Научная статья на тему 'Communication of society and local government bodies in the context of public organizations’ activities'

Communication of society and local government bodies in the context of public organizations’ activities Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Lebedeva Nadezhda Anatolievna

This article is dedicated to the communication process of certain social groups and local governments in the context of the activities of a public organization. Public associations have repeatedly attracted the attention of Ukrainian scientists such as T. V. Zhurenok, V. K. Kolpakov, M. Menjul, S. M.Grudnitskaya, T. P. Rutsinskaya, O. V. Titova, and others. The new edition of the Law of Ukraine On Public Associations contributes to the improvement of civil society. The purpose of the article to consider the activities of the public organization of the city of Kherson in the context of communication of society and local governments based on the analysis of current legislation and research of modern Ukrainian scientists, Recently, public organizations have increasingly been acting as organizers of various events and projects to address specific socially significant issues. Such a phenomenon is quite natural, since it is one of the most effective legal forms of assistance to citizens, specific people who need help in solving complex common problems. Public organizations are some effective tool for dating, help, communication, social effect. Based on the general approach of a comparative analysis of the definition of the concept of “communication” compiled by a well-known Ukrainian scientist D. V. Kislov, the activity of a public organization with local governments in the achievement of certain socially significant tasks has been analyzed. It was concluded that the practical activity of public organizations is a wide field for scientific observation and study of communication of various social groups and state administration, which requires the development of proposals for improving the communication process using the approaches of state administration.

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Рассмотрены коммуникационный процесс определенных социальных групп и органов местного самоуправления в контексте деятельности общественной организации, а также новая редакция Закона Украины “Об общественных объединениях”, который способствует совершенствованию гражданского общества. Освещена деятельность общественной организации г. Херсона в контексте коммуникации общества и органов местного самоуправления, основываясь на исследованиях украинских научных деятелей, а именно: Т. В. Журенок, В. К. Колпаков, М. Менджул, С. М. Грудницкая, Т. П. Руцинская, О. В. Титова и других. Общественные организации в последнее время все чаще выступают в качестве организаторов различных мероприятий, проектов в решении конкретных общественно важных вопросов. Такое явление вполне естественно, поскольку является одной из самых действенных правовых форм помощи гражданам, конкретным людям, нуждающимся в помощи в решении сложных общих проблем. Общественные организации являются эффективным инструментом ознакомления, помощи, коммуникации, социального эффекта. Исходя из общего подхода сравнительного анализа определения понятия “коммуникации” составленного известным украинским ученым Д. В. Кисловым, проанализирована деятельность общественной организации с органами местного самоуправления в достижении определенных социально значимых задач. Определено, что практическая деятельность общественных организаций требует более широкого поля научного наблюдения и изучения коммуникации различных социальных групп и государственного управления, а также разработки предложений по совершенствованию коммуникационного процесса с применением подходов государственного управления.

Текст научной работы на тему «Communication of society and local government bodies in the context of public organizations’ activities»

ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: +38 (063) 481

UDC: 351:37.013

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-17-2-134-142

Lebedeva Nadezhda Anatolievna,

post-graduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 (063) 48152 95, e-mail: vsesvit894@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебедева Надiя Анатолпвна, асшрант кафедри публiчного адмШстру-вання, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управ-лтня персоналом, 03039, Кшв, вул. Фро-Memiecbrn, 2, тел.: +38 (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: vsesvit894@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебедева Надежда Анатольевна, аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, Киев, 95, e-mail: vsesvit894@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631


Abstract. This article is dedicated to the communication process of certain social groups and local governments in the context of the activities of a public organization. Public associations have repeatedly attracted the attention of Ukrainian scientists such as T. V. Zhurenok, V. K. Kolpakov, M. Menjul, S. M.Grudnitskaya, T. P. Rutsinskaya, O. V. Titova, and others. The new edition of the Law of Ukraine On Public Associations contributes to the improvement of civil society.

The purpose of the article to consider the activities of the public organization of the city of Kherson in the context of communication of society and local governments based on the analysis of current legislation and research of modern Ukrainian scientists,

Recently, public organizations have increasingly been acting as organizers of various events and projects to address specific socially significant issues. Such a phenomenon is quite natural, since it is one of the most effective legal forms of assistance to citizens, specific people who need help in solving complex common

problems. Public organizations are some effective tool for dating, help, communication, social effect.

Based on the general approach of a comparative analysis of the definition of the concept of "communication" compiled by a well-known Ukrainian scientist D. V. Kislov, the activity of a public organization with local governments in the achievement of certain socially significant tasks has been analyzed.

It was concluded that the practical activity of public organizations is a wide field for scientific observation and study of communication of various social groups and state administration, which requires the development of proposals for improving the communication process using the approaches of state administration.

Keywords: approach, public administration, public organizations, fund for persons with disabilities, Chernobyl.


Анотащя. Розглянуто комушкацшний процес певних сощальних груп i оргашв мюцевого самоврядування в контекст дiяльностi громадсько!' оргашзацп, а також нову редакщю Закону Украши "Про громадсью об'еднання", який сприятиме вдосконаленню громадянського сустльства.

Висвгглено дiяльнiсть громадсько!' оргашзацп м. Херсона в контекст комунiкацiï суспiльства i оргашв мюцевого самоврядування, спираючись на дослвдження украшських науковцiв, а саме: Т. В. Журенок, В. К. Колпаков, В. М. Менджул, С. М. Грудницька, Т. П. Руцинська, О. В. Титова та ш.

Громадсью оргашзацп останшм часом все часпше виступають оргашза-торами рiзноманiтних заходiв, проектiв, щодо вирiшення конкретних су-спiльно значущих питань. Таке явище цiлком природно, оскiльки, однiею з найбшьш правових форм допомоги громадянам, конкретним людям, що потребують допомоги у виршенш складних спiльних проблем, е юнуван-ня об'еднань громадян. Громадсью органiзацiï е ефективним шструментом ознайомлення, допомоги, комунiкацiï, соцiального ефекту.

Виходячи iз загального пiдходу порiвняльного аналiзу визначення поняття "комушкацп", складеного вщомим украшським науковцем Д. В. Юсловим, проаналiзовано дiяльнiсть громадсько!' оргашзацп з органами мюцевого самоврядування у досягненш певних соцiально значущих завдань.

Наголошено, що практична дiяльнiсть громадських оргашзацш вимагае ширшого наукового спостереження i вивчення комушкацп рiзних сощальних груп i державного управлшня, та розроблення пропозицш щодо вдо-сконалення комунiкацiйного процесу iз застосуванням пiдходiв державного управлiння.

Ключовi слова: шдхщ, державне управлiння, громадськi оргашзацп, фонд швалдав, Чорнобиль.


Аннотация. Рассмотрены коммуникационный процесс определенных социальных групп и органов местного самоуправления в контексте деятельности общественной организации, а также новая редакция Закона Украины "Об общественных объединениях", который способствует совершенствованию гражданского общества.

Освещена деятельность общественной организации г. Херсона в контексте коммуникации общества и органов местного самоуправления, основываясь на исследованиях украинских научных деятелей, а именно: Т. В. Жу-ренок, В. К. Колпаков, М. Менджул, С. М. Грудницкая, Т. П. Руцинская, О. В. Титова и других.

Общественные организации в последнее время все чаще выступают в качестве организаторов различных мероприятий, проектов в решении конкретных общественно важных вопросов. Такое явление вполне естественно, поскольку является одной из самых действенных правовых форм помощи гражданам, конкретным людям, нуждающимся в помощи в решении сложных общих проблем. Общественные организации являются эффективным инструментом ознакомления, помощи, коммуникации, социального эффекта.

Исходя из общего подхода сравнительного анализа определения понятия "коммуникации" составленного известным украинским ученым Д. В. Кисловым, проанализирована деятельность общественной организации с органами местного самоуправления в достижении определенных социально значимых задач.

Определено, что практическая деятельность общественных организаций требует более широкого поля научного наблюдения и изучения коммуникации различных социальных групп и государственного управления, а также разработки предложений по совершенствованию коммуникационного процесса с применением подходов государственного управления.

Ключевые слова: подход, государственное управление, общественные организации, фонд инвалидов, Чернобыль.

Target setting. Public organizations have been increasingly active as organizers of various events and projects to address specific social issues. Such a phenomenon is quite natural, since one of the most legal forms of assistance to citizens, specific people who need help in solving their complex com-

mon problems and it is the existence of associations of citizens. Public organizations are some effective tool for dating, help, communication, social benefits. "The traditional sector in the civil society sector is the non-governmental or commercial sector. The non-state sector is also called a non-profit, volun-

teer and, finally, a third sector or a civil society in the narrow sense. The third sector forms various non-state institutions: associations, associations, movements, charitable institutions, bodies of self-organization of the population" [1, p. 356]. The exchange of experience in solving issues that are relevant to a specific circle of citizens, discussion of solutions and ways of their implementation, consultation and search for specialists in local self-government bodies — all these are some activities of public associations. Consequently, in the context of communication studies, the activities of public associations with public authorities do not lose their relevance.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Public associations have attracted the attention of Ukrainian scholars. Thus, T. Zhurenok considered the classification of public associations, examples of the division of nongovernmental organizations proposed by both domestic and foreign researchers are presented [1]. Such scholars as V. K. Kolpakov [2], V. M. Menzhhul [3], V. Gurlov [4] devoted their scientific researches to the concepts and types of public organizations. Problems of the development of Ukrainian legislation as for public organizations in the economic and legal aspect were considered by S. M Grudnytska [5] and T. P. Rutsinska [6]. O. V. Titova devoted her scientific article to some certain aspects of the status of public organizations that directly engage in entrepreneurial activity [7]. In our opinion, the new wording of the Law of Ukraine On Public Associations is a well-written law that promotes the improvement of civil society [8].

The purpose of the article is to consider the activities of the public organization of Kherson in the context of communicating between society and local self-government bodies on the basis of the analysis of current legislation and modern Ukrainian scholars' researches.

The statement of basic materials. According to works of well-known Ukrainian scientist, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor E. O. Romanenko, the most urgent on scientific issues are those that "concern the study of the specificity of the spread of communicative processes to the development of society, which ultimately leads to the transformation of various value systems, on which the corresponding ideological doctrines are based on the formation of state policy" [9, p. 22]. In such context, "the study of problem issues in the area of finding out the place and role of communication in the development of modern society is of particular importance, that is, here the fundamental question is to investigate how communication as a social phenomenon contributes to the development of socio-cultural dynamics of society, as the social consciousness is transformed as a result of the development of the corresponding communicative processes. The consideration of such issue is directly related to the analysis of the development of public communication, moreover, the most valuable issue is the development of public communication, which contributes to the formation of a new model of social organization — a communicative society" [9, p. 22-23]. According to the author of this scientific article, the development of public communica-

tion takes place with the participation of public organizations.

If we consider the activities of Kherson regional non-governmental organization "Fund of Disabled Chernobyl Plus", then we can observe a concrete example of such communication. According to words of the head of the Fund L. Lakhneko, the problem of disability is actual in all countries of the world and in order to attract attention to it, the United Nations has approved the Day of the Disabled, which is on the 3-rd of December annually, and on this day the Fund comes to children who have severe illnesses. A lot of good has been done, much is done to make children feel equal in society, so that children do not feel like some kind of outcasts. The "Fund of Disabled Chernobyl Plus" pays much attention to ensuring that children are more socialized in the community so that they are dignified and comfortable in this society. When healthy children communicate with peers who have certain health problems, they are particularly affectionate to them, they realize that not everything can be perfect in this world; there are also certain deviations [10].

In succession for the fourth year, the public organization "Fund of Disabled Chernobyl Plus" conducts a charity concert "The Day of Well-being" for children with special needs. The purpose of this concert — is the formation of universal values for children, such as kindness, charity, tolerance, empathy. Children show their new creative works, create a real Holiday of Good. Everything happens on the big professional stage of the Regional Palace of Youth and Students in Kherson. Adults and children get a charge of cheerful-

ness and good mood. "The Feast of Good is in order to become kinder. People argue, but in the end they come to the fact that kindness is needed by each of us, which is like the gardens that blossom in our souls. Good words, thoughts are flowers, good deeds — the fruits of life, everyone lives in his own way, each one of us has the sun, give your warmth, kindness. A beautiful is person, when he is good. Do it and don't be afraid to do good!" [11].

A performance on a big stage is a significant event for any person — in fact, one must prepare well and go to the huge hall, hiding deep emotions of your own excitement, but which is then a feeling of victory over himself and confidence in success. This is especially important for children, on which many people, honestly, do not pay attention to citizens of society due to economic and political crisis. On the scene children show their beauty, the ability to rejoice in life, their talents. The language of signs, dance to rhythmic music make a huge impression on the audience. The words of gratitude are addressed to Ludmila Ivanovna Lohneko, who provides such an opportunity to raise the self-esteem and develop the talent of children with special needs. Choreographic compositions presented by the children of Kherson regional center for social rehabilitation of children with disabilities, the performance of the song on the sign language translation, accompanied by a dance rhythm surprising by the girls who do not hear the sounds of the surrounding world — all this fills the hall with good smiles, a desire to applaud [11].

The Day of Well-being is always visited and supported by the repre-

sentatives of the city authorities. For example, in 2018, such events were held. They are: April 26 — the Chernobyl Day in the Regional Palace of Youth and Students; September 5 — a humanitarian action at the Millennium Club, where 250 people with special needs received gifts and humanitarian help; November 8 — The Day of Well-being; December 3 — The Day of Well-being for disabled with giving presents to each child; December 14 — the day of the liquidator of the Chernobyl Accident in the Regional Hospital of War Veterans, to which the Fund assisted in the purchase of furniture; December 29 — New Year's tree with gifts in the cinema concert hall "Jubilee" for children from large families, the poor families and children with disabilities; on January 4, 2019, New Year presents were given to small patients of the Children's Regional Clinical Hospital.

According to the director of the Kherson regional center of social rehabilitation of children with disabilities Lidia Nikishina, this public organization is in "people who are absolutely indifferent to the problem of children with disabilities, the problem of families with children with special needs. Children showed their talents, their creativity and we saw that these children are like everyone. But this is a great work carried out by the team of the center, teachers, service staff because the children are in the center temporarily to continue their lives, socialize to society: they will go to kindergartens, they will go to general education schools, they will live in families, communicate with their relatives, close people, neighbors, so our main task is to socialize them. All the conditions

are created in our center for the children to be well. The educational process is directed correctly today, thanks to the public organization "Fund of Disabled Chernobyl Plus", we have 3 children' rooms, equipped like school. They are provided with desks, because every child should have his own place, equipped with bedrooms, equipped with kitchens to make children feel comfortable" [10].

Proceeding from the general approach of comparative analysis, the definition of the concept of "communication" compiled by the famous Ukrainian scientist D.V. Kislov [9, p. 77], non-governmental organizations carry out human interaction in the world, and the philosophical and practical approach gives us a sign of constructive interaction between individuals, social groups of "Chernobyl" and "people with disabilities", which unfolds on the basis of understanding and tolerance.

The social groups of "Chernobyl" and "disabled" with the city authorities are bound in the mechanism of existence and development of human relations — all the symbols of the mind, along with the methods of their transmission in space, stored in time, from the point of view of the sociological approach in the course of communicating, which consists in the invitation to the activities carried out by public organizations, is the transfer of information from a person to a person in the framework of the socio-information approach [9, p. 77]. The information-oriented general approach is realized by the processes of recoding verbatively in nonverbal, and nonverbal into verbal spheres, showing concert numbers of children with disabilities by hearing,

when children are dancing and singing on the stage of the Regional Youth Palace, and viewers do not even suspect the health problem of these children. Children show that they are also talented and successful like their healthy peers.

From the point of view of the information-ideological approach, the concerts conducted by the Kherson regional public organization "Fund of Disabled Chernobyl Plus" are some processes of communication and information transmissions, means of forming the outlook and public opinion of the broad masses of compassionate attitude toward neighborly, tolerance and kindness, a desire to help. This is a process of communicating information about the existence of people whose opportunities are limited by the disease.

The activities of this public organization can be described from the standpoint of an economically-oriented approach as a result of the process of transferring information between the two parts: the manufacturer and the audience, when, for example, confectioners create a cake for children with disabilities, with a charitable purpose.

If we take into account the managerial-oriented content-social approach [9, p. 77-78], the Fund "The Fund of Disabled Chernobyl Plus" carries out its activity as a substantive aspect of social interaction of local authorities and the social group of people with disabilities as social objects through direct communication and information exchange. The unifying approach is realized in the act of communication, the connection between individuals, based on mutual understanding, communicating information from people

with disabilities about their needs to local authorities. "In the context of the formation and formation of an information society, the socio-political orientation of the concept of "communication" is becoming increasingly relevant to understanding it as a universal category of transformed society" [9, p. 78].

Conclusions. Consequently, the practical activities of public organizations represent a broad field for scientific observation and study of the communication of various social groups and public administration and needs to develop proposals for improving the communication process with the use of public administration approaches.


1. Zhurenok T. V. (2012), "Legal status and types of public associations", Forum prava, [Online], vol. 4, p. 356361, available at: http: // arhive.nbuv. gov.ua/ e-journals/FP/Downloads/ FP/2012-4/12gtvvgo.pdf (Accessed 10 Jen 2019).

2. Kolpakov V. K, Kovalenko V. V. (2012), Kurs administratyvnogo prava Ukray-iny: [Tekst] pidruchnyk [Course of administrative law of Ukraine], Nacional'na akademiya vnutrishnix sprav, Yurinkom Inter, Kyiv, Ukraine.

3. Mendzhul V. M. (2009), "Types of public organizations in Ukraine", Chaso-pys Kyivs'kogo universytetu prava, vol. 1, p. 184-188.

4. Gurlov V. (2016) "Forms and types of public unions and associations" [Online], available at: https://pravdop. com/ua/publications/kommentarii-zakonodatelstva/formi-i-vidi-obshest-vennih-obedineniy (Accessed 11 Jen 2019)

5. Grudnyczka S. M, Rucynska, T. P. (2014), "Problems of development of the Ukrainian legislation on Public Associations: economic and legal analysis", Forum prava, [Online], vol. 4, pp. 99-106, available at: http: nbuv.gov. ua/j-pdf/FP_index.htm_2014_4_20. pdf (Accessed 12 Jen 2019)

6. Rucynska T. P. (2015), "Improvement of legislation on Public Associations in the light of Eurointegration: economic and legal analysis", Naukovyj visnyk Uzhgorodskogo nacionalnogo univer-sytetu. № 31, vol. 2, p. 60-64.

7. Tytova O. V. (2016), "Some aspects of the status of public associations that directly engage in entrepreneurial activity", Forum prava, [Online], vol. 3, p. 250-254, available at: http: nbuv.gov. ua/j-pdf/FP_index. htm_2016_3_46. pdf (Accessed 10 Jen 2019)

8. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2017), The Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations" available at: https:// zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/4572-17 (Accessed 10 Jen 2019).

9. Kyslov D. V., Romanenko E. A., Chap-laj Y. V. (2018), Marketyngovie kom-munykacy v publychnom admynystry-rovanyy [Marketing Communications in Public Administration], LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

10. "For Children with Love" (2018), available at: https://youtu.be/4aWhFME-jgQ (Accessed 12 Jen 2019)

11. "The Day of Well-being" (2018), available at: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=NvbIDlbioe4&t=296s (Accessed 12 Jen 2019).


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7. Титова О. В. Окремi аспекти статусу громадських об'еднань, як безпосе-редньо здшснюють пщприемницьку дiяльнiсть / О. В. Титова // Форум права. — 2016. — № 3. — С. 250-254 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http: nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/FP_ index. htm_2016_3_46.pdf

8. Закон Укра'1ни "Про громадськ об'еднання" [Електронний ресурс] // Офщ. сайт Верховно! Ради Укра'1-ни. — Режим доступу : https://zakon. rada.gov.ua/laws/show/4572-17

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10. С любовью к детям [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа: https:// youtu.be/4aWhFME-jgQ

11. День добра [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа: https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=NvbIDlbioe4&t=296s

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