CURRENT ISSUES OF PUBLIC ACTIVITY IN THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC GOVERNANCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
non-governmental public organizations / public / public administration / interaction / публичное управление / общественная активность / неправительственные организации

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mykhailovska Olena Vasilievna

The essence of the rule of law and civil society is characterized. It has been found that non-governmental organizations are elements of civil society that perform a wide range of functions, including the protection of human rights, the fight for disarmament, the implementation of research and educational activities, and so on. It is established that such organizations create conditions and opportunities for citizens to directly participate in establishing partnerships with the authorities and international organizations. The existing problems of interaction of non-governmental public organizations (NGOs) with state authorities and local self-government bodies have been identified. It is emphasized that the information regarding the number of citizens involved in public organizations and their clients is not true. The existing positive changes in the government's policy on establishing a constructive dialogue with non-governmental organizations were confirmed and the existence of certain negative trends was emphasized. It has been established that public organizations have determined the mechanisms of the most effective influence on the government, but the level of passivity and indifference of the population is a significant problem in their relationship with government agencies. Based on the results of opinion polls, Ukrainians' confidence in the public sector has grown and their activity has remained consistently low. The results of the survey on the availability of information about the activities of NGOs among students who testify to the existence of problems in this area are characterized, as the respondents do not distinguish public organizations from other associations and organizations and structures of public administration. It was stated that NGOs should better inform the public about the available professional and resource potential, identify joint actions for organizational and legal support for the provision of quality services, and so on.

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Охарактеризована сущность правового государства и гражданского общества. Выяснено, что неправительственные организации являются элементами гражданского общества, выполняющими широкий круг функций, среди которых: защита прав человека, борьба за разоружение, осуществление исследовательских и образовательных мероприятий и др. Установлено, что такие организации создают для граждан условия и возможности непосредственного участия в налаживании партнерского сотрудничества с органами власти и международными организациями. Обнаружены проблемы взаимодействия неправительственных организаций (НПО) с органами государственной власти и местного самоуправления. Отмечено, что информация относительно количества граждан, привлеченных в состав общественных организаций, и их клиентов не соответствует действительности. Подтверждены положительные изменения в политике власти по формированию конструктивного диалога с неправительственными общественными организациями и подчеркнуто существование определенных негативных тенденций. Установлено, что общественные организации определились с механизмами наиболее эффективного воздействия на власть, однако уровень пассивности и безразличия населения является важной проблемой их взаимоотношений со структурами государственной и местной властей. На основе результатов социологического опроса засвидетельствован рост доверия украинцев к общественному сектору и неизменно низкий уровень их активности. Охарактеризованы результаты опроса о наличии информации о деятельности НПО среди студентов, которые удостоверяют существование проблем в данной сфере.


UDC 35:354


Mykhailovska Olena Vasilievna,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of public and corporate management in Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, 14035, Chernihiv, Shevchenko Str., 95, tel.: (050) 355-02-85, e-mail: m-olena@ukr.net, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7682-2292

Михайловська Олена Василiвна,

кандидат економiчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри публiчного управлтня та менеджменту оргашзацш НУ "Черт-гiвська полШехшка", 14035, м. Чернтв, вул. Шевченка, 95, тел.: (050) 355-0285, e-mail: m-olena@ukr.net, http://orcid. org/0000-0002-7682-2292

Михайловская Елена Васильевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры публичного управления и менеджмента организаций НУ "Черниговская политехника", 14035, г. Чернигов, ул. Шевченко, 95, тел.: (050) 355-02-85, e-mail: m-olena@ukr.net, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7682-2292


Abstract. The essence of the rule of law and civil society is characterized. It has been found that non-governmental organizations are elements of civil society that perform a wide range of functions, including the protection of human rights, the fight for disarmament, the implementation of research and educational activities, and so on. It is established that such organizations create conditions and opportunities for citizens to directly participate in establishing partnerships with the authorities and international organizations. The existing problems of interaction of non-governmental public organizations (NGOs) with state authorities and local self-government bodies have been identified. It is emphasized that the information regarding the number of citizens involved in public organizations and their clients is not true. The existing positive changes in the government's policy on establishing a constructive dialogue with non-governmental organizations were confirmed and the existence of certain negative trends was emphasized. It has been established that public organizations have determined the mechanisms

of the most effective influence on the government, but the level of passivity and indifference of the population is a significant problem in their relationship with government agencies. Based on the results of opinion polls, Ukrainians' confidence in the public sector has grown and their activity has remained consistently low. The results of the survey on the availability of information about the activities of NGOs among students who testify to the existence of problems in this area are characterized, as the respondents do not distinguish public organizations from other associations and organizations and structures of public administration. It was stated that NGOs should better inform the public about the available professional and resource potential, identify joint actions for organizational and legal support for the provision of quality services, and so on.

Keywords: non-governmental public organizations, public, public administration, interaction.


Анотащя. Схарактеризовано сутшсть правово'1' держави та громадянсько-го сусшльства. З'ясовано, що неурядовi оргашзаци е елементами громадян-ського сусшльства, що виконують широке коло функцш, серед яких: захист прав людини, боротьба за роззброення, здшснення дослщницьких та осв^-шх заходiв тощо. Встановлено, що таи оргашзаци створюють для громадян умови та можливосп щодо безпосередньо! учасп в налагодженш партнер-сько! сшвпращ з органами влади й мiжнародними оргашзащями. Виявлеш наявнi проблеми взаемодií неурядових громадських оргашзацш (НУО) з органами державно! влади та мюцевого самоврядування. Наголошено, що iнформацiя вiдносно кшькосп громадян, залучених до складу громадських оргашзацш, та !х клiентiв не вщповщае дiйсностi. Пiдтверджено наявнi по-зитивнi змiни у полiтицi влади щодо налагодження конструктивного дiа-логу з неурядовими громадськими оргашзащями та шдкреслено юнуван-ня певних негативних тенденцш. Встановлено, що громадськi оргашзаци визначились з мехашзмами найбiльш ефективного впливу на владу, однак рiвень пасивност та байдужостi населення е вагомою проблемою !х взае-мовщносин з владними структурами. На основi результатiв соцiологiчних опитувань засвiдчено зростання довiри украíнцiв до громадського сектору та незмшно низький рiвень !х активностi. Схарактеризовано результати опитування щодо наявност iнформацií про дiяльнiсть НУО у студенев, якi засвiдчують юнування проблем у данiй сферi, оскшьки респонденти не вщ-рiзняють громадськ органiзацií вiд iнших об'еднань, оргашзацш i структур державного управлiння. Констатовано, що НУО мають краще шформувати громадськiсть про наявний професiйний та ресурсний потенщал, визначи-ти заходи сшльних дiй щодо органiзацiйно-правового забезпечення надання яисних послуг тощо.

Ключовi слова: неурядовi громадськi органiзацií, громадсьисть, публiчне управлiння, взаемодiя.


Аннотация. Охарактеризована сущность правового государства и гражданского общества. Выяснено, что неправительственные организации являются элементами гражданского общества, выполняющими широкий круг функций, среди которых: защита прав человека, борьба за разоружение, осуществление исследовательских и образовательных мероприятий и др. Установлено, что такие организации создают для граждан условия и возможности непосредственного участия в налаживании партнерского сотрудничества с органами власти и международными организациями. Обнаружены проблемы взаимодействия неправительственных организаций (НПО) с органами государственной власти и местного самоуправления. Отмечено, что информация относительно количества граждан, привлеченных в состав общественных организаций, и их клиентов не соответствует действительности. Подтверждены положительные изменения в политике власти по формированию конструктивного диалога с неправительственными общественными организациями и подчеркнуто существование определенных негативных тенденций. Установлено, что общественные организации определились с механизмами наиболее эффективного воздействия на власть, однако уровень пассивности и безразличия населения является важной проблемой их взаимоотношений со структурами государственной и местной властей. На основе результатов социологического опроса засвидетельствован рост доверия украинцев к общественному сектору и неизменно низкий уровень их активности. Охарактеризованы результаты опроса о наличии информации о деятельности НПО среди студентов, которые удостоверяют существование проблем в данной сфере.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, общественная активность, неправительственные организации.

Formulation of the problem. In

our time, the connection of civil society with the state and influence on it is based on the principles of democracy. The formation of the rule of law has always required from citizens a high level of culture, awareness not only of their rights, but also the recognition of duties, respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens. In the context of ensuring democratic transformations, it is indicated that it acquires particular relevance, since civil society should

take an active part in public administration.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the open access of the Internet there is a large number of modern publications concerning the issues of the public administration system and the processes of civil society development. In scientific circles, the issue of public activity in the state administration system was reflected in the works of such scientists as G. Sitnik, A. Mikhnenko, A. Rudenko, D. Khol-

dar, I. Abram'yuk, O. Krutiy, O. Babi-nova, Yu. Shaigorodsky, R. Voytovich, I. Zhukova, O. Krutiy and others.

After the conducted research of literary sources, it can be argued that the issue of improving the mechanisms of citizens' participation in the public administration process has been actualized. The views of various scientists are mainly aimed at considering general issues of public activity, ignoring the significant influence of public organizations on increasing the activity of citizens in this area.

Purpose of the article. Research on the role of non-governmental organizations in building interaction between government authorities and civil society.

Presentation of the main material.

The starting point of democratic principles is the principle of popular sovereignty, proclaiming the people the only source and supreme bearer of power in society [1]. Consequently, the formation of the rule of law requires the consistent implementation of important principles of interaction between all elements of the public administration system into the practice of public administration.

The formation of civil society as a historical reality began with the inception of capitalism. The emergence of civil society is associated with the emergence of a citizen as an independent, individual member of society, realizing himself as such, endowed with a certain set of inalienable rights and freedoms, and is responsible to society for all his actions.

The mediation of human social being inevitably leads to the emergence of voluntary associations and social

groupings. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (English Nongovernmental organizations are local, national or international associations of people whose activities are carried out at the initiative of citizens, and not with the sanction or instructions of the government and is not aimed at making a profit [2]. Non-governmental organizations are elements of civil society that perform a wide range of functions (protecting human rights, fighting for disarmament, carrying out research and educational activities, etc.). They create conditions and opportunities for citizens to directly participate in solving the problems of their lives, in making decisions, in establishing partnerships with government authorities and international organizations.

The analytical report "State and dynamics of development of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine" [3] highlighted the following problems of interaction between NGOs and authorities: 1) a fairly high level of skepticism of the organized community about the possibility of influencing the authorities; 2) the lack of clear, clearly institutionalized channels of information about the activities of the authorities and, as a result, an almost complete absence of effective levers of influence on the formation of local and regional politics. NGOs, as a rule, use information from "acquaintances in the corridors of power", exchange information on decisions and measures that are planned by the authorities, etc.; 3) the existing institutions of interaction between the authorities and the public (consulting and advisory bodies) are too formalized and have little effect; 4) some non-governmental organi-

zations try to cover their activities through the media, express their attitude to the actions of the authorities, however, such activities are more of an advertising than an effective nature; 5) the formation of so-called "pocket" NGOs under the government, created, first of all, with the aim of attracting funds from international donor organizations for the implementation of action plans of government agencies, the formation of the illusion of interaction with an organized civil society.

The author agrees with all the above problems, which do not lose their relevance, but note the following — information on the number of citizens involved in public organizations and NGOs clients does not correspond to reality, which, in turn, does not allow us to assess the scale of existing problems in this area of activity [4].

Confirming the presence of positive steps by the authorities to improve a constructive dialogue with NGOs, we also note that today scientists and practitioners identify a number of negative trends in this direction [3]: lack of understanding of the usefulness of such cooperation on the part of the authorities; lack of information about the activities of NGOs; unconscious society in the field of cooperation with NGOs. It should be noted that cooperation between NGOs and public authorities and local governments is more effective than at the national level.

The public organization "Information and Analytical Center" Public Space "provides interesting data on a survey conducted by the Foundation for Democratic Initiatives among employees of public organizations (Figure).

indicators of the level of activity and influence on power

So, we can state that public organizations have decided on the mechanisms of the most effective impact on the government. At the same time, the level of passivity and indifference of the population is an important problem in the relationship of NGOs with power structures. Also, the results of sociological surveys indicate that Ukrainian confidence in the public sector is growing, but the level of activity is unchanged, but there is no clear understanding of the functions of such organizations.

At present, theorists and practitioners need to develop a unified system for assessing the quality of the activities of NGOs, since, undoubtedly, it acquires great importance in the process of forming effective interaction in the public administration system.

Undoubtedly, there are a large number of NGOs in Ukraine that work effectively in certain areas, but the unconscious attitude of citizens towards such organizations does not contribute to the spread of their activities. Table shows the results of a survey conducted on the basis of the Faculty of Management, Food Technologies and Trade of the Chernihiv National Technological University.

Note that the respondents do not distinguish public organizations from other associations and organizations and structures of government.

So, NGOs, for their part, should better inform about the available human, professional and resource potential, determine measures of joint actions for the organizational and legal provision of quality services, which should

Results of the survey on the availability of information on the activities of NGOs


Question Answers Notes

1 2 3

1. Enter your age category. 18-25 88 persons 26-35 24 person 36-50 7 person From 50 4 person The survey involved full-time and parttime students

2. Do you have information about available nongovernmental organizations in your city? If so, which ones? Yes - 47 "Fire of rebirth" (4 answers); "Public opinion"; Democratic Youth Alliance; "Freedom"; "Red Cross"; "Sports for All"; "Autonomous Nationalists"; "Greening our city" No - 72 With the answer "yes", some respondents could not remember the names of the organizations, some indicated the names of the ministries of Ukraine, public centers, the football association, political organizations, the department of labor and social protection of the population, etc.

3. Do you have any information about the activities of non- Yes - 47 No - 72

1 2 3

governmental organizations in the city?

4. Have you ever been a member of any nongovernmental public organization? Yes - 9 No-114 7 of them are under the age of 25; from 26 to 35 - 1 person; from 36 to 50 - 1 person

6. Would you like to become a member of a non-governmental public organization? Yes - 33 No - 90 Some of the respondents, who do not know anything about the activities of nongovernmental organizations, want to be members of such organizations

7. If yes, in what field of activity (human rights, cultural, educational, creative, sports, environmental)? In descending order: sports, creative, educational, human rights, environmental

8. Are you a client of a non-governmental public organization? Yes - 9 No-114

9. Do you trust nongovernmental public organizations? Yes - 42 No - 81

10. Are you satisfied with the activities of non-governmental organizations? Yes - 46 No - 87

11. In your opinion, do non-governmental organizations influence the formation of positive relations between the authorities and citizens? Yes - 82 No -41 Those respondents who have no information about the activities of non-governmental organizations believe that the relationship between the authorities and citizens is being formed in a positive direction

12. Whose interests do you think are represented by nongovernmental public organizations? citizens - 76 Individual person - 45 2 individuals person believe that both

13. Have you heard information from rep- Yes - 41 No - 82 Although 42 responses were recei-

1 2 3

resentatives of any non-governmental public organization regarding the effectiveness of its work? If so, which one? ved "yes", none of the respondents named such an organization

14. In your opinion, what is lacking for local governments to carry out effective activities in the field of cooperation with citizens? shame; initiatives; generosity; keeping promises; more communication with citizens and the creation of appropriate departments for this; virtues; courage; justice; honesty; transparency; financial security; reasonable decisions; decency; understanding of citizens; a wish; greed for money; mind; goals; motive.

15. Would you like to become a community leader? Yes - 27 No - 96 One of the factors is the unwillingness to take on authority and responsibility

16. How can you motivate you to take an active part in the life of the city? The value of the work done, material incentives - 7 answers; powers, nothing - 6 answers; cultural events, order, improvement of life and social order, a well-founded action plan - 2 answers; power, suggestions, actions 21 people note that it is possible to motivate, but with what they do not indicate

* A total of 123 people were interviewed. Source: conducted and compiled by the author

be united on the principles of openness and interaction, introduce a system of monitoring assessments of the quality of their services, such information to the public. Taking this into account, one of the main obstacles that significantly inhibits the development of the domestic non-governmental sector at

the present stage is the lack of institutionalization of the population's civic engagement. As a result, the dominant form of influence of citizens on the processes of public administration remains collective rallies, and not public-partnership interaction in solving social problems [6].

Conclusions. Without diminishing the importance of all factors in the development of the interaction of the researched, it is necessary to separately highlight the provision of transparency and openness of civil society institutions. The purpose of the dialogue in the public administration system can be considered the creation of an effective mechanism of interaction in the direction of solving complex social problems, which is based on mutual understanding and partnership. The main goal of such interaction is to strengthen the mechanisms of civil partnership, in the timely identification and elimination of determinants that can lead to acute conflicts and disorganization in the life of society.

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