Научная статья на тему 'Functional institutional behavior of global civil society in conflict zones'

Functional institutional behavior of global civil society in conflict zones Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
conflict / global civil society / public associations / international non-governmental organizations / public administration / конфликт / глобальное гражданское общество / общест- венные объединения / международные неправительственные организации / публичное управление.

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Bielska Tetiana Valentynіvna, Khasanov Ruslan Rafisovych

The article specifies that during the conflict in the east of Ukraine there is an increase in the activity of the institutions of the global civil society and, as a result, an increase in the level of trust in public associations; It is stated that in the situation active activities are carried out by both the institutions of the global civil society, and by the national public associations and state institutions; It is argued that the cooperation of international non-governmental organizations with the governments of national states and public organizations is marked by the phenomenon of “mutual influence”; It is focused on the fact that this phenomenon contributes to the emergence of a global civil society that is more consolidated in comparison with the international community of states.

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В статье определено, что в период конфликта на востоке Украины наблюдается рост активности институтов глобального гражданского общества и, как следствие, повышение уровня доверия к общественным объединениям; указано, что в кризисной ситуации активную деятельность осуществляют как институты глобального гражданского общества, так и национальные общественные объединения и государственные учреждения; аргументировано, что сотрудничество международных неправительственных организаций с правительствами национальных государств и общественными организациями отмечается феноменом “обоюдного влияния”; акцентировано внимание на том, что это явление способствует становлению глобального гражданского общества, которое является более консолидированным по сравнению с международным сообществом государств.

Текст научной работы на тему «Functional institutional behavior of global civil society in conflict zones»

UDC: 35.077

Bielska Tetiana Valentynivna,

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshal Bazhanov, 17, tel.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

Бельська Тетяна Валентитвна,

кандидат наук з державного управлт-ня, доцент кафедри менеджменту i ад-мтктрування, Хартвський нащональ-ний утверситет мкького господарства ím. О. М. Бекетова, Украта, 61002, м. Хартв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, Украина, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

Khasanov Ruslan Rafisovych,

graduate student of the Dept. of Political Analysis and Forecasting, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv, 03057, Str. Eugene Pottier, 20, tel.: (067) 41826 42, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950

Хасанов Руслан Раф^ович,

астрант кафедри no.mmumoï анаттики та прогнозування, Национальна академiя

державного управлтня при Президентовi Украти, Украта, 03057, Кшв, вул. Ежена По-тье, 20, тел.: (067) 418 26 42, е-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950

Хасанов Руслан Рафисович,

аспирант кафедры политической аналитики и прогнозирования, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, Украина, 03057, Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (067) 41826 42, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950


in conflict ZONES

Abstracts. The article specifies that during the conflict in the east of Ukraine there is an increase in the activity of the institutions of the global civil society and, as a result, an increase in the level of trust in public associations; It is stated that in the situation active activities are carried out by both the institutions of the global civil society, and by the national public associations and state institutions; It is argued that the cooperation of international non-governmental organizations with the governments of national states and public organizations is marked by the phenomenon of "mutual influence"; It is focused on the fact that this phenomenon contributes to the emergence of a global civil society that is more consolidated in comparison with the international community of states.

Keywords: conflict, global civil society, public associations, international non-governmental organizations, public administration.


Анотащя. У статт визначено, що в перюд конфлшту на сходi Украши спостертаеться зростання активносп шституцш глобального громадян-ського сусшльства та, як наслщок, тдвищення рiвня довiри до громадських об'еднань; вказано, що у кризовш ситуаци активну дiяльнiсть здшснюють як шституци глобального громадянського сусшльства, так i нащональш громадсью об'еднання та державш установи; аргументовано, що ствпраця мiжнародних неурядових оргашзацш з урядами нащональних держав та гро-мадськими оргашзащями вщзначаеться феноменом "обошльного впливу"; акцентовано увагу на тому, що це явище сприяе становленню глобального громадянського суспiльства, яке е бшьш консолiдованим порiвняно з мiжна-родним спiвтовариством держав.

K^40bî слова: конфлiкт, глобальне громадянське сусшльство, громад-ськi об'еднання, мiжнароднi неурядовi органiзацiï, публiчне управлiння.



Аннотация. В статье определено, что в период конфликта на востоке Украины наблюдается рост активности институтов глобального гражданского общества и, как следствие, повышение уровня доверия к общественным объединениям; указано, что в кризисной ситуации активную деятельность осуществляют как институты глобального гражданского общества, так и национальные общественные объединения и государственные учреждения; аргументировано, что сотрудничество международных неправительственных организаций с правительствами национальных государств и общественными организациями отмечается феноменом "обоюдного влияния"; акцентировано внимание на том, что это явление способствует становлению глобального гражданского общества, которое является более консолидированным по сравнению с международным сообществом государств.

Ключевые слова: конфликт, глобальное гражданское общество, общественные объединения, международные неправительственные организации, публичное управление.

Target setting. For a society where there is a change in the political system, economic relations, geopolitical space and culture, there is an increase in conflict, which should be understood as a societal crisis. The modern Ukrainian society is characterized by growing uncertainty and instability, which is primarily caused by the influence of globalization, the expansion of the conflict space, increased tensions in international relations, the destruction of established structures, and the changing nature of relations in human society.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the scientific environment, the various aspects of the manifestation of a global civil society are explored. A significant scientific contribution to the study of issues of global civil society was made by V. Stepanenko [5] and M. Kaldor [10; 11], D. Homerov

[1], A. Naumov [2], I. Tokhtarov [6], I. Yurchenko [8] and others have done the research of the development of its separate components — the functioning of international public organizations, volunteering and charity. S. Tolstov, when he has been comparing the opportunities and effectiveness of the influence of intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations on stabilization in conflict zones, noted that "intergovernmental structures have great financial and organizational capabilities, but the range of means of influence used by international nongovernmental organizations is usually much more flexible and dynamic.

In general participants in such structures should not coordinate their activities with government departments and seek a consensus between the approaches of various national governments, as

stipulated by the procedural norms of the OSCE, NATO, EU and other interstate institutions" [6, p. 12].

The purpose of the article is to

define the features of the activities of the institutions of the global civil society during the conflict in the east of Ukraine and the features of cooperation of international non-governmental organizations with the governments of national states and public organizations in conditions of uncertainty.

The statement of basic materials. In the conflict zones of the modern world, governments are in need of contacts and interaction with non-governmental organizations. Special relationships are formed between state and non-state actors. In conflict situations, qualities such as the ability to adapt quickly to a changed situation, skills, pursuing one's own interests, attracting opponents to one's side, as well as the ability to react flexibly and develop qualities such as skill, remembering one's own interests, attracting to one's side opponents and quickly adapt to the situation, which is developing leads to changes in traditional approaches and requires an extraordinary and creative state of mind.

Unable to respond to the challenges that arise in the situation in connection with the conflict in eastern Ukraine, governmental departments interact with private individuals and organizations, optimize the possibilities for collecting information. An employee of governmental departments must necessarily possess the qualities of a coordinator and an idea generator. It requires the ability to identify and mobilize nongovernmental resources to achieve government goals. He also needs to evaluate at what time and how to attract

other actors who are engaged in international activities.

To solve social contradictions and create comfortable relations in society is an important task of civil society. The social activity, integration and adaptation of people in a certain society are stimulating with public associations. Their activities are directed on the various spheres of public life: the protection of human rights, education, health, social protection of the population, ecology, culture, etc.

The degree of involvement of international non-governmental organizations (hereinafter — INGOs) in world politics, including in internal and international conflicts, depends on the content of the activities of the non-governmental organizations themselves.

International NGOs perform the following important functions in the conflict zones of the modern world:

• the control over the observance of human rights;

• the protection against threats, search for individuals, groups and minorities of refugees;

• the documenting of war crimes, facts and identifying missing persons;

• the introduction of alternative media on incidents not involved in the information war; Proposals for dialogue, reconciliation and relations;

• the propagation of peace, overcoming the cult of war through art, music, films and cultural events;

• the establishment and implementation of demobilization, disarmament and demilitarization initiatives;

• the reintegration of returnees into places of permanent residence after the end of hostilities, restoration of territories;

• Psychological and medical assistance to persons who were in the conflict zone.

The greatest interest in solving problems related to conflict situations, demonstrate INGOs of human rights, humanitarian, environmental and political nature.

Humanitarian non-governmental organizations provide material assistance and support refugees and victims of wars and natural disasters. Since the end of the XXI century. Humanitarian INGOs work practically in all hot spots of the world. To provide information to the world community on the state of affairs in the zones of military conflicts is an important direction of their work. So, after the statements of the International Red Cross, the world community drew attention to the conditions for the accommodation of refugees, as well as providing security to the war-affected population. Widely known, for example, the actions of humanitarian INGOs during the conflict in Rwanda in 1994, when activists built a camp for 750,000 refugees in just a few days.

The most significant international event of recent times, in which humanitarian NGOs participated, the international campaign on the banning of anti-personnel mines was, initiated by a number of large non-governmental organizations, which saved millions of lives in different parts of the world. Activists of humanitarian INGOs help to restore peace to people who survived in armed conflicts and act as intermediaries between yesterday's opponents, monitor elections, promote the formation of civil society in post-conflict regions, and so on. [2, p. 53].

Significant attention in the work of humanitarian INGOs in the conflict zones of the modern world is given to providing targeted charitable assistance to people experiencing physical and emotional suffering and financial difficulties. As a rule, there is not enough national resources to support refugees and internally displaced persons, so cooperation with international organizations is being carried out to solve the problems of IDP.

The work and coordination of international organizations takes place on the basis of the Humanitarian Response Plan [4]. This plan is intended solely to assist victims in Ukraine. Ukraine belongs to middle-income countries and has national and local capacity, but as it is quickly exhausted, the humanitarian community is ready to help. It includes an assessment of the situation of internally displaced persons and an assessment of the resources that need to be drawn. The analysis is carried out on the basis of the cluster approach. This approach identifies a set of problem areas (education, temporary shelter, food security, health, nutrition, livelihoods, early recovery, protection, water supply, sanitation, hygiene and overall coordination); within which the responsible organizations work and the target group that will receive assistance is determined. According to this approach, during August-December 2014, 33 million dollars were raised for the needs of clusters. Strategic Humanitarian Response Plan for 2015. Defines 5,000,000 people in need of assistance, and 3,2 million people, who will receive assistance in accordance with planned activities within the clusters. To implement this plan, it is necessary to raise

$ 316,000,000. These datas are the only available description of the situation, containing both an assessment of material needs, and indicators of achievement of results for each cluster. There are international organizations working in the field of peaceful construction, conflict resolution, mediation and related activities, including:

• The Alliance for Peacebuild-ing (AfP) is an association of various organizations working together to create sustainable peace and security throughout the world. Its headquarters is in Washington, DC. AfP members are directly involved in the application of conflict prevention and resolution;

• The British American Security Information Council (BASIC) — an information and propaganda organization, which explores and carries out a critical analysis of global security issues, including nuclear policy, military strategy, armaments and disarmament;

• The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is a private, nonprofit organization designed to promote cooperation between countries and encourage active international participation by the United States;

• The Center for International Policy is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization based in Washington, DC dealing with advocacy and policy research;

• The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is aimed at to enhance global security and prosperity in the era of economic and political transformation by providing strategic ideas and practical policy decisions for decision-makers;

• Conciliation Resources (CR) is an international non-governmental

organization registered in the UK as a charitable organization. It works mainly in the Caucasus, Uganda and West Africa in partnership with local and international civil society organizations and authorities;

• The Center for Humanitarian Dialogue is an independent and impartial organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, which work is aimed at promoting humanitarian principles, preventing conflicts and mitigating their consequences through dialogue;

• International Conflict Research (INCORE) is a joint project of the United Nations University and the University of Ulster. Association of scientific research, education and comparative analysis;

• International Alert is an independent international non-governmental organization that works at the local, national, regional and global levels to create conditions and processes that contribute to ending the war and developing sustainable peace;

• The International Crisis Group is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the prevention and resolution of deadly conflicts;

• The International Institute for Strategic Studies is the world's leading authority in the field of global security, political risk and military conflict;

• The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to humanitarian crises in the world and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. This includes the protection and empowerment of women and girls, the reunification of families separated as a result of conflict.

Among the humanitarian INGOs in the conflict zones, the oldest organization, the International Committee of the Red Cross, should be mentioned. This organization in 2014 confirmed and said that in Ukraine there is a military conflict, after which the world community recognized the existence of the conflict in the east of Ukraine.

A relatively new organization, Médecins Sans Frontières, was founded in 1971 by a group of French doctors working in inpatient medical institutions, organizing mass vaccination of the population and other preventive measures. In the conflict zones of the world, including Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chechnya, Kosovo and Burundi, Médecins Sans Frontières participate in the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid, as well as seek to influence public opinion, work with the media in conflict zones with to improve the human rights situation in the territories covered by internal and international conflicts.

The widely known international NGO International Amnesty, founded in 1961 by the English lawyer P. Benen-son, aimed at combating human rights abuses throughout the world, especially in prisons, which also deals with the fate of captured participants in military conflicts. Its representatives investigated the fate of prisoners of the American base of Guantanamo and secret prisons of the CIA in European countries. In Ukrainian realities, the unresolved issue that the Amnesty International NGO is dealing with remains the fate of prisoners in prisons in the territories under their control DNR (Donetsk

People's Republic) and LNR, (Luhansk People's Republic) and the fate of prisoners of armed conflict.

INGOs dealing with science, culture and education, with headquarters in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and other Western countries, such as the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and others, offer training for internally displaced persons in particular on how to open a business, courses of a foreign language, use of computer technology, financial literacy and others. At the same time, they are the hotbeds of Western culture, a way of thinking and living, and Western-style democracy.

Human Rights INGOs actively and fairly successfully carry out public awareness measures to change the policy and the introduction of new laws on internally displaced persons, which carry out legal education of the population under international law and their personal rights. In Ukraine, for example, the NGO "Freedom House" helped organize the so-called largest regional election monitoring system in which more than 1,000 trained observers were involved.

Since the use of weapons during conflicts (not only chemical and nuclear) affects the environment, environmental organizations, as far as possible, contribute to reducing tensions and conflicts in the world.

Among the INGOs of the ecological trend, the most known organization is Greenpeace, which was formed back in the late 60s. XX century. In the framework of protest campaigns against nuclear weapon tests.

It should be noted that today quantity of opponents of "Greenpeace" is nothing less than his supporters, but as a result of shares held by "Greenpeace" out of work, and thus the livelihood of the remaining Norwegian whalers, Canadian lumberjacks, workers from other companies, public and political figures whose car ' Pierre broken through the actions of "green" [2, p. 56-57]. INGO "Greenpeace International" has a hierarchical global structure, built on the model of military units from the special squad and support units, uniform and autonomous means of communication. The degree of preparation for a particular action in Greenpeace corresponds to the planning of an army operation, and hundreds of scientific laboratories, computer centers, analytical departments and marketing groups cooperate with it, whose work is coordinated from a single center of the organization. "Greenpeace" highlights the actions in the local and world press. At the same time, none of the shares can pass without the approval of the board of Greenpeace International. Moreover, Greenpeace managed to develop and widely advertise its own moral principles regarding the norms of ecological behavior, which sometimes impose their ecological ideals "to every normal person on the planet". It should be said that environmental NGOs (Greenpeace International, World Wildlife Fund, Friends of the Earth, etc.) have a real impact on the solution of a number of global problems of mankind.

INGOs also deal with conflict prevention, or the so-called preventive diplomacy: promote dialogue between conflicting parties, using various means- seminars, negotiations, develop-

ment of strategies, social networks and other initiatives for establishing cross-cultural relations. So, in the late 90's. XX century. The United Nations and Research Institutes and INGO International Alert (UK), the PIOOM Foundation (Netherlands), the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Ethnology (Russia), the American Council on Foreign Relations (USA), York University and Swisspeace (Canada) to warning and early response.

Research Institute Swisspeace developed early warning methodology, according to which it monitors conflict in North and South America, Africa and Asia. The International Crisis Group provides regular reports and briefings on conflict zones. CARE International has launched several early warning programs in high-risk areas — Honduras and Nicaragua. In Africa, the WANEP network is setting the stage for civil society initiatives, called the Network Warning and Response Network (WARN), which will operate in 12 of the 15 member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Multilateral diplomacy, or Trank 1,5 interventions are used by International Alert (UK), the Carter Center (USA) and the church of the Sant'Egidiya community.

INGOs also specialize in the reconstruction of territories after conflicts. INGOs conduct arms export control campaigns and advocate raising public awareness about the economy of war. INGO Eurostep, (Belgium, Brussels) worked to draw the attention of EU institutions to the need for monitoring and analysis in the field of trade in forests, diamonds and oil, as this could cause wars for the creation of military

economies. The Diamond International campaign exerted pressure on politicians and private companies to prevent illicit diamond trade, which contributes to the financing of the war, as it was, for example, in Angola. In 1998, 100 NGOs founded the International Action Network against Small Arms (IANSA), aimed at limiting the proliferation of small arms and reducing illicit arms trade. Cooperation with NGOs is also actively encouraged by state structures and international organizations, in particular from the UN and the EU. Since the late 1990s, for example, EU parliamentarians have started regular meetings with NGOs in the framework of the Contact Group on Human Rights and Civil Society.

In the current situation in Ukraine, which has developed in the east of the country in connection with the military conflict, a large number of internally displaced persons have appeared. In the situation, active activities are carried out both by the institutions of the global civil society, and by Ukrainian public associations and state institutions.

International experts note the rapid growth of volunteerism in Ukraine. This became possible on the one hand, because in our country there is a long tradition of social labor, mutual assistance, caring for the neighbor. Persons who were working in this field has been called public figures, altruists, benefactors, volunteers, and the like. On the other hand, there was a situation in some Western studies called "limits to power" or "power limit" or "power limits" (Jack V. Cox [9]). Theoretically, the power can not be limited without the consent of society, which establishes certain limits of this power. One can al-

so talk about "official power" and "real power", as well as artificial boundaries of power and the natural boundaries of power.

In Ukraine in the second half of 2014 there was a situation that can be described as a "limit of power". The authorities were unable to solve the problems with IDP, the conflict in the east of Ukraine and the mobilization issues. In these conditions, the role of civil society is growing. As a result, confidence in public associations has increased in the society and confidence in the authorities has decreased, as evidenced by the data of sociological research.

Conclusions: During the conflict in eastern Ukraine, there has been an increase in the activity of institutions of the global civil society and, as a result, an increase in the level of trust in public associations. In a situation, both global civil society institutions and national public associations and government institutions are active. The cooperation of international non-governmental organizations with the governments of national states and public organizations is marked by the phenomenon of "mutual influence". Exactly this phenomenon contributes to the formation of a global civil society, which is more consolidated in comparison with the international community of states.


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