Научная статья на тему 'The tasks of organizing and managing the integrated digital network of operational and technological communication based on PIC-d devices at the Angren-PAP railway sections'

The tasks of organizing and managing the integrated digital network of operational and technological communication based on PIC-d devices at the Angren-PAP railway sections Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Khalikov Abdulkhak Abdulkhairovich, Urakov Olimjon Hikmatullaevich

The article discusses the primary transport layer of the network based on the integrated optical device MO-16E1-GE. A device and software has been developed that enables remote control and monitoring of an integrated digital network of operational and technological communications at the Angren-Pap railway sections.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The tasks of organizing and managing the integrated digital network of operational and technological communication based on PIC-d devices at the Angren-PAP railway sections»

Khalikov Abdulkhak Abdulkhairovich, Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, Head of the Department of Electrical Communications and Radio E-mail: [email protected] Urakov Olimjon Hikmatullaevich, applicant, Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineersw


Abstract: The article discusses the primary transport layer of the network based on the integrated optical device MO-16E1- GE. A device and software has been developed that enables remote control and monitoring of an integrated digital network of operational and technological communications at the Angren-Pap railway sections.

Keywords: operational and technological communication, types of communication, software, switching, synchronization.


Railway transport is of great strategic importance for the Republic of Uzbekistan. It links together the economic system, ensures the stability of industrial enterprises, the timely delivery of the most important goods to the most remote corners of the country. Uzbekistan Temir Yollari Joint-Stock Company (UTYJSC), today carries almost 40% of cargo and over 70% of the country's passenger traffic [1, 16-17].

The quality of the transportation process in railway transport is determined by the speed, reliability and safety of delivery of goods and passengers to their destination. These indicators mainly depend on the success of the functioning and interaction of units and farms directly involved in the organization of the movement and operation of rolling stock.

A significant share in the organization of this interaction belongs to the telecommunication networks of railway transport of Uzbekistan, which is designed to provide communication between enterprises and structural units of railway transport in accordance with the Rules of technical operation of Railways of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The necessary volumes and quality of communication are determined in accordance with the needs of the railway transport management system, as well as taking into account the development of communication technology and the possibility of expanding the list of services provided to subscribers of communication networks.

Types ofoperational and technological communication

Among the features of the transportation process on the railway transport can be called the multiplicity and territorial fragmentation of its production units, the close relationship in the work, in addition, the continuity of the production process in time. This determines the basic requirements for

the organization and management of Railways [2, 132-133]. The transportation process involves employees of various specialties, the structure of which are: railway track, artificial structures, rolling stock (locomotives, cars), automation and telemechanics devices, numerous stations and separate points, energy devices, information and computing centers (ICC), etc. Strict discipline, compliance with the train schedule, operational development of measures and regulation of the fleet of cars and locomotives, ensuring the safety of trains, the minimum time of delivery of goods and passengers require all components of this complex diversified economy to work in close cooperation with each other. To ensure the interaction and smooth operation of the above-mentioned links of railway transport management, a technological communication network (hereinafter the railway communication network) has been created.

Communication network of railway transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a set of primary and secondary networks for communication of enterprises, organizations and structural units of railway transport in accordance with the Rules of technical operation of JSC "UTY", as well as taking into account the development of communication technology and the possibility of expanding the list of services provided to subscribers of networks.

Depending on the purpose, type of information transmitted and the impact on the management of the transportation process, secondary networks of the JTS and the CU Are organized. They serve to meet the needs of railway units for various communication services (Figure 1).

In the organization of the secondary network connection, the important role played by the network of OTS [3, 232-233; 4, 7-8].

Figure 1. Classification of the main types of technological communication on railway transport

This is due to the fact that it is intended for connections and negotiations of dispatchers of the main services directly organizing transportation processes: transportation services (E), locomotive facilities (T), track facilities (P), wagon facilities (B), energy facilities (e), passenger (L), etc., with performers of technological processes of operational work which are at stations, stages and mobile objects within dispatching sites (circles), and also heads of stations and other objects of railway transport with the corresponding performers. On the territorial basis of the railway communication network can

st. Angren

st. Kul st. Orzu

The following types of OTC are organized in the Angren-PAP section (Figure Three):

- Train dispatching communication (PDS).

- Service dispatch communication (VTS).

- Linear-path communication (LPS).

- Station connection (PS).

- Ticket dispatch communication (PDS).

The following types of canal-forming equipment are used in Angren-PAP railway sections:

- multiplexer (MO-16E1-GE);

- flexible primary multiplexer (SGM).

MO-16E1-GE is a multiplexer designed to transmit Gigabit Ethernet network data and eight / sixteen E1 streams over an optical channel with a speed of 1.25 Gbit/s.

The total capacity of E1 flows in the optical channel is 88 flows. The device is an ADM (Add Drop Multiplexer) multiplexer and has the I/o capability of E1 streams on any network

be divided into networks of main, road, separate and local communication [5, 15-16], in each of these networks organized a complex of CU and OTS, differing scope and degree of impact on the management of the relevant departments of railway transport.

Types of operational and technological communication devices used in Angren-PAP railway sections

For (Figure 2) shows a diagram of the railway sections of Angren-PAP, which have 6 stations and the length of the section is 129.5 km.

st. PAP


node. Unused streams are switched between two optical ports to transmit to the next nodes in the network. Switching E1 is carried out in the multiplexer at the level of E1 flows.

The multiplexer supports such network topologies as" point-to-point"," point-to-point "with redundancy," chain","ring". The maximum number of multiplexers in a "chain" or "ring" is 32 nodes. Gigabit Ethernet and E1 traffic streams are protected from an optical link failure in redundant ring and point-to-point topologies.

SGM - flexible primary multiplexer multi-service access routable. Universal capabilities and a full set of standard user interfaces of the multiplexer allow to use it to a wide range of operators.

This state-of-the-art solution can be used on primary network sites, access nodes, technological network outposts with connection to PSTN and providing a complete set of modern analog/digital channel endings.


st. Chodak st. Kon st. Temiryo'lo

Figure 2. Diagram of the areas of Angren-PAP

KC-P (ЕflЦУ)














< Tunne

o IT 19.2


p -

nflC KM 1 nPC KM 2 CflC KM 3 ЭflЦ KM 4 nnc KM 5 nflC KM 6

nflC KM 1 nPC KM 2


ra эцfl <


Group communication network






MO Ethernet +E1

-48&220 bater

280 km


-48&220 bater

-48&220 bater

-48&220 bater

-48&220 bater

-48&220 bater

-48&220 bater

-48&220 bater

-48&220 bater

MO Ethernet+E1

-48&220 bater











Figure 3. The scheme of passing the upper and lower level rings through multiplexers

The multiplexer can be used to organize distributed data networks, interconnect LAN and allows remote (local and network) management of multiplexers.

According to the type of communication channels used, the system can be configured in any combination using a variety of interface modules, including standard telephone channels, dedicated analog and digital lines, high-speed digital lines, E1 lines and LAN connection (Ethernet LAN). An important feature of the multiplexer is the ability to create an IP-data network superimposed on the existing TDM-network of E1 channels. This is provided by the routing function built into the multiplexer control module.

The place of switching stations are applied point of intermediate communication digital (Figure -D) on the basis of the hybrid device for service of subscribers of OTS Of management of the road having digital panels of operational communication. The (Figure -D) device provides joint work with linear complexes of digital operational and technological communication, administrative station, and also with the equipment replacing them and is fully compatible with them.

This device is domestically produced, OOO "Elius" working in the market of Uzbekistan since 1992 the Main activity of LLC "Elius - development and manufacture of telecommu-

nication equipment. The company has a staff of highly qualified engineers and programmers capable of developing and manufacturing sophisticated modern electronic equipment. The development uses the latest chips of well-known manufacturers, which allows you to create high-quality and reliable products. All products are certified. The company also produces the development and manufacture of electronic equipment under the order according to the technical specifications of the customer.

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It can be concluded that the existing OTS network of the railway of Uzbekistan is a combination of analog and digital OTS systems, and in quantitative terms analog systems prevail. The digital component includes: a switching station In the management of the road, digital group channels and digital remote control of operational communication at the dispatcher control of the road. All user devices outside the Control of the road are analog.

Settings and software of operational and technological communication devices

The (Figure-D) uses Hyperterminal software, which is a terminal program for the Microsoft Windows operating system and OS/2, developed in 1985. For example, the PIC-D device supports the Simple Network Management Proto-






MO Ethernet

MO Ethernet

MO Ethernet

MO Ethernet

MO Ethernet

MO Ethernet

MO Ethernet

MO Ethernet




col (SNMP) remote management Protocol, which connects over TCP/IP.

This Protocol is considered to be a standard Internet Protocol for programming and managing devices in IP-technology. The Protocol is typically used in network man-

agement systems to monitor connected devices for conditions that require administrator attention. For configuring and programming the device (Figure-D) is necessary for the administrator to choose the right interface cable.

Ircwif |5CR0Ll I C¿P5 [HUM \Captw I Prim echo

Figure 4. Connection to PIC-D device

After the connections, we dial the echo $ combination to find the device identification for further configuration. After detecting the device identification, type the command

$002%01, where $ - means the connection command; 002 -the device identification number; 01-the CPU number to control the PIC-D device as shown in (Figure 4.)

fcÏFi Kmd [önur: [PriL «(.i-c-

Figure 5. Main menu of PIC-D device

Then we get to the main menu where Connection setup is the main one for switching settings. In order to make connections you need to enter the menu by pressing the number 1 (Figure 5).

Next, we look at the basic functional settings for programming PIC-d devices.

For (Figure 6) the connection setup menu (Configure connections) is illustrated.

To implement the switching, make an entry:

- M8cb101: b101;

- M8cb102: b102;

- M8cb103: b103.

- M8cb104: b104

- M8cb105: b201

- M8cb106: b202

- M8cb106: b203

- M8cb106: b204.


1. - Configure connections.

2 - Clear switch table.

3. - CHS modes setup.

0 - Exit,

■1 ■ t' HyptrTtmninil — □

t£r Ed>r Ifttw Call Tr*l*f Hflp

5B &\Bl o|a| EF|_


L - list. Use : L <port_nnmher>

L B<board.number^ C - conned tineslots. Use : C <TS_A> : <TSJ3>

( TS.il ), I TS_6 ) - retiuirerf tiweslots TO/B ■ HYV. H - !>orl ntmber, YY - IS nunber or TS_fl/B = BMKH. M-wezzanine. HM - analog channel number E - conned tineslots to Ethernet,

Use : E <iimeslot> U - disconnect tiitcslots. Use ; 0 <timeslot>

( timeslot ] - one of both disconnected Liweslols, second tineslot is disconnected automatical)^. M - conned/disconnect N tineslots fros TS_fl-Use : M <H> C <TS_fi> : <TS_B>

M <N> D <is_fl>

0 - fzero) return to connection iienu.


itnn«trt0rta44 AtfStftfKt [TOW |KftOLL |CiP5 (mum fCjpturc iPnr^Kho

Figure 6. Connection settings menu

This means, to connect wire channel mezzanine Board VC port 4 VC Board 16 and the Board FXS4 to let 4 phone.

In order to check the cross-connections filling table, type the command L1, where L denotes the sheet, and 1 denotes the port number or the card number (Figure 7).

System Setup

This menu is used to configure and monitor the E1 system (System Setup) using the Single-pair high-speed DSL (SHDSL) standard, which provides symmetrical duplex data transmission over a pair of copper conductors. Using this option, devices PIC-D to operate the sync settings, date, time, connection speed of devices and to obtain device information and statistics on the Protocol G826 (Figure 8).

Monitoring and group channels setup

Operational and technological communication on railway transport is organized on the principle of a group channel (one to speak all listen) [6, 146-147].

For (Figure 9) shows the setting group and channel monitoring.

To create a conference call, go to the monitoring and group channels setup section, then Group voice channels setup, then Modify group channels and type (Figure 9).

S3 1 - HyperTerminal

File Edit View Call Transfer Help

S [S1


Timeslot Timeslot I Timeslot Timeslot

number mapping I number mapping

1-00 HC 1-16 CflS

1-01 Bl-01 1-17 Free

1-02 Bl-02 1-18 Free

1-03 Bl-03 1-19 Free

1-04 Bl-04 1-20 Free

1-05 B2-01 1-21 Free

1-06 B2-02 1-22 Free

1-07 B2-03 1-23 Free

1-08 B2-04 1-24 Free

1-09 Free 1-25 Free

1-10 Free 1-26 Free

1-11 Free 1-27 Free

1-12 Free 1-28 Free

1-13 Free 1-29 Free

1-14 Free 1-30 Free

1-15 Free 1-31 Free

Legend: MC - monitoring channel, VGC - voice group channel,

ETH - ethernet, DDC - digital data channel

L]> _

Connected 0:15:42 |Autodetect |TCP/IP [SCRÖLL |CAPS |NUM |Capture |Printecho

Figure 7. Check the cross-connect fill table

CeMKtidfeäK AutodAHt IlCP/IP |SCROLL |CAK |HUM \Cipturc |Prirft«liD

Figure 8. Main menu of device system settings

Autodetwt TtMP V K "[. ' Nuf.l .■;!■' U - - : — -

Figure 9. Configure group channel and monitoring

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e0:1t201r - remote; e1: 1tb0101 - local, where e - indicates enable; 1 t - conference number; b - peripheral Board (Figure 10)

fij 1 - HyperTerminal

File Edit View Call Transfer Help


D|g^| iiOlal Jj£


E - enable channels.

Use : E <CH> : <GR> <T TS> [R flit] [R/Ll CH - number of voice channel (0..59) GR - number of group (1..30)

T - timeslot for voice channel (100..231, B101..B204) fltt - attenuation, dB (12..-3) R - remote channel, L - local D - disable channels. Use : D <CH>

CH - disabled channel C - change settings.

Use : C <CH> : [fl fltt] [R/L]

CH - configured voice channel M - configure N (1..30) channels from CH. Use : M <N> E <CH> : <GR> <T TS> [fl fltt] [R/L] M <N> D <CH>

M <N> C <CH> : [fl fltt] [R/L] 0 - (zero) return to previous menu.


Connected 0t3a 13

|Auto detect |TCP/IP

SCROLL CAPS NUM Capture Print echo

Figure 10. Setting up the group channel of PIC-D devices


Used in the Angren-PAP railway section, the point of intermediate communication on the basis of a hybrid device (PLC-D) is a technical and economic benefit for UTY. The main advantages of this proposed device are the following:

- devices are manufactured in the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- no special training required;

- there are additional components for network expan-


- timely updating of software (SOFTWARE). Based on the above, it can be concluded that the most important task at the moment is the rational choice of the device for obtaining objective assessments of the quality of OTS service on integrated digital networks of UTY JSC.


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6. Khalikov A. A., Khalikov S. S. Development of devices for control systems for disconnectors of the contact network of railway transport. Monograph. Ed. Fan va texnologiy. - Toshkent, 2014.- 162p.

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