THE ROLE OF INNOVATION IN THE RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
agriculture / innovation / fruits and vegetables / livestock products / storage / processing / export of goods

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Rayimdjanova G.

The article deals with the provision of the population with the main types of agricultural products, as well as the full use of the existing potential of personal subsidiary plots and farms, the creation of new jobs, increasing employment, income and welfare of the people.

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Carbon Absortion Ability of Pine Forest Plantations in the Ukrainian Polissya. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 10(2), 249-255.

16. Nykytiuk U. A., Moroz V. V., Karchev-skyy R. A. (2019). Analysis of oak stands Zhytomyr Polissya. Danish scientific journal. 28, Vol. 1, 3-7. (in Denmark).

17. Nykytiuk U. A., Moroz V. V., Karchev-skyy R. A. (2019). Analysis of pine stands Zhytomyr

Polissya. Znanstvena misel journal. 35, Vol. 2, 3-7. (in Slovenia).

18. Poluboyarinov O. I. (1976). Wood density. Moskva: Forest industry (in Russian).

19. Shvidenko A. Z., Strochinskiy A. A., Sav-ich Yu. N., & Kashpor S. N. (1987) Regulatory and reference materials for the forest inventory in Ukraine and Moldova. Kiev: Urozhay. (in Ukrainian).


Rayimdjanova G.

doctoral student, Fergana State University


The article deals with the provision of the population with the main types of agricultural products, as well as the full use of the existing potential of personal subsidiary plots and farms, the creation of new jobs, increasing employment, income and welfare of the people.

Keywords: agriculture, innovation, fruits and vegetables, livestock products, storage, processing, export of goods.

Agriculture is one of the main sectors of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Land used for agricultural production covers 45 percent of the country's territory, with about 50 percent of the population living in rural areas.

The sector, along with water and forestry, employs 3.6 million people (27 percent of those employed in the economy as a whole) and 32.4 percent of the country's gross domestic product. In addition, the owners of 4.7 million peasant farms, which grow a large proportion of fruits and vegetables and livestock products, are also considered to be engaged in agriculture, although they are often employed in other sectors of the economy.

Exports of agricultural products bring about 2025% of the total income to the Republic of Uzbekistan. More than 180 types of agricultural food products are exported to 80 countries around the world, accounting for 20% of total exports.

Consistent implementation of agrarian reforms has provided the following key trends and results.

1. Sustainable development of the agricultural sector, growth of agricultural production.

2. Agricultural production accounts for 32.4% of the structure of the country's economy, even without the products of its processing, and about 40% of GDP, taking into account the processing industries. The direct share of agriculture in annual GDP growth averages 1. 1 percent (or 13.5 percent of total growth).

3. Production growth is inherent in virtually all types of agricultural crops. Fruit and vegetable production increased by 1.5 times (average annual growth rate of 8.5%, meat and dairy products - by 1.4 times (6.7%), grain - by 8% (2.2%). annual growth (12%) and fisheries (5.1 times), while the production of raw cotton decreased by 16.2% due to the reduction of arable land.

Despite the favorable trends in agricultural development formed in recent years, there are some challenges that hinder the growth of existing potential and reserves for its expansion.

1. Inefficient use of limited natural and human resources.

2. Slower growth rates of labor productivity compared to other sectors of the economy. In addition, the productivity of agricultural labor in Uzbekistan is 4.7 times lower than in other countries.

3. Lack of infrastructure and logistics facilities for storage, processing and transportation of agricultural products.

4. Lack of water resources and irrational use of water in an environment of growing population.

5. Lack of arable lands, pastures, nutrients due to high salinity and erosion of the soil.

6. Low agricultural productivity.

7. Losses in storage and transportation of fruits and vegetables.

8. Existence of high management barriers to entre-preneurship development in agriculture.

9. Low level of development of training centers.

Prospects for agricultural development and implementation of structural reforms:

In the medium term (2019-2025)

1. Carrying out of general inventory of arable lands and periodic updating of their databases on points-bonitet, creation and introduction of the general electronic database of these arable lands.

2. Reform of land relations to ensure the implementation and protection of the legal rights of citizens and legal entities in order to organize the rational use of land in the agricultural sector.

3. Optimizing the location and improving the structure of arable land, taking into account the score of

the soil, the selection of areas required for the most productive agricultural crops in domestic and foreign markets.

4. Gradual return of unused saline and dry lands through the introduction of a system of planting legumes, fodder, oilseeds and salt and drought-resistant varieties of nuts, and their effective use.

5. Introduction of market mechanisms in the field of water consumption and the principles of public-private partnership in the use of water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

6. Development of irrigation systems through the construction and reconstruction of canals, irrigation networks, hydraulic structures, pressure pipes.

7. Dissemination of best practices in personal subsidiary and dehkan farms, supply of light greenhouses using alternative energy sources to 0.02 hectares, small poultry farms to 100 heads of poultry, bee farms to 4-5 bee families, and other high-efficiency and profitable productions. as well as the efficient and rational use of existing land plots by organizing the sale of crops.

8. Improving the system of insurance of agricultural products against natural disasters

9. Introduce a procedure for the sale of agricultural products strictly on the basis of the conclusions (certificates) of laboratories for the analysis of the presence of residues of pesticides, nitrates and salts of heavy metals.

10. Adoption of international quality standards.

11. Introduction of membrane method technologies for storage of plant products. 12. Construction of new irrigation and drainage infrastructure and renovation of existing ones.

13. Creation of large agro-clusters, networks for the sale of natural products.

14. Improving the system of training and retraining of personnel for the agricultural sector.

15. Use of saline irrigated lands by planting beets (for food and feed and sugar) and moderately saline-

resistant vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, radishes, carrots, potatoes.

16. Providing subsidies to agricultural producers.

17. Conduct a series of studies to determine the most suitable, most effective crops in the country.

18. Introduction of successful experience of foreign countries in drip irrigation.

In summary, these measures include doubling agricultural production, increasing exports by 7.2 times, ensuring food security, filling the domestic consumer market, providing the population with basic types of agricultural products, as well as personal aids and to make full use of the existing potential of farms, create new jobs, increase employment, income and welfare of the people.


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