Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of cooperation of the European Union in the framework of partnership civil society development programs'

Peculiarities of cooperation of the European Union in the framework of partnership civil society development programs Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Romanenko Yevhen Oleksandrovych, Zhukova Irina Vitalyevna

Some directions of development of the Eastern Partnership have been analyzed, which have given a powerful impetus for the expansion of the European Union’s interaction with civil society, with the participation of public organizations in political dialogue. The areas of cooperation of the European Union were identified in the framework of partnership programs for the development of interaction between the state and society and it was proved that civil society has become almost the only mechanism that enables citizens to maintain control over the public sphere and at the same time to protect the autonomous sphere which the state cannot and should not influence. The features of modern European scholarship grant programs, which are aimed at raising the level of various aspects of society, realizing their interests, in general and individual groups of citizens in cooperation with the state and business, are identified. Social economy, non-profit sector, non-governmental and non-profit organizations are the main areas of this activity. The features of modern European scholarship grant programs for the formation and development of civil society are explored. It is determined that the implementation of the program of the National Museum of Berlin promotes values of respect for freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and brings the public dialogue closer to the pan-European political, economic and cultural goals of sustainable development. The Falling Walls program has been proven to be based on the principles of bottom-up self-organization, inclusivity, transparency, publicity and subsidiarity. The article also looks at the prospects for Ukraine in expanding its engagement with the European Union to develop our country’s cooperation with EU countries to Europeanize the nation and strengthen civil society.

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Проанализированы отдельные направления развития восточного партнерства, которые дали импульс для расширения взаимодействия Евросоюза с гражданским обществом, с участием общественных организаций в политическом диалоге. Определены области сотрудничества Европейского Союза в рамках партнерских программ развития взаимодействия государства и общества и доказано, что гражданское общество стало почти единственным механизмом, который дает гражданам возможность сохранить контроль за публичной сферой и одновременно защитить ту автономную сферу, на которую государство не может и не должно влиять. Определены особенности современных европейских стипендиальных грантовых программ, направленных на повышение уровня разносторонних аспектов жизни общества, реализацию его интересов, в целом, и отдельных групп граждан в сотрудничестве с государством и бизнесом. Социальная экономика, некоммерческий сектор, неправительственные и некоммерческие организации являются основными сферами этой деятельности. Исследованы особенности современных европейских стипендиальных грантовых программ для формирования и развития гражданского общества. Определено, что в рамках реализации программы Национального музея Берлина пропагандируются ценности по соблюдению свободы, демократии, прав человека, верховенства права и осуществляется приближение общественного диалога к общеевропейским политическим, экономическим и культурным целям устойчивого развития. Доказано, что работа программы “Falling Walls” основывается на принципах самоорганизации “снизу”, инклюзивности (включенности), прозрачности, публичности и субсидиарности. Также, в статье рассматриваются перспективы для Украины в направлении расширения взаимодействия с Евросоюзом для развития сотрудничества нашего государства со странами ЕС для европеизации нации и укрепления гражданского обществ

Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of cooperation of the European Union in the framework of partnership civil society development programs»


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UDC: 351


Romanenko Yevhen Oleksandrovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in public administration, vice-rector, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 (044) 264-52-54, email: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0003-2285-0543

Романенко €вген Олександрович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, заслужений юрист YKpaï-ни, президент Всеукраïнськоï асамблеï докторгв наук з державного управлтня, проректор, Мгжрегюнальна Академгя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометгвська, 2, тел.: +38 (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0003-2285-0543

Романенко Евгений Александрович,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, заслуженный юрист Украины, Президент Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, проректор, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фро-метовская, 2, тел.: +38 (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https//or-cid.org/0000-0003-2285-0543

Zhukova Irina Vitalyevna,

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Executive Director of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Sciences in Public Administration, Head of the Department of Vocational Education and Management of the Educational Institution, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kiev, Str. Frometivska, 2, 063-951-78-55, Frometovskaya, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4927-0610

Жукова 1рина Ыталпвна,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, Виконавчий директор Президп Всеу-крагнськог асамблег докторе наук з державного управлтня, зав1дувач кафедри профе-сшног освти та управлтня навчальним закладом, Мгжрегюнальна Академ1я управлтня персоналом, 03039,м. Кигв, вул. Фромет1вська, 2,063-951-78-55, e-mail:irina_pravo@ ukr.net, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4927-0610

Жукова Ирина Витальевна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, исполнительный директор Президиума Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, заведующая кафедрой профессионального образования и управления учебным заведением, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская,2,063-951-78-55, e-mail:[email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4927-0610



Abstract. Some directions of development of the Eastern Partnership have been analyzed, which have given a powerful impetus for the expansion of the European Union's interaction with civil society, with the participation of public organizations in political dialogue. The areas of cooperation of the European Union were identified in the framework of partnership programs for the development of interaction between the state and society and it was proved that civil society has become almost the only mechanism that enables citizens to maintain control over the public sphere and at the same time to protect the autonomous sphere which the state cannot and should not influence. The features of modern European scholarship grant programs, which are aimed at raising the level of various aspects of society, realizing their interests, in general and individual groups of citizens in cooperation with the state and business, are identified. Social economy, non-profit sector, non-governmental and non-profit organizations are the main areas of this activity. The features of modern European scholarship grant programs for the formation and development of civil society are explored. It is determined that the implementation of the program of the National Museum of Berlin promotes values of respect for freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and brings the public dialogue closer to the pan-European political, economic and cultural goals of sustainable development. The Falling Walls program has been proven to be based on the principles of bottom-up self-organization, inclusivity, transparency, publicity and subsidiarity. The article also looks at the prospects for Ukraine in expanding its engagement with the European Union to

develop our country's cooperation with EU countries to Europeanize the nation and strengthen civil society.

Keywords: public administration, civil society, partnership programs for civil society development, development of the Eastern Partnership, European dimension of implementation of European scholarship grant programs.



Анотащя. Проаналiзовано OKpeMi напрями розвитку схщного партнерства, як дали iMnynbc для розширення взаeмодií бвросоюзу з громадянським сус-пiльством, за участю громадських оргашзацш в полiтичномy дiалозi. Визна-чено обласп спiвробiтництва бвропейського Союзу в рамках партнерських програм розвитку взаемоди держави та сустльства i доведено, що громадян-ське сyспiльство стало майже единим мехатзмом, яке дае громадянам мож-ливiсть зберегти контроль за пyблiчною сферою та водночас захистити ту автономну сферу, на яку держава не може i не повинна впливати. Визначено особливосп сучасних европейських стипендiальних грантових програм, якi спрямоват на пiдвищення рiвня рiзностороннiх аспекпв життя сyспiльства, реалiзацiю ix iнтересiв, в цiломy та окремих груп громадян у ствпращ з державою та бiзнесом. Соцiальна економжа, некомерцiйний сектор, неyрядовi та неприбyтковi органiзацií е основними сферами ще!' дiяльностi. Дослiджено особливостi сучасних европейських стипендiальниx грантових програм для формування та розвитку громадянського сустльства. Визначено, що у рамках реалiзацií програми Нащонального музею Берлта пропагуються щнно-стi щодо дотримання свободи, демократа, прав людини, верховенства права i здiйснюeться наближення сyспiльного дiалогy до загальноевропейських по-лiтичниx, економiчниx i культурних цiлей сталого розвитку. Доведено, що робота програми "Falling Walls" Грунтуеться на принципах самооргатзаци "знизу", iнклюзивностi (включеностi), прозоростi, пyблiчностi та сyбсидiар-ностi. Також, у статт розглядаються перспективи для Украти у напрямi розширення взаемоди iз бвросоюзом для розвитку ствпращ нашо!' держави iз кратами 6С для eвропеíзацií нацií i змщнення громадянського сyспiльства.

Ключовi слова: державне yправлiння, громадянське сyспiльство, парт-нерськ програми розвитку громадянського сyспiльства, розвиток схщного партнерства, европейський вимiр реалiзацií европейських стипендiальниx грантових програм.


Аннотация. Проанализированы отдельные направления развития восточного партнерства, которые дали импульс для расширения взаимодействия Евросоюза с гражданским обществом, с участием общественных организаций

в политическом диалоге. Определены области сотрудничества Европейского Союза в рамках партнерских программ развития взаимодействия государства и общества и доказано, что гражданское общество стало почти единственным механизмом, который дает гражданам возможность сохранить контроль за публичной сферой и одновременно защитить ту автономную сферу, на которую государство не может и не должно влиять. Определены особенности современных европейских стипендиальных грантовых программ, направленных на повышение уровня разносторонних аспектов жизни общества, реализацию его интересов, в целом, и отдельных групп граждан в сотрудничестве с государством и бизнесом. Социальная экономика, некоммерческий сектор, неправительственные и некоммерческие организации являются основными сферами этой деятельности. Исследованы особенности современных европейских стипендиальных грантовых программ для формирования и развития гражданского общества. Определено, что в рамках реализации программы Национального музея Берлина пропагандируются ценности по соблюдению свободы, демократии, прав человека, верховенства права и осуществляется приближение общественного диалога к общеевропейским политическим, экономическим и культурным целям устойчивого развития. Доказано, что работа программы "Falling Walls" основывается на принципах самоорганизации "снизу", инклюзивности (включенности), прозрачности, публичности и субсидиарности. Также, в статье рассматриваются перспективы для Украины в направлении расширения взаимодействия с Евросоюзом для развития сотрудничества нашего государства со странами ЕС для европеизации нации и укрепления гражданского общества.

Ключевые слова: государственное управление, гражданское общество, партнерские программы развития гражданского общества, развитие восточного партнерства, европейское измерение реализации европейских стипендиальных грантовых программ.

Problem statement. The civil society plays a key role in promoting democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as well as sustainable socioeconomic development. The European Union provides active support to the civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries in all the sectors of cooperation and identifies targeted assistance to strengthen the role of the civil society in the political dialogue, strengthen its ability to monitor the implementation of agreed commitments by the

governments, and build the capacity for networking at the local and regional levels [1]. Therefore, studying the European experience of the partner civil society development programs is one of the topical scientific issues, since in today's conditions support for the public sector is an integral part of any form of the social relations, and in particular the establishment of a partnership between the state, the local authorities and the public. n the process of development of human civilization, civil so-

ciety at all stages of its formation was an integral part of a complex mechanism of relations between people and the state. After all, the state and civil society, as social systems, have much in common. The modern state and civil society in the institutional sense are two indivisible elements of social self-regulation, which in a democracy can not exist without one. Therefore, in today's conditions, the formation of a democratic legal state in Ukraine requires effective interaction of state structures of all levels and institutions of civil society.

At the same time, in Ukraine, the process of public policy development is not yet sufficiently transparent, and the activity of the authorities is not always clear to the public. In addition, the secrecy of power from the public, especially when making state-management decisions is a significant inhibitory factor in the path of democratic transformation. Although modern Ukrainian legislation already provides certain opportunities for effective interaction of public authorities with the public, the forms and means of this interaction need to be constantly updated and further refined. In particular, as the President of Ukraine said: "Becoming a European country means fully embracing the European spirit of political freedoms, fair competition and equality of opportunity, something that is called the open access system, and the European countries went to it for centuries. We have to go through this path for a maximum of ten years".

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The activation of the research on the implementation of the European integration path of Ukraine is a reflection of the globalization pro-

cesses that take place in the area of establishing the partnership programs for the civil society development. The trends in the development of interaction between the state and the public sectors in the context of globalization are highlighted in the publications of individual authors, namely: O. Babi-nova, V. Bakumenko, I. Bidzyura, M. Holovaty, N. Dragomiretska, J. Kal-nish, A. Kolodiy, A. Krutiy, N. Nyzh-nyk, O. Semyorkina, O. Radchenko, E. Romanenko, V. Rebkalo, Yu. Sur-min, V. Tertychka, I. Chaplay and others. These developments are a definite manifestation of the impact of the globalization transformations on the integration processes of the interaction of various elements of the public administration on the use of accumulated knowledge and experience around the world.

The aim of the article. Is to investigate the peculiarities of cooperation of the European Union within the framework of the partnership programs of the civil society development.

Presentation of the main research material. The Eastern Partnership is a joint initiative of the EU, the member states and partner countries aimed at building and strengthening the relations with each individual country of the partnership, an individual approach to the development of relations. The Eastern Partnership is developing in four areas called Multilateral Platforms, which reflect the four main areas of cooperation between the partner countries and the EU: "Democracy, good governance and stability", "Economic integration and alignment with EU policy", "Energy Security", "Contacts between the people" [2].

The Eastern Partnership has been a powerful impetus for expanding EU engagement with the civil society in the region, with the involvement of the civil society organizations in the political dialogue and support for the civil society in all the sectors of their activities. At the same time, the EU has increased its financial support to the civil society organizations through the European Neighborhood Program Civil Society Fund, in order to strengthen the role of the civil society in the reforms and democratic transformations. The European Neighborhood Civil Society Fund was the first program aimed directly at supporting the civil society in the European neighborhood. The main objective of the Fund, which was established in 2011, is to strengthen the capacity of the civil society organizations, to enable them to contribute to transformation and become a real player in the democratization process. This is achieved by increasing their contribution to the development of the strategies, as well as further development of their human rights, monitoring capabilities and contact capacity.

The Fund provides financial support to the Secretariat of the Civil Society Forum, as well as its working groups. It also funded the project "Civil Society. Dialogue for progress", that aims to strengthen the capacity of the civil society organizations in partner countries. In addition, the Fund supports projects at the regional and bilateral levels. These projects relate to different areas of cooperation. The results of the grant projects implemented by the civic organizations range from improving the living conditions of the vulnerable groups to raising the potential of the

civil society for the budget analysis and public expenditure tracking to check their transparency and compliance with the needs of the citizens.

n our opinion, the key aspects of the Fund's activities are:

1. Advancement of the principles of transparency and accountability — Self-regulatory initiatives are usually aimed at promoting transparency and accountability as well as improving internal management, administration and effectiveness of the organization of interaction between public authorities and self-government bodies;

2. Increasing trust from donors and the general public — adherence to standards of transparent and accountable activity creates a positive image of organizations in the eyes of grantors and the general public;

3. Participation of stakeholders / creation of coalitions — Given the fact that the norms of self-regulation are being developed jointly, the process of their adoption stimulates the development of cooperation between the institutes of civil society organizations and the authorities that take part in this. It allows participants to define general principles and values, as well as solve problem issues;

4. Effective management — the use of a system of standards and transparent management processes can help achieve previously defined goals. A detailed assessment of the activities of self-governing institutions in accordance with certain parameters helps to identify shortcomings and improve the quality of management in general.

At the same time, the potential of the analytical and expert environment of public organizations, trade unions,

employers' organizations in shaping the content of state policy remains insufficiently realized. In our opinion, such cooperation should provide for a regular public assessment of compliance with the declared standards and principles for the assessment of public-management activities. However, it is important that the mechanism for such an assessment is not timed and does not complicate the access of the general public.

In most of the country, the creation and formation of civil society has a number of problems that are important both for society and for the state. These tendencies are development: to the lack of transparency, secrecy and bureaucracy in the activity of executive authorities and local self-government bodies, instead of establishing an effective dialogue with society; the imperfection of the current legislation creates artificial barriers for the establishment and operation of civil society institutions; the mechanisms of public participation in the formation and implementation of public policy are not properly implemented; the tax burden does not stimulate the activity and development of civil society institutions and their support by domestic charitable organizations; most civil society institutions do not have access to state financial support and domestic charity support; the capacity of civil society institutions to provide social services to the population is not used.

In 2011-2013 the Civil Society Fund supported more than 100 organizations in all 6 Eastern Partnership countries with projects earmarking nearly 40 million euros from the EU

[3]. "

Areas of cooperation of the European Union within the framework of the partnership programs of the civil society development:

1. Public information and dialogue:

• civil society;

• gender issues;

• freedom of the mass media and the information society.

2. Economic development and market opportunities:

• economy and trade;

• employment and entrepreneur-ship;

• agriculture and rural development;

• institutional development and good governance;

• governance, rule of law and human rights;

• security, cross-border cooperation and border administration.

3. Transport message, energy efficiency and resource saving:

• transport;

• energy and energy efficiency;

• environment and climate change.

4. Mobility and people-to-people contacts:

• migration and mobility;

• youth, educational and vocational training;

• culture;

• research and innovation;

• health care;

• national minorities [4].

Particular attention deserves a wide

range of modern European scholarship grant programs [5]:

1. "DAAD". Within the framework of this program there is the possibility of receiving scholarships by the representatives of the creative (music, design, architecture, fine arts, cinematography,

acting, directing, choreography), other specialties that have received a diploma of specialists and masters (bachelors) no more than 6 years ago. They are given the opportunity to take an internship in one of the universities in Germany. The scholarship is about 750 euros a month [6].

2. Under the program Countess Marion Denhoff envisages a scholarship for young journalists who are fluent in German at the most advanced level. Such participants are provided with the opportunity to complete a two-month internship program in the editorial office of one of the mass media in Germany. The scholarship is 3 800 euros.

3. As part of the program of the National Museum of Berlin projects supported by the collections and activities of the scientific centers of the National Museum of Berlin are supported. This opportunity is given to young scientists and museum workers, namely to spend from one to three months in a research residence on the territory of the museum. The scholarship is 900-1200 euros.

4. "Falling Walls". The program provides scholarship to journalists and bloggers who are interested in science, write about it. Another requirement is the availability of 3 years of experience in this area. The candidates are given the opportunity to roll over to all the events organized by the Falling Walls Fund in Germany, including at a conference in Berlin [7].

5. "Fabrica" program. The Research Center and the Fabrica studio in Italy invite the representatives of creative professions — architects, graphic designers, musicians, writers, directors,

photographers, journalists, animators and others. [8].

6. "Gaude Polonia" program. Scholarship for cultural and artistic workers (artists, writers, translators of Polish literature, musicians, cinematog-raphers, art critics, museum workers), which provides for a six-month internship in the cultural institutions of the Republic of Poland.

7. "International Visegrad Fund" — a program that provides scholarships for students and researchers. They can represent countries such as Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and have the opportunity to study or conduct research on any specialty in universities of the Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) for a period of 5 to 20 months.

8. Program of the Finnish Center for International Mobility. Within the framework of the program scholarships are allocated to young scientists, researchers of all specialties. The candidates are offered to undergo an internship at the universities in Finland. The duration of the program — from 3 to 12 months. The size of the monthly scholarship is 1 500 euros [9].

9. "Estofilus" program at the Institute of Estonia. Scholarships are foreseen for the researchers interested in learning the Estonian language and culture. The program lasts 5-10 months, which are held by the participants in one of the research institutions in Estonia.

10. "Ford Foundation: JustFilms" — deals with social justice projects.

11. "Nextpix/Firstpix Crowdfund-ing Grant". Provided for novice directors who have already begun to raise

funds for the film through any crowd-funding platform.

12. "Horizon 2020". The program that is the largest in the history of the European Union. It concerns research and innovation, with a budget of around 80 billion euros, which is designed for 7 years (2014-2020). It supports a wide range of activities — from research to demonstration projects and innovations that are already ready to enter the market.

13. "Seeing through photographs". Free six-week online photo education course from the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOMA). The Museum of Contemporary Art (MoMA) launches the "Seeing Through Photographs" program, its first massive online course for the general public, available on the Coursera platform. Using works from a large collection of the museum as a starting point, the course teaches the participants the critical view of photography through the various ideas, approaches and technologies used in their creation [10].

14. The new "Erasmus+" program aims to support activities in the field of education, training, youth and sport for the 2014-2020 period.

15. European cultural foundation (ECF). Within the limits of this program it is planned to allocate travel-grant that covers transportation costs (250-700 dollars). The program aims to support all the types of visual and expressive arts: music, theater, dance, film, documentary, photography, design, fashion, and more.

16. Applications for two research residency programs (Italy). "UNIDEE" — The University of Ideas has launched an experimental educa-

tional program that combines theory and practice in harmony with the aim of exploring the interactions between the culture and arts and society. From 2016 the focus of the program came in three main themes: research, ability and change. The applicants who meet all of the following requirements can apply: professional activity in the field of creativity (artists, researchers, writers, curators, etc.) in any sector, in any country of the world; fluency in English; submission of all the necessary documents together with the application, in the correct form and in due time [11; 12].

17. The Visegrad Fund Program accepts applications for small grants [13]. The International Visegrad Fund is an international organization founded by the governments of the Visegrad countries (V4) (Czech Republic, Hungary, Republic of Poland, Slovak Republic). The Fund provides several grant programs, as well as individual scholarships, postgraduate scholarships and artistic residences. The grant is intended to support original projects in the field of culture, science and research, youth exchanges, international cooperation and promotion of tourism, as well as in other priority areas specified in the applications and placed on the site of the fund.

Conclusion. Therefore, the mechanism of interaction between civil society and the state in different countries of the world is very diverse. But the obligatory components of it can be considered the presence of: democratic legislation, separation of powers, the activities of the legal opposition, public-political pluralism. As an example of European practice, we can conclude

that the best opportunities for the formation of interaction between the state and civil society are present in democratic regimes. Furthermore, we can state that the EU countries attract extremely many development efforts and the further formation of the civilian potential not only within their borders.


1. Portal "EU Neighbors". https://www. euneighbours.eu/ru/east/eu-in-ac-tion/civil-society

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

2. Romanenko Ye. O. & Chapliay I. V. The essence and peculiarities of the system of service marketing in the mechanisms of public administration. Current problems of the economy: Scientific Economic Journal, 2016, 12, p. 81-89.

3. Civil society: the basis of the Eastern Partnership. https://www.euneigh-bours.eu/sites/default/files/publica-tions/2017-08/PP%20Civil%20Soci-ety%20RU6_0.pdf

4. Proceedings for the "Eastern Partnership Summit" Summit on 24/11/2017. http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/ eapsummit/

5. Culture EU-Eastern Partnership Programme. The project funded by the European Union. https://www.cul-turepartnership.eu/article/vnimanie-granti

6. Site "DAAD". https://www.daad.de/


7. Site "Falling Walls". https://falling-walls.com/fellowships/science-jour-nalists

8. Site "Fabrica". http://www.fabrica.it/

9. Site "Studyinfinland". http://www. studyinfinland.fi/tuition_and_schola

10. Site "Seeing Through Photographshtt-ps". http://www.coursera.org/learn/ photography

11. Call Research Residency 2016. http://www.cittadellarte.it/unidee/ userfiles/docs/opencalls2016/UN-IDEE-Research-based-Residency_ Open-Call-2016.pdf

12. Murashko M. I., & Nazarko S. O. Vir-tualization of educational services market. Actual Problems of Economics, 2015, 166(4), p. 289-293.

13. Ryzhykov V. S. Economic culture: Historial aspects, analysis and development prospects in the conditions of economic relations of the market type. Actual Problems of Economics, 2015, 163(1), p. 52-58.


1. Портал "Сусщство 6С". [Eлeк-тpoнний pecypc]. Peжим дocтупу : https://www.euneighbours.eu/ru/ east/eu-in-action/civil-society

2. Романенко G. О. Сутшсть та особли-boctí системи маркетингу послуг у мехашзмах державного управлш-ня / 6. О. Романенко, I. В. Чаплай // Актуальш проблеми економжи : Науковий екон. журнал. 2016. № 12. С. 81-89.

3. Громадянське сусшльство: основа Схщного партнерства. [Eлeк-тpoнний pecypc] // EU Neighbours. Peжим дocтyпy : https://www. euneighbours.eu/sites/default/ files/publications/2017-08/PP%20 Civil%20Society%20RU6_0.pdf

4. Матерiали Саммггу "Eastern Partnership summit" 24/11/2017. [Eлeктpoнний pecypc]. Peжим дocтyпy: http://www.consilium. europa.eu/en/eapsummit/

5. Culture EU-Eastern Partnership Programme/The project funded by the European Union. [Eлeктpoнний pecypc]. Peжим дocтyпy: https:// www.culturepartnership.eu/article/ vnimanie-granti

6. Сайт "DAAD". [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : https:// www.daad.de/de/

7. Сайт "Falling Walls". [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : https:// falling-walls.com/fellowships/ science-journalists

8. Сайт "Fabr^a". [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http:// www.fabrica.it/

9. Сайт "Studyinfinland". [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http:// www.studyinfinland.fi/tuition_and_ schola

10. Сайт '^ее^ Through Photograph-shttps". [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://www.coursera. org/learn/photography

11. Сайт "UNIDEE" [Eлeктpoнний pecypc]. Peжим дocтyпy : http:// www.cittadellarte.it/unidee/ userfiles/docs/opencalls2016/UN-IDEE-Research-based-Residency_ Open-Call-201б.pdf

12. Murashko M. I, & Nazarko S. O. (2015). Virtualization of educational services market // Actual Problems of Economics. № 1бб (4). С. 289-293.

13. Ryzhykov V. S. (2015). Economic culture: Historial aspects, analysis and development prospects in the conditions of economic relations of the market type // Actual Problems of Economics. № 1б3 (1). С. 5258.

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