Научная статья на тему 'Correlation analysis of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism with the indices of general physical readiness of male students from medical academy depending on bioenergetic types'

Correlation analysis of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism with the indices of general physical readiness of male students from medical academy depending on bioenergetic types Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
students / physical readiness / indices / tests / correlation analysis / bioenergetics types

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Aleksandr S. Torkhov, Pavel S. Oshchepkov, Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova, Marina G. Zabolotskaya

Nowadays most part of students, who study at higher educational establishments, has a low level of physical development and physical readiness. They are important for high physical and mental working capacity achievement, health support. Physical readiness formation in the students in terms of studying at a higher educational establishment is a priority objective of any higher educational establishment. For this purpose it is necessary to search for new more effective methods and/or methodologies. Materials. Defining the factors, which influence effective development of physical qualities among male students from medical higher educational establishment with different bioenergetics types of organism energy supply. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, method of express-diagnostics “D&K-Test”, respiratory system study (“Spirolab III” device), methods of mathematical statistics (the results were handled in the program IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0), generally adopted tests of general physical readiness. Results. We organized correlation analysis of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism with the indices of the general physical readiness tests depending on the type of muscle activity energy supply (aerobic, mixed and anaerobic) among male student from the 1st course at medical academy. Correlation analysis showed that the results of physical readiness tests fulfillment depend on functional and reserve capacities of an organism and the peculiarities of respiratory system development. There are considerable differences in tests indices depending on the type of muscle activity energy supply. Conclusion. The received interconnections show that physical readiness values changes are achieved in different groups of bioenergetics type in different ways. Depending on the type these can be the peculiarities of respiratory system development or the indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism. Especially vivid are the differences in the groups of anaerobic and aerobic types and it shows different ways of organism adaptation to the loads. In this connection the differentiated approach, which takes into account these peculiarities, is especially important for a harmonious physical development of students.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Correlation analysis of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism with the indices of general physical readiness of male students from medical academy depending on bioenergetic types»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-140-148

Correlation analysis of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism with the indices of general physical readiness of male students from medical academy depending on

bioenergetic types

AAleksandr S. Torkhov'*, Pavel S. Oshchepkov', Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova2, Marina G.


'Izhevsk State Medical Academy Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-8580-0944, torhov78@mail.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-9416-2531, pawel2904@yandex.ru 2M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5899-9', ffkis@istu.ru 3Udmurt State University Izhevsk, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0003-2418-8688, zabolotskayamarina1968@gmail.com

Abstract: Nowadays most part of students, who study at higher educational establishments, has a low level of physical development and physical readiness. They are important for high physical and mental working capacity achievement, health support. Physical readiness formation in the students in terms of studying at a higher educational establishment is a priority objective of any higher educational establishment. For this purpose it is necessary to search for new more effective methods and/or methodologies. Materials. Defining the factors, which influence effective development of physical qualities among male students from medical higher educational establishment with different bioenergetics types of organism energy supply. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, method of express-diagnostics "D&K-Test", respiratory system study ("Spirolab III" device), methods of mathematical statistics (the results were handled in the program IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0), generally adopted tests of general physical readiness. Results. We organized correlation analysis of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism with the indices of the general physical readiness tests depending on the type of muscle activity energy supply (aerobic, mixed and anaerobic) among male student from the 1st course at medical academy. Correlation analysis showed that the results of physical readiness tests fulfillment depend on functional and reserve capacities of an organism and the peculiarities of respiratory system development. There are considerable differences in tests indices depending on the type of muscle activity energy supply. Conclusion. The received interconnections show that physical readiness values changes are achieved in different groups of bioenergetics type in different ways. Depending on the type these can be the peculiarities of respiratory system development or the indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism. Especially vivid are the differences in the groups of anaerobic and aerobic types and it shows different ways of organism adaptation to the loads. In this connection the differentiated approach, which takes into account these peculiarities, is especially important for a harmonious physical development of students.

Keywords: students, physical readiness, indices, tests, correlation analysis, bioenergetics types.

For citation: Aleksandr S. Torkhov*, Pavel S. Oshchepkov, Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova, Marina G. Zabolotskaya. Correlation analysis of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism with the indices of general physical readiness of male students from medical academy depending on bioenergetic types. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 109-116. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-140-148.


The specialists mention that most part of students, who study at higher educational establishments, has a low level of physical development and physical readiness [1]. It can be connected with the fact that within recent years there is a steady tendency of physical readiness level decrease among the applicants. They enter higher educational establishments. The reason for this can be educational load increase. It leads to overtiredness and hypodynamia, the problems in social and interpersonal communication [5,9]. Such situation can't but influence the level of students' physical readiness during the process of studying at a higher educational establishment.

Cherenko V.A. as a result of the held research defined that at the 1st course the level of physical readiness in students is estimated as the average, at the 2nd course- lower than the average and on the 3rd course students have a low level of physical readiness [8].

O.V. Tiunova in her research work mentions that the success of the future specialist in professional (labor) activity directly depends on physical readiness. Moreover, physical readiness is a necessary condition for high physical and mental working capacity achievement and health support [7]. Students' physical readiness formation in terms of studying at a higher educational establishment is a priority objective of any higher educational establishment. Such concept provides efforts accumulation on bringing up healthy, harmoniously developed young people and helps to form a healthy life style in students. Active physical culture lessons help young people not only to improve physical readiness, but also improve health [6]. The problem of students' health at a higher educational establishment is a primary objective for the attitude to a healthy life style formation. Potential of health-improving and training programs realization for students is in physical health data base creation as the base for professional working capacity and organism vital activity increase in stress situations. They appear in modern society. In order to correct all components in the structure of health it is necessary to correct health-improving and training programs of students, taking into account the mistakes of methodical character [2]. Taking into consideration all mentioned above, in our opinion, it is necessary to search for the new methods and/or methodologies of students' physical qualities development. They would be more effective than a traditional approach existing in the system of physical culture education at higher educational establishment. For this purpose it is necessary to organize a complex analysis of physical readiness indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism, respiratory system using

Pearson correlation coefficient.

The aim of the research. To reveal the factors, which influence effective physical qualities development in male students from medical higher educational establishment with different bioenergetic types of energy supply.

The objectives of the research. To reveal the dependence of respiratory system indices, functional and reserve capacities of an organism on the indices of general physical readiness in male students of medical higher educational establishment.

Materials and methods

The following research methods were used in the work: Information sources analysis and summarizing, method of express-diagnostics "D&K-Test", respiratory system study ("Spirolab III" device), methods of mathematical statistics (the results were handled in the program IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0), generally adopted tests of general physical readiness.

61 students (male students of the 1st course at medical asademy) took part in the research. We used the methodology of miltifactorial "D&K-Test" express-diagnostics (indices of functional and reserve capacities of an organism) [4]. We measured the indices of respiratory system with the help of «Spirolab III» device (in liters and % from needed: LC - lung capacity; FLC - forced lung capacity; MBC - maximal breathing capacity) and tested general physical readiness using generally adopted tests: 100 m running - characterizes quickness; 3 km running - characterizes endurance; standing long-jump with two legs push off- characterizes dynamic power; dip up in a hanging position on a horizontal bar - characterizes power oriented endurance; body raising from "prone" position into "sitting, arms on the nape, legs bent at an angle of about 45 degrees" position, amount of times within 1 minute- characterizes speed-power oriented endurance.

With the help of miltifactorial "D&K-Test" express-diagnostics by professor S.A. Dushanin we defined functional and reserve capacities of an organism. According to these indices we revealed bioenergetic profile of the students. The essence of this methodology is in electrocardiogram of unipolar chest leads (Wilson) registration. According to the received indices of "D&K-Test" we revealed 5 bioenergetic profiles of students. The first group included students, who had ANAMC (anaerobic metabolic capacity) (1-11%) and AMC (aerobic metabolic capacity) (89-99%) - 5 students, the second group included students, who had ANAMC (12-20%) and AMC (80-88%) - 8 students, the 3rd group included students, who had ANAMC (21-29%) and AMC (71-79%) - 34 students, the

4th group included students, who had ANAMC (30-38%) and AMC (62-70%) - 6 students, the 5th group included students, who had ANAMC (3983%) h AMC (17-61%) - 8 students. Taking this into consideration, students of the 1st and the 2nd bioenergetic profile were included into the group of aerobic type (13 students), students of the 3rd bioenergetic profile were included into the group of the mixed type (34 students) and the students of the 4th and the 5th bioenergetic profile were included into the group of anaerobic type (14 students). Such division of bioenergetic profiles for bioenergetic types of muscle activity energy supply was offered by professor Dushanin S.A. and coauthors [3].

Results and discussion

Having organized correlation analysis of the physical readiness and respiratory system indices interconnections depending on bioenergetic types of muscle activity energy supply, we defined the

presence or absence of a linear connection between two quantity indices and estimated its tightness and statistical significance. The results of the indices correlation analysis among the students of an aerobic type are presented in table 1, mixed type -table 2, anaerobic type- table 3.

Correlation analysis of male students' results at the first course of Medical Academy, who had aerobic type of energy supply, revealed strong feedback of "100 meters running" test with FLC indices, l (r=-0,78 in terms of p<0,05) and FLC, % (r=-0,80 in terms of p<0,05), MBC, l (r=-0,73 in terms of p<0,05) and the average with MBC,% (r=-0,69 in terms of p>0,05). Among the students with the mixed type of energy supply we revealed weak correlation connection of "100 meters running" test with all considered indices of respiratory system and only with MBC, l (r=0,30 in terms of p<0,05) we revealed direct average correlation connection.

Table 1

Correlation analysis of indices among the students of an aerobic type

Indices 100 meters running 3 km running Dip up in a hanging position Standing long-jump Abdominal muscles within 1 min

Respiratory system r r r r r

LC l -0,243 -0,383 0,106 0,601 0,055

% -0,118 -0,388 0,13 0,528 -0,014

FLC l -0,784 -0,621 0,325 0,632 0,295

% -0,799 -0,725 0,438 0,655 0,304

MBC l -0,728 -0,765 0,38 0,578 0,222

% -0,691 -0,799 0,406 0,548 0,192

D&K test r r r r r

GMC (general metabolic capacity) 0,12 -0,099 0,08 -0,099 -0,541

PCP (power of creatine phosphoric source) 0,142 0,341 -0,425 0,193 -0,029

PGL (power of glycolytic source of energy supply) 0,323 0,759 -0,785 -0,365 -0,186

PASES (power of aerobic source of energy supply) 0,084 0,247 -0,484 0,091 -0,462

HRtanm (threshold of anaerobic metabolism ) 0,084 0,247 -0,484 0,091 -0,462

dGMC -0,089 0,327 -0,527 0,358 -0,036

In the group of students of anaerobic type of energy supply we revealed the average direct connection with FLC indices, l (r=0,48 in terms of p>0,05) and FLC, % (r=0,50 in terms of p>0,05). As a result of the received results correlation analysis among the male students of the 1st course of Medical Academy, who had aerobic type of energy supply we revealed the average feedback in "3 km running" test with LC indices, l (r=-0,38 in terms of p>0,05) and LC,% (r=-0,39 in terms of p>0,05), FLC, l (r=-0,62 in terms of p>0,05) and strong feedback with FLC indices, % (r=-0,73 in terms of p<0,05), MBC, l (r=-0,76 in terms of p<0,05), and MBC, % (r=-0,80 in terms of p<0,05). Among the students of the mixed type of energy supply we revealed the average direct connection of the test with MBC indices, l (r=0,35 in terms of p>0,05) and MBC, % (r=0,33 in terms of p>0,05). In the group of students with anaerobic type of energy supply we revealed the average reverse correlation connection with LC indices, % (r=-0,43 in terms of p>0,05) and MBC, % (r=-

0,44 in terms of p>0,05), and also direct average correlation connection with FLC indices, l (r=0,50 in terms of p>0,05) and FLC, % (r=0,40 in terms of P>0,05).

Correlation analysis of the received results among male students of the first course of Medical Academy, who had aerobic type, revealed direct connection of "dip up in a hanging position on a horizontal bar " test with FLC indices, l (r=0,33 in terms of p>0,05) and FLC,% (r=0,44 in terms of p>0,05), MBC, l (r=0,38 in terms of p>0,05) and MBC,% (r=0,4i in terms of p>0,05). The same test in the group of the mixed type of energy supply has the average reverse correlation with MBC indices, l (r=-0,32 in terms of p>0,05). Among the students of anaerobic type of energy supply we revealed the average reverse correlation connection with LC indices, l (r=-0,32 in terms of p>0,05) and FLC, l (r=-0,34 in terms of p>0,05), and also direct connection with MBC index, % (r=0,3i in terms of P>0,05).

Table 2

Correlation analysis of indices among the students of the mixed type

Indices 100 meters running 3 km running Dip up in a hanging position Standing long-jump Abdominal muscles within 1 min

Respiratory system r r r r r

LC l 0,095 0,198 0,037 -0,067 -0,002

% -0,031 0,172 0,018 -0,047 0,1

FLC l 0,096 -0,006 0,122 -0,103 -0,102

% -0,014 -0,028 0,253 -0,081 -0,065

MBC l 0,304 0,346 -0,323 -0,392 -0,483

% 0,212 0,332 -0,249 -0,342 -0,459

D&K test r r r r r

GMC (general metabolic capacity) -0,018 -0,209 0,234 0,028 0,079

PCP (power of creatine phosphoric source) -0,422 -0,322 0,188 0,469 0,277

PGL (power of glycolytic source of energy supply) -0,148 -0,026 0,026 0,019 0,202

PASES (power of aerobic source of energy supply) 0,171 0,095 0,032 -0,229 0,054

Direct average correlation connection is revealed among male students of the first course at Medical Academy in "standing long-jump" test with all considered indices of respiratory system: LC, l (r=0,60 in terms of p>0,05) and LC,% (r=0,53 in terms of p>0,05), FLC, l (r=0,63 in terms of p>0,05) and FLC,% (r=0,66 in terms of p>0,05), MBC, l (r=0,58 in terms of p>0,05), and MBC,% (r=0,55 in terms of p>0,05). In the group of students with a mixed type of energy supply only in two indices we revealed the average feedback of MBC, l (r=-0,39 in terms of p>0,05), and MBC, % (r=-0,34 in terms of p>0,05). The same as in the group of students with anaerobic type of energy supply only in two considered indices we revealed reverse average correlation connection with "standing long-jump" test, these are FLC indices, l (r=-0,47 in terms of p>0,05) and FLC, % (r=-0,50 in terms of p>0,05).

Analysis of the correlation connection of "body raising from "prone" position into "sitting, arms on the nape, legs bent at an angle of about 45 degrees" position" test results among male students of the 1st course at Medical Academy, who had an aerobic type of energy supply, with the indices of respiratory system revealed direct average connection with FLC, l (r=0,30 in terms of p>0,05) and FLC,% (r=0,30 in terms of p>0,05). Students with the mixed type of energy supply had the average reverse correlation connection between this test and MBC indices, l (r=-0,48 in terms of p>0,05), and MBC, % (r=-0,46 in terms of p>0,05). Among the students with anaerobic type we revealed direct average correlation connection of this test with LC, l (r=0,48 in terms of p>0,05) and LC, % (r=0,6i in terms of p>0,05), reverse average connection with FLC, % (r=-0,30 in terms of p>0,05).

Table 3

Correlation analysis of indices among the students of anaerobic type

Indices 100 meters running 3 km running Dip up in a hanging position Standing long-jump Abdominal muscles within 1 min

Respiratory system r r r r r

LC l 0,199 -0,127 -0,319 -0,178 0,483

% 0,11 -0,425 -0,142 -0,115 0,612

FLC l 0,477 0,499 -0,341 -0,467 -0,287

% 0,498 0,395 -0,263 -0,5 -0,296

MBC l -0,004 -0,272 0,159 0,193 0,285

% -0,051 -0,438 0,308 0,205 0,288

D&K test r r r r r

GMC (general metabolic capacity) 0,168 0,389 0,073 -0,046 -0,77

PCP (power of creatine phosphoric source) 0,17 0,477 0,274 -0,267 -0,338

PGL (power of glycolytic source of energy supply) -0,742 -0,08 0,388 0,814 0,25

PASES (power of aerobic source of energy supply) 0,359 0,265 -0,547 -0,277 -0,468

HRtanm 0,199 0,219 -0,476 -0,1 -0,411

dGMC 0,302 0,455 -0,442 -0,227 -0,619

Interconnection of physical readiness and the indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism, depending on bioenergetic types of muscle activity energy supply, was revealed with the help of correlation analysis, which helped to define the presence or absence of linear connection between two quantity indices and estimated its tightness and statistical significance.

Only in one of the considered indices we revealed direct average correlation connection in the group of male students of the 1st course at Medical Academy, who had an aerobic type of energy supply, between the indices of "100 m running" test and PGL (r=0,32 in terms of p>0,05). In the group of students with the mixed type of energy supply only in one index we revealed the average feedback, it was PCP index (r=-0,42 in terms of p>0,05). In the group of students with anaerobic type of energy supply we revealed strong reverse correlation connection between "100 m running" test and PGL (r=-0,74 in terms of p<0,05) and the average direct connection with PASES (r=0,36 in terms of p>0,05) and dGMC (r=0,30 in terms of p>0,05).

The results of correlation analysis of the received results among male students of the 1st course at Medical Academy, who had aerobic type of energy supply, revealed the average direct connection in "3 km running" test with PCP indices (r=0,34 in terms of p>0,05), dGMC (r=0,33 in terms of p>0,05) and strong direct correlation connection with PGL (r=0,76 in terms of p<0,05). Only in one index students with the mixed type of energy supply had reverse average connection of "3 km running" test with PCP (r=-0,32 In terms of p>0,05). The results of "3 km running" test among the students with anaerobic type of energy supply have the average direct correlation connection with GMC indices (r=0,39 in terms of p>0,05), PCP (r=0,48 in terms of p>0,05) and dGMC (r=0,45 in terms of p>0,05).

Correlation analysis of the received results of "dip up in a hanging position on a horizontal bar" test among male students of the 1st course at Medical Academy, who had aerobic type of energy supply, revealed reverse average connection with PCP indices (r=-0,43 in terms of p>0,05), PASES (r=-0,48 in terms of p>0,05), HRtanm (r=-0,49 in terms of p>0,05), and dGMC (r=-0,53 in terms of p>0,05) and strong connection with PGL (r=-0,79

In terms of p<0,05). Students, who were in the group of the mixed type of energy supply, had a weak direct correlation connection of "dip up in a hanging position on a horizontal bar" test with all considered indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism. This test among the students with anaerobic type of energy supply showed the average direct correlation connection with PGL (r=0,39 in terms of p>0,05) and the average feedback with PASES (r=-0,55 in terms of p>0,05), HRtanm (r=-0,48 in terms of p>0,05) and dGMC (r=-0,44 in terms of p>0,05).

The results of "standing long-jump" test among male students of the 1st course at Medical Academy, who had aerobic type, have the average reverse correlation connection with PGL index (r=-0,36 in terms of p>0,05) and the average direct connection with dGMC (r=0,36 in terms of p>0,05). The indices of the group of students with the mixed type of energy supply have direct average correlation connection with PCP (r=0,47 in terms of p<0,05), and in the group of anaerobic type- direct strong connection with PGL (r=0,81 in terms of p<0,05).

Correlation interconnection analysis between "body raising from "prone" position into "sitting, arms on the nape, legs bent at an angle of about 45 degrees" position" test and functional and reserve capacities of an organism among male students of the 1st course at Medical Academy with aerobic type of energy supply revealed reverse average connection with GMC (r=-0,54 in terms of p>0,05), PASES (r=-0,46 in terms of p>0,05) and HRtanm (r=-0,46 in terms of p>0,05). In this test the results of students, who were included into the group of the mixed type of energy supply, have weak direct correlation connection with all considered indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism. The results of the test among the students with anaerobic type of energy supply have reverse strong correlation connection with GMC (r=-0,77 in terms of p<0,05) and the average feedback with PCP (r=-0,34 in terms of p>0,05), PASES (r=-0,47 in terms of p>0,05), HRtanm (r=-0,41 in terms of p>0,05) and dGMC (r=-0,62 in terms of p>0,05).


In the group of aerobic type of energy supply we revealed direct interconnection between the

effectiveness of power oriented tests fulfillment and the indices of respiratory system: the higher the indices of respiratory system are, the higher would be the results of "chin-up" and "long-jump" tests fulfillment. The indices of quickness and endurance depend on the functional and reserve capacities of an organism, in particular, on the power of glycolytic source of energy supply (PGL).

In the group of the mixed type the values of tests indices depend only on 2 components - MBC and PCP. High values of MBC and low PCP correspond with high values of the running tests fulfillment ("100 m running" and "3 km running"). High values of PCP and low values of MBC correspond with high values of the dynamic power ("long-jump" test). Low values of MBC are among the students, who have high values of power tests fulfillment.

In the group of anaerobic type high indices of respiratory system development (FLC- forced lung capacity) correspond with high speed indices ("100 m running" test) and low values of PGL index. At the same time during dynamic power tests fulfillment ("long-jump") the values directly depend on PGL values.

Correlation analysis revealed that the results of physical readiness tests fulfillment depend on functional and reserve capacities of an organism and the peculiarities of respiratory system development. There are significant differences in tests indices depending on the type of muscle activity energy supply.

The received interconnections show that physical readiness values changes are achieved in different groups of bioenergetics type in different ways. Depending on the type these can be the peculiarities of respiratory system development or the indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism. Especially vivid are the differences in the groups of anaerobic and aerobic types and it shows different ways of organism adaptation to the loads. In this connection the differentiated approach, which takes into account these peculiarities, is especially important for a harmonious physical development of students.


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Submitted: 01.02.2022 Author's information:

Aleksandr S. Torkhov — Senior Lecturer,: Izhevsk State Medical Academy, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Kommunarov str., House 281, e-mail: torhov78@mail.ru

Pavel S. Oshchepkov — Senior Lecturer, Izhevsk State Medical Academy, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Kommunarov str., House 281, e-mail: pawel2g04@yandex.ru

Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova — Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor; M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia, Izhevsk, Studencheskaya str., House 7, e-mail: ffkis@istu. ru

Marina G. Zabolotskaya - Associate Professor, Udmurt State University, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Universitetskaya str., House 1, e-mail: zabolotskayamarina1g68@gmail.com

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