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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shigareva Elena

The author discusses the introduction of new content of nanotechnology in supplementary technological training of primary school children. The author shows the results of the experimental testing of the developed technique in terms of supplementary education and provides information on the possibility of organizing research activities of younger students and participation in competitions at various levels.

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Pushing the boundaries of teacher's freedom, the professional standard simultaneously increases its responsibility for the results of his work, requiring to qualification and offering evaluation criteria.

Summarizing, we can say in terms of the strategy of innovative development and modernization of education, the transition from periodic training of university teachers for their continuous education through the creation of the unified system of additional education of higher education teaching staff is actual nowadays. As the source of professional and pedagogical training of teachers, renovation of specialist knowledge throughout life, the institutions of additional professional education should systematically take into account the trends, emerging both in the labor sphere and in the fields of science, technology and economics.


1. The World Declaration on Higher Education for the XXI Century. Higher Education in the XXI Century: Vision and Action / SSU. - M., 1999.

2. Concept Development department of pedagogy faculty training and retraining of specialists Rostov State Medical University. - Rostov-N / A: RostGMU 2011.


Abstract. The author discusses the introduction of new content of nanotechnology in supplementary technological training of primary school children. The author shows the results of the experimental testing of the developed technique in terms of supplementary education and provides information on the possibility of organizing research activities of younger students and participation in competitions at various levels.

Keywords: cognitive activity, supplementary technological education, nanotechnology, scanning probe microscope


PhD student, chair of technology and methods of teaching technology, Vyatka State University of Humanities

The development of modern (high, "high-tech") technologies, such as the creation of new materials (composites, semiconductors, optical fibers), electronics and optoelectronics, based on the developments in the fields of nanotechnology, solar energy and photosensitive semiconductors, aerospace, digital, nuclear, medicine and biotechnology, provide the prerequisites for corrections the school technological education.

The State noted the significance of the study of modern technologies in the educational process. In November 2009, the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the annual address to the Federal Assembly of said, "The main task of the modern school is to disclose the abilities of each student and to bring up the person, ready for life in the high-tech, competitive world" [4]. The decree of the Prime Minister from October 20, 2010 approved the State Program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011-2020)", which aims at "improving the community preparedness and business to the opportunities of information society, including training of modern information technology" [3].

The survey of subject teachers of secondary schools and institutions of supplementary education showed the desirability of studying the issues of modern technologies. The results of the survey are the following:

- 96% of teachers believe the study of the question is necessary and timely, and note that it will help to increase the interest and knowledge of students in scientific disciplines. But now teachers do not have the content and methods for teaching these issues;

- 78% of learners believe the study of the foundations of modern production is necessary to further professional orientation;

- 90% of schoolchildren are interested in modern technologies and their prospects.

Currently, the educational area "Technology" at school curriculum examines the traditional objects

for material processing: machines and materials for woodworking, sewing equipment, textile materials, etc. With the development of modern production facilities, we propose to change the objects. We offer to enrich the educational environment by the new resources to develop the cognitive activity of students.

Under the new resources and objects of study, we understand the following: increasing daily flow of information; computer hardware and software that are widely used in the educational process; objects of study related to new advances in science, technology and production.

The analysis of the new standards and programs showed that there are no objects of study, such as the modern trends in manufacturing and nanotechnology.

The school textbooks do not contain the questions about the new industrial technologies and issues of ecological production. The expertise of school textbooks, which was carried out in the Russian Academy of Education in accordance with the approved Order of the Russian Ministry of April 23, 2010, № 428, proves it. The Russian Academy of Education examined the Technology textbooks for primary school education. the following was noted: the lack of systematic summary of the content on the basis of self-object-generating, technical and technological activities of students; terminology typical for technological education is not presented in textbooks [10].

The analysis of teaching materials, material and technical resources and training facilities of educational institutions helped to identify the number of difficulties that hinder the study of the foundations of modern technologies, and outline their solutions:

1. The absence of methodological developments. The study of nanotechnology issues is the new trend of technological training, and currently there are only textbooks and programs of elective courses. We turned our attention to the following textbooks: K.Y. Bogdanov "What can nanotechnology do" for higher school students; V.V. Eremin, A.A. Drozdov "Nanochemistry and nanotechnology" for 10-11-year old students; R.A. Zinovkin "Nanotechnology in Biology" for higher school students [1, 6, 7]. In addition, there are specialized websites for teachers and students that provide operational information in the field of nanotechnology: www.kbogdanov5.narod.ru., www. nanonewsnet. ru, www. nanometer. ru.

Taking into the account the listed above, some methodological materials were developed that help teachers to learn the methods and use them in educational process:

- Research and methodological textbook [13] for primary school teachers, teachers of technology, supplementary education teachers and students with pedagogical majors. The textbook consists of the lessons, methodological recommendations for organization the scientific-research work of students, the requirements and criteria for the assessment of practical work, accounting the development of students cognitive activity;

- Printed workbook "NANOved's Guide"[9] to carry out practical work in the classroom. Contents is represented as traveling from station to station. Each station contains brief theoretical information on the studied topic, blanks for practice, control questions and tasks for independent work.

2. High cost of equipment for practical classes. For educational purposes, NT-MDT has developed the educational and scientific measuring system for learning the basics of nanotechnology and scientific researches. The complex includes a scanning probe microscope (SPM), teaching aids and laboratory workshops, test samples and a set of probes. The complex takes into account the number of factors, as 1. Cost limits, as not many schools and universities can afford expensive equipment 2. SPM must demonstrate pupils and students the world of nanotechnologies in all its diversity.

Specialized websites, as www.kbogdanov5.narod.ru.,Www.nanonewsnet.ru, www.nanometer.ru., provide an opportunity to explore the work of the equipment, used for research at the nanoscale, hold workshops, learn about the successes of nanotechnologies, participate in contests, conferences, forums, etc.

3. Lack of trained teachers, able to teach the basics of modern technologies. There are some examples of training the teachers in the field of nanotechnology.

- The article of O.A. Chikova and E.Y. Kosov (Ural State Pedagogical University) proposes to start the introduction of the new direction of technological training with the training of teachers. In the field of nanotechnology, fast and flexible programs of future teachers training can be used. The authors suggest the following efficiency criteria of the training: teachers' demand of new nanotechnology knowledge; dynamics of the growing use of the knowledge, gained in profile technology education; overall growth of theoretical and methodical competence of technology teachers. The authors assign the great importance to remote support of profile nanotechnology learning for the organization of "network" teaching experience exchange on the problematic issues of different educational institutions [12].

- The Sovetsk Lyceum in the Kirov Region is the platform for teacher training and organization of research activities of students from 9-11 grades. There is the class for nanotechnology studies,

which is equipped with a scanning probe microscope NanoEducator. Lyceum students explore the possibilities for bioindicating the nanoscaled media by scanning probe microscopy. Lyceum holds training webinars on the topic "Education for the sphere of nanotechnology: contemporary challenges of interdisciplinary teaching of natural science subjects at school" and scientific and practical seminars on nanotechnology and experience exchange. Expert from Vyatka State University of Humanities assist in organizing the experimental work.

- The website "RUSNANO School League», www.schoolnano.ru enables the collaboration with schools as participants or partners. Pupils of school-partners and school-participants can take part in all competitions and projects, organized by the league, with no pay. Teachers can use informational materials from the website. In addition, the school league RUSNANO offers the remote training courses and conferences for educators.

Determining the place of modern technologies questions in the educational process, we analyzed the Federal State Educational Standard of primary education [11], in which there are the following points in the curriculum:

- training courses, providing various interests of students.

- extracurricular activities. In accordance with this standard, the extracurricular activities, can be arranged in such forms, as a guided tour, groups, sections, round tables, search and research activities, etc. In this case, the organization of extracurricular activities can be carried out with the help of educational institutions of supplementary education.

Taking into account the State objectives, the requirements for learners in the accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the analysis of programs and textbooks of technology, we developed the educational program "The Amazing World of Nano". The program aims at propaedeutic acquaintance of primary school children with technologically advanced productions on the example of nanotechnology.

The program "The Amazing World of NANO" occupies 36 hours and consists of 10 topics: Introductory lesson (gives an overview of nanotechnology and applications of nanotechnology); History of discoveries and inventions; See the invisible; Journey to the nanoworld; What nature has revealed to us; Nanolithography; Nanotechnology around us; Nanoveds; NanoFresh; World of professions: Past, Present and Future.

The special attention was paid to the age peculiarities of children in the program. To primary school children, motives of knowledge do not occupy the leading position. The emergence and maintenance of cognitive interest in primary school are traditionally associated with playing techniques and emotional organization of classes, gaming activities, etc. [2] Therefore, the forms of studies organization mainly are like tours, lessons with online resources, games, etc.

For example, studying the topic "See the Invisible", based on the analysis of optical digital microscopes, the teacher explains the principle of the scanning probe microscope (SPM). For SPM presentation, the teacher offers one of the students to touch and characterize the object with closed eyes. During the task, the student has to give the following characteristics: shape of the object, the nature of the surface material (plastic, wood, metal, etc.). The teacher concludes that SPM is also based on the principle of "feeling" the surface, but not on the principle of extension (which is used in a traditional microscope). The next lesson is a visit to the lab of nanochemistry and nanotechnology (Vyatka State University of Humanities), where students can see SPM, the equipment, required for its operations, some ready-made research projects. With the help of the students of chemistry department, schoolchildren do the practical work, aimed at studying the surface of the object from the outside world. The object of the investigation is the CD-disc, segment of which is cut and is placed in SPM. On the screen students can see the disk surface in two and three-dimensional images. Thus, using the method of comparison, students analyze the principles of optical, digital and scanning microscopes and form the knowledge and practical skills of conducting the research at the nanolevel.

Experimental verification of the presented methods was performed in 2010 at the Centre of Children's Creativity with the study of applied economics in Kirov. Over a hundred pupils of Children's Creativity Center, schools of Kirov and the Kirov Region attended the experiment. Testing of individual techniques was implemented at various events: the city contest "Compote", the youth camp "Debate", the Olympiad in technology, etc.

The result of successful implementation of the program "The Amazing World of Nan" is the participation of pupils in competitions at various levels:

- 2009-2010 academic year. A. Voloskov (9 years) and D. Timin (10 years) participated in the regional competition of young researchers by V.I. Vernadsky. The theme of the work was "The old Tale will help to start the new one". This work focused on the analysis of fictional fairy world, which as the result of the modern technologies development embodied in reality. The striking example of this development today is an invisible coat. The work was awarded the diploma of the winner and sent to the competition of creative discoveries and initiatives "Leornardo" in Moscow, where it gained the gold medal.

- 2011-2012 academic year. S. Grossy (9 years) presented the work "What nature has revealed to us" to the regional competition of young researchers by V.I. Vernadsky. Th work awarded the diploma of the laureate. The work presented at the competition of children associations within the festival of young researchers "Success. Creativity. Personality" and awarded the diploma of the second degree. The topic of the research was the borrowings from nature for creation architectural objects, technical achievements, textile materials of different periods. One of the examples is the development of self-cleaning textile, which was developed after the study of the lotus flower, which, despite the environment is always clean.

- 2012-2013 academic year. G. Shigarev (6 years) presented the paper "Discovering the world: from mega to nano" to the regional competition of young researchers by V.I. Vernadsky among preschoolers. The work is focused on the study of the equipment that is used to study objects in the mega-, macro-, micro-and nanoscales. The aim of the study was to examine the optical disc and a human hair using the naked eye, optical microscope and scanning probe microscope.

In April 2013 I. Shalaginov (11 years) and S. Sheglov (9 years) presented the work "Open the secrets of graphite" to the competition "Digital technology in present and future" and took the first place. The paper discussed the unique properties of graphite and discovery of graphene by A. Geim and K. Novoselov, for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2010. The work also discussed the practical application of graphene, used in the nanotechnology developments.

Annually Tomsk Polytechnic University and its Nano-Center hold the competition of schoolchildren computer presentations "My nanoworld" [7]. Schoolchildren can present survey, analytical, scientific and research works with the elements of experimental or theoretical research.

It should be noted that the program "The Amazing World of Nano" is aimed at improving the technological training, earlier profile training of students and organization of propaedeutic studies for forming students' interest in natural science subjects. Technological education, in our opinion, is unique, because it includes knowledge of an interdisciplinary nature, thereby enabling to solve theoretical and practical problems, to form students' technological literacy, competence and create conditions for professional self-determination in the modern labor market.


1. Bogdanov K.Y. What can nanotechnology? - M.: Education, 2009. - 96 p.

2. Developmental Psychology (Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology). - M.: Gardariki 2005. - p. 230.

3. State programs RF "Information Society (2011-2020)", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 20, 2010 № 1815-p

4. Annual address to the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly / / Parliamentary newspaper. 2009. - № 60. - P. 5

5. Eremin V.V. Drozdov A. Nanochemistry and nanotechnology. 10-11. Profile Education: Textbooks. - M. Bustard, 2009. - 109 p. (Elective Courses)

6. Sinofkin RA Nanotechnology in Biology. 10-11 cl.: Ucheb.posobie. - M. Bustard, 2010. - 124 p. (Elective Courses)

7. Intranet Portal Tomsk Polytechnic University [electronic resource] / Access mode: http://portal.tpu.ru/departments/kafedra/nmnt/abiturient/nanomir, free. - Caps. from the screen.

8. Indicative Programme for academic subjects. Technology. Grades 5-9: draft. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2011. Pp. 61, 87.

9. NANOveds' Guide: book printing jobs based / EN Shigareva. - Kirov Univ VyatGGU, 2013. - 45 p.

10. Sasova IA Educational standards of second generation technologies and new tutorials / / School and manufacturing. -2011. № 3. p. 3

11. Federal State Educational Standard primary education. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from 6.10.2009 № 373.

12. Chikova O.A., Kosov E.Y. Organization of training teachers of technology for teaching students shkolnso kakikov basics of nanotechnology / / techno-economic education: achievements, innovation, perspective: Hi. Sat Art. XII Mezhdunar.nauch.-practical conference. Tula Univ Tul.gos.ped.un-ta them. University, 2011. - T 1. Pp 190-192.

13. Shigareva E.N. Method for studying the foundations of modern technologies in the context of additional education (for example, the program "The Amazing World of Nano") / E.N. Shigareva. - Kirov Univ VyatGGU, 2013. - 87 p.

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