DECORATIVE AND APPLIED ART OF CUBAN (NATIONAL COMPONENT) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Cossacks / revival / culture / traditions / customs / art / acquaintance / young generation

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Maltseva L.V.

Revival of decorative and applied art of the Kuban. To get acquainted with this art you need to visit the ethnographic complex of the village of Ataman located on the Taman Peninsula, where all the folk art of the Kuban Cossacks is represented. Acquaintance with the decorative and applied art of the Kuban awakens our interest in this art.

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7. Федоров В.А., Васильев С.В. Исходные принципы построения модели подготовки конку-рентноспособных рабочих в условиях промышленных предприятий // Образование и наука: Известия УрО РАО. 2014. №6. С.56-76.

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Maltseva L. V.

Ph.D., professor, Kuban State University, art and graphic faculty.


Revival of decorative and applied art of the Kuban. To get acquainted with this art you need to visit the ethnographic complex of the village of Ataman located on the Taman Peninsula, where all the folk art of the Kuban Cossacks is represented. Acquaintance with the decorative and applied art of the Kuban awakens our interest in this art.

Keywords: Cossacks, revival, culture, traditions, customs, art, acquaintance, young generation.

One of the important components of traditional culture is the folk arts and crafts. This is one of the most popular and popular elements of people's culture, in which the social and cultural experience of a particular ethnic group. In recent decades, the XX-early XXI century. the products of the subject-material world of folk art by the majority of the most urbanized peoples are perceived as cultural monuments, as ethnic symbols expressing the mentality, ethnic originality and worldview of the Kuban ethnos that promote the activation of ethno-cultural self-awareness.

Preservation, revival, as well as reasonable development of regional forms of folk culture of the Kuban is one of the vital tasks of modern society. In such conditions, the study of the processes of formation and development of folk decorative and applied art, which was widespread in the Kuban and which was brought by the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, is becoming even more necessary.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the problem of preserving traditional elements of ethnic cultures of the Kuban Cossacks becomes especially important. Therefore, the current stage of development of Russian society is characterized by an increased interest in the folk culture of the Kuban Cossacks. This trend is typical for all regions of Russia, including in the Kuban.

Acquaintance with the decorative and applied art of the Kuban in the fine art, awakens a person's interest

in this art. The child receives first ideas about the Motherland, culture, traditions, customs of his people in the family, then at school, all this contributes to the education of patriotic feelings, and brings them to the world of beauty.

To get acquainted with the decorative and applied art of the Kuban you need to come to the ethnographic complex of the village of "Ataman". Ethnographic complex is the largest and unique in its kind in Russia open-air museum. It is located in Temryuk district, on Taman. This is not a museum exhibit, where nothing can be touched by hands, but a real Cossack village, after which you can fully immerse yourself in the life of the Cossacks, as well as learn about the history of this land. The village of Ataman will transfer its state-sponsors hundreds of years into the past and will allow us to feel the spirit of the Cossacks, unbending will and endless freedom.

A real Cossack village spread wide on the shore of the Taman Peninsula Bay. As it should be in the village, on the highest place - the chapel, at the entrance of the Maidan. Four streets face the sea. Each farmstead is unique, it carries its own meaning, represents a specialty or a trade.

The dwelling of the Kuban Cossacks is a complex cultural complex composed of residential and business premises, performing various functions - residential, economic, religious, ritual, symbolic. In the history of the material culture of the Kuban Cossacks, the issues

of the formation of the residential environment and the architectural appearance of the traditional dwelling belong to the number of little-researched problems.

The village of Ataman was built in the very place where the first Black Sea Cossacks landed in September 1792. This significant event entered the history of the Krasnodar Territory as the beginning of the development by the Cossacks of the Kuban. For settlements, resettled Cossacks chose strategically advantageous places: steep banks of rivers, elevated plots protected by ravines and swamps. The villages were surrounded by a deep moat and earthen rampart.

The area of the largest in Russia ethnic complex of the village of Ataman, which occupies 20 hectares and on its territory there are 47 farmsteads (kurens). There are whole streets in the village, there is a central square, the market. As well as it is necessary watchtowers, a mill. In each farmstead there are wells. There is an apiary in the village, a tavern, a church, a tavern, a school with indispensable attributes and characters. Built: huts blacksmith, saddler, winemaker, fisherman, fireman, house of the stanitsa board and army ataman, Cossack, armourer, weaver, clerk and many others.

The hut of the beekeeper in the village of Ataman is unique: each hive as a house under a thatched roof, an exact copy of the hives of the XIX century, and the base is hollowed out of a single trunk of a tree. The blacksmith's hut could be found by the sounds - hammer blows on the anvil are audible from afar. The smiths never sat without work - the Cossack did not think himself without a weapon and a horse. On any courtyard you could see objects that passed through the hands of a blacksmith. First of all - horseshoes.

Hata potter. Even in the 6th-5th centuries BC on the Taman land, pottery was actively developed. On ancient adaptations Cossacks make household utensils. Often used dishes made of clay: pots, pitchers, makitry, bowls, kettles, mugs, censers. In the Kuban potters enjoyed great honor and respect, songs, fairy tales, proverbs were composed about them. The forms of Kuban ceramics are simple, the ornament is bright, vegetative. Household jugs - glaches, dough kettles, makitra, bowls, sieve, mugs, wash basins were covered with brown or dark green glaze - "watering".

It is a living stanitsa: with its inhabitants, way of life, songs, dances, with vegetable gardens, with observation towers, farmsteads, a market square with bricks and carts, a chapel and dzhigits on hot horses. Everyone who visits the village of Ataman will see that cabbage and potatoes are growing on the beds, freshly baked bread is extracted from the oven by the Cossack, and dashing young Cossacks compete in deletion and dexterity. Here you can get to a real Cossack wedding, talk Cossack and listen to real Cossack tales. Guests will see dzhigitovku and equestrian competitions - an obligatory ritual for the Cossack.

Here you can dine at any of the vending farmsteads. Correct boiled Kuban borshch, homemade noodles, vareniki, pancakes, kvass - and all this is prepared here, with you, according to ancient national recipes.

Try to learn the skills of dzhigitovka, which the proud Cossacks were famous for. Ride on horses -though not so impressive, but very nice. Take part in

various Cossack games, which are held at the fairgrounds. Try yourself in the role of an arrow from a whip or arnoutki. Communicate to the art of coinage and make your own happy coin yourself.

Those who are going to visit the village of Ataman for the first time should be warned: do not be surprised at the beauty of the scenery here: Cossack huts always looked neat and elegant. This is because they were bleached with lime, hence the name "mud hut". And even about the beauty of the Cossacks and to this day there are legends, here all the questions to nature; she, however, created a picturesque shore, on which stands the village. In the evenings you can see the lights of the Ukrainian city of Kerch, and in the daytime make incredible photos and even swim in the sea. The village of Ataman is one of those places, which can be talked about for an infinitely long time. Even the best story will not replace the share of impressions about visiting this village.

Exhibits, which in the hut can not only be touched, but also learn some Cossack craft. How the Kuban Cossacks lived, how they walked, how they sang and even that they drank - none of the sources could better convey the atmosphere. Woven bedspreads on the bed, broken curtains on the windows, feather pillows and pillows. Red corner with images, embroidery, lace, old photos. So the Cossacks created coziness in their huts.

A man has long sought to decorate his home and everything that he had to face in everyday life. When making any thing, the folk master not only thought about its practical purpose, but also did not forget about beauty. Secrets of skill passed from father to son, from mother to daughter. The art of embroidery was always appreciated in the Kuban.

Embroidered patterns not only decorated clothes and towels, but also guarded against evil forces. For this purpose, the craftswomen embroidered special patterns or ornament. Ornament could be different: depict animals, plants, geometric patterns and even inscriptions. Loved the Cossacks to portray birds on towels, because birds are a symbol of love, happiness, and good. Sometimes women embroidered peacocks on their products. He is considered a symbol of wisdom. The pattern from plants was no less popular in the Kuban.

One of the oldest folk crafts of the Eastern Slavs is lozo-laying. On the Kuban it was brought by the Black Sea Cossacks from Ukraine at the end of the 18th century. A significant part of household utensils - from vegetable baskets to wattle fodder and household buildings, residents of the Kuban stanitsas made from a vine. All kinds of tops, baskets, various wattles, koshels (storage tanks for grain), sheepfolds spun from a flexible, golden willow vine.

From branches of woody plants were built dwellings, outbuildings, hedges, children's cradles, bodies of sledges and carts, furniture, children's toys and utensils. And the most common products from the vine were baskets.

It is necessary to develop and maintain arts and crafts and crafts. Studying folk art, collecting samples, mastering the technology of making traditional products is one of the most interesting and most fruitful kinds of work. Knowledge and skills are acquired when

they become acquainted with the best examples of creativity of folk craftsmen. Communication with the world of folk art, the treasury of national culture contributes to the strengthening of national culture and patriotic feelings, love for the native people, pride in it and its culture. In accordance with this, there is a revival of values and a tradition of the national culture of a particular region, the formation of its value potential becomes more real and logical.

Bringing up the younger generation in the folk culture of the Kuban is a necessary emotional, spiritualizing beginning in relation to the personality to the reality surrounding them, so that they will know and transform the world around them according to the laws of nature and beauty. The popular culture of the Kuban Cossacks directs and is able to activate the worldview of man.

Folk culture can activate, direct, influence the attitude of the world, influence the beliefs, behavior and activities of young people, in all manifestations in the educational process. For the younger generation, the study of the culture of the Kuban Cossacks - acquaintance with a huge and interesting world, which has centuries-old traditions, customs.

Communication with the world of decorative and applied art and folk art, the treasury of national culture contributes to the strengthening of national culture, love of the native land, the people, pride in their culture. In accordance with this, there is a revival of values, traditions, customs, national culture of its region, where everyone lives.


1. Bondar N.I. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Red Gift, 1999.

2. History of the Kuban / Pod. Ed. The cube. GU Shetneva V.E. Krasnodar .: Kuban book publishing house, 2004. 304 p.

3. Maltseva L.V. Methods of teaching visual and decorative arts. Krasnodar: KubSU, 2013.

4. Maltseva L.V. Development of artistic and creative abilities of schoolchildren through the means of fine arts (based on the ethno-cultural culture of the Krasnodar Territory). Krasnodar: Ekoinvest, 2009.


Шинкарёва Н.А.

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры психологии и педагогики дошкольного образования

Иркутский государственный университет

Сентемова Н.А. магистрант


Shinkareva N.A.

Candidate of Pedagogical l Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Preschool Education Pedagogics and Psychology education

Irkutsk State University Sentemova N.A. graduate student Irkutsk state University


В статье рассмотрена феноменология адекватной полоролевой идентичности выявлены особенности сформированности полоролевой идентичности детей пятого года жизни.

Формирование полоролевой идентичности - одна из задач реализации образовательной области «Социально-коммуникативное развитие» в детском саду, тесно связанная, в соответствии с ФГОС, с формированием семейной и гражданской идентичностью. Но сегодня авторы пришли к тому, что социальный прогресс с его демократизацией отношений полов, стиранием границ между «мужскими» и «женскими» профессиями, совместное обучение и работа изменяют нормативные представления о мужских и женских ролях, нивелируют многие, казавшиеся раньше естественными, различия. Массовое ослабление женственности и соответственно мужественности - огромное психологическое бедствие для семейной жизни.

В статье рассматривается проблема формирования адекватной полоролевой идентичности у дошкольников пятого года жизни. Описываются результаты исследования особенностей адекватной полоролевой идентичности детей дошкольного возраста. Представлены цель, методики, критерии оценки, и особенности проявления полоролевой идентичности детьми дошкольного возраста. Анализ теоретических исследований по данной проблеме, позволил охарактеризовать теоретическую дефиницию «компоненты полоро-левой идентичности». Авторы считают, что осознание ребенком своей половой идентичности (его позиция как представителя определенного пола, чувство тождественности со своим полом, стремление поддержать «престиж» своего пола) определяет специфику развития его самосознания.

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