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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Osmak A., Karpenko Y.

The article raises the issues of digital democracy, the use of the latest digital technologies and digital transformations in the democratic process, including in the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The main mechanisms and means of implementing the principles of direct democracy, taking into account modern digital technologies, characteristics, levels of participation, and areas of interaction of NGOs with public authorities are considered. Comprehensive measures to achieve an effective system of interaction between public administration and NGOs, as well as digital tools for NGOs using modern technologies, including artificial intelligence and Blockchain technology, are proposed. The issue of interoperability of interaction between public administration bodies and NGOs is considered.

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ideologiczne, co jest szczegolnie zauwazalne w przypadku Iraku, Jemenu i Bahrajnu.


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Осьмак А.С.,

астрант кафедри тформацшно '1 полтики та цифрових технологш Нацiональноï академи державного управлiння при Президентовi Украши

Карпенко Ю.В.

аспiрантка кафедри публiчного управлiння та публiчноï служби Нацiональноï академи державного управлiння при Президентовi Украши



Osmak A.,

Ph.D. student in the Chair of Information Policy and Digital Technologies National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine,

Karpenko Y.

Ph.D. student in the Chair of public administration and public service National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


У статл шдшмаються проблеми цифрово1 демократп, використання новггшх цифрових технологш та цифровi трансформацп' в демократичному процеа в тому числ й у дгяльносп неурядових оргашзацш (НУО). Розглянуп основш механiзмiв та засобiв запровадження принцитв прямо1 демократ з урахуван-ням сучасних цифрових технологш, характеристики, рiвнi учасп та напрями взаемодп НУО з органами публiчноï влади. Запропоноваш комплексш заходи досягнення ефективно1 системи взаемодп оргашв публiчного управлшня та НУО, а також цифровi шструменти дгяльносл НУО з використанням сучасних технологш, у т. ч. штучного штелекту та технологи «Блокчейн». Розглянуто питання штероперабельносп взаемодп' оргашв публiчного управлшня та НУО.


The article raises the issues of digital democracy, the use of the latest digital technologies and digital transformations in the democratic process, including in the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The main mechanisms and means of implementing the principles of direct democracy, taking into account modern digital technologies, characteristics, levels of participation, and areas of interaction of NGOs with public authorities are considered. Comprehensive measures to achieve an effective system of interaction between public administration and NGOs, as well as digital tools for NGOs using modern technologies, including artificial intelligence and Blockchain technology, are proposed. The issue of interoperability of interaction between public administration bodies and NGOs is considered.

Ключовi слова: Цифровi трансформацп', цифрове врядування, цифрова демократ, неурядовi ор-гашзацп, НУО, штероперабельшсть, Блокчейн, штучний штелект.

Keywords: Digital Transformations, Digital Governance, Digital Democracy, NGOs, NGOs, Interoperability, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence.

The urgency of the problem. The development of modern technologies and digital transformations affect, among other things, the principles of democratic processes. One of such manifestations was the emergence of a new form of social relations - digital democracy, which is characterized by the use of digital technology as one of the main means of involving citizens in social and governmental processes at all levels of public life. However, at the state level, not enough attention is paid to the development of digital democracy tools for non-governmental organizations.

Analysis of recent research. The role of non-governmental organizations in the development of civil society has always aroused interest in both Ukrainian and world scientific thought. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of public organizations are presented in the works of such scientists as O. Vash-chuk, E. Dodina, L. Kormich, V. Kravchuk, I. Rozhko, I. Kichko, G. Domanski, J. Laville, D. Lewis, W. Powell, A. Tocqueville, S. Feldman, J. Fisher, and others. The issue of digital transformations in the field of public administration has become the object of research of many foreign and Ukrainian scientists, so, in our opinion, it is worth mentioning the thorough scientific achievements of O. Karpenko, O. Orlov, S. Bremen and D. Kreis, L. DeNardis, H. Margets, A. Williams and H. Hay, as well as K. Schwab, who studied the creation and practical implementation of the concept of "Digital Era Governance" (DEG). Despite the rather extensive coverage of the functioning of public associations, the issue of digitalization of NGOs as civil society institutions remains underdeveloped.

The purpose of the article. Identify the issues of non-governmental organizations in the context of digital transformations and offer tools for digital participation for NGOs.

Presenting the main material. Digital democracy is a form of public relations in which citizens, using digital technologies, and, on their initiative, participate in the process of formation, decision-making, and control over their implementation at the level of public authorities; the main purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of citizen participation in public governance processes [1].

Until recently, the use of digital technologies in the democratic process focused mainly on the use of online voting procedures, but recently the debate has shifted to expanding the role of technology in the democratic process and focused on digitizing existing processes, creating and reviving various basic democratic institutions and methods at a new technological level. Even though these initiatives have their differences, an essential feature of all is the focus on increasing the activity of citizens in the democratic process. Using digital technology as a means to this end, it is now possible to raise awareness, transparency, and accountability and to consider a wider variety of views, which can undoubtedly lead to better public policy outcomes. Digital democracy is essentially a technological platform for participatory democracy, which has the right to determine or influence the exercise of powers and responsibilities of public authorities and is a component of both

representative and direct democracy, realizes the right of public participation in political decision-making [2].

The world experience of digital democracy offers the use of interactive technologies through the creation of digital (information and communication) platforms, organization of online access to draft decisions and regulations, transfer of activity of public authorities, and its representatives to social networks, which radically changes the public landscape. In this context, digital democracy, representing the public interest, behaves autonomously from the government and, accordingly, has its trajectory of development. Its variety aimed at the realization of public participation is "liquid democracy", the essence of which is to unite direct and representative democracies and makes them accessible to the vast majority of society. In the concept of volatile democracy, it is defined as "direct parliamentary" and is applied according to the principles of adhocracy [1].

Traditional (offline) democratic processes can be digitized. In Ukraine, digital democracy is at an early stage of development and is closely linked to socio-political phenomena. The components of the development of digital democracy should be tools: e-parliament, e-voting, e-justice, e-mediation (pre-trial dispute resolution), e-referendums, e-consultations, e-petitions, e-po-litical campaigns, e-polls [ 3].

The development of digital governance and democratic processes, the application of a universally recognized system of democratic values, in particular the participation of citizens and civil society institutions in the formation and implementation of public policy, plays a key role in ensuring economic and social progress in the country.

The tools of digital democracy can provide many benefits to democratic processes. They can reduce the transaction costs of information dissemination and civic participation; promote transparency and systematize the fight against corruption more effectively; to create a new experience of direct, interactive, analytical participatory involvement of citizens in politics; promote the dissemination of ideas, mobilization of citizens and networking; provide space for collective problem solving and political learning; to involve new participants in political processes [4].

The basis of digital democracy at the present stage of development of society is a set of mechanisms and means of implementing the principles of direct democracy. In Ukraine, such instruments for citizen participation already exist and are regulated by law, which, including the introduction of and using the mechanisms of digital democracy [5]:

- request for public information (Laws of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", "On Information", Decree of the President of Ukraine and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine);

- appeals (requests) of citizens (Law of Ukraine "On appeals of citizens" and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine);

- electronic petitions (Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals", Decree of the President of Ukraine);

- participatory budgeting/participation budget (at the initial stage of implementation/testing in several

dozen cities, implemented by decisions taken by local councils).

However, with the rapid development of digital transformations of society and the development of digital tools, both for individuals and businesses there is a significant gap in the provision of digital public services to non-governmental organizations. For the most part, the only digital tool for NGOs is the electronic registration of an organization with the creation of an entry in the register of public formations, and the only digital communication channel is e-mail. On the other hand, without modern digital tools, there is no single comprehensive information about the activities of NGOs.

The relationship between public administrations and NGOs in the framework of digital governance is in line with the G2N (Government to Non-governmental organization) interaction model, which builds a digital information society aimed at interacting outside government, developing communities, public partnerships and civil society. The model assumes the emergence of various associations or interest groups that provide an increase in living standards. The basis for the G2N interaction model is open access to government information for all participants in the exchange of information. The main characteristics of the G2N model by types of interaction are [6]:

- Information. Exchange of information regarding administrative acts, administrative policy, data, registers, laws, political programs, background information to decisions, etc;

- Communication Online. Information is exchanged among different organizations and agencies, discussion fora, communication in negotiation and decision making, interaction regarding administrative acts;

- Transaction. Intra-organizational workflow, and exchange of policy and solution, data, information and knowledge management, etc.

Depending on the stages of decision-making and the intensity of participation, there are four levels of participation [5] :

- Information. Relatively low level of participation, which usually consists of the unilateral provision of information from public authorities, where interaction or participation of NGOs is not required or expected;

- Consultation. Public authorities may ask NGOs to express their views on a specific political issue or the political process. The initiators and authors of the topics are public authorities, not a non-governmental organization;

- Dialogue. Either party can initiate a dialogue, which in turn can be broad or cooperative;

- Partnership. This is the highest level of involvement at which NGOs and public authorities work closely together, while NGOs remain independent, have the right to campaign and act independently of partnerships. The partnership may include activities such as the provision of services, participation forums, and the establishment of joint decision-making bodies.

Each type and level of interaction must use its own set of digital tools, which, moreover, must comply with the principles of interoperability.

To achieve an effective system of interaction between public administration and NGOs, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of comprehensive measures in the following areas:

- wide involvement of profile NGOs in development planning and monitoring of the state of digital government development;

- stimulating the use of electronic tools to involve citizens and supporting public initiatives in the field of digital governance;

- modernization of public services and development of interoperable interaction of the authorities, individual citizens in NGOs with the help of information and communication technologies, including the use of Blockchain distributed registry technology and artificial intelligence;

- development and expansion of the functional capabilities of the institute of electronic appeals and electronic petitions,

- development of tools "open budget", "public budget", online discussion of draft regulations and other tools for citizen participation in governmental decisions;

- formation and development of open data infrastructure based on a single state web portal of open data, integrated with other relevant resources, public application programming interfaces (API), open standards and formats;

- publication and regular updating of data sets in the form of "open data" by the public interest, best international practices, established requirements for data quality and openness and transparency of activities;

- implementation of the principle of a single electronic window ("one-stop-shop") through ensuring the development and functioning of the Unified State Portal of Administrative Services as a single point of access for individuals and legal entities, including NGOs to electronic services;

- development of electronic public procurement, electronic contracts and invoices, electronic auctions;

- stimulating the development of public projects and services (social, public, media and commercial) based on open data, including in cooperation with the authorities, to increase the openness and efficiency of their activities, provide quality services and develop an innovative business;

- introduction of integrated electronic services for NGOs;

- implementation of the principle of "single-sign-on" through the introduction of an integrated system of electronic identification and authentication and reuse in information and telecommunication systems of public authorities.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Associations, as of January 1, 2019, 84,608 public organizations, 1,455 public unions, 26,075 religious organizations, 28,026 trade unions, 314 creative unions, 18,433 were registered in Ukraine. charitable organizations and 1572 bodies of self-organization of the population [7].

Because, according to the principles of activity, NGOs have the characteristics of both individuals and

legal entities, which, depending on the basic functions of a particular NGO, should determine a set of digital e-tools, access to which should be provided through the electronic office of NGOs.

An e-office of an NGO is a personal automated workplace of an authorized person of a nongovernmental organization, access to which is carried out from any computer or other personal communication device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) connected to the Internet through authentication using electronic digital signature and authorization of such.

The e-office of an NGO should perform three main functions:

- providing access to NGO digital toolkits;

- feedback, in particular, responses to information requests and appeals;

- electronic consultations on socially important issues;

Digital tool kits should include:

- tools for processing and publishing electronic inquiries and appeals of NGOs;

- digital participation tools for NGOs;

- participation tools for NGOs;

- tools for administering an NGO as a legal entity.

Sets of digital tools should be defined based on

certain characteristics of the NGO. One of such features is the territorial principle of NGO activity, according to which three types of public organizations are distinguished by their basic features, the legal status of which is defined by law: international (global, regional) nongovernmental organizations, state (all-Ukrainian) public organizations and NGOs with local status.

The second feature that determines the set of digital tools should be the system of classification of NGOs by basic functions [8]:

- representative (organizations that unite the voice of citizens);

- creative (organizations that provide information and advice, as well as lobbying on certain issues);

- facilitators (organizations that provide support to other representatives of civil society, including funding);

- service (organizations that implement development projects or provide services);

- social (organizations that promote collective recreational activities).

Besides, the electronic office of the NGO should systematize and automate the activities of the non-governmental organization, as well as ensure its openness and transparency, thanks to the publicity of information about the activities of the NGO. Also, the introduction of an e-office of an NGO will allow the use of the NGO rating tool, which aims to increase trust in both NGOs and public authorities in general, especially at the local level, and simplify the system of collecting statistical information to assess the reliability of organizations for providing grants and transparent public funding for such NGOs. For example, NGOs with a high confirmed rating of activity in the framework of rating voting in the system of public councils should have a priority status, which makes it possible to reduce the impact of the corruption component in the activities of such entities.

Another result of the implementation of the rating system should be the development of mechanisms for involving residents in local self-government. It should be noted that at the present stage of development of society rating systems for evaluating the activities are widely used in science, education, banking and credit, urban planning, and many other areas.

To implement NGO rating tools, it is necessary to define a set of multifactor evaluation criteria, based on which the current rating of a particular organization will be calculated. Such criteria may include involvement in the decision-making process, availability in the information space, activities in electronic appeal systems, public budgets, etc.

One of the effective mechanisms of modern democracy is the system of the electronic appeal of citizens. According to Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals" appeals of citizens or public organizations, given the lack of legislation in the current legislation, which would regulate the consideration of appeals of public organizations, as well as given that a public organization is an institution that acts on behalf of and in the interests of its members (in particular, citizens of Ukraine), exercises their rights, promote the protection of the rights of citizens of Ukraine and the restoration of such rights in case of violation [10]. There are appeals set out in the written or oral or electronic form. Separately, and especially in the field of local self-government, it is necessary to consider the types of such appeals: proposals, statements and complaints [9]:

- Proposal - is an appeal of citizens, which expresses advice, recommendation on the activities of local government, council deputies, government officials who extend their competence to the community, and so on.

- A statement (petition) is an appeal of citizens with a request to promote the realization of their rights and interests enshrined in the Constitution and current legislation or notification of violation of current legislation or shortcomings in the activities of enterprises and institutions; organizations of communal forms of ownership, deputies of local councils, officials, as well as expressing opinions on improving their activities.

- Petition - a written appeal to a local government or enterprise, institution, organization of communal forms of ownership with a request for recognition of the person's status, rights or freedoms, etc.

- A complaint is a request to restore the rights and protect the legitimate interests of citizens violated by actions (inaction), decisions of local governments, officials, etc.

According to the current legislation, all forms of appeals, including electronic ones, are divided into individual, which can be submitted by an individual and collective, which can be submitted by a group of persons or can be initiated by an NGO. A separate type of petition is a petition.

An electronic petition is a type of collective petition signed by several members of a territorial community determined by the statute of a territorial community or addressed by the local self-government body. The petition is addressed to the local self-government

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body, whose competence (authority) includes the solution of the issues raised in the petition [1].

To improve the system of electronic applications and increase the efficiency of local authorities, introduce additional mechanisms for individual and group applications and a system of combining mass individual electronic applications on a package basis with the definition of the criteria for such an association. Such a mechanism occupies an intermediate link between individual citizens' appeals and electronic petitions. The basic initial criterion for aggregation may be the geolo-cation data of the object of treatment. The initiator of merging such appeals can be either the contact center or the initiator of the appeal, who, if there are previous submissions with similar content, will be able to link their appeal to the existing one.

One of the technological tools for digitizing the activities of NGOs is the use of Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in the automation of appeals. Thus, an intelligent bot can perform the function of a digital assistant for generating requests and implement digital intelligent support in their formation, link the text of appeals with the legal framework and data from open registers, which ensures organizational and legal interoperability of such appeals with digital governance systems, and to build connected chains of the process of processing appeals and inquiries, incl. using Block-chain distributed registry technology. Besides, artificial intelligence systems, based on a set of criteria, link such appeals into packages on certain grounds and build the logistics of their implementation. Such tools should reduce the transaction and human costs of public authorities in the process of reviewing and processing requests and appeals from both NGOs and individuals.

Conclusions. Legislative modern innovative production and technology (including Blockchain systems and elements of artificial intelligence), promotion of methods of data processing of large volumes (Big Data), factual and legal regulation of the principles of "digital by default", "single-use of information" and "Compatibility to order", as well as use promising forms of organization that confirm their activities and develop digital technology, using the structure of effective use of public administration in Ukraine to meet the needs and necessities of both citizens and NGOs, improving the governmental system, within strategies of the international cycle, transformation, competitiveness and stimulation of social and economic development of the country.

By offering a variety of technologies that are combined between all typical e-citizens at the local level, taking into account a set of principles that trust the priority of such barriers, reducing working hours, and using the efficiency of both contact centers and local authorities. And the use of artificial intelligence systems will reduce transaction costs and ensure interoperability of interaction between public authorities and NGOs and citizens.

Further research in the field of public administration should focus on scientific and theoretical justification of interoperable mechanisms for the formation and implementation of digital democracy in Ukraine, the use of modern digital technologies and mechanisms, and their legal support.


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