PROBLEMS OF FOOD SECURITY IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Ibragimov Abdumalik Gapparovich

The article analyzes the results achieved in the reform of the agrarian sector of Uzbekistan on the basis of official statistics highlights the problems of food security. The conditions to ensure food security of the country, developed recommendations on the specific institutional arrangements aimed at improving various aspects of food security in Uzbekistan.

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Текст научной работы на тему «PROBLEMS OF FOOD SECURITY IN UZBEKISTAN»

components of modern industrial horticulture, which are fundamental in machine technology intensive horticulture, had been formed.


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Ibragimov Abdumalik Gapparovich

Reclamation Candidate of Economic Sciences, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Department of Water Resources Management

Abstract. The article analyzes the results achieved in the reform of the agrarian sector of Uzbekistan on the basis of official statistics highlights the problems offood security. The conditions to ensure food security of the country, developed recommendations on the specific institutional arrangements aimed at improving various aspects of food security in Uzbekistan.

Keywords: agrarian reform, market economy, food security, agriculture, agricultural production, losses in agriculture, modernization and innovative production.

Introduction. Agrarian reform in Uzbekistan has been focused on the widespread introduction of market relations. The qualitative results of the reforms in agriculture are: improving the efficiency of production - increased productivity for major crops and livestock productivity, increase profitability of private farms and improvements in terms of sustainable food production, ensure food security of the country.

Object of study. Food security

Research methodology. The dialectical method, a systematic and comparative analysis, induction and deduction, monographic research, surveillance and others.

Results. At the World Food Summit conference organized in 1974 by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), in Rome under the food security is understood as "presence at any time required world food supplies of basic foodstuffs, sufficient to maintain the sustainability and expansion of consumption, and compensation for fluctuations in production and prices "[1]. In 1986, the World Bank report on poverty and hunger, dedicated to the issues of food security dynamics emphasized the distinction between chronic food insecurity related to the problems of poverty and low incomes, and transitory food insecurity caused by natural disasters, economic crises or armed conflicts.

At the World Summit 2009 on Food Security, held in Rome listed food safety basics - is: availability, access, utilization and stability, and also pointed out that "... Food security exists when all people always have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet

their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life ". Food security is fundamentally estimated using four key indicators:

• availability (physical presence) food;

• access to food (economic and physical);

• utility (nutritious) food;

• the stability of food supplies.

Thus, food security - this country's ability to provide constant availability of food for the entire population in the quantity and quality required for an active and healthy life.

Achieving food security requires addressing such important tasks as:

• conduct effective agricultural policy and the creation of a stable economic environment with a view to achieving sustainable, intensive and diversified food production, increasing its efficiency, ensuring equal opportunities for economic entities;

• investment promotion of the agrarian sector and the introduction of innovative technologies in the production, processing and storage of raw materials and food;

• improvement of distribution and specialization of agriculture, aimed at self-sufficiency in raw materials and food regions, an effective policy in the field of employment and implementation of social policies aimed at eradicating poverty and inequality in terms of access to food;

• an active foreign economic activity, optimization of export-import activity.

As a result of the accelerated development of industry and services in the years of independence in Uzbekistan the share of agriculture in GDP declined from 37.4% in 1991 to 16.8% in 2014. Currently, 99.9% of agricultural production falls on the private sector. During the period of 2000-2014 years the average annual growth rate of agricultural output amounted to 6%. Changed sectoral structure of gross agricultural production. The share of crop production was 58% in 2014 vs. 50% in 2000 the share of animal husbandry, respectively, decreased from 42% to 50%.

In the system of agricultural reform measures focusing on radical improvement of ameliorative condition of irrigated lands. This objective has been and remains for the future one of the major priorities, because of the state of soil fertility, their constant improvement is entirely dependent on the productivity of all agricultural production, economic and food security of the country, material well-being not only of rural workers, but also the entire population of Uzbekistan. As a result of the measures taken ensured amelioration of 1.7 million hectares of irrigated land. The area of land with a critical level of groundwater (up to 2 meters) decreased by almost 500 thousand hectares, or more than a third, and strongly and medium saline lands - 100 thousand hectares, or 12 percent. In areas where ameliorative measures have been carried out, cotton yields increased by an average of 2-3 quintals per hectare of cereal crops - by 3-4 centners. Changing cropping patterns by optimizing the crop for cotton and the increase in the area under grain crops, vegetables, horticulture and viticulture. As a result, it was released more than 30 thousand hectares of irrigated land on which crops are available, vegetables, potatoes, orchards and vineyards. In the years 2004-2013 the production of vegetables in the Republic in terms of price, in dollars, increased by 7.7 times, fruits and vegetables - 5.1, melons -7.8, grapes - in 8,7 times (Table 1).

Table 1. Dynamics of production of fruit, vegetables, potatoes and grapes per capita in the Republic ofUzbekistan

Name Years Annual production Years1 norm Human kg Difference in 2013 year compared with the norm (+, -)

2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 tonne percent

Vegetables 108,0 133,1 266,6 240,2 262,8 283,1 109,2 +174,1 259,1

Melons products 18,4 23,6 42,2 44,5 48,0 50,8 24,8 +26,0 204,8

Potatoes 29,9 35,5 60,5 64,0 69,6 76,0 54,6 +21,4 139,1

Fruits 32,3 36,5 61,1 64,5 69,4 76,9 65,3 +11,6 117,8

Grapes 25,5 24,7 35,3 37,4 40,8 43,2 13,9 +29,3 310,9

As a result, with a steady amount of raw cotton production in the period 2012-2014, the production of vegetables increased by 16.3 percent, melons - by 16.6, fruits -by nearly 21 percent. And by 2020, the production of fruits and vegetables, grapes and melons compared to the year 2014 is planned to increase by at least 2.3 times.

Currently, as part of the share of the consumer basket of food is less than 50 percent, indicating that the positive dynamics of growth of welfare of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Table 2).

Table 2. The change in the consumption basket of the population The Republic of Uzbekistan in 1996-2014 years (in percentage)

Indicators 1996 r. 2001 r. 2005 r. 2010 r. 2014 r.

Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0


Food 73.9 72.1 63.2 58.1 49,2

Non-food products 17.8 18.9 21.4 24.3 31.8

Services 8.3 9.0 15.4 17.6 19.0

At the same time, dangerous changes in climate, land degradation, the growing problems associated with water supply pose a threat to the future stability of agricultural production and food security.

The widespread use of unbalanced norms of mineral fertilizers, irrigation water and other resources, with a focus on maximizing yields without more careful consideration the characteristics of each field of natural factors and the environment, have led to the deterioration of land reclamation, soil erosion, contamination of groundwater by chemicals, violation of environmental balance of irrigated fields and reduce their level of fertility. More than 3 million hectares of land are affected by wind and water erosion - for a season average loss of topsoil for this reason reach 80 tons / ha. Despite the fact that over the past 10-15 years, the volume of the use of pesticides and fertilizers have decreased by 3-4 times, today about 54% of soil contaminated by pesticides, more than 80% have a high content of harmful substances. Concentration of CO2 level in the atmosphere is now almost reached the ecological threshold and may exceed it, if appropriate measures are not taken in the near future.

An estimated loss of resource base for agricultural production costs the country about $ 1 billion. Annually. Only by reducing the capacity of agricultural production as a result of salinity and land degradation country annually loses $ 35 mln., And the annual economic loss due to the withdrawal from the market of agricultural land is $ 14 million.

By 2050, the possible reduction of water resources in the basin of the Amu Darya River by 1015%. According to the Syrdarya river basin may be reduced by 2-5%. In today's shortage of water resources in Central Asia, even a small, but steady reduction of a serious problem.

High losses due to inefficient land and water use indicate the need for:

1) Increasing the efficiency of water resources and to prevent further salinization and land degradation due to widespread use of water-saving technologies;

2) Modernization of water management and irrigation systems;

3) Implementation and promotion of technology of drip irrigation, which saves up to 50% of water and increase productivity up to 20 - 40%;

4) Implementation of integrated water resources management by involving all stakeholders and linking it with the management of land resources;

5) The introduction of high-yielding varieties of drought-resistant;

6) Institutional development in the field of water use and consumption;

7) support in a number of agricultural reform and strengthening of the role of water users association;

8) The development of legal mechanisms for the regulation of land and water relations;

9) The development of regional monitoring of the state of water resources;

10) The development of socio-economic scenarios and plans for long-term development of the agricultural sector.

Under these conditions, agriculture is in dire need of modernization and innovative development, updating of fixed capital on a fundamentally new, competitive basis. Therefore, the problem of renovation of production facilities can not be solved by using old approaches, when the economic policy carried out centrally and mainly due to budgetary sources and funds of ministries and enterprises acted as public funds users.

Who requires the formation and development of new areas such as entrepreneurship and innovation processes, which contribute to increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers on the domestic and international markets, addressing economic growth, etc.

In this regard, it is evident that the development of science-based program for the development of industries agro-industrial complex on the basis of effective use of the country's innovation potential.

Food Program implemented in the Republic provides for the modernization of agriculture, increase its efficiency and increase production. Therefore, currently focusing on further reform of the sector on the basis of national and international experience with the involvement of financial resources, as well as land reclamation and irrigation, improving soil fertility, creation of the necessary infrastructure for the delivery of products to the consumer.

As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, no program can not be realized without the development of the national economy as a whole. Therefore, carrying food program, it is necessary to simultaneously address many interrelated issues. First of all, create a powerful economic potential, and most importantly, to change people's attitudes to food, which is a priceless boon, given its great difficulty and we must always appreciate. It concerns the implementation of relevant measures to increase production of food products, attraction of foreign investments in the sector, the introduction of high-tech equipment, to increase export capacity.

This will keep high-level food security as an integral part of the socio-economic development.

Conclusion. The most important direction of development of sustainable and efficient agriculture, more efficient use of water resources, preventing further deterioration of salinity and land quality is a translation of his intensive practices through the introduction of modern agricultural technologies and equipment of high-performance agricultural machinery. It is necessary to ensure the priority development and targeted support for agricultural sectors and industries to be competitive on the world market for further economic growth, modernization and diversification of the economy.


1. http://www.fao.org/es/esa/

2.http: //www.fao.org/docrep/005/Y4671E/y4671 e06.htm

3. http: //www.fao.

4.Statisticheskie data of Uzbekistan State Statistics Committee. - Access: http://www.stat.uz

5. Adaptation to climate change in order to protect human health. Access: http: //www.who.int/globalchange/projects/adaptation/ru/index.html

6. Calculated on the basis of the State Statistics Committee data The Republic of Uzbekistan.

7. Calculated on the basis of the State Statistics Committee data The Republic of Uzbekistan.

8. World Bank. Europe and Central Asia. Agriculture and Rural Development Program Snapshot. March 2012. P. 38.

9. The most important provisions implementing the food program in Uzbekistan: conference materials. - T., Uzbekistan, 2014. - S. 22.

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