DELIVERY OPTIONS FOR REMOTE ACCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «DELIVERY OPTIONS FOR REMOTE ACCESS»

Использованные источники:

1. http://thedifference.ru/otlichie-buxgalterskogo-ucheta-otupravlencheskogo-ucheta/

2. http://www.vedomosti.ru/finance/articles/2013/02/18/upravlencheskij_uchet_ eto_ne_seraya_buhgalteriya_a

3. http://itbpr.ru/glavnaya/proekty-1s/proektnaya-rabota/upr-uchet-otlbux/

4. http://www.audit-it.ru/articles/finance/a106/42848.html

5. https://ekonomist.by/topic/17/

6. http://dis.ru/library/detail.php?ID=22583

Dmitrienko N. A., The candidate of pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at The Department of «Foreign languages»

Mikhnova E. G. 1st year graduate student The faculty «Mechanical-electronic» Don State Technical University Institute Of Service And Business (Branch) Dstu In Shakhty

The Russian Federation, Rostov Region DELIVERY OPTIONS FOR REMOTE ACCESS Remote access allows the user to remote (from any location where there is an Internet connection, either from the local network, which is a complex of multi-analytical and technological system, through secure communication channels) to access the monitoring or management instrument (complex) with direct control functionality.

Through remote access available to all the control functions that do not require physical contact with a microscope and are available through the terminal, starting with the position control sample pressure control rays, the voltage and current of the laser beam and end with manipulation of the resulting images.

Remote Access System has a universal connection interface, allowing you to manage most types of modern high-tech equipment. To date, test and debug work with many functional analytical and technological complexes on the basis of electron microscopes produced by the FEI microscopes Phenomenon.

Using the remote access depends on the delivery, there are currently four. Thus, the total supply includes:

- A set of equipment and works on its setting to enable secure remote connection to a multifunctional complex analytical and technological complex on the basis of electron microscope manufactured by FEI;

- Work on setting up an analytical and process of systems on the basis of electron microscope manufactured by FEI to work with remote access systems;

- Management Portal, authorization and Statistics (allows each user and each analytical and technological complex to assign access rights to authorize

"Экономика и социум" №1(20) 2016



the user to access and maintain statistics on the use of resources). The portal will be located at the customer premises, which ensures to get efficient and content resources on their own.

The purpose of such deliveries is intended for operation and demonstration of remote access to multifunctional analytical and technological complex based on electron microscopes, through specially organized Internet portal that provides access to the equipment owner's complex.

The standard, in turn, includes a set of equipment and works on its setting, to allow you a secure remote connection to a multifunctional complex as analytical and technological complexes on the basis of electron microscope manufactured by FEI. We can work on setting up an analytical and process systems on the basis of electron microscope manufactured by FEI to work with remote access systems. We have an access to the portal management, authorization and statistics.

Designed for operation and demonstration of remote access to multifunctional analytical and technological complexes based on electron microscopes, through specially organized Internet portal that provides access to a wide pool of equipment located in different organizations in Russia.

Minimum comprises:

- A set of equipment and works on its setting to enable secure remote connection to a multifunctional complex analytical and technological complex on the basis of electron microscope manufactured by FEI;

- Work on setting up an analytical and process systems on the basis of electron microscope manufactured by FEI to work with remote access systems.

Purpose of the minimum options for providing remote access to work and demonstration of the multifunctional analytical-technological complex based on electron microscopes.

Local, includes a set of equipment and works on its setting to enable secure remote connection to complex multifunctional analytical and technological complex on the basis of electron microscope manufacturing company FEI, and work on setting up an analytical and process systems on the basis of electron microscope manufacturing company FEI to work with the remote access.

It is intended to provide access from the internal network of the organization to work and demonstrations on the multifunctional analytical-technological complex based on electron microscopes.

'^KOHOMHKa h соцнумм №1(20) 2016



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