DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES OF THE GOVERNANCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Artemenko Antonina Ivanivna

The article examines the democratic principles of public administration. Objectivity is the most important feature of democratic principles of public administration. Democratic principles of public administration include political, economic and cultural principles providing freedom to all people in society. Democracy is one of the main functions of public administration, which shows that government should protect human rights to freedom of speech and religion, right to equal protection under the law and ability to organize and participate in political, economic and cultural life of society. Modern processes of democratization have led to cancellation of greater electoral qualifications. This applies to discriminatory electoral qualifications, which are completely eliminated in different countries. This contributes to the democratization of administrative processes. Democratic principles of public administration are based on the theoretical concept of democracy that is formed by human civilization. Democratic principles of public administration having the power and means to express the will of the people. The fight for democracy throughout history shows that democratic principles of public administration are important today. They are possible if they are based on the principle of pluralism together with other principles and require universal importance for modern democracy. Democratic principles of public administration consist in interaction with social processes of democratic society development. They are the direct representation of people as the main subject of democratic relations. The participation of people in public administration is based on freedom of meetings and associations, which make efforts to better understand how to achieve the results of risk identification and management and to measure the impact of public administration accountability. People have equal rights not only during elections, but also in other social life: economic and cultural. They have the ability to influence affairs through social forms of democracy.

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UDC 353.7:35


Artemenko Antonina Ivanivna,

senior lecturer of the Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetmán, Peremohy Street, 54, Kyiv, tel.: 575 99 68, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2426-875x

Артеменко Антонта Ieaniena,

старший викладач Кигвського национального економгчного утверситету ¡м. В. Гетьмана, м. Кшв, вул. Перемоги, 54, тел.: 575 99 68, e-mail: antoninaartemenko33@ gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2426-875.V

Артеменко Антонина Ивановна,

старший преподаватель Киевского национального экономического университета им. В. Гетьмана, г. Киев, ул. Победы, 54, тел,: 575 99 68, e-mail: [email protected], https:// orcid,org/0000-0003-2426-875x


Abstract. The article examines the democratic principles of public administration. Objectivity is the most important feature of democratic principles of public administration. Democratic principles of public administration include political, economic and cultural principles providing freedom to all people in society. Democracy is one of the main functions of public administration, which shows that government should protect human rights to freedom of speech and religion, right to equal protection under the law and ability to organize and participate in political, economic and cultural life of society. Modern processes of democratization have led to cancellation of greater electoral qualifications. This applies to discriminatory electoral qualifications, which are completely eliminated in different countries. This contributes to the democratization of administrative processes. Democratic principles of public administration are based on the theoretical concept of democracy that is formed by human civilization. Democratic principles of public administration having the power and means to express the will of the people. The fight for democracy throughout history shows that democratic prin-

ciples of public administration are important today. They are possible if they are based on the principle of pluralism together with other principles and require universal importance for modern democracy. Democratic principles of public administration consist in interaction with social processes of democratic society development. They are the direct representation of people as the main subject of democratic relations. The participation of people in public administration is based on freedom of meetings and associations, which make efforts to better understand how to achieve the results of risk identification and management and to measure the impact of public administration accountability. People have equal rights not only during elections, but also in other social life: economic and cultural. They have the ability to influence affairs through social forms of democracy.

Keywords: democratic principles, public administration, democracy, freedom, society.


Анотащя. Розглянуто демократичш принципи державного управлшня. Об'ектившсть — це найважливша риса демократичних принцитв державного управлшня. Демократичш принципи державного управлшня включають полгтичш, економiчнi та культурш принципи, яю дають свободу вам людям сусшльства. Демокрапя — одна з основних функцш державного управлшня, яка показуе, що уряд повинен захищати права людини на свободу слова i ре-лт'1', право рiвного захисту вщповщно до закону i можливють оргашзовувати i брати участь у поличному, економiчному i культурному житп сусшльства. Сучасш процеси демократизаци призвели до скасування ще!" виборчо!' квал^ фiкацiï. Це стосуеться дискримшацшних виборчих квалiфiкацiй, якi повшстю усуваються в рiзних крашах. Це сприяе демократизаци процеав державного управлшня. Демократичш принципи державного управлшня базуються сто-совно теоретичних критерп'в демократа, яка формуеться людською цивш-защею, якi мають владу i засоби для вираження волi людей. Боротьба за де-мократiю упродовж iсторiï показуе, що демократичнi принципи державного управлшня е важливими в тепершнш час. Вони можлив^ якщо базуються на принцип плюралiзму у взаемодп' з iншими принципами i вимагають ушвер-сально!' важливостi для сучасно!' демократа. Демократичнi принципи державного управлшня полягають у взаемоди iз соцiальними процесами розвитку демократичного сусшльства. Вони — пряма реалiзацiя людей як головного предмета демократичних вщносин. Участь людей у державному управлшш бу-дуеться на свободi зiбрань та асоцiацiй, якi докладають зусиль для того, щоб краще зрозумгти те, як краще досягти результат iдентифiкацiï та керування ризиками та вимiрювати вплив пiдзвiтностi державного управлшня. Люди мають рiвнi права не тшьки пiд час виборiв, але i в iншому сощальному життi: економiчному i культурному. Вони мають можливiсть впливати на справи через сощальш форми демократй'.

K^40bí слова: демократичнi принципи, державне управлшня, демокра-тiя, свобода, сусшльство.


Аннотация. Рассматрены демократические принципы государственного управления. Объективность — это наиболее важная черта демократических принципов государственного управления. Демократические принципы государственного управления включают политические, экономические и культурные принципы, которые обеспечивают свободу всем людям общества. Демократия — это одна из основных функций государственного управления, которая показывает, что правительство должно защищать права человека на свободу слова и религиозность, право равной защиты в соответствии с законом и возможность организовывать и принимать участие в политической, экономической жизни общества.

Современные процессы демократизации привели к отмене самой электоральной квалификации. Это касается дискриминационных электоральных квалификаций, которые полностью устраняются в разных странах. Это способствует демократизации процессов государственного управления. Демократические принципы государственного управления базируются относительно теоретических критериев демократии, формируются человеческой цивилизацией, и которые имеют власть и средства для выражения воли людей.

Борьба за демократию на протяжении истории показывает, что демократические принципы государственного управления являются важными в настоящее время. Они возможны, если базируются на принципе плюрализма во взаимодействии с другими принципами и требующие всеобщей важности для современной демократии. Демократические принципы государственного управления заключаются во взаимодействии с социальными процессами развития демократического общества.

Они — прямая реализация людей как главного объекта демократических отношений. Участие людей в государственном управлении строится на свободе собраний и ассоциаций, которые прилагают усилия для того, чтобы лучше понять то, как лучше достичь результатов идентификации и управления рисками и измерять влияние подотчетности государственного управления. Люди имеют равные права не только во время выборов, но и в другой социальной жизни: экономической и культурной. Они имеют возможность влиять на дела через социальные формы демократии.

Ключевые слова: демократические принципы, государственное управление, демократия, свобода, общество.

Problem statement. Democratic principles of public administration are a social phenomenon preceding the emergence of first public entities. The

main features of democratic principles of public administration are inherent in the ancient periods of civilization. Even at that time, the main principle

of administration was social one, which included the interests of the majority of community as a whole. [1]

Now, it is important to distinguish such democratic principles of public administration as political and social, which include participation of people in public administration and their equality in various fields. Objectivity is the most important feature of democratic principles of public administration.

Democratic principles of public administration apply to all types of executive activity and to all administrative structures operating in the state; and these principles are the most important principles of public administration. We can acknowledge that democracies understand that one of the main functions of public administration is to protect human rights such as freedom of speech and religion, right to equal protection under the law and ability to organize and participate in political, economic and cultural life of society.

Analysis of studies and publications. Democratic principles of public administration are analyzed by such scientists as Kovbasiuk K. O., Vash-chenko Yu. P., Surmin Yu. P., Klein A., Kozakov V. M., Latyhina N., Ra-dysh Ya., Atwood B., Bassiouni Ch., Skakun O. F., Kolodii A. F., Yalovyi V. I. and others. We can acknowledge that they consider the importance of democratic principles of public administration in the current development of society. Democratic principles of public administration can help different countries to develop their societies in a democratic way. The scientists analyze the democratic principles of public administration, as they want to show that

they are important for all people if they want to live in a modern society and have political, economic and cultural freedom.

Purpose of the article is to analyze the democratic principles of public administration today.

Statement of basic material. Democratic principles of public administration ensure free elections for all citizens of the state. We can acknowledge that democratic principles of public administration include not only the rights, but also the responsibility of people to participate in political systems protecting their rights and freedoms. Democratic principles meet the values of tolerance, cooperation and compromise [2].

Democratic principles of public administration are manifested in the interaction of basic principles: general, special and structural.

General principles maintain the value dimension of democracy as a form of social organization that operates on the principle of democracy as a sequence of human rights and freedoms. Special principles are based on the balance of value orientations in relation to public officers. Structural principles ensure the unity of state power in three dimensions: legal, political and organizational. [3]

One of the functions of democratic principles of public administration is to establish and support various levels of society. As for the economic levels of society, there are links between production processes, employees, stages of material and information flows, entities and objects of administration. The external links are very specific in public administration and include interna-

tional, political, economic and cultural relations in modern society [1].

Democratic principles of public administration can be based on general theoretical criteria and principles of democracy, which are formed by human civilization and are viewed in terms of culture of the people. This could be implemented through an objective mechanism of economic development [4].

We can acknowledge that form of realization of the people's sovereignty is one of the main mechanisms for forming democratic principles of public administration.

The study of democratic principles of public administration allows better understanding the essence of modern society and making it more democratic. The administrative practice in Ukraine shows that some democratic principles of public administration are systematically violated, which makes the relevance of our study more obvious [5].

The basic principles of public administration are political freedom and right of the people to determine and change the laws protecting human rights. We can acknowledge that freedom has equality and inequality between people.

The equality of people means that they follow the laws. Political, religious, ethnic and social equality should be guaranteed by the government. Democratic principles of public administration can be created more openly to reflect the desires of the people. It is necessary to improve the democratic principles of public administration by attracting more people and improving democracy can give them more power. The fight for democracy throughout history shows that democratic prin-

ciples of public administration are important today.

Democratic principles of public administration should always be modern and innovative. As a result of implementation of these principles, the role of public administration and allocation of functions between state and society, as well as participation of people in elections, are being reconsidered [6].

The local elections are held freely according to international standards and without any fraud. People are the center of social activity and they are involved in clearly defined ways of public administration at local level. All people can have a voice in decision-making directly or through public administration representing their interests. All votes consider adoption, including allocation of resources. The participation of people in public administration is based on freedom of meetings and associations, which make more concerted efforts to better understand how to achieve the results of risk identification and management and to measure the impact of public administration accountability. The study of principles of public administration is important at the present stage of development of public administration [7].

Democratic principles of public administration are based on the right of all people to participate in public administration, and they require the existence of representative institutions at all levels and in parliament. Democratic principles of public administration can be represented in parliament, which has the power and means to express the will of the people through legislation and supervision over the government actions [8].

We can assume the existence of a certain form of democratic principles of public administration, which can include equality of elections and equality of political influence, including pluralism, which means a variety of social phenomena and expands the range of political elections and allows not only pluralism of opinions, but also political pluralism with different programs and charters operating within the laws.

Democratic principles of public administration are possible when they are based on the principle of pluralism in combination with other principles and become common for modern democracy [9].

Modern processes of democratization have led to cancellation of the highest electoral qualifications. This applies to discriminatory electoral qualifications, which are completely eliminated in different countries. This concerns the democratization of public administration processes [5].

Democratic principles of public administration are manifested in the interaction with social processes of democratic society development [3].

The main objects of evaluation and measurement of democratic principles of public administration should be the system of government institutions, administrative structures, modern society and economy. People should be involved in all these subsystems according to criteria and indicators characterizing the democracy of public administration [10].

Democratic principles of public administration are the direct embodiment of people as the main subject of democratic relations and are manifested through participation in public admi-

nistration, which means participation in elections and ability to influence affairs through social forms of democracy and economic development, which is important for the most developed society [11].

We can acknowledge that for the development of modern societies, the economic independence provides the foundation for people to be free in their actions. Democratic principles include economic pluralism, which can control the power of government [2].

Conclusions. Thus, we can acknowledge that democratic principles of public administration are studied through the analysis of democratic processes of society development at the present time, when people can be involved in various social processes under the influence of democracy. Modern process of democratization is based on pluralism, which includes economic, political and cultural characteristics. Democratic principles can include equal rights of people not only in elections and compliance with law, but also in other social processes of modern society development. The democratic principles of public administration are political freedom and right of the people to determine and change the laws protecting human rights.

Political freedom is very important for all people, because they want to be free in their minds, to be able to express their opinions according to democratic processes. We can acknowledge that the study of democratic principles of public administration requires further study.


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