DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL FEED FOR CHANNEL CATFISH GROWN IN THE CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Vasilenko V.N., Frolova L.N., Dragan I.V., Mihajlova N.A., Zhiltsova S.I.

In the result of the analysis of domestic experience over the last 10 years of foreign experience (for example, 9 countries: Vietnam, India, Spain, Canada, China, Norway, USA, Chile, Japan, which possess the most advanced technologies and equipment for highly efficient production of feed for fish) in the development of innovative technologies and equipment for production of high-performance fish feeds were identified that the methods both dry and wet pressing are outdated and do not meet modern requirements in the production of fish feeds since it does not allow a deep physical-chemical transformations in protein-carbohydrate complex and exercise enter fat components at 40 %. Modern fish technologies are based on the use of extrusion processing of multicomponent mixture to give different buoyancy and adjustable rate of immersion of the resulting feed. Extrusion technology will allow to introduce a large amount of fat into the product - up to 35-40 %, to achieve 100 % starch splitting level. Based on the study of the nutrition of the canal catfish grown in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, the nutritional value of each of the components of the feed mixture, providing the need for fish to ensure a significant increase in the growth of live mass and improve the chemical composition of meat, was assessed for different age groups. To solve this problem, the "Feed Optima Expert" optimization program has developed products of extruded feed. Food needs of canal som: 30 - 40 percent protein, 4 - 6 percent fat, no more than 5 percent fiber, 35 - 40 percent Nosazotic Extract substances and 12 - 13 thousand kilos of Joule digestible energy in 1 kilogram (in recalculation on dry matter).

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Похожие темы научных работ по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству , автор научной работы — Vasilenko V.N., Frolova L.N., Dragan I.V., Mihajlova N.A., Zhiltsova S.I.

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ФестникФГУИШ/Proceedings of VSUET DOI: http://doi.org/1Q.2Q914/231Q-1202-2Q2Q-4-132-136

ISSN 2226-91QX E-ISSN 231Q-12Q2 _Оригинальная статья/Research article

УДК 639.3.05

Open Access Available online at vestnik-vsuet.ru

Разработка продукционных комбикормов для канального сома, _выращиваемого в ЦФО РФ_

Виталий Н. Василенко Лариса Н. Фролова Иван В. Драган Надежда А. Михайлова София И. Жильцова

Vvn_1977@mail.ru 0000-0002-1547-9814 Fln-84@mail.ru 0000-0002-6505-4136 vanesl989@mail.ru 0000-0003-2737-8380 mna8686@mail.ru 0000-0002-7789-9224 Fln-84@mail.ru_

1 Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий, пр-т Революции, 19, г. Воронеж, 394036, Россия Аннотация. В результате анализа отечественного опыта за последние 10 лет зарубежного опыта (например, 9 стран: Вьетнам, Индия, Испания, Канада, Китай, Норвегия, США, Чили, Япония, которые обладают самыми передовыми технологиями и оборудованием для высокоэффективного производства кормов для рыб) при разработке инновационных технологий и оборудования для производства высокопроизводительных кормов для рыб было выявлено, что методы как сухого, так и влажного прессования устарели и не соответствуют современным требованиям в производстве кормов для рыб, поскольку не допускает глубоких физико-химических превращений в белково-углеводном комплексе и при физических нагрузках вводит жировые компоненты на 40 %. Современные рыбные технологии основаны на использовании экструзионной обработки многокомпонентной смеси для придания различной плавучести и регулируемой скорости погружения получаемого корма. Технология экструзии позволит ввести в продукт большое количество жира - до 35-40%, добиться 100 % расщепления крахмала. На основе изучения питания канального сома, выращенного в Центральном федеральном округе Российской Федерации, показана пищевая ценность каждого из компонентов кормовой смеси, обеспечивающая потребность рыбы для обеспечения значительного увеличения роста живого масса и улучшение химического состава мяса, оценивалась для разных возрастных групп. Для решения этой проблемы в программе оптимизации «Корм Оптима Эксперт» разработаны изделия из экструдированных кормов. Пищевые потребности канального сома: 30-40 процентов белка, 4-6 % жира, не более 5 % клетчатки, 35-40 % веществ экстракта нозазотика и 12-13 тысяч килограммов перевариваемой энергии Джоуля на 1

килограмм (в пересчете на сухой иметь значение)._

Ключевые слова: сом, продукционный комбикорм, кормопроизводство, оптимизация рационов

Development of industrial feed for channel catfish grown in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation

Vitalii N.Vasilenko Larisa N.Frolova IvanV.Dragan Nadezhda A. Mihajlova Sofia I. Zhil'tsova

Vvn_1977@mail.ru 0000-0002-1547-9814

Fln-84@mail.ru 0000-0002-6505-4136 vanesl989@mail.ru 0000-0003-2737-8380

mna8686@mail.ru 0000-0002-7789-9224 Fln-84@mail.ru

1 Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Revolution Av., 19 Voronezh, 394036, Russia

Abstract. In the result of the analysis of domestic experience over the last 10 years of foreign experience (for example, 9 countries: Vietnam, India, Spain, Canada, China, Norway, USA, Chile, Japan, which possess the most advanced technologies and equipment for highly efficient production of feed for fish) in the development of innovative technologies and equipment for production of highperformance fish feeds were identified that the methods both dry and wet pressing are outdated and do not meet modern requirements in the production of fish feeds since it does not allow a deep physical-chemical transformations in protein-carbohydrate complex and exercise enter fat components at 40 %. Modern fish technologies are based on the use of extrusion processing of multicomponent mixture to give different buoyancy and adjustable rate of immersion of the resulting feed. Extrusion technology will allow to introduce a large amount of fat into the product - up to 35-40 %, to achieve 100 % starch splitting level. Based on the study of the nutrition of the canal catfish grown in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, the nutritional value of each of the components of the feed mixture, providing the need for fish to ensure a significant increase in the growth of live mass and improve the chemical composition of meat, was assessed for different age groups. To solve this problem, the "Feed Optima Expert" optimization program has developed products of extruded feed. Food needs of canal som: 30 - 40 percent protein, 4 - 6 percent fat, no more than 5 percent fiber, 35 - 40 percent Nosazotic Extract substances and 12 - 13 thousand kilos of Joule digestible energy in 1 kilogram (in recalculation on dry matter). Keywords: catfish, feed, feed production, optimization of rations

Для цитирования Василенко В.Н., Фролова Л.Н., Драган И.В., Михайлова Н.А., Жильцова С.И. Разработка продукционных комбикормов для канального сома, выращиваемого в ЦФО РФ // Вестник ВГУИТ. 2020. Т. 82. № 4. С. 132-136. <М:10.20914/2310-1202-2020-4-132-136

© 2020, Василенко В.Н.. и др. / Vasilenko V.N. et al.

For citation

Vasilenko V.N., Frolova L.N., Dragan I.V., Mihajlova N.A., Zhil'tsova S.I. Development of industrial feed for channel catfish grown in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. Vestnik VGUIT [Proceedings of VSUET]. 2020. vol. 82. no. 4. pp. 132-136. (in Russian).


This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Василенко В.Н.. и др. Вестник<ВТУМШ, 2020, Т. 82, №. 4, С Introduction

In accordance with the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2010 No. 120, the share (threshold value) of consumption of domestic fish products in the total amount of fish resources (taking into account the shifting reserves) of the domestic market should be at least 80 percent. The industry program "Development of commercial aquaculture (commodity fish farming) in the Russian Federation for 2015-2020" envisages an increase of 3.9 times in the production of commercial fish by 2020: from 40.1 thousand tons in 2015 to 156.4 thousand tons [1-3, 8, 9].

The planned increase in the production of commercial fish products will require a proportional increase in the production of specialized fish feed, namely, to achieve these target indicators of the industry program for these objects of commercial fish farming will require 200.0 thousand tons of specialized feed for an estimated amount of 13.0 billion rubles. Subject to a full import substitution of fish feed, the volume of Russian feed production should be increased by 13.3 times [2, 5-7, 14-16].

The few Russian enterprises producing feed for fish (the share of domestic enterprises in the feed market for salmon, sturgeon, whitefish and somies fish by various estimates ranges between 5-10%), use imported technologies, are equipped with imported technological equipment. The recipe for feed for fish includes mainly imported raw materials (fish flour, blood flour, soybean meal and more). Due to the high cost of such feed, the cost of commercial fish products also increases significantly [4, 10-13].

Canal som (Jctalurus punctatus Raf.) -American acclimatist, is a promising object of commercial fish farming. It is grown both in industrial production and in pond farmsIt has several advantages: it feels equally good in fresh and salty water, grows rapidly, reproduces easily, survives in an overcrowded body of water and is able to tolerate a temporary drop in oxygen up to 1 gram/liter. It has no scales and small bones, his meat has valuable taste and dietary qualities, and the tenderness and taste is not inferior to the popular trout and sturgeon.


A wide analysis of plant and animal raw materials was carried out to compile recipes for raw organic feeds for canal som. From the raw materials available, the "Feed Optima Expert" optimization program ensures that a prescription is observed in which the exchange and nutritional value is fully compliant, while minimizing the cost of feed. The rations are optimized for at least 27 nutritional indicators; open database allows the user to set additional restrictions, as a result, made promising recipes.

132-136 post@vestnik-vsuet.ru

Neither the current state nor the dominant technology for the production of fish feed based on "fish feeding" (feed that includes fish meal and fish oil), do not meet the objectives of long-term sustainable development of agriculture on a global scale and strongly affect the development of fish production. Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative limitation of the well-known technology of fodder production, using fish oil and fish flour, will not allow to ensure neither now nor then the necessary growth rates of the industry, which needs an increasing volume of feed, and the world community has the task to answer to hunger, population growth, environmental problems [1-2].

Choosing the recipe composition of feed for canal som considered a number of factors. First, it is necessary to enrich extruded feed with fats and proteins of plant origin and minerals to achieve their physiological dose. It is necessary to get balanced on food value and with a developed structure extrudat. Secondly, achieve a pleasant taste, aroma and attractive structure that will change the traditional characteristics of the components. Third, increase the shelf life of feed.

The main raw materials in the production of extruded feeds in accordance with the study's objective are fat wastes of the oil and fat industry (phosphates, deodorization, fuz), meal and meal of etheromasal cultures. Given the amount of oil and fat waste, they were used for the experiment.

Sunflower fuse is a product that is rich in fats and proteins, so it is an obligatory part of the feed that makes up the daily diet of fish, birds and animals.

The use of sunflower fuse as an additive to feed in the fishery (as well as sunflower meal and meal) is conditioned by its certain properties, namely: contains 1.5 KE feed units; contains quite a lot of oil and phosphotid, which allows it to be used as an energy additive to feed. Also, the high content of oil allows to optimize the process of enrichment of feeds - in this case to exclude additional oil enrichment; High protein content - from 20... 30% opens up another way of using fuse - it is used as a protein supplement. The cold-pressed method allows you to keep many vitamins in the process of oil production, so fuz can also be used as a vitamin supplement. Thus, fuz is a source of vitamins, proteins, fats, phosphorus and other nutrients. Using it as an additive to feed can significantly improve the growth of fish, as well as increase productivity.

Phosphate contains many unsaturated fatty acids, especially linolic type. There are many essential linolenic acids in phosphate derived from flax. Phosphate is also a source of phosphorus and cho-line, helping fish avoid fatty liver rebirth and anemia. Liquid phosphate should be preferred. In a closed container, phosphate can be stored for a year.

Vasiienko V.N. et aC Proceedings ofVSUET, 2020, voC 82, no.

Currently, the industry produces fodder - semi-skimmed phosphate and they are a loose product. Fish farms can purchase it in liquid or pasty form, from plant components in feed can be included soy meal, sunflower meal. As a flavoring use meal and meal of ethereal cultures, for example, coriander.

The need of young catfish in raw protein is at least 40-45%, for feeding commercial fish use feed containing 24% raw protein.

4, pp. 132-136 post@vestnik:Vsuet.ru

Food needs of the channel soma: production feeds must contain - 30 - 40% protein, 4-6% fat, no more than 5% fiber, 35-40% non-alcoholic extractive substances and 12 - 13 thousand kilos of Joules digestible energy in 1 kg. The feed recipes we offer to use are listed in Table 1.

The proposed recipes meet all the requirements for compound feeds for the preparation of extruded feed products for channel catfish.

Table 1.

Recipes for food feed for channel catfish

The nutritional value Value of the indicator for mixed feed production

for fish weighing up to 50 g (young) for fish weighing more than 50 g (yearlings, two-year-olds, three-year-olds)

Wheat 15,7 10,0

Peas - 19,6

Sunflower meal - 1,1

Coriander meal 10,0 10,0

Soy meal 20,1 25,0

Meat flour 5 5

Fish flour 23,70 8,6

Blood flour 3 3,0

Sunflower fuz 8,0 5,0

Sunflower phosphatides 8,0 5,0

Feed yeast 5 5

Monocalcium phosphate 0,4 1,6

Vitamin B4 0,1 0,1

Premix 1 1

Value of the indicator for mixed feed production

for fish weighing up to 50 g (juveniles) for fish weighing more than 50 g (yearlings, two-year-olds, three-year-olds)

Mass fraction of moisture, % Recipe 9,4 9,5

GOST, no more 12,0

Granule diameter, mm Recipe 3,0 6,5

GOST 2,0-15,0

Granularity, % Recipe 2,0 2,1

GOST, no more 3,0

Water resistance of pellets, min Recipe 26,4 25,9

GOST, not less than 20,0

Granule swelling, min Recipe 26,9 27,6

GOST, not less than 25,0

Exchange energy, MJ / kg Recipe 13,85 13,05

GOST, not less than Not rated

Crude protein, % Recipe 44 40

GOST, not less than 38,0 33,0

Mass fraction of crude fiber, % Recipe 2,6 2,8

GOST, no more 4,5 6,0

Mass fraction of lysine, % Recipe 2,19 1,94

GOST, not less than 2,0 1,5

Mass fraction of phosphorus, % Recipe 1,26 1,20

GOST, not less than 1,2

Mass fraction of Recipe 1,02 0,84

methionine+cystine, % GOST, not less than 0,8 0,6

Mass fraction of raw fat, % Recipe 18 16

GOST, not less than 9,0 6,0

Mass fraction of crude ash, % Recipe 6,5 6,5

GOST, no more 10,0

Results and biochemical indicators was studied, which

To determine the exchange energy of the ob- allow us to judge the ^vantagM °f the c°mpiled pro-

tained feed, the content of the main physico-chemical duction extruded feed for channd catfish (taWe 2).

Table 2.

Physico-chemical and biochemical parameters of extruded feed products for channel catfish

Василенко В.Н.. и др. Вестник<ВТУМШ, 2020, Т. 82, №. 4, С

The feed, obtained at the rational parameters of the process and the optimally selected ratio of feed components, was analyzed by a set of indicators characterizing its fodder properties, metabolic energy, nutrition, as well as studied the effects of conditions and shelf life on the quality of extruded feed.

The finished product was characterized by the following organoleptic indicators: appearance -extrudate slightly deformed, cylinders with a structure of varying degrees of porosity, without cracks; Color - corresponded to the color of the extruded feed from which the pellets are prepared, or darker (when entering dyes - the color of the corresponding

132-136 post@vestnik-vsuet.ru

dye); smell - corresponded to a set of benign components included in the feed without dark, mouldy and other foreign odors.


The complex of scientific research in the development of formulations of production feed may be of interest in the field of full feeding of canal catfish, as well as will expand the range of multi-component feed produced with a high enough biological, energy value, balanced in composition of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals adapted for different types of fish.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


1 Афанасьев В.А., Остриков А.Н., Василенко В.Н., Фролова Л.Н. Разработка мобильной установки для приготовления кормолекарственных смесей // Хранение и переработка сельхозсырья. 2014. № 5. С. 38-40.

2 Василенко В.Н., Фролова Л.Н., Драган И.В., Михайлова Н.А. и др. Разработка продукционных экструдированных комбикормов для канального сома, выращиваемого в условиях ЦФО РФ // Кормопроизводство. 2018. № 2. С. 33-38.

3 Pantjara B., Setiadi E. The growth performance and survival rate of catfish (Clarias sp.) that given probiotic controlling nitrogen // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. № 521 (1). 012007.

4 Menanteau-Ledouble S., Gonfalves R.A., El-Matboul M. Feed supplementation with a commercially available probiotic solution does not alter the composition of the microbiome in the biofilters of recirculating aquaculture systems // Pathogens. 2020. V. 9 (10). № 830. P. 1-7.

5 Lu Y., Liang X.-P., Jin M., Sun P. et al. Effects of dietary vitamin E on the growth performance, antioxidant status and innate immune response in juvenile yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) // Aquaculture. 2016. № 464. P. 609-617.

6 Rico A., Phu T.M., Satapornvanit K., Min J. et al. Use of veterinary medicines, feed additives and probiotics in four major internationally traded aquaculture species farmed in Asia // Aquaculture. 2013. № 412-413. P. 231-243.

7 Bakke A.M. Soybean meal in diets for cultured fishes // Soybeans: Cultivation, Uses and Nutrition. 2011. P. 125-153.

8 Imorou Toko I., Fiogbe E.D., Kestemont P. Mineral status of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed diets containing graded levels of soybean or cottonseed meals // Aquaculture. 2008. № 275 (1-4). P. 298-305.

9 Luten J., Schram E. Quality of farmed fish: Enrichment of functional selenium in farmed African catfish (Clarias goriepinus) by dietary modulation // Seafood Research from Fish to Dish: Quality, Safety and Processing of Wild and Farmed Seafood. 2006. P. 193-200.

10 Li M.H., Manning B.B., Robinson E.H., Bosworth B.G. Effects of dietary protein concentration on production characteristics of pond-raised channel catfish fed once daily or once every other day to satiation // North American Journal of Aquaculture. 2004. V. 66. № 3. P. 184-190.

1 ] Robinson E.H., Li M.H., Manning B.B., Mischke C.C. et al. Effects of dietary protein and feeding rate on channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus production, composition of gain, processing yield, and water quality // Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2004. № 35 (4). P. 468-477.

12 Li M.H., Mannning B.B., Robinson E.H., Bosworth B.G. Effect of dietary protein concentration and stocking density on production characteristics of pond-raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus // Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2003. №34 (2). P. 147-155.

Armstrong M.S., Boyd C.E., Lovell R.T. Environmental factors affecting flavor of channel catfish from production ponds // Progressive Fish-Culturist. 1986. № 48 (2). P. 113-119.

14 Watson A.M., Napolitano M.P., Schock T.B., Bowden J.A. et al. Evaluation of graded levels of soy oil as a fish oil replacement in high soy protein feeds for juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus // Aquaculture. 2020. V. 529. № 735627

15 Villanueva-Gutiérrez E., González-Félix M.L., Gatlin D.M., Perez-Velazquez M. Use of alternative plant and animal protein blends, in place of fishmeal, in diets for juvenile totoaba, Totoaba macdonaldi. Aquaculture. 2020. V. 529. № 735698

16 Zhu R., Li L., Li M., Yu Z. et al. The effects of substituting fish meal with soy protein concentrate on growth performance, antioxidant capacity and intestinal histology in juvenile golden crucian carp, Cyprinus carpio x Carassius auratus // Aquaculture Reports. 2020. V. 18. № 100435


1 Afanasyev V.A., Ostrikov A.N., Vasilenko V.N., Frolova L.N. Development of mobile installation for preparation of pharmaceutical mixtures. Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. 2014. no. 5. pp. 38-40. (in Russian).

2 Vasilenko V.N., Frolova L.N., Dragan I.V., Mikhailova N.A. et al. Development of production extruded compound feed for channel catfish grown in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. Feed production. 2018. no. 2. pp. 33-38. (in Russian).

3 Pantjara B., Setiadi E. The growth performance and survival rate of catfish (Clarias sp.) that given probiotic controlling nitrogen. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. no. 521 (1). 012007.

4 Menanteau-Ledouble S., Gonfalves R.A., El-Matboul M. Feed supplementation with a commercially available probiotic solution does not alter the composition of the microbiome in the biofilters of recirculating aquaculture systemsK. Pathogens. 2020. vol. 9 (10). no. 830. pp. 1-7.

5 Lu Y., Liang X.-P., Jin M., Sun P. et al. Effects of dietary vitamin E on the growth performance, antioxidant status and innate immune response in juvenile yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Aquaculture. 2016. no. 464. pp. 609-617.

Vasitenko VN. et aC Proceedings ofVSUET, ZOZO, voC 8Z, no. 4, pp. 1З2-1З6


6 Rico A., Phu T.M., Satapornvanit K., Min J. et al. Use of veterinary medicines, feed additives and probiotics in four major internationally traded aquaculture species farmed in Asia. Aquaculture. 2013. no. 412-413. pp. 231-243.

7 Bakke A.M. Soybean meal in diets for cultured fishes. Soybeans: Cultivation, Uses and Nutrition. 2011. pp. 125-153.

8 Imorou Toko I., Fiogbe E.D., Kestemont P. Mineral status of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed diets containing graded levels of soybean or cottonseed meals. Aquaculture. 2008. no. 275 (1-4). pp. 298-305.

9 Luten J., Schram E. Quality of farmed fish: Enrichment of functional selenium in farmed African catfish (Clarias goriepinus) by dietary modulation. Seafood Research from Fish to Dish: Quality, Safety and Processing of Wild and Farmed Seafood. 2006. pp. 193-200.

10 Li M.H., Manning B.B., Robinson E.H., Bosworth B.G. Effects of dietary protein concentration on production characteristics of pond-raised channel catfish fed once daily or once every other day to satiation. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 2004. vol. 66 (3). pp. 184-190.

11 Robinson E.H., Li M.H., Manning B.B., Mischke C.C. et al. Effects of dietary protein and feeding rate on channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus production, composition of gain, processing yield, and water quality. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2004. no. 35 (4). pp. 468-477.

12 Li M.H., Mannning B.B., Robinson E.H., Bosworth B.G. Effect of dietary protein concentration and stocking density on production characteristics of pond-raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2003. no. 34 (2). pp. 147-155.

13 Armstrong M.S., Boyd C.E., Lovell R.T. Environmental factors affecting flavor of channel catfish from production ponds. Progressive Fish-Culturist. 1986. no. 48 (2). pp. 113-119.

14 Watson A.M., Napolitano M.P., Schock T.B., Bowden J.A. et al. Evaluation of graded levels of soy oil as a fish oil replacement in high soy protein feeds for juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Aquaculture. 2020. vol. 529. no. 735627.

15 Villanueva-Gutiérrez E., González-Félix M.L., Gatlin D.M., Perez-Velazquez M. Use of alternative plant and animal protein blends, in place of fishmeal, in diets for juvenile totoaba, Totoaba macdonaldi. Aquaculture. 2020. vol. 529. no. 735698.

16 Zhu R., Li L., Li M., Yu Z. et al. The effects of substituting fish meal with soy protein concentrate on growth performance, antioxidant capacity and intestinal histology in juvenile golden crucian carp, Cyprinus carpio x Carassius auratus. Aquaculture Reports. 2020. vol. 18. no. 100435

Сведения об авторах

Виталий Н. Василенко д.т.н., профессор, ректорат, Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий, пр-т Революции, 19, г. Воронеж, 394036, Россия, Ута_1977@mail.ru

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1547-9814 Лариса Н. Фролова д.т.н., профессор, кафедра технологии жиров, процессов и аппаратов химических и пищевых производств, Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий, пр-т Революции, 19, г. Воронеж, 394036, России, Fln-84@mail.ra

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6505-4136 Иван В. Драган к.т.н., доцент, кафедра технологии жиров, процессов и аппаратов химических и пищевых производств, Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий, пр-т Революции, 19, г. Воронеж, 394036, России, уапез1989@mail.ru

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2737-8380 Надежда А. Михайлова к.т.н., доцент, кафедра технологии жиров, процессов и аппаратов химических и пищевых производств, Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий, пр-т Революции, 19, г. Воронеж, 394036, России, nma8686@mail.ra

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7789-9224 София И. Жильцова студент, кафедра технологии жиров, процессов и аппаратов химических и пищевых производств, Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий, пр-т Революции, 19, г. Воронеж, 394036, России, Fln-84@mail.ru

Вклад авторов

Все авторы в равной степени принимали участие в написании рукописи и несут ответственность за плагиат

Конфликт интересов

Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Information about authors Vitalii N.Vasilenko Dr. Sci. (Engin.), prorector, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Revolution Av., 19 Voronezh, 394036, Russia, Vvn_1977@mail.ra https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1547-9814

Larisa N.Frolova Dr. Sci. (Engin.), technology of fats, processes and devices of chemical and food productions department, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Revolution Av., 19 Voronezh, 394036, Russia, Fln-84@mail.ru https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6505-4136

IvanV.Dragan Cand. Sci. (Engin.), associate professor, technology of fats, processes and devices of chemical and food productions department, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Revolution Av., 19 Voronezh, 394036, Russia, vanesl989@mail.ru

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2737-8380 Nadezhda A. Mihajlova Cand. Sci. (Engin.), technology of fats, processes and devices of chemical and food productions department, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Revolution Av., 19 Voronezh, 394036, Russia, mna8686@mail.ra

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7789-9224 Sofia I. Zhil'tsova student, technology of fats, processes and devices of chemical and food productions department, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Revolution Av., 19 Voronezh, 394036, Russia, Fln-84@mail.ru


All authors are equally involved in the writing of the manuscript and are responsible for plagiarism

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Поступила 20/10/2020_После редакции 28/10/2020_Принята в печать 10/11/2020

Received 20/10/2020 Accepted in revised 28/10/2020 Accepted 10/11/2020

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