Научная статья на тему 'Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Pakistan'

Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Pakistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Yakovlev R.V., Witt Th J.

An annotated list of Cossidae of Pakistan, which includes 27 species of 18 genera from 3 subfamilies is presented. Four species ( Cossus afghanistana Daniel, 1953, Semagystia cossoides (Graeser, 1892), Zeuzera nepalense Daniel,1962, and Azygophleps pusilla (Walker, 1856)) are reported for the fauna of Pakistan for the first time.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Pakistan»

Бюлоггчний вгсникМДПУ iмет БогданаХмельницького 6 (2), стор. 67-76, 2016 Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (2), pp. 67-76, 2016

ARTICLE UDC 591.9:595.782


R.V. Yakovlev1 2 & Th J. Witt3

1 Altai State University, pr. Lenina 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia 3Museum Witt, Tengstrasse 33, 80796Munich, Germany

An annotated list of Cossidae of Pakistan, which includes 27 species of 18 genera from 3 subfamilies is presented. Four species (Cossus afghanistana Daniel, 1953, Semagystia cossoides (Graeser, 1892), Zeuzera nepalense Daniel, 1962, and Azygophlepspusilla (Walker, 1856)) are reported for the fauna of Pakistan for the first time.

Key words: fauna, Lepidoptera, Cossidae, Pakistan.


Carpenter moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of South Asia have been studied rather fragmentary. Sufficiently complete observations were published on the fauna of India (Arora, 1976), China (Hua et al., 1990), Lebanon (Saldaitis et al., 2007), Andaman Islands (Yakovlev, 2005), Thailand (Yakovlev, 2004a; b; c), Vietnam (Yakovlev & Witt, 2009), Afghanistan (Yakovlev et al., 2015) and Socotra Island (Borth et al., 2011). The fauna of Pakistan remains rather poorly studied. Only few species of Cossidae were described from its territory: Eremocossus foedus (Swinhoe, 1884), Aholcocerus ronkayorum Yakovlev, 2006, Cossulus griseatellus Yakovlev, 2006, Phragmataecia gurkoi Yakovlev, 2007, Vartiania sapho Yakovlev, 2007, V. beludzhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016 and Dervishiya sindhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016 (Swinhoe, 1884; Yakovlev, 2006a, 2007; Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016). In addition, some species were reported from Pakistan in various papers: Cossulus strioliger (Alpheraky, 1893) (Daniel, 1971), Chinocossus acronyctoi-des (Moore, 1879) and Deserticossus arenicola iranica (Austaut, 1897) (Arora, 1976), Cryptoholcocerus mongolicus (Erschoff, 1882) (Yakovlev, 2006b), Cossulus turkomanicus albus (Daniel, 1971) (Yakovlev, 2006c). Forest entomologists from Pakistan recorded Zeuzera sp. on Juglans regia (Gul & Wali-ur-Rehm-an, 1999) and Zeuzera multistrigata Moore, 1881 (Viqar et al., 2005).


As a result of processing of the material deposited in different museums of Europe an exhaustive list of Cossidae of the fauna of Pakistan is presented. Following acronyms of the states and private collections with Lepidoptera depositaries are used in the text: AHU -collection of Armin Hauenstein (Untermünkheim. Germany); BMNH - The Natural History Museum (London, Great Britain); MNHW -Naturhistorisches Museum (Wien, Austria); MHUB - Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institut für Evolution und Biodiversitatsforschung (Berlin, Germany); MSW - collection of Manfred Ströhle (Weiden, Germany); MWM - Entomological Museum of Thomas Witt (Munich, Germany); WSM - collection of Wolfgang Speidel, Munich, Germany; ZSM - Zoologische Staatssammlung München (Munich, Germany).


Yakovlev, R.V., Witt, Th.J. (2016). Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Pakistan. Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (2), 67-76.

Поступило в редакцию / Submitted: 19.02.2016 Принято к публикации / Accepted: 18.05.2016


© Yakovlev & Witt, 2016

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Annotated list of species

1. Catopta cashmirensis (Moore, 1879) (Figures 1-2, 34)

General distribution: mountains in Northern India, Northern Pakistan, Eastern Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan (Yakovlev, 2011; Yakovlev et al., 2013).

Material examined: 58 males, 6 females, Pakistan, Kashmir, Himalaya Mts., Deosai Mts., Bubin Village, 3150 m, 74°59' E; 35°12' N, 19.08.1998, leg. Z. Varga et G. Ronkay (MWM); 4 males, Pakistan, Himalaja Mts, Kashmir, Chilam Chauki, 2900 m, 74°58' E ; 35°10' N, 7.09.1997, leg. Fabian & Ronkay (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan, Himalaja Mts, Kaghan Valley, 30 km S Babusar pass, 3500 m, 73°51' E ; 35°02' N, 27.06.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 2 males, Himalaja Mts, Kashmir, 6 km NW of Chilam Chauki, 3300 m, 74°59' E ; 35°08' N, 20.06.1998, leg. Fabian & Herczig (MWM); 1 male, Himalaja Mts, 12 km NW of Astor, Rama Lake, 3500 m, 74°43' E ; 35°16' N, 19-20.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 25 males, Pakistan, Karakoram Mts., Naltar Valley, 2800 m, 74°12' E; 36°09' N, 14.08.1998, leg. Z. Varga et G. Ronkay (MWM); 4 males, Pakistan, Karakoram Mts., Hunza, Karimabad, 2800 m, 74°41' E; 36°20' N, 2.09.1997, leg. Fabian et Ronkay (MWM); 17 males, 1 female, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts., Darkot, 2700 m, 73°25' E; 36°39' N, 9-10. 08.1998, leg. Z. Varga et G. Ronkay (MWM); 7 males, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts., 5 km E Laspur, Shandur pass, 4300 m, 72°27' E; 36°08' N, 12. 07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 5 males, 1 female, NO - Pakistan, Nathia Gali, 2400 m, 27-30.06.1975, leg. W. Thomas (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan, Kohistan, Swat valley, Gund, 2200, leg. W. Thomas (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan: Changla-Gali, nw. Murree, 2400 m, 30.06.1982, Erbar & Heinz leg. (MWM); 4 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Kagan Valley, 2 km E of Naran, 2660 m, 17.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 9 males, N Pakistan, 8 km N Sost, 2800 m, 74°49' E; 36°74' N, 15.06.1992, leg. Hreblay & Csorbe (MWM); 4 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Kagan Valley, 8 km W of Malkandi, 2140 m, 6.08.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 63 males, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, Tethabaya, 2200 m, 73°26' E; 34°36' N, 9-10.09.1997, leg. Fabian & Ronkay (MWM); 2 males, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, 12 km E of Naran Battakundi, 3200 m, 73°40' E; 34°57' N, 26.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 3 males, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, Seiful Muluk, 2900 m, 73°40' E; 34°54' N, 22.08.1996, leg. Varga & Ronkay (MWM); 2 males, 1 female, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, 7 km S of Kaghan, Khanian Village, 2500 m, 1.07.1998, leg. Fabian & Herczig (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Margalla Hills NP, 10 km N of Islamabad, 1110 m, 7.08.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 3 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Swat Valley, 1 km E of Utror, 2250 m, 30.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 3 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Swat Valley, 2 km W of Myandam, 1580 m, 29.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 7 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Kagan Valley, 8 km E of Kawai, 2180 m, 15.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 14 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, 35 km N of Murree, Ayuba NP, 2300 m, 14.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 24 males, Pakistan, prov. Jammu & Kashmir, Khirim Valley, 8 km NW of Chilim Chauki, 3120 m, 21.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 9 males, 1 female, Pakistan, prov. Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit Valley, Jundrot Village, 2250 m, 27.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 14 males, Pakistan, Gilgit Valley, Gakuch, Tourist Hotel, 1500 m, 73°43' E; 34°41' N, 15.07.1994, leg. Laszlo et Ronkay (MWM); 28 males, 1 female, Pakistan, NW Himalaja, Indus Kohistan, Kaghantal Naran, 2400-3000 m, 20.06.-16.07.1977, leg. de Freina (MWM); 1 female, Pakistan, Kohistan, Swat prov., 72°32' E; 35°10' N, Miandam, 1800 m, 25.06.-5.07.1992, Z. Weidenhoffer (MWM).

2. Kotchevnik tapinus (Püngeler, 1898) (Figures 3, 35)

General distribution: Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan (Yakovlev, 2011).

Material examined: 1 male, West Pakistan, Salt Range, Chingi, 4.03.1956, Ch. Lindemann leg. (ZSM).

3. Aholcocerus ronkayorum Yakovlev, 2006 (Figures 4, 36)

The species is described on a base of a single male which was collected in Margalla Hills Mts. near Islamabad.

Endemic of Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 male, holotype (MWM).

4. Eremocossus foeda (Swinhoe, 1884) (Figures 5-6, 37)

Described from Karachi. Type species of the genus Eremocossus Hampson, 1892. Endemic of the Southern Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 male, holotype (BMNH); 1 male, Karachi, Umgbg. Flughafen, 23.02-9.03.1961, E. & A. Vartian (MNHW).

5. Chinocossus acronyctoides (Moore, 1879) (Figure 7)

General distribution: India, Pakistan, China (Yunnan Prov.). Probably mistakenly reported for Pakistan by Arora (1976).

Host plant: Tamarix articulata Vahl. (Arora 1976).

6. Dervishiya cadambae (Moore, 1865) (Figures 8, 38)

General distribution: India and Pakistan.

Host plants: Ficus L., Nauclea cadamba Roxb., Tectonia grandis L. (Arora, 1976).

Material examined: 4 males, Swat, Marghazar, 79°21'E; 34°46'N; 1300 m, 6.07.1992, leg. Z. Weidenhoffer (MWM); 5 males, 2 females, Islamabad, 520 m, 25.06.1992, Csorba & Hreblay (MWM); 1 male, SW Himalaja, Indus-Kohistan, Kaghan, 1100 m, 26.06.77, de Freina (MWM); 1 male, NW Frontier Prov., Swat valley, 2 km E of Karora, 1050 m, 31.07.1998, Csovari & Mikus leg. (MWM); 1 female, Islamabad, 1 km S Hotel Adventure Inn, 500 m, 3.07.1998, leg. Fabian & Herczig (MWM); 1 female, Margalla Hills, Pir Sohawa, 1000 m, 73°08'E; 33°45'N; 4.07.98, leg. Fabian & Herczig (MWM).

7. Dervishiya sindhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016 (Figures 9-10, 39)

General distribution: Pakistan, Sindh Province.

Endemic of Pakistan.

Material examined: Holotype: male, Pakistan, Sindh prov., near Sanghar, Shahdadpur, 28.03.2009, leg. Azeemi, 2008, leg. Azeemi (MWM); paratypes (5 males, 3 females): 1 male, with same data as in holotype (MWM); paratype: 1 male, Pakistan, Sindh prov., Tharpark ar, Mitihi, 24.04.2009, leg. Azeemi (MWM); paratypes: 3 males, Pakistan, Sindh prov., Naukot (mithi) park, 28.03.2009, leg. Azeemi (MWM); paratypes: 3 females, Pakistan, Sindh prov., Mirpurkhas, 20.03.2009, leg. Azeemi (MWM).

8. Vartiania sapho Yakovlev, 2007 (Figures 11, 40)

General distribution: NW Pakistan.

Endemic of Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 female (holotype), Pakistan, Prov. Jammu & Kashmir, Khirim Valley, 8 km NW of Chilim Chauki [N 35.0500°; E 75.1167°] (MWM).

9. Vartiania beludzhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016 (Figures 12-13, 41)

General distribution: Pakistan, Sindh Province.

Endemic of Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 male, 1 female (holotype and paratype) Pakistan, Sindh prov., Naukot (mithi) park, 2008, leg. Azeemi (MWM).

10. Cossulus strioliger (Alpheraky, 1893) (Figures 14, 42)

General distribution: Kirgyzstan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Reported from Quetta (Pakistan) by Daniel (1971).

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, 80 km NW v. Quetta, 2100 m, 15.05.1961, Kasy & Vartian leg. (MNHW).

11. Cossulus turkomanicus (Christoph, 1893) (Figures 15, 43)

In Pakistan subspecies albus Daniel, 1971.

General distribution of the subspecies albus Daniel, 1971: Afghanistan and Pakistan (Yakovlev et al., 2015).

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Indus Kohistan, Kaghan Tal, 2200 m, 14.6.77, de Freina (MWM).

12. Cossulus griseatellus Yakovlev, 2006 (Figures 16, 44)

General distribution: Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Described from NW Pakistan (Swat Prov., Gabral-Tal).

Material examined: 2males (holotype and paratype) NW Pakistan, Swat prov., Gabral-Tal, 2100 m, 15 km Nordl. Kalam, 6-9.07.1969, leg. Vartian (MNHW).

13. Deserticossus arenicola (Staudinger, 1879) (Figures 17, 45)

In Pakistan subspecies iranica (Austaut, 1897)

General distribution of the subspecies iranica (Austaut, 1897): Iran and Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 male, Baluchistan, Quetta Prov., 67°45'E, 30°11'N, Ziarat, 14.06.1992, leg. Z. Weidenhoffer (AHU).

14. Cryptoholcocerus mongolicus (Erschoff in Alpheraky, 1882) (Figures 18, 46)

General distribution: S. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (Yakovlev, 2006a).

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts., 5 km E Shandur pass, 3750 m, 72°38' E; 36°07' N, 12.08.1998, leg. Varga & Ronkay (MWM).

15. Cossus afghanistana Daniel, 1953 (Figures 19, 47)

General distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan (new record) (Yakovlev at al., 2015).

Material examined: 2 males, Baloutchistan Prov., Ziarat NP, 10-20.07.2009, leg. V. Gurko (MWM).

16. Semagystia cossoides (Graeser, 1892) (Figures 20, 46)

General distribution: S Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadzhikistan and Pakistan (new record) (Yakovlev, 2011).

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts., 5 km E Shandur pass, 3250 m, 72°38' E; 36°07' N, 24.06.2000, leg. Varga & Ronkay (MSW).

17. Zeuzera multistrigata Moore, 1881 (Figures 21, 48)

General distribution: Japan, SE Russia, E China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia (Yakovlev, 2011).

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, Tethabaya, 2400 m, 73,25 E; 34,41 N, 27.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 2 males, Kohistan, Kaghan valley, 3000 m, 27.07.1973, leg. Flauger (MWM); 1 male, NO Pakistan, Murree, 1700 m, 18-19.07.1975, leg. W. Thomas (MWM); 3 males, N Pakistan, NW Frontier, Dunga Gali, 2100 m, 1.08.1979, leg. W. Thomas (MWM); 2 males, N Pakistan, NW Frontier, Nathia Gali, 2300 m, 18.07.1979, leg. W. Thomas (MWM); 11 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Swat Valley, 2 km W of Myandam, 1580 m, 29.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan, Himalaya Mts., Kaghan Valley, 20 km NE Balakot, Tatabaya, 73°25'E; 34°41'N, 27.07.1994, leg. M. Herczig, Gy.M. Laszlo & G. Ronkay (MWM).

18. Zeuzera nepalense Daniel, 1962 (Figures 22, 49)

General distribution: Nepal and Pakistan (new record).

Material examined: 5 males, 1 female, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, 20 km NE Balakot, Tethabaya, 2400 m, 73°25' E; 34°41' N, 27.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 9 males, Pakistan, Kashmir, Himalaja Mts, 30 km N Murre, nera Nathia Ghali, Ajuba, 2600 m, 27.06.1998, leg. Fabian & Herczig (MWM); 2 males, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, 7 km S of Kaghan, Khanian Village, 2500 m, 1.07.1998, leg. Fabian & Herczig (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan, Kohistan, Swat prov., 72°32' E; 35°10' N, Miandam, 1800 m, 25.06.-5.07.1992, Z. Weidenhoffer (MWM).

19. Zeuzera nuristanensis Daniel, 1964 (Figures 23-24, 50)

General distribution: Afghanistan and Pakistan (Yakovlev et al., 2015).

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Margalla Hills, Pir Sohawa, 1000 m, 4.08.1998, 73,08 E; 33,49 N, leg. Varga & Ronkay (MWM); 9 males, Pakistan, Kashmir, Himalaja Mts, 20 km S Muzaffabad, Nara village, 73°29' E; 34°01' N, 750 m, 27.06.1998, leg. Laszlo et Ronkay (MWM); 3 males, Pakistan, Himalaja Mts, valley of Indus, between Chilas and Dassu, motel Barseen, 1100 m, 15.05.1998, leg. Laszlo et Ronkay (MWM); 4 males, Pakistan, Prov. NW Frontier, Kagan Valley, 6 km NW of Balakot, 1200 m, 17.04.1999, leg. Benedek et Szabo (MWM); 1 male, NW Pakistan, Khwazakhola, 1100 m, 34°55' N; 72°31' E, leg. Hreblay & Csorba (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan, Islamabad, Margalla Hills, 1000 m, 21.08.1997, 73,08 E; 33,49 N, leg. Fabian & Ronkay (MWM).

20. Phragmacossiapaghmana Daniel, 1963 (Figures 25, 51)

General distribution: Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Hindukush, 3 km N of Pingal, 23.06.2000, leg. Z. Varga & G. Roncai (AHU).

21. Phragmacossia territa (Staudinger, 1878) (Figures 26, 52)

General distribution: Asia Minor and Central Asia (new record in Pakistan).

Material examined: 2 males, Pakistan, NWFP [North-Western Frontier Province], S. Waziristan agency, near Tanai village, 28.07.-12.08.2005, 1500-2500 m, Gurko leg. (MWM).

22. Phragmataecia gurkoi Yakovlev, 2007 (Figures 27, 52)

Described from NW Pakistan, North-Western Frontier Prov., S Waziristan agency, near Tanai village.

Holotype in MWM.

Endemic of Pakistan.

23. Azygophleps regia (Staudinger, 1891) (Figures 28-29, 53)

General distribution: Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Prov. Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit Valley, 3 km E of Gakuch Village, 1870 m, 26.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 2 males, Pakistan, Prov. Jammu & Kashmir, Naltar Valley, Nomal Village, 1650 m, 24.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 2 males, Pakistan, Prov. Jammu & Kashmir, Indus Valley, 8 km E of Sasli, 1530 m, 23.07.1998, leg. Gsovari et Mikus (MWM); 2 males, Baloutchistan Prov., Ziarat NP, 10-20.07.2009, leg. V. Gurko (MWM).

24. Azygophlepspusilla (Walker, 1856) (Figures 30, 54)

General distribution: India, Pakistan (new record).

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Material examined: 4 males, Pakistan, Margalla Hills, 20 km N Islamabad, Pir Sohawa, 600 m, 72°55' E; 33°50' N, 29-31.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 1 male, Pakistan, Islamabad, 200 m, Tures Motel, 7-9.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM).

25. Azygophleps albofasciata Walker, 1856 (Figures 31, 55)

General distribution: India and Pakistan.

Material examined: 1 male, Pakistan, Kohistan, Swat Prov., 79°21' E; 34°46' N, Marghazar, 1300 m, 4.07.1992, leg. Z. Weidenhoffer (WSM).

26. Azygophleps scalaris (Fabricius, 1775) (Figure 32)

General distribution: Paleotropic Region (Yakovlev, 2011; Yakovlev & Dubatolov, 2013).

Reported from Pakistan by Arora (1976).

27. Meharia incurvariella Chrétien, 1915 (Figures 33, 56)

In Pakistan subspecies persica (Wiltshire, 1946)

General distribution: Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan (Yakovlev et al., 2015).

Material examined: 3 males, Baluchistan, Quetta prov., 67°13'E, 30°06'N, Urak Valley, 2000 m, 13.06.1992, leg. Z. Weidenhoffer (WSM).

Figures 1-18. Cossidae, adult specimens: 1. Catopta cashmirensis (Moore, 1879), male, Pakistan, NW Himalaja, Indus Kohistan, Kaghantal Naran, 2400-3000 m, 20.06.-16.07.1977, leg. de Freina (MWM); 2. C. cashmirensis, female, Pakistan, Kashmir, Himalaya Mts., Deosai Mts., Bubin Village, 3150 m, 74°59' E; 35°12' N, 19.08.1998, leg. Z. Varga et G. Ronkay (MWM); 3. Kotchevnik tapinus (Püngeler, 1898), male, Turkmenistan, Kopet-Dagh Mts., Sayvana Valley, 5 km SW Sayvana, 28.06.1992, leg. Gy. Fabian, B. Herczig, A. Podlussany & Z. Varga (MWM); 4. Aholcocerus ronkayorum Yakovlev, 2006, male, holotype (MWM); 5. Eremocossus foeda (Swinhoe, 1884), male, holotype (BMNH); 6. E. foeda, male, Karachi, Umgbg. Flughafen, 23.02-9.03.1961, E. & A. Vartian (MNHW); 7. Chinocossus acronyctoides (Moore, 1879), holotype (BMNH); 8. Dervishiya cadambae (Moore, 1865), male, Nepal, Pokhara, 1600 m, 1.7.1995, leg. Afonin & Sinyaev (MWM); 9. Dervishiya sindhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016, male, holotype (MWM); 10. D. sindhi, female, paratype (MWM); 11. Vartiania sapho Yakovlev, 2007, female, holotype (MWM); 12. Vartiania beludzhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016, male, holotype (MWM); 13. V. beludzhi, female, paratype (MWM); 14. Cossulus strioliger (Alpheraky, 1893), male, Afghanistan, Tangi Gharu, 1700 m, 8.06.1972, leg. Dr. Reshöft (MWM); 15. Cossulus turkomanicus albus Daniel, 1971, male, paratype, Afghanistan, 40 km SW Kabul, 2300 m, 17.06.1965, Kasy & Vartian (MNHW); 16. Cossulus griseatellus Yakovlev, 2006, male, holotype (MNHW); 17. Deserticossus arenicola iranica (Austaut, 1897), female, holotype, Perse, Sefid Kuh (BMNH); 18. Cryptoholcocerus mongolicus (Erschoff in Alpheraky, 1882), male, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts., 5 km E Shandur pass, 3750 m, 72°38' E; 36°07' N, 12. 08.1998, leg. Varga & Ronkay (MWM).

Figures 19-33. Cossidae, adult specimens: 19. Cossus afghanistana Daniel, 1953, male, Afghanistan, Panjshir Valley, Kotul-e-Shava, Astana, 2500 m, 2005, loc. Coll. (MWM); 20. Semagystia cossoides (Graeser, 1892), male, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts., 5 km E Shandur pass, 3250 m, 72°38' E; 36°07' N, 24. 06.2000, leg. Varga & Ronkay (MSW); 21. Zeuzera multistrigata Moore, 1881, male, Pakistan, Himalaya Mts., Kaghan Valley, 20 km NE Balakot, Tatabaya, 73°25'E; 34°41'N, 27.07.1994, leg. M. Herczig, Gy.M. Laszlo & G. Ronkay (MWM) ; 22. Zeuzera nepalense Daniel, 1962, male, Pakistan, Kaghan Valley, 20 km NE Balakot, Tethabaya, 2400 m, 73°25' E; 34°41' N, 27.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 23. Zeuzera nuristanensis Daniel, 1964, male, Pakistan, Kashmir, Himalaja Mts, 20 km S Muzaffabad, Nara village, 73°29' E; 34°01' N, 750 m, 27.06.1998, leg. Laszlo et Ronkay (MWM); 24. Z. nuristanensis, male, Pakistan, Margalla Hills, Pir Sohawa, 1000 m, 4.08.1998, 73,08 E; 33,49 N, leg. Varga & Ronkay (MWM); 25. Phragmacossia paghmana Daniel, 1963, male, Pakistan, Hindukush, 3 km N of Pingal, 23.06.2000, leg. Z. Varga & G. Roncai (AHU); 26. Phragmacossia territa (Staudinger, 1878), male, Pakistan, NWFP [North-Western Frontier Province], S. Waziristan agency, near Tanai village, 28.07.-12.08.2005, 1500-2500 m, Gurko leg. (MWM); 27. Phragmataecia gurkoi Yakovlev, 2007, male, holotype (MWM); 28. Azygophleps regia (Staudinger, 1891), male, cotype, Hadjin (MHUB); 29. A. regia, female, cotype, Hadjin (MHUB); 30. A. pusilla (Walker, 1856), male, Pakistan, Islamabad, 200 m, Tures Motel, 7-9.07.1994, leg. Herczig, Laszlo & Ronkay (MWM); 31. A. albofasciata Walker, 1856, Pakistan, Kohistan, Swat Prov., 79°21' E; 34°46' N, Marghazar, 1300 m, 4.07.1992, leg. Z. Weidenhof-fer (WSM); 32. A. scalaris (Fabricius, 1775), male, Calcutta, 23.06.1942, D.G. Sevastopulo (BMNH); 33. Meharia incurvariellapersica (Wiltshire, 1946), male, Iran, 90 km S Gom, 20.06.1970, 1600 m, E. et A. Vartian (MNHW).


27 species of Cossidae from 18 genera are reported for the fauna of Pakistan.

7 species are endemics of Pakistan: Aholcocerus ronkayorum Yakovlev, 2006, Eremocossus foeda (Swinhoe, 1884), Cossulus griseatellus Yakovlev, 2006, Vartiania sapho Yakovlev, 2007, V. beludzhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016, Dervishiya sindhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016, and Phragmataecia gurkoi Yakovlev, 2007.

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Figures 34-45. Distributional maps of Cossidae of Pakistan: 34. Catopta cashmirensis (Moore, 1879); 35. Kotchevnik tapinus (Püngeler, 1898); 36. Aholcocerus ronkayorum Yakovlev, 2006; 37. Eremocossus foeda (Swinhoe, 1884); 38. Dervishiya cadambae (Moore, 1865); 39. Dervishiya sindhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016; 40. Vartiania sapho Yakovlev, 2007; 41. Vartiania beludzhi Yakovlev & Saldaitis, 2016; 42. Cossulus strioliger (Alpheraky, 1893); 43. Cossulus turkomanicus (Christoph, 1893); 44. Cossulus griseatellus Yakovlev, 2006; 45. Deserticossus arenicola (Staudinger, 1879).

Zoogeographical structure of the fauna of Cossidae of Pakistan is represented by a combination of Palaearctic, Afrotropical elements and elements from South-Eastern Asia (Hindustanian) (Yakovlev & Dubatolov, 2013; Yakovlev, 2015).

Figures 46-56. Distributional maps of Cossidae of Pakistan: 46. Cryptoholcocerus mongolicus (Erschoff in Alpheraky, 1882) and Semagystia cossoides (Graeser, 1892); 47. Cossus afghanistana Daniel, 1953; 48. Zeuzera multistrigata Moore, 1881; 49. Zeuzera nepalense Daniel, 1962; 50. Zeuzera nuristanensis Daniel, 1964; 51. Phragmacossia pa-ghmana Daniel, 1963; 52. Phragmacossia territa (Staudinger, 1878) and Phragmataecia gurkoi Yakovlev, 2007; 53. Azygophleps regia (Staudinger, 1891); 54. Azygophlepspusilla (Walker, 1856); 55. Azygophleps albofasciata Walker, 1856; 56. Meharia incurvariella Chrétien, 1915.


We sincerely thank curators (Dr. Wolfram Mey, Dr. Sabrina Gaal, Dr. Axel Hausmann and Dr. Wolfgang Speidel) and owners (Mr. Manfred Ströhle, Mr. Armin Hauenstein and Mr. Geoff Martin) of the mentioned collections for the material, which was kindly assigned for the present study; Anatoly Krupitsky (Moscow) and Axel Kallies (Parkville) for technical support & the BMNH Council of Trustees.


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