CULTURE, ART, WHERE THEY BEGIN THERE BEAUTY (KRASNODAR REGION) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
art / culture / traditions / customs / education / thinking / imagination / aesthetic education

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Maltseva L.V.

A special role in shaping the aesthetic education of youth in modern society is played by culture, fine arts, decorative and applied art and folk art. Studying culture, art, traditions, customs, we perceive the world in a different way, thinking develops, which gives an inexhaustible fullness of attitude to life.

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компетентности. Речь идёт об аналитико-операцио-нальной компетенции, без которой невозможен процесс постижения исполнительских задач и путей их разрешения. Также актуальной является ис-полнительско-рефлексивная компетенция. При этом важно уметь рефлексировать не только свои ощущения в процессе исполнительства, но и своих учеников (скрытая, трансцендентная или виртуальная рефлексия).

Таки образом, такое профессиональное образование как методически-направленная самореализация студентов-пианистов, будущих учителей музыки предполагает многовекторную её экстраполяцию в профессиональную исполнительскую подготовку студентов.

Такая модель более чётко строится на основе компетентностного подхода, при котором ясно очерчиваются компетентности и компетенции. Они формируются при условии целенаправленного влияния на методически-направленную самореализацию будущих учителей музыкального искусства в процессе фортепианной подготовки.

Список литературы

1. Бондаревская Е.В. Парадигмальный подход к разработке содержания ключевых педагогических компетенций / Е.В.Бондаревская, С.В. Куль-невич // Педагогика. - №10. - 2004. - С. 23-31.

2. Гребенюк Е.В. Становление профессиональной компетентности будущего учителя музыки в процессе изучения педагогических дисциплин: дис. ... канд. пед. наук спец. 13.00.08 / Е.В Гребенюк. - Санкт-Петербург, 2005. - 189 с.

3. Зеер е.Ф., Павлова А.М., Оманюк £.£. Модернизация профессионального образования: компетентностный подход / Московский Психолого-социальный институт. - М., 2005. - 212 с.

4. Лукьянова М.И. Психолого-педагогическая компетентность учителя / М.И. Лукьянова // Педагогика, 2001. - №1. - С.56-61.

5. Лю Сянь. Компонентна модель методично-спрямовано! самореал1заци майбутшх учителiв му-зики в процеа навчання гри на фортетано / Лю Сянь // Науковий часопис Нацюнального педагопч-ного ушверситету iменi М. П. Драгоманова. - Серiя 14. «Теорiя i методика мистецько! освгги»: зб. наук. пр. - Вип.22 (27). - Ч. 2. - К. : НПУ iм. М.П. Драгоманова, 2017. - С. 165-169.

6. Реброва О.£. Духовна компетентнють майбутшх учител1в мистецьких дисциплш: аксiологiчний пiдхiд / О.Э. Реброва // Збiрник нау-кових праць Камянець Подiльського державного унiверситету. Серiя Педагогiчна. - Випуск IX : IIII Мошак M.I., 2006. - С.133-137.


Maltseva L. V.

Ph.D., professor, Kuban State University, art and graphic faculty.


A special role in shaping the aesthetic education of youth in modern society is played by culture, fine arts, decorative and applied art and folk art. Studying culture, art, traditions, customs, we perceive the world in a different way, thinking develops, which gives an inexhaustible fullness of attitude to life.

Keywords: art, culture, traditions, customs, education, thinking, imagination, aesthetic education.

Each locality has its own peculiarities, its own unique beauty of nature, its art crafts. Familiarity with the richness of the native land in teaching the basics of fine arts, decorative and folk art, it helps to bring up a feeling of beauty and love for art, for folk arts and crafts and native nature.

Culture, art and begins where the person creates, and for the child this measure is revealed through figurative thinking and mastery of creativity. Mastering this measure is the essential sign of culture. The introduction of schoolchildren to an art culture is the teaching of fine arts.

The connection to the traditional culture of the Kuban must occur throughout the life of a person, and be passed on from generation to generation. At first, each of us simply perceive the surrounding objects, then, as a rule, creative skills are revealed when performing artistic work. Culture, art have a huge impact, give birth and deepen the noble, high feelings, actively forms aesthetic relations to the surrounding reality. Folk and decorative and applied art introduces us to the poetic world

of the image, enriches artistic perception, developing imagination and imagination.

The centuries-old traditions help us to form moral and aesthetic attitudes towards life among young people. In the Cossack region the Cossack can not consider himself a Cossack if he does not know and does not observe the traditions and customs of his ancestors. We revive traditions, customs, which have unique conditions for the formation and study of the national culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

A real Cossack village spread wide on the shore of the Gulf of the Tatar peninsula. As it should be in the village, on the highest place - the chapel, at the entrance of the Maidan. Four streets face the sea. Each farmstead is unique, it carries its own meaning, represents a specialty or a trade.

The dwelling of the Kuban Cossacks is a complex cultural complex composed of residential and business premises, performing various functions - residential, economic, religious, ritual, symbolic. In the history of the material culture of the Kuban Cossacks, the issues of the formation of the residential environment and the

architectural appearance of the traditional dwelling belong to the number of little-researched problems.

The village of Ataman was built in the very place where the first Black Sea Cossacks landed in September 1792. This significant event entered the history of the Krasnodar Territory as the beginning of the development by the Cossacks of the Kuban. For settlements.

resettled Cossacks chose strategically advantageous places: steep banks of rivers, elevated plots protected by ravines and swamps. The villages were surrounded by a deep moat and earthen rampart.

The area of the largest in Russia ethnic complex of the village of Ataman, which occupies 20 hectares and on its territory there are 47 farmsteads (kurens).

Compound of Cossacks Interior decoration of the house

And today everyone can see live pictures of that da-lekoy history: how the Cossacks inhabited the Kuban, fought how they raised bread, celebrated weddings to see it all and built a museum in the Krasnodar Territory in the open air with a Cossack history and tradi-

tions, on the shore Azov Sea, on the peninsula of Ta-man and gave it the name of the village of Ataman, where the farmsteads with ancient huts were reproduced and built, the market square with bricks and carts, a chapel, and other objects corresponding to the stanitsas of those times.



Stanitsa Street

The traditions of the Kuban Cossacks are always a new discovery for the younger generation, carrying in itself the volume of knowledge and experience tested over the centuries, the culture and way of life of the eth-nos. It is necessary to develop and maintain a traditional culture, crafts.

The folk crafts of the Kuban Cossacks are a product of the centuries-old experience of masters of different generations and it clearly embodies the basic principles of this kind of artistic creativity: stylization, transformation, flatness, decorativeness, ornamentality of the whole and its parts, rejection of all chance, insignificant, accentuation of the most expressive. In this experience, unsuccessful and inorganic solutions are not repeated; remain only proven, the best.

This art is able to educate and at the same time to form an inner, unified and unique world of the child. At the present level, the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks and the aesthetic ideal embodied in it are the future, the vision of the future in the present. It is always an aspiration forward. Speaking about the traditional culture of the Kuban, simultaneously showing the younger generation is the future in the present.

The goals and objectives of the schools of the Krasnodar Territory are the study of culture, tradition, art, the custom of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack classes

are opened in the region, where the children study everything connected with the history of our region.

Modern pedagogical practice of fine, decorative and applied art and folk art is interested in the comprehensive education and synthesis of academic disciplines in the teaching of fine and decorative art, folk art in the general schools of the region and realizes the need:

1) draw attention to the fine, decorative and applied arts and folk art in order to develop local national artistic traditions, to give them life in a new quality, becoming a prototype of modern trends;

2) revive folk art, folk traditions of its region, aesthetically educate, develop artistic taste.

Teaching the basics of fine, decorative and applied art, the main task is to broaden the horizon. Aesthetic education is a complex and multifaceted site in pedagogy and psychology. For a modern person, the culture of communication, the culture of sight, color perception, means nothing less than the culture of speech communication, which is given great importance in the general education school. Create modern methods, systems, programs, curricula. This is now dictated by the need to bring the entire system of artistic development to the needs of today's time.

Fine and decorative and applied art, conceal in itself special opportunities for the development of creative imagination and intuition, for the sense of joy as the creator of his artistic work. It detaches many opportunities, but it is necessary to start it at school. Here, the guys are dealing with a wide variety of materials and processes. Before him, not only paint and pencils, but also clay, plasticine, cardboard, paper. With the help of these materials, spatial thinking, imagination, fantasy develops. They feel the material, representing themselves as a creator and capable of expressing their attitude to the world in the creation of concrete objects.

To assess the educational process introduced a key concept of childbearing.

Child upbringing is the degree of conformity of his personal development with the goal set by the teachers. The goal is a certain common yardstick. It is a general criterion for the professional evaluation of the educational result. A measure of upbringing is a measure of compliance with these criteria:

1. Holistic reflection in the content of school education, for the formation of the tasks of a creative, independent thinking person of a democratic society.

2. High scientific and practical significance of the content of educational material included in each individual subject.

3. Correspondence of the complexity of the content of educational material to the real educational opportunities of schoolchildren of a given age.

4. Correspondence of the content of the available time to study this subject, the teaching and methodological and material basis of the modern school.

Professional theoretical thinking of the teacher is an opportunity to analyze analytically the process as a system phenomenon in its relation to the universal human culture. This opportunity for a professional indirectly affects the organization of everyday pedagogical work with children. The theoretical level of the teacher's thinking allows us to broadly embrace the reality of the life of schoolchildren, revealing in it that which serves or should serve as a factor in the development of the individual.

Direct work with students that can be observed is a different level of the teacher's professionalism, his methodical preparation. It develops, first of all, from the ability to organize the everyday diverse activities of schoolchildren, or rather, joint activities with children. To master the methodical level, the teacher is forced to learn how to extract from the sources of culture - such as science, morality, art, technology, personalities of outstanding personalities - all the wealth of the achievements of mankind, material and spiritual.

Individual abilities presuppose differences in the degree of giftedness. Students are not equal, some stand out among their peers in their talents as artists, others have abilities in arts and crafts or folk art.

The ability is to have the ability to do something. It is based on innate inclinations and is formed precisely in this activity. To draw an object, you need to consider this object, to see it. This requires the ability of students to be able to distinguish between shapes, sizes and proportions, to see the color and its tonal relations.

Abilities to the fine arts, arts and crafts develop in exercises purposefully to go to the intended goal, namely in drawing. But before you draw a picture, you still need to imagine it, see it, imagine how it will look on a piece of paper. Imagination helps the children create a sequence of work. The performance itself needs compositional abilities that help to place the picture on the sheet, and the ability to generalize, which allows you to preliminarily outline the general, most importantly, discard details. For all stages of performance, special abilities are needed. To these abilities one must add those that determine the emotionality of perception-the ability to enjoy the observed, its rhythm, contrasts, harmony. They create a creative impetus, the need to reproduce their observations or representations in the drawing.

Every person, keen on drawing, if he is put in favorable conditions, then there will be the ability to understand the world - in selecting the content, in interpreting it, in drawing, color, composition of his creative works.

The interaction of fine art in modern conditions occurs at the level of artistic development of our society. Art gives joy, especially to children, when they see their work, pleasure, spiritually enrich and at the same

time awakens the artist in it. Between art and man there is another important link - culture, the mastery of which determines his ability to create a work of art.

Culture is transferred from one person to another in the process of socialization and contacts with other cultures of the peoples of the world, but also because culture shapes people's sense of belonging to a certain group. The meaning of the study of culture is not limited to that it opens something new for the man of his understanding only of culture itself: such a study is important for understanding the essence of almost all, or, in any case, many aspects of the life of society. In many cases, it is through the commonality of culture that this or that social entity acquires integrity, from a disparate collection of people becomes a unity that has an ordered structure:

First, culture is the sphere of free self-realization of the individual, the sphere of creativity, inspiration.

Secondly, culture is a value attitude to real life in society.

Thirdly, culture is an artificial world created by thought, spirit and hands of man, different from the nature that surrounds us.

Bringing young people to art, culture, history means to preserve the historical continuity of two generations. At the critical stages of modern society, the sense of self-awareness is growing, interest in art, history, and national culture is growing.

Creative education with the help of visual arts in our time has become an urgent need of society. Education, development of individual abilities - one of the most important aspects of creative education. Artistic development is a means of developing the creative personality as a whole. Each individual in his gifts is not

like other people, just like rivers do not resemble each other. But the waters of all rivers flow into the sea. So do all the creators form a unity, contributing to the society of people. Art and culture can reproduce artfully and at the same time create an inner, unified and unique world of beauty. It approaches the interpretation and social, moral, aesthetic, spiritual formation of man.

Culture, fine arts, applied arts and folk art can activate, direct, influence the attitude of the world, influence the beliefs, behavior and activities of young people, in all manifestations in the educational process. In accordance with this, there is a revival of values, traditions, customs, national culture where we live.


1. History of the Kuban / ed. V.E. Shchetneva. Krasnodar: The Kuban Book Publishers, 2004.

2. Kuzin V.S. Psychology. M.: Higher School, 1994.

3. Maltseva L.V. Methods of teaching the fine arts. - Krasnodar: KubSU, 2015.

4. Maltseva L.V. Cuban studies in the classroom of fine arts in the secondary school. - Krasnodar: Tradition, 2010.

5. Maltseva L.V. Development of artistic and creative abilities of schoolchildren through the means of fine arts (based on the ethno-cultural culture of the Krasnodar Territory). Krasnodar: Ekoinvest, 2009.

6. Pedagogy / Ed. L.P. Krivshenko. - M.: Prospekt, 2004.


Maltseva L. V.

Ph.D., professor, Kuban State University, art and graphic faculty.


The article presents how to bring up young people, reviving spiritual and moral upbringing. To know the traditions, customs, culture of the Kuban Cossacks. As in the Krasnodar Territory, the cultural heritage of the Cossacks is revived, which is passed on to the youth, thereby creating moral and aesthetic qualities, and developing creative potential.

Keywords: upbringing, revival, spiritual and moral upbringing, churches, churches, cathedral.

At present, we observe that the system of education is reviving, based on using the best that has been accumulated by the Russian people for its millennial history. The most vivid manifestation of this is the return of religion and the Church, their worthy place in society - the spiritual mentor of citizens.

Today much has been done in the Krasnodar Territory to revive the spiritually-moral upbringing of the youth. The infrastructure for implementing measures of spiritual and moral education is developing quite rapidly.

In the Kuban in the cities, villages, new churches are being built and old ones are being restored. The festivities on the occasion of the jubilee of churches became a good tradition. But the main thing that distinguishes modernity from, say, a history of half a century ago - in the temples the number of parishioners has increased. And a large part of them are young people.

The first years of life of the Black Sea Cossacks on the Kuban land, which they received, Catherine the Great is narrated, the construction of Orthodox churches, churches, and later - monastic monasteries. Chernomorets - people from the Zaporozhye Cossacks - were particularly religious and adherent to the Orthodox faith. It is no accident that behind them historically the eloquent name "knights of Orthodoxy" was fixed. For centuries, protecting the borders of the Fatherland, they knew the value of the faith of their ancestors, they were ready to sacrifice their lives for their people, freedom and convictions.

Having received the generous gift of Empress Catherine II - Taman Island, where they have now revived the ethnographic village of Ataman and everyone has visited this village to see how the Cossacks lived. Their way of life, life, traditions, customs. The ethnographic complex, which stretches over 68 hectares of

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