal autonomous management, which helps to identify existing administrative contradictions, and afterwards, making our knowledge of a particular problem deeper, pass over to requirements contradictions and feature contradictions.

Adaptation of Problem Landscape

Problem Landscape was used by the author in his work on identifying priority in problems to be solved. This Landscape is adapted to requirements of production company and reflects specific character of a particular business (Fig. 4).

Efficiency potential Scale of the — problem Less than 1 mil. 1-5 mil. 5-20 mil. more than 20 mil.










Fig. 4

Taking into account that these criteria of scale are unsuitable for problems of municipal management, the authors developed a version of the landscape with specified criteria (Fig. 5.)

Efficiency Scale of th^-P°tential problem ^^^ Less than X mil. X-Y mil. Y-N mil. More than N mil.



Federal district




Local Administration



Fig. 5

Logics of work with the Problem Landscape is formulated in the following way: first of all such problems are selected for studying and solving, which are situated in the first quadrant (Fig. 6.). These are problems, which can be basically solved at the corresponding system level of the solver, for example, deputy head of municipal management of a particular district. And these are the problems the solving of which will bring the highest economic effect. Naturally, it is understandable that many problems, encountered by the municipal authorities are rather difficult to digitalize, but the author adheres to the idea that everything in the world can be digitalized. And even, for example, a conventional queue to the kindergarten can find its reflection in the money equivalent.

Fig. 6

Examples of decomposed problems of municipal management and approaches to solving


As a platform for solving decomposed problems of municipal management, which were identified in the course of work with system contradictions and dissonances and reflected at the Problem Landscape, the author proposed to use software complex Compinno-TRIZ. In order to unify the demonstrated examples, the use of the software complex was restricted by modules «Description», «Contradictions», «Techniques» and «Ideas». However, this contracted feature branch was sufficient for obtainment of working solutions. Examples are also quoted in this form and in the form, in which they were solved by deputy heads of management of the subject, which was named earlier.

Example 1. Dumping site with SHW (solid household wastes).

Source problem: Unpermitted rumps of solid household wastes (SHW) regularly appear throughout the territory of state forest fund. Accumulation of solid wastes deteriorates good ecological situation and diminishes tourist attractiveness of the region. At the same time local management bodies have no powers to liquidate rumps of wastes throughout the territory of state forest fund. Fig.7 below shows the formulations, which were further on obtained automatically. (Here and below automatically translation into English via Microsoft Edge is used).

* Contradiction of requirements-1

* i Contradiction of requirements-2 Contradiction of attribute

Fuartkxul IFR

IF Allocate budget faod< for clearlag THEN it u performed rwjuiremeoi Eliminate unauthorized MSU landfill BUT NOT Tlx requirement do« to »tobt» budget kjnUrioo n met

IF you do not allocate budget fundi for clearing theo Et it pnfcnxd nqmrnarat Do Ml violât» budget legislation. BUT Tb* reqniremefit to dum ml I* unamhonred MSW landfill » NOT a

ELEMENT bödmet fandt must be allocated m order *o eliminate ihe unauthorized dump of MSW and mu»t be unallocated » order not to violait budget legislation.

Tb» \ element Itself fulfills the requirement to Dismantle lh» unauthorized MSW UndfiU.

budget fand « uth ÖK Bftntxite cf unallocated ItMlf allow» you to eliminate an unauthorized dump of MSW

Xrewurce f from »y»tem resource*) m place of (be budget item, keeptcg it chvactemb: unallocated . mu*t Itself durag cperataecal une mithin (he operational zone provide the abtbiy to comply ith (be teqiuremeot to dismantle the unauthorized dump of MSW.

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Fig. 7

During the process of solving, it became possible to find a solution, which enables to minimize the risks of contamination of forest territories and excludes the violation of budget legislation.

Idea and solutions. Indicated sits are included with the pattern of arrangement (dislocation) of SHW throughout the territory of municipal district, which imposes obligations upon the regional

operator consisting in collecting, transportation, processing, utilization detoxification and burial of solid household wastes.

The following techniques were used: 10. Principle of preliminary action, 24. Principle of an «intermediary», as well as work with IFR.

Example 2. Organization of hot meals

Source problem: In planning current number of products needed for organization of hot meals for schoolchildren the employees of school cafeterias committee spend more than 1.5 hours for collecting information about absent schoolchildren. The information is furnished by class masters in the form of paper notifications. There are mistakes and incorrect information may also occur, which leads to overspend of raw material and unreasonable payment for meals. It is necessary to reduce the time of collecting information regarding the absent schoolchildren and exclude incorrect information. The formulations, which were obtained automatically, can be seen below, in Fig. 8.

* Contradiction of requirements-1

* Contradiction of requirements-2 Contradiction of attribute

IF Qukkh collect data a boat Kadniii pm«l THEN it ti requirement Feed ad tndnit on liar. BUT NOT TV itqaimni Donciw nw raw material* it met If Qualitative!) coll«t data about tbr itidnit pmni. then « u petfenaed trqutmnrol Do MM Hi* «sent ran mater uh. 3UT Ik* requirement to M all tmdaatt on time u SOT met Attribute The collection tune of the ITEM Data lfcocid bt minimal a otder tc M all tntdeati on tin* aad ifcovld be lout M as mm to con tame nt«( raw maittuh.

Functional IFR

Tb» X tltntnt itself fblfiBt the requirement of Feed all undents on tune.

Data nnh the attrfcule of a loaf colWciioa taae Itself aDoui you to M all undent* on tin*.

e (ftoca system rescorcet m place of tbe Data element uvmf ■ The characteristic of the loaf collection time must be dunof the operational taae <* ¡thin the operational area to ensure thai it u possible to fulfill the requirement to feed all vmdents on rune.

Fig. 8

Idea of solution. Electronic google tables are compiled covering all classes of all schools of municipality. Only class masters have access to filling in the table with the data on absent schoolchildren. The access is affected through the personal google-account of class master through any accessible gadget. The time of access is standardized. Data in the tables is coordinated with the daily menu-requirement, and the formation of volumes of raw material in the assortment for preparing foods is affected automatically. The monthly reports on situation in schools, classes and categories of schoolchildren who get hot meals are also formed automatically.

Example 3. Kindergarten.

Source problem: Existing queues to kindergarten (pre-school educational institution - PEI) may be several years old. At the same time local administration has a strongly restricted budget for building new PEI. For an example of filling in the cells in a software complex is given in Fig. 9. Automatically obtained formulations are quoted below in Fig. 10. Example of work with Altshuller Matrix is given further in Fig. 11,12. Contradictions - °

| Show Hide desctiptson

Requirement 2 (Other Feature or Limitation)

m Reduce municipal cost

Opposite action or alternaie implementation

do noi build a new kindergarten

To perform T2, the property must b+:


Fig. 9

* Contradiction of requirements • 1

* Contradiction of requirements • 2 Contradiction of attribute


Rfwaicf IFR

IF Build I m* kiBdtrfirtn THEN i u door ikjuiiîisîiii Ululait* lb« qw«t it lb* pi tu boil fduuittBil UMUunoi. BUT NOT TV itquireoctd le mhitt Biunkip.il f ip»cdilDii a art IF y»i do boi build i Bf« kindtigitltn tfc« * u done RfqBlminl RrdiKf niiBklpji ipMidlnj. BIT TV requitotfiE to fila laut ihr qum lo ibi pipwtiool rdaritloBal UïiauliôQ itNOTinrt Attribut« TBI PRESENCE OF AN ELEMENT kandnjimo dim bt tbm lo E LbiIbjii ibt qurui Ib ibi pnukool ud aim bt bm to Rida» ainakipil torn. q

TbfWkBial Itself falfiUi thf i(^uii«nfflt In [ liminjif ihr qiituf in tbi pmbool idiiiittoBil inuitution. Q


A kiodfrjiit« v.ih fo aftrtt>tiVi it not tbr pmrncc Kt#lf atari 10 t linimit» ibt qorat lo ibr prwbool edocatiofial btttatioa. Q

Xrooort» ■ 6ocn lytfem r«oac«) is place oftbr K»od»r|irt« element uvog it characteiufce h not i\ nUblr mutt durai$ âte opnatjcciî time mittun the openüooil :ooe provide te Q ib'Jir to comply nith the mjulmnrnt to »Um «ut* the qttw m the pmtbool duoiioml Untitiitwn.

Fig. 10

Altshuller's matrix L5J

Selected Requirement Contradiction

IF Build a new kindergarten THEN it is done requirement Eliminate the queue at the preschool educational institution, BUT NOT The requirement to reduce municipal expenditure is met.

Altshuller's complete table Q

What needs to be improved: v

What sets worse at the same time: v +

Selected parameter pairs

30. Harmful factors acting on the object 09. Speed 33. Ease of use

23. Loss of matter

19. Energy consumption of a moving object 36. Device Complexity

Fig. 11

Methods of resolving technical contradictions

15. DYNAMISM a. The characteristics of the object or the external environment

should change so as to be optimal at each stage of


b. Divide the object into parts that can move relative to each other

c. If the object as a whole is stationary, make it mobile, moving


09. Speed -19. Energy-consumption of a moving object

33. Ease of use - 36. The


a. Instead of an inaccessible, complex, expensive, inconvenient or fragile object, use complexity of the device its simplified and cheap copies b. Replace the object or system of objects with their optical copies

(images). Use zooming (enlarge or shrink copies)

c. If you are usmg visible optical copies, switch to infrared or ultraviolet


Fig. 12

Idea for solving. Erecting additions to buildings of existing kindergartens; Use of a typical design of a PEI; Erecting kindergartens of typical design.


System-based approach, which is offered by TRIZ, can also be successfully used in work with problems of municipal management. Use of TRIZ for focal search and analysis of problems, use of tools for finding the solution proved their effectiveness.

The best results, in the opinion of the author, can be achieved, if TRIZ is used at all stages of work with a complex of problems and tasks, not exclusively in solving one problem, which the solver encounters.

Formation of a separate trend of TRIZ within the sphere of municipal management requires significant working-through, but already now it is obvious that this direction can be demanded for in the nearest perspective, taking into account these global processes, which take place in the world.


1. "Constitution of the Russian Federation" (adopted by the national vote on December 12, 1993 with changes, accepted during the All-Russia vote on July 01, 2020) \ ConsultantPlus (consult-ant.ru).

2. Federal Law "On general principles of organization of local autonomous management in the Russian Federation" (Law of municipal autonomous management) dated October 6, 2003, No. 131-ФЗ (last version) \ ConsultantPlus (consultant.ru).

3. https://anspa.ru/wp-con-

tent/uploads/2022/06/%D0%94%D0%9F%D0%9E%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B D%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80.pdf

4. M.S. Rubin. Foundations of TRIZ. Application of TRIZ in software and informational systems. Manual. - Saint-Petersburg, 2011. - 226 pp.

5. TRIZ methods in solving organizational problems on an example of Ministry of education of Sakha (Jakutia) Republic. Article in the magazine Статья в журнале «Molodoi outchyony (Young scientist) » (moluch.ru)

6. N.N. Sockolov. Application of TRIZ technology in taking administrative decisions in strategic management.

7. V.Yu. Boubentsov, V.I. Timokhov. Information materials of the Center of creative technologies «Creative World» (Project «Trizland.ru») [Electronic resource]: http://www.trizland.ru.

8. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/triz-v-intellektualnyh-sistemah-vyrabotki-rekomendatsiy-dlya-upravlencheskih-resheniy

9. Development of recommendations based on analysis of dissonance of system characteristics (M.S. Rubin, A.V. Trantin, A.V. Kulakov). Pragmatic analytics. Series «Analytical technologies of pragmatic analytics» - M.: Association for development of analytical potential of person, society and state. «Analitika», 2023.

10. https://admkrai.krasnodar.ru/content/1137/show/602748/; http://ariz-2010.appspot.com/

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