НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «CETERIS PARIBUS» ISSN (p) 2411-717X / ISSN (e) 2712-9470 №2 / 2021
УДК: 338.4:67/.008.01
Olimova Nodira Kh.
Kamoldinov Davronbek I.
Fergana, Uzbekistan
Since the widespread use of factors of competitiveness of industries is an important factor, the article examines the issues of modern competition to identify potential buyers of an enterprise, study and satisfy their desires, and ensure the expansion of market activity. The paper presents practical proposals and recommendations based on the analysis to improve the competitiveness of industrial enterprises.
Industry, enterprise, industry, competition, economy, production.
Олимова Нодира Хамракуловна Камолдинов Давронбек Икромжон угли
г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Поскольку широкое использование факторов конкурентоспособности отраслей промышленности является важным фактором в статье исследуются вопросы современной конкуренции для выявления потенциальных покупателей предприятия, изучения и удовлетворения их желаний, обеспечения расширения рыночной активности. В работе представлены практические предложения и рекомендации на основе проведенного анализа по повышению конкурентоспособности промышленных предприятий.
Ключевые слова
Промышленность, предприятие, отрасль, конкуренция, экономика, производство.
The current market reforms in Uzbekistan are aimed at improving the well-being of the population by ensuring long-term sustainable economic growth. The material basis for sustainable economic growth is national production, in which the widespread use of the competitive potential of industries is an important factor. Consequently, the development of the economy requires the improvement of organizational, economic and legal relations, which are necessary for the effective use of the production potential of industries [2]. It is important to expand the range and improve the quality of products produced by the country's industrial sectors, effectively organize a commodity policy, determine and improve the directions of its formation in order to take a worthy place in the competition in our domestic and world markets.
Modern competition requires a company not only to search for the target market, but also to identify potential buyers, study and meet their needs in order to ensure the expansion of market activity. As a result,
the positions of these enterprises in exports are maintained at a reasonable level, and favorable conditions have been created to ensure financial stability [1]. The worsening epidemiological situation due to the global pandemic had a significant negative impact on the global economy in 2020. According to preliminary estimates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the world economy contracted by 3.5% in 2020 and will recover by 5.5% in 2021 [6].
A competitive environment is an environment in which the necessary conditions are created for continuous and unrestricted competition. This environment is typical of a highly competitive market. Its main features are freedom of private property, freedom of economic choice, free pricing, free choice of methods of economic competition [5].
The following factors mainly affect the competitiveness of an enterprise: the level of service of the enterprise during the warranty period and the warranty period of competing products; the level of product promotion in various ways and its effectiveness; the level of organization of service of the enterprise and its efficiency; reputation of the company and trademarks of the company; change in prices for the company's products depending on demand and supply in the market; an increase in the share of exported products in the total volume of production (which indicates the breadth of the market), etc.
The difficult situation in the global economy in 2020 also influenced the dynamics of GDP growth in the country. At the end of 2020, the volume of investments in fixed assets in real terms decreased by 8.2% compared to 2019 and amounted to 202.0 trillion. soums. At the end of 2020, the country's foreign trade turnover amounted to $ 36.3 billion (13 percent less than in 2019). At the same time, the total export volume amounted to $ 15.1 billion (13.4% less than in 2019), excluding gold exports - $ 9.3 billion (30% less than in 2019). The sharp decline in exports was negatively affected by the decline in exports of services (41.7%) as a result of a sharp decline in its composition in terms of energy (79.8%), raw materials (19%), investment goods (2.4%). By the end of 2020, imports of goods and services amounted to $ 21.2 billion, which is 12.8% less than in the previous year [6].
The implementation of programs for reforming, restructuring and diversifying production, strengthening the material and technical base laid the foundation for the development of industrial production in the country. As a result, in 2020 the volume of industrial production will increase by 0.7% compared to the previous year and will reach 367.1 trillion. soums. The low growth rates of industrial production were influenced by a 21.9% decrease in the production of mining products (the share in the industry as a whole - 9%). The processing industry, which accounted for 83 percent of the industry, grew by 7.1 percent. The share of high-tech industries in the total technological structure of the manufacturing industry is 1.9% (in 2019 - 1.5%), medium- and high-tech industries - 22.4% (25.4%), medium-low-tech industries - 40.1 percentage (36.6 percent) and low-tech industries - 35.6 percent (36.5 percent).
To achieve an external competitive advantage, a firm must provide a product with a quality advantage, reduce costs, and ensure profitability. This situation increases the firm's influence on the market and allows it to offer goods (services) at a higher price than competitors. For firms to gain the advantage of internal competition, they need to innovate in production and reduce the cost of competitors' goods (services).
Based on the methodological approaches used, we have determined the competitive environment in the retail trade of Fergana for 2019-2020 between the countries producing knitwear (table 1) [7]. The share of children's underwear produced in Uzbekistan, including the Fergana region, is 45-46%. However, the share of Uzbekistan in women's outerwear is the lowest - 15-16%, and in men's outerwear - 16-18%. 42-52% of women's underwear and outerwear are produced in Turkey. Analysis of the average prices for commercially available knitwear shows that the cheapest of them are produced in Uzbekistan.
ISSN (p) 2411-717X I ISSN (e) 2712-9470
№2 I 2021
Table 1
The state of competition indicators between countries producing knitwear in retail trade in Fergana
Assortment of goods Total on sale Share of countries, %
By price 53 26 21 42 11
и Lower By design 113 33 26 34 8
i Average price, From 17,0 10,0 - 17,0 11,0 - 18,0 31,0 - 47,0 15,0 - 18,0
о thousand soums Up to 26,0
и By price 72 18 24 43 15
ш By design 151 16 21 48 15
Q. 3 Average price, From 75,0 65,0 - 76,0 69,0 - 110,0 89,0 - 147,0 76,0 - 83,0
thousand soums Up to104,0
и By price 87 9 15 52 24
z i 1- Lower By design 151 13 25 42 21
Average price, From 17,0 10,0 - 13,0 12,0 - 18,0 23,0 - 47,0 20,0 - 27,0
_i и thousand soums Up to 27,0
У By price 189 15 19 49 17
LU ш By design 288 16 17 47 20
О § о, 3 Average price, From 89,0 49,0 - 68,0 69,0 - 82,0 114,0 - 152,0 125,0 - 137,0
thousand soums Up to110,0
By price 58 45 12 26 17
со Lower By design 114 46 16 25 12
LU X 1- О Average price, From 9,0 7,0 - 8,0 7,0 - 9,0 11,0 -12,0 10,0 - 12,0
thousand soums Up to 10,0
и >- By price 75 40 23 20 17
ей < ш By design 122 34 30 21 15
ей с 3 Average price, From 55,0 32,0 - 35,0 41,0 - 44,0 70,0 - 88,0 77,0 - 80,0
thousand soums Up to 62,0
TOTAL By price 447 25 19 39 17
By design 939 23 22 39 16
In addition, in 2021, the country is expected to commission 226 large strategically important infrastructure and industrial enterprises for a total of $ 3.3 billion, which, in turn, will expand the production capacity of the industry. One of the most pressing issues today is the development and implementation of organizational and economic mechanisms for increasing and stimulating the innovative activity of industrial sectors of the economy.
Encouraging innovation is important for modernizing the country, increasing the competitiveness of industries, increasing production efficiency and ensuring economic growth [6]. In our opinion, to increase the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, it is advisable to take the following measures:
- to sharply increase the competitiveness of products by increasing the share of innovative products in the volume of production, reducing the energy intensity of products;
- further modernization of production facilities at the enterprise and accelerated introduction of modern technologies, successfully tested at the level of world standards;
- creation of mechanisms for attracting investments and effective international innovative cooperation to support the export of high-tech products;
- implementation of the proposed marketing strategy in production and an increase in the range of products;
- improvement of the enterprise management system;
- attraction of leading and experienced specialists to production.
Thus, we can conclude that improving the efficiency of industries in Uzbekistan requires a growing
competitive environment, the emergence of new competitors, regular marketing research of the enterprise, following the strategy provided by modern specialists.
List of used literature:
1. Khamrakulovna, O. N., Khojimamatovich, E. A., & Nasridinovna, T. O. (2021). // Description of organizational and economic activity of the society in the republic of Uzbekistan and marketing activity in its foreign economic relations. // Psychology and Education Journal, 58(2), 5014-5023.
2. Олимова, Н. Х. (2021). // Оценка и анализ уровня использования основных фондов текстильного предприятия «AYNUR UNIVERSAL PO». // Научный журнал «COGNITIO RERUM», 8(2015), 25.
3. Олимова, Н. Х. (2021). // Состояние внешнеэкономических связей промышленных предприятий страны и пути повышения их экспортного потенциала (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ООО" LOS GIGANTES TEXTILES"). // Архивариус, 7(2 (56)).
4. Ортиков, А. Б. У. (2021). Перспективные направления развития предприятий легкой промышленности Узбекистана. // Архивариус, 7(2 (56)).
5. Эргашев, А. Х., Уринбаева, Д. Х., & Гайбуллаева, Г. М. (2021). // Способы развития предприятий реального сектора с помощью государственных инвестиционных программ. // Научный журнал «COGNITIO RERUM», 8(2015), 31.
6. МВФ, "Перспективы развития обновленной мировой экономики". Январь, 2021. https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2021/01/26/2021-world-economic-outlook-update
7. Отчетные материалы управления статистики г.Ферганы, Узбекистан
© Olimova N.Kh., Kamoldinov D.I., 2021
УДК: 641/.008.01
Olimova Nodira Kh.
Yulchiev Asiljon O.
Fergana, Uzbekistan
This paper notes that the stability of the economy of our country depends on the stabilization of demand and supply of food products in the domestic market and the development of its activities in the world market, while it is argued that the state's attention should be focused on developing a system of measures aimed at economic support for the development of production. certain types of food products.
Within the framework of the topic, practical recommendations and promising directions for improving the activities of agri-food enterprises are proposed in order to provide the population with food and raw materials for industry.
Food industry, enterprise, industry, competition, economy, production, products, perspective