"COTTON-TEXTILE CLUSTER" ONE OF THE CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
textile cluster / innovative production / enterprise integration / cluster model / infrastructure / enterprise cluster

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Khalmatjanova G.D.

The article deals with a new system of managing the country's economy, the creation of "clusters", which include enterprises and organizations that produce the final product and are geographically close to each other.

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Khalmatjanova G.D.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Fergana State



The article deals with a new system of managing the country's economy, the creation of "clusters", which include enterprises and organizations that produce the final product and are geographically close to each other.

Keywords: textile cluster, innovative production, enterprise integration, cluster model, infrastructure, enterprise cluster

The Cotton Textile Cluster is a large-scale project, one of the conditions for economic development. Getting to know it, a deeper understanding of its essence is important not only for industry professionals, experts, economists, but also for the general public. After all, the fate of all of us depends on this land. Development requires innovation. The more we learn about them, the more we contribute to development.

A small level of integration is the formation of a new system for managing the country's economy, the creation of "clusters", which include enterprises and organizations that produce the final product and are geographically close to each other.

The purpose of the clusters is to focus on the creation of competitive goods based on the organization of innovative production - the integration of enterprises of the same industry located in the city, district and region, and educational, scientific, engineering, consulting, standardization, certification and other services in a single technological chain. At the same time, such an important aspect as employment is manifested.

Globalization and deepening of integration processes in the world economy requires a comprehensive study of both the internal strengths and weaknesses of agribusiness, and its external opportunities and risks in the market. One of these possibilities is to organize an agro-industrial group according to the cluster model.

The cluster model is widely used in world practice as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of an economic group, region, country as a whole. The main features of the cluster model are: the group's ability to increase its share in foreign markets; the presence of favorable conditions (raw materials, qualified personnel, infrastructure, training centers, scientific institutions, etc.) on the territory; the breadth of opportunities for effective participation of participants in the group in exchange for the active use of the group by the state, etc.

After the 1980s, we can observe the achievements of 3 important scientific schools (American, British, Scandinavian and others) in the development of cluster theory.

The compatibility of value added and cluster chain, regional learning concepts are also included in this group.

From the evolution of cluster theory, two main descriptions can be distin

First, the activities of enterprises and firms integrated into the cluster should be clearly linked to the market for similar goods. This relationship can be vertical (a chain of purchases and sales) and horizontal (additional departments and services, associated specific costs, use of technology or institutions, and other relationships).

Second, clusters are a group of geographically close interconnected enterprises that develop competitiveness as a result of the stabilization of economic and social relations between them, creating opportunities for creating more added value and sales in the market.

Industrial clusters are primarily able to withstand competition within this network in local and global markets.

Therefore, in the context of innovative development of the economy, especially in the current period, when traditional methods of economic development do not provide sufficient advantages, the application of the theory of clusters is the most optimal way.

Clustering can also be seen as a new economic system that fully meets the requirements of national and regional development in order to increase the competitiveness of enterprises by accelerating their innovation activities and to resist the strong influence of global competition.

The role of the state in the formation of clusters plays an important role.

Developed countries have experience in using clusters in the formation and management of an innovative economy.

Experience of foreign countries

High-tech agro-industrial clusters are common in all states of the United States. Large agricultural clusters are located in Washington, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and wine production is in California. High-performance clusters can be seen in the Silicon Valley Information Technology and Hollywood Cinema clusters. In Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Netherlands, England, Switzerland, Denmark and other countries) high-tech agro-clusters are widespread.

Clusters are well developed in Great Britain, Holland, Germany, USA, Denmark, France, Italy, Finland, India. Clusters prevail in Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

Cluster structures are successfully operating in the light industry of Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Denmark, India, Korea, Pakistan, China and Turkey, the chemical and mechanical industry in Germany, as well as in the food and cosmetics industry in France.

The clustering process is intensifying in Southeast Asia, China, Singapore, Japan and other countries.

In Germany, for example, until recently, the development of regional clusters took place without government intervention. However, in 2003 the government turned its attention to cluster initiatives. This was done primarily in the design of high-tech industries. The state intends to combine the efforts of industrial and scientific centers not only at the expense of local, but also other sources.

Thus, in the analysis of foreign and domestic researchers, the concept of "cluster" is defined as follows:

- cluster - a group of enterprises united in a single industry and interconnected.

- cluster - a group of enterprises located in one geographic area and forming a single network.

- cluster - a group of interrelated and complementary companies, institutions operating in a single geographic area in certain territories.

- cluster - a group of enterprises functionally connected horizontally and vertically.

- cluster - a group of interrelated and complementary enterprises, research institutes in the form of collective, private and semi-collective.

- Cluster is a group of commercial and non-profit organizations that serves to ensure the competitiveness of each enterprise in the group.

- Cluster is an industrial complex based on regional concentration and uniting suppliers of goods and raw materials, large manufacturers, connected in a technological chain.

As the President of the country Sh.M. Mirziyoyev noted, it is advisable to create a cluster system in all directions.

Indeed, the creation of cluster systems in the oil and gas, chemical, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, computer, automotive, transport, food, educational, fish, poultry, beekeeping, silk and other industries will increase funding for research and development, improve quality, research increases the level of technical support for them. work, create new opportunities for participation in foreign investment projects, training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

In addition, in the cluster system, educational and research centers will receive ample opportunities and conditions for the creation of new scientific and methodological developments, their short-term testing, more incentives for production and scientific personnel and specialists, the invention of new products under the Uzbek brand.

Also, research centers for the training of international cluster coordinators and Councils for cluster projects will appear in our country.

One of the most reasonable ways is to form clusters in the system of textile and light industry of Uzbekistan not on the basis of the country, but on the basis of

specific economic and social conditions in the regions, based on the essence of the theory of clusters.

The cotton-textile cluster covers not only light industry, but also dozens of sectors on its way, such as agriculture, food processing, pharmaceuticals, construction goods.

The need to search for effective methods of production of raw cotton is also explained by the fact that in the conditions of Uzbekistan, the possibilities of land productivity have not been fully used.

This is confirmed by a comparison of some indicators of agriculture in Uzbekistan and developed countries. For example, the Netherlands, with a population of 16 million people and 1.038 million hectares of arable land (60% of which is developed by the sea), produced agricultural products worth $ 131 billion, while Uzbekistan, with a population of 32 million and 4.4 million hectares, is only $13.2.

The main consumer of raw cotton in Uzbekistan is the textile industry, which plays an important role in the industrial complex of the republic. Undoubtedly, the development of the textile industry is also directly related to the state of the cotton industry.

World experience shows that in the textile industry, a vertically integrated system can be efficient and competitive, from growing and initial processing of raw cotton to its subsequent processing and production of finished products in cotton factories (for example, yarn, knitwear, fabrics and clothing). before conversion.

It is impossible to create a competitive product with high added value without introducing new, modern approaches to the economy.

In this regard, we can give an example of step-by-step actions taken in our country at the initiative of the distinguished President.

The ultimate goal of this pilot industrial cluster was the production of competitive regional products with high added value and, on this basis, the solution of many problems in the regions, namely: efficient use of labor and material resources, budget replenishment, export opportunities, social issues.


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3. Г.Халматжанова. Инновации, модернизация, инвестиции в экономике Узбекистана. Большая Евразия: разитие, безопасность, сотрудничество. Ежегодник. Выпуск 3, часть 1. Москва. 2020 г.

4. Г.Халматжанова. Обеспечение устойчивого развития сельского хозяйства. Международная научно-практическая конференция "Финансово-правовые и инновационныеаспекты инвестирования экономики региона", Москва, РУСАЙНС, 2020 г., 27 мая.

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Nykytiuk Y.,

candidate of Agricultural Sciences1 Moroz V.,

candidate of Agricultural Sciences1 Karchevskyy R.

graduate student1 1Polissky National University, Ukraine Stary Boulevard, 7, Zhytomyr, 10008


Никитюк Ю.

кандидат альськогосподарських наук1

Мороз В.

кандидат альськогосподарських наук1 Карчевський Р.


1Полicький нацюнальний утверситет, Украша

Бульвар старий 7, м. Житомир, 10008


У ходi проведеного математичного аналiзу запропоноваш рiвняння конфесшних коефщенпв з метою швидкого встановлення фггомаси соснових деревосташв залежно ввд i'x BiKy та гiдро-едафiчних умов зро-стання. Проаналiзовано, що сосновi насадження Житомирського Полюся найбшьше поглинають вуглець та продукують кисень в бiльш вологих типах грунту.

Зроблено висновок, про доцшьне ведения люового господарства лiсництвами Житомирського По-лiсся, де гiдро-едафiчнi умови зростання враховуються при створеннi соснових люових культур .


During the conducted mathematical analysis, we propose the equations of confessional coefficients in order to quickly establish the phytomass of pine woodlands, depending on their age and the type of hydro -edaphic growth conditions. We analyzed that the pine plantations of Zhytomyr Polissya absorb the most carbon and produce oxygen in wetter soil types.

We conclude that it is advisable for Zhytomyr Polissya foresties to introduce a forestry in which hydro-edaphic growth conditions are taken into account when creating pine forest crops.

Keywords: pine, type of forest vegetation conditions, carbon absorption, oxygen production, Zhytomyr Polissya.

Ключов1 слова: сосна, тип люорослинних умов, поглинання вуглецю, продукування кисню, Жито-мирське Полюся.

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