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Ключевые слова
cutting area / consistency / durability / punching / punching design / cutting parameters.

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Sh. N. Fayzimatov, А М. Yakupov, A. M. Gafurov

In modern mechanical engineering, the development of a technological process for processing stamping forms on shaped surfaces remains the most important task of today. Before processing the shaped surfaces, it will be necessary to study the working surfaces of the stamping molds. This article describes methods for determining the geometric parameters of the surface when processing stamping forms on shaped surfaces, in particular, the drawing structures of the cutting zone of shaped surfaces, the penetration of the cutter into the cutting zone and data on the conditions of editing in the cutting zone.

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ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1



In modern mechanical engineering, the development of a technological process for processing stamping forms on shaped surfaces remains the most important task of today. Before processing the shaped surfaces, it will be necessary to study the working surfaces of the stamping molds. This article describes methods for determining the geometric parameters of the surface when processing stamping forms on shaped surfaces, in particular, the drawing structures of the cutting zone of shaped surfaces, the penetration of the cutter into the cutting zone and data on the conditions of editing in the cutting zone.

Keywords: cutting area, consistency, durability, punching, punching design, cutting parameters.

Based on the selected criteria, it is necessary to simulate the necessary stressstrain state within its limits, to determine the optimal geometric parameters and conditions of the processing process.

The chosen similar formulation of the problem allows us to determine the necessary patterns that cannot be determined by its direct solution. To determine the influence of the sizes of deforming elements on the deformation force and the depth of hardening or the influence of the contact shape at a given area on the same values, it is necessary to set the contact zone in shape and size.

The contact dimensions and their shape are not determined unambiguously by setting a single equation. Complementing its geometric parameters is the equation change in the depth of the deforming element along the line of maximum loading.

For the geometric parameters of the deforming elements that provide a given contact, it is also necessary to take into account the diameter and type of the surface to be treated. Consider the introduction of a deforming element into the surface of the shaft and the hole (Fig.1).

Sh. N. Fayzimatov., A. M.Yakupov., A. M. Gafurov

Fergana Polytechnic institute


December, 2022

Fig. 1. Schemes for changing the radius when processing shafts (a) and holes (b) according to a

given shape of the contact zone Consider the case when the axes of the deforming element and the part are located parallel to each other. Calculations of the change in the radius of the roller and the depth of its insertion along the line of maximum loading can be determined: • When processing shafts:


I— + B2 + 4 • D2 • zl


hp ^pB rn


To shorten the record, the notation С=2•B+4•D2; D=Rg-rn; B= R2-D where, R is the radius of the treated surface; rn is the initial radius of the roller; zk is the change in the half-width of the contact zone along its length.

• Changing the radius of the roller when processing holes:



(R0 + rn)2 + R2 - 2 R0(R0 - rn)Il-(^) 2


December, 2022

The radius of the roller r at the beginning of processing is chosen arbitrarily and depends on the design parameters of the tool and the number of rollers installed along the arc of the circumference of the part determined from the specified criteria of a technological or constructive nature.

Changes in the half-width of the contact zone according to it can be any equations of piecewise smooth curves.

Figure 1 shows the most widely used elliptical and teardrop contacts and they have the following contour line equations.

The teardrop contact consists of two sections: the entrance section located on the length L1, and the escape section located on the length L2, the teardrop contact is half an ellipse with semi-axes. The half-width of the contact will be determined using the following dependency.

zk 1 — zkmax J 1 _ 5¿i 2 0 < lk < L±


and the escape site

zkmax '(Lfc—lk)

ZK 2 —


Li<lk< U


Fig. 2. Forms of contact zones most often used in practice: a)-teardrop shape of the contact zone;

b)-elliptical shape of the contact zone The elliptical shape of the contact is shown in Figure 2.) and is determined by the following dependence:

zk 1 — zkmaxJ 1 _ 5¿i ^ 2 0 < lk < Lk


When processing surfaces with balls that have arbitrary curvature in at least one direction, an elliptical contact is formed.

The effect of roller deformation on the geometric parameters of the contact To determine the main solutions, we will consider the deformation of the roller by force P in the form of a cylindrical roller of unit length

December, 2022


During processing, under the influence of the deformation force, the cross section of the roller turns from a circle into an oval, which can be represented as an ellipse. The equation of this ellipse can be written as

z = a



where a and b are the major and minor semi-axes of the ellipse.

Fig. 3. Diagram of the deformation of the cross-section of the roller by the force

of R.

After loading the deforming roller with force P, its radius should decrease by an amount

A TV, = r- (0,41 + In-^s-






Hence, the small semi-axis will be equal to the radius of the roller, reduced by its deformation under the action of the loading force b = rp- Arp (8)

The cross-sectional areas of the roller before and after deformation will be equal and for a circle and an ellipse the areas will be equal S kp = nr 2, S3 = nab (9)


r 2 p

a = —


If we assume that the cylindrical roller is embedded in a flat surface to a certain depth hr. Then the half-width of the contact when the roller is inserted into the flat surface of the rigid and deformed rollers will be equal, respectively

December, 2022


zkp — Vrp2 _ (rp _ hp)2 (11)

zk3 — Vrp2 — (rp — hp)2 (12)

The difference between the contact half - widths is determined from the expression

&rrk — zk3 — zkp (13)

The main results of the calculations are shown in the form of graphs in Fig. 4.

AÇ.mm aos6 0.072

aois 0.02i O

1 iff *2DMM - /


\Tm'* 7mm

1 ■Kr¡,=5MM

0 6 8 P,kH





QÀ 0




Ö Í 4 6 Í 6 PkH


AZß o,

t2 0,3 OA



J %-M ffi

rp=2i 7mm

O 2 4 6 6 PkH


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Fig. 4. The change in the radius of the roller due to deformation and from the force a) its percentage ratio b) and the percentage of the change in the half-width of the contact due to deformation i) depending on the deformation force.

The above calculation results show a change in the half-width of the contact at a load of up to ten kilonewtons does not exceed 1.6%. Hence, the optimal radii of the rollers should be in the range of five to eight millimeters and the deformation force for these sizes should not exceed five kilonewtons. Thus, the change in the half-width of the contact will not be less than one percent, therefore, in practical calculations, the change in the half-width of the roller contact can not be taken into account.


Analysis of the obtained expression shows that the larger the diameter of the first insert and cutting tool, the higher the

December, 2022


cutting depth parameter on the previously untreated surface, and the larger the radius of the machined surface, the lower the machining depth. The main task is to remove the deposit on the surface to be treated. In this case, the cutting parameters of the cutting tool and the thickness of the layer to be cut are important. When moving a cutting tool along a complex shaped surface, it is necessary to establish the optimal movement of the machining trajectory in CAD / CAM / CAE systems. Because the parameters of the cutting part of the cutting tool can be eaten, broken, the parameters of the cutting part can be changed during processing along the trajectory. This in turn affects the surface quality of the surface being cut. In this paper, the capabilities of CAD / CAM / CAE systems were used in machining the working part of stamp molds.


1. Sh.N.Fayzimatov., Yu.Khusanov., A.M.Yakupov "Methods for Elimination of Defects on the Surface of Parts in the Stamping Process" Design Engineering ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 10027-10036.

2. Yu.Khusanov., A.M.Yakupov "Методы устранения дефектов на поверхности деталей" SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS. VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 2 I 2022. ISSN: 2181-1601.

3. A.M.Yakupov "Методы устранения дефектов на поверхности деталей" SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 2 I 2022. ISSN: 2181-1601.

4. Sh.N.Fayzimatov., A.M.Yakupov "Анализ проблемы технологического обеспечения качества деталей машин" MATERIALSHUNOSLIK, MATERIALLAR OLISHNING INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALARI VA PAYVADLASH ISHLAB CHIQARISHNING DOLZARB MUAMMOLARI - 2022 19-ноябр 482-483 бетлар.

5. Sh.N.Fayzimatov., A.M.Yakupov "Такомиллаштирилган текислагичнинг комбинациялашган машинадаги иш жараёни" MATERIALSHUNOSLIK, MATERIALLAR OLISHNING INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALARI VA PAYVADLASH ISHLAB CHIQARISHNING DOLZARB MUAMMOLARI - 2022 19-ноябр 483-484 бетлар.

6. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров A.M. Support of Software Projects at Local Industrial Enterprises. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 6, Issue 12, December 2019, 12320-12328 p.

7. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров A.M. Investigation of the manufacturing process of stamp forms in mechanical Engineering. International Journal of Advanced Research in IT and Engineering Vol. 10, Issue 12, December 2021, ISSN: 2278-6244 Impact Factor: 7.436 82-90 p.

8. Гафуров A.M., С.Ш.Рахмонов., A.A.Mусажонов. Study of the efficiency of methods of reconstruction of shaped faces.

December, 2022


ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

International Journal of Advanced Research in IT and Engineering Vol. 10, Issue 12, December 2021, ISSN: 2278-6244 Impact Factor: 7.436 101-112 p.

9. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., С.Б.Булгаков., Гафуров A.M. Ways to increase stability of stamps in improving working designs. Tashkent state Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Technical Science and Innovation, Tashkent 2021, №3(09)/2021., 263267 p.

10. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., СМ.Юсупов., Гафуров A.M. Mахаллий ишлаб-чикариш корхоналарида автоматлаштирилган лойихдлаш тизимлари. ФарFOна политехника институти «Илмий-техника журнали» ФарПИ махсус сони №1. Том 24. 2021 йил, 52-56 бетлар.

11. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., СМ.Юсупов., Гафуров A.M. Aвтоматлаштирилган лойихалаш тизимларидан фойдаланиб мураккаб юзали деталларга ишлов бериш усуллари. ФарFOна политехника институти «Илмий-техника журнали» ФарПИ махсус сони №1. Том 24. 2021 йил, 56-60 бетлар.

12. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров A.M. РДБ дастгохларида мураккаб сиртларни куп координатали фрезалаш самарадорлигини ошириш истикболлари. Aндижон машинасозлик институти «Илмий-техника журнали» AндMИ 2020 йил, 1-сон август 37-43 бетлар.

13. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров A.M. Improving the productivity of methods for processing shaped surfaces. Наманган мухандислик-курилиш Институти «Механика ва технология илмий журнали» 2021 йил. №2, 104-110 бетлар.

14. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров A.M. The importance of CAD/CAM/CAE application development. Наманган мухандислик-курилиш Институти «Механика ва технология илмий журнали» 2021 йил. №2, 110-116 бетлар.

15. Гафуров A.M., С.Ш.Рахмонов., A.A.Mусажонов. Automated design systems in local manufacturing plants. INNOVATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS IN SCIENCE 2021: a collection scientific works of the International scientific conference (9th November, 2021) - Chelyabinsk, Russia : "CESS", 2021. Part 3, Issue 1 - 105-112 p.

16. Гафуров A.M., С.Ш.Рахмонов., A.A.Mусажонов. Methods of processing of complex surface parts using automated design systems. FORMATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY AS INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: a collection scientific works of the International scientific conference (13 November, 2021). ISSUE 3 - 251-258 p.

17. Гафуров A.M., С.Ш.Рахмонов., A.A.Mусажонов. Equilibrium of general processing error during mill machines on RDB machines according to cutting modes. PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES AND TEACHING METHODS: a

collection scientific works of the International scientific conference

(15 November, 2021)-Copenhagen:2021. ISSUE-7 - 422-427 p.

December, 2022

18. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров А.М. The importance of using software projects. ФарПИ "Иктидорли талабалар, магистрантлар, докторантлар ва мустакил изланувчилар" Online Илмий-амалий 2020 йил. 16-17-ноябрь, 7-13 бетлар.

19. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров А.М. Support of software projects at local industrial enterprises. ФарПИ "Иктидорли талабалар, магистрантлар, докторантлар ва мустакил изланувчилар" Online Илмий-амалий 2020 йил. 16-17-ноябрь, 13-26 бетлар.

20. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров А.М. Methodology of using software projects. ФарПИ "Иктидорли талабалар, магистрантлар, докторантлар ва мустакил изланувчилар" Online Илмий-амалий 2020 йил. 16-17-ноябрь, 26-34 бетлар.

21. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров А.М. РДБ дастгохларида мураккаб сиртларни куп координатали фрезалаш самарадорлигини ошириш. ФарПИ "Иктидорли талабалар, магистрантлар, докторантлар ва мустакил изланувчилар" Online Илмий-амалий 2020 йил. 16-17-ноябрь, 34-41 бетлар.

22. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров А.М. Куп координатали РДБ фрезалаш дастгохларида мураккаб сиртларга ишлов бериш самарадорлигини ошириш. ФарПИ "Иктидорли талабалар, магистрантлар, докторантлар ва мустакил изланувчилар" Online Илмий-амалий 2020 йил. 16-17-ноябрь, 41-47 бетлар.

23. Гафуров А.М. Машинасозликда мураккаб шаклдор юзаларга механик ишлов беришнинг унумдорлигини ошириш. Наманган мухандислик-курилиш институти "Машинасозликда инновациялар, энергиятежамкор технологиялар ва ресурслардан фойдаланиш самарадорлигини ошириш" мавзусида Халкаро микёсдаги илмий-амалий конференция материаллари туплами 1-кисм Наманган шахри 28-29 май 2021 йил 27-29 бетлар.

24. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров А.М. Methods of processing on machine-building shaped surfaces. Наманган мухандислик-курилиш институти "Машинасозликда инновациялар, энергиятежамкор технологиялар ва ресурслардан фойдаланиш самарадорлигини ошириш" мавзусида Халкаро микёсдаги илмий-амалий конференция материаллари туплами 1-кисм Наманган шахри 28-29 май 2021 йил 96-103 бетлар.

25. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Б.Б. Маткаримов., Гафуров А.М. Инновационные технологии литъя (литье по газофицируемым моделям). Тошкент давлат техника институти "Куймакорлик ишлаб чикариш сохасида ресурс ва энергиятежамкор инновацион технологиялар" мавзусида халкаро микёсидаги илмий ва илмий-техник анжуман Тошкент шахри, 13-15 апрел, 2021 йил. 328-329 бетлар.

26. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Б.Б. Маткаримов., Гафуров А.М. Технологии получения пенополистирольных моделей. Тошкент давлат техника институти "Куймакорлик ишлаб чикариш

December, 2022


ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

сохасида ресурс ва энергиятежамкор инновацион технологиялар" мавзусида халкаро микёсидаги илмий ва илмий-техник анжуман Тошкент шахри, 13-15 апрел, 2021 йил. 360-361 бетлар.

27. Ш.Н.Файзиматов., Гафуров А.М. The importance of automation in the design of shaped surfaces. SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS Volume 2, ISSUE 6, 2021 йил. ISSN: 2181-1601.

28. Гафуров А.М., Мусажонов А.А. Improving cost-effektiveness using optimal methods of machining complex shaped surfaces on RDB machines. ФарFона Политехника Институти "Технологик жараёнларни автоматлаштириш тизимларини ишлаб чикаришнинг ривожларишдаги урни ва вазифалари" Республика илмий-амалий анжумани 22-23 октабрь 2021 йил. 62-68 бетлар

29. Гафуров А.М., Мусажонов А.А. Improving cost-effektiveness using optimal methods of machining complex shaped surfaces on RDB machines. ФарFона Политехника Институти "Технологик жараёнларни автоматлаштириш тизимларини ишлаб чикаришнинг ривожларишдаги урни ва вазифалари" Республика илмий-амалий анжумани 22-23 октабрь 2021 йил. 62-68 бетлар.

30. Ш.Н.Файзиматов. Ж.А. Ахунов., Гафуров А.М. РДБ фрезалаш дастгохларида мураккаб шаклдор юзаларга ишлов бериш режимларини хисоблаш. Электрон хисоблаш машиналари учун яратилган дастурнинг расмий руйхатдан утказилганлиги туFирисида Гувохнома № DGU 12871 25.08.2021 й.

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December, 2022

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