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Ключевые слова
assessment / self-assessment / cooperative learning / V.P. Bespalko / A.N. Mayorov. / оценивание / самооценка / кооперативное обучение / В.П. Беспалько / А.Н. Майоров.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pardaeva, Mokhinbonu Fazliddinovna

In this research, the methods of self-assessment during the process of cooperative learning and evaluation during cooperative teaching are analyzed. External control refers to control carried out by a teacher or an examiner. External control can also be carried out by students when they control and evaluate each other's actions in the process of joint activities. In this case, they exercise mutual control.

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В данном исследовании анализируются методы самооценки в процессе совместного обучения и оценивания в процессе совместного обучения. Под внешним контролем понимается контроль, осуществляемый преподавателем или экзаменатором. Внешний контроль может осуществляться и учащимися, когда они контролируют и оценивают действия друг друга в процессе совместной деятельности. В этом случае они осуществляют взаимный контроль.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Mokhinbonu Pardaeva Fazliddinovna

Uzbek State World Languages University Teacher of the chair "Linguistics and English literature" moxinbonu0520@gmail.com

In this research, the methods of self-assessment during the process of cooperative learning and evaluation during cooperative teaching are analyzed. External control refers to control carried out by a teacher or an examiner. External control can also be carried out by students when they control and evaluate each other's actions in the process of joint activities. In this case, they exercise mutual control.

Keywords: assessment, self-assessment, cooperative learning, V.P. Bespalko, A.N. Mayorov.

В данном исследовании анализируются методы самооценки в процессе совместного обучения и оценивания в процессе совместного обучения. Под внешним контролем понимается контроль, осуществляемый преподавателем или экзаменатором. Внешний контроль может осуществляться и учащимися, когда они контролируют и оценивают действия друг друга в процессе совместной деятельности. В этом случае они осуществляют взаимный контроль.

Ключевые слова: оценивание, самооценка, кооперативное обучение, В.П. Беспалько, А.Н. Майоров.


The process of teaching a language is based on educational activities carried out with the aim of forming a foreign language communicative competencies. Learning activity, like any intellectual act is characterized by the presence of a motive, a plan for its implementation (design), execution and control. Controlling activity as a component educational activity, involves assessing the quality of knowledge



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

acquisition and methods of solving problems and correcting erroneous actions (operations) [22].

Traditionally, control is understood as the activity of a teacher aimed at assessing the dynamics of the development of skills and abilities in a foreign language in accordance with the tasks set [24:293], and as an element of pedagogical diagnostics, the purpose of which is to clarify all the circumstances of the didactic process and to accurately determine the results of the last (V.P. Bespalko, A.N.Mayorov, I.P.Podlasiy). In the process of control, students repeat and consolidate the studied material. They not only reproduce the studied material, but also apply knowledge and skills in a new situation, apply certain methods of educational and cognitive activity. Through control actions, self-regulation, in particular self-control, is carried out. Thanks to the control, feedback is established between students and the teacher and effective management of the educational process is ensured: control allows the teacher to assess the dynamics of mastering the educational material, coordinate the actions of the teacher and students, determine the actual level of knowledge, skills and abilities and, based on their analysis, make appropriate adjustments to organization of the educational process. From the point of view of the teacher, the functions of control are managerial in nature. It manifests itself in the implementation of diagnosing, corrective and evaluative-educational functions. Control in relation to the student contributes to the formation of his reflection and performs teaching, stimulating-motivational and corrective functions.


Based on the positions of subjects of control, it is possible to distinguish between internal and external control. External control refers to control carried out by a teacher or an examiner. External control can also be carried out by students when they control and evaluate each other's actions in the process of joint activities. In this case, they exercise mutual control. Internal control is understood as a comparison by the students themselves of the results of their educational activities with the standard, i.e. self-control.

Self-control is regarded as conscious control, evaluation, self-regulation by students of their own educational activities and independent management of it [11] and as an intellectual ability to compare, in the process of mastering foreign language speech activity, the results of their own performance of a particular educational task with a certain standard and the ability to independently detect, correct or prevent errors in their activities or their results.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

The formation of the ability to evaluate the result of one's own activity and the activity of others implies the development of reflex ability. Reflection is understood as the ability for self-evaluation and evaluation of others [17:261]. Reflection is the basis of independent learning activities. The ability for reflection, self-assessment and self-control underlie the ability to independently manage one's learning activities, without which independent activity, including cognitive activity, is impossible. In the formation of such an ability, an important role is played by the phase of external control, which is necessary in order to transfer students to the mode of self-control (internal program of action).

Control is considered as a system that comprehensively covers the entire learning process [5]. Depending on the stages of implementation of control in the process of teaching a foreign language, the following types of control are distinguished:

• preliminary (psychodiagnostics of students starting opportunities before the start of training),

• current ("accompanying" learning control is carried out in the course of the educational process),

• intermediate (periodic control is carried out at the end of a certain period, for example, a section of a textbook or a quarter, or a stage, for example, an introductory course or academic year),

• final (used, as a rule, to establish the degree of students' proficiency in a foreign language for the entire course of study).

The type of control determines the choice of controls. In current control, as a rule, traditional means of control are used (control, verification work, etc.), because often it does not involve the use of test measurement and evaluation technologies. Intermediate control allows you to identify gaps and create conditions to eliminate them and serves as a means of stimulating and motivating students. Here the use of testing seems justified. The final control is usually carried out in the form of an exam, which is, in fact, the same control work or test, but unlike them, it is usually intended to establish the degree of students' knowledge of a foreign language for the entire course of study [22].

Depending on the goals and conditions of the implementation, control can take one form or another. Control can be individual, frontal, group or paired. Each of these forms can be done orally or in writing. The choice of one form or another depends on the object of verification (an aspect of language - a type of speech activity) and the type of control. The objects of control in teaching a foreign language are: a) language

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

knowledge and skills (level of language competence); b) speech skills (level of speech competence); c) knowledge about the country of the language being studied (socio-cultural competence). The object of control can also be the intellectual skills of critical thinking (as a component of speech and educational-cognitive competence).

When training in cooperation at different stages of work, the following means of control are used: oral control (survey, oral reports of groups), written control (tests, testing, written work in the form of a written report of the group). Control is carried out individually and frontally, as well as in the form of group interaction - mutual control. Self-control and mutual control in the course of joint work in small groups of cooperation at this stage does not replace control by the teacher. In addition to the teacher's control over the progress of the task in small groups, control is necessary after the task is completed. The stage of external control allows students to check and evaluate the correctness of their actions, to correlate self-assessment with an objective assessment, to correct the standard of this skill, which is being formed in their minds.

The object of control here is the formed skill. Control in this case provides operational communication necessary for the implementation of direct management of the educational process [5:146] and is of a current nature. Control is carried out by the teacher in the form of a guided conversation. Here we are talking about checking the performance of a specific exercise in small groups, which does not require a mark at all. Evaluation of success by the teacher is necessary in order to decide what to do next. The teacher needs to control the correctness of the skill formed by the students and to identify the degree of its formation (automatism) in order to decide whether additional oral practice is necessary or it was enough to move on to the next stage.

Test control differs from traditional control methods in that it is a specially prepared set of tasks that allows you to reliably and adequately quantify the knowledge of students using statistical methods [22]. A test always involves a measurement. The function of measurement is to provide quantitative and qualitative information about the progress of learning, the diagnosis of gaps, and the prediction of success [19]. The form of control should be chosen depending on the stage of training and individual psychological characteristics of students. This requirement reflects the presence of different levels of development and cognitive abilities of students, which dictates the need for a differentiated approach to learning, including control [23]. To check the formation of the skill, special control exercises are used.

Control exercises are differentiated. Different students have to make different efforts to complete test tasks, and weak students have the hardest time of all,

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

respectively, they are in unequal conditions compared to others. Tasks differentiated by volume and degree of complexity give everyone equal opportunities for success. This approach is used only in cases where a team classification is provided. In other cases, knowledge control is carried out according to uniform requirements.

Models "Think-Pair-Share", "3-Step Interview", "Team-Pair-Solo", "Jigsaw", "Academic Controversy" at different stages of work on a task suggest a combination of different modes, types of independent work: individual, pair and group. This enables the student, in the course of independent work, to reinforce internal self-control with external control from other students, and at different stages of the task, interacting with different students according to different schemes, and to perform the controlling function himself, that is, to exercise mutual control. This allows you to "strengthen" mutual control by changing and increasing the number of supervisors who are serious about the performance of supervisory functions: everyone is interested not only in their own success, but also in the success of the whole group, as they work for one result. The assessment here is of a stimulating-motivational nature and is not necessarily always expressed by a traditional mark. For students, universal recognition is important: approval from other students and from the teacher. Evaluation can be verbal, in the form of comments from the teacher, other students. The factor of "external competition", competition with other teams, can be beneficial here. These are the features of self-control and mutual control when performing problematic exercises in the "Think-Pair-Share", "3-Step Interview", "Team-Pair-Solo", "Jigsaw", "Academic Controversy" mode.

All of the above fully applies to all problematic exercises in small cooperation groups. However, it is necessary to note several features in monitoring the implementation of problematic exercises in the "Academic Controversy" mode. The purpose of the exercises in the Academic Controversy mode is to teach certain methods of conducting a discussion. Therefore, the skills required for this type of activity must be controlled. Control on the part of the teacher is carried out not only on the fulfillment of tasks by groups, but also at the stage of "presenting (collising) opposing points of view". At this stage, the teacher controls

• the ability of students to formulate their own idea / point of view on the problem under discussion in a short form;

• the ability to argue your point of view;

• the ability to listen to a partner and opponents;

• the ability to "stand" on the position of opponents, to understand their point of view), to formulate it.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

In order for the formation of these skills to be conscious, it is necessary to focus the attention of students on these skills. This can be done with a reminder. An example of such a memo is memo №1. The content of this memo can be used when assessing this stage of the assignment.

What you need for a successful discussion:

• state your point of view briefly and clearly

• be sure to argue your point of view

• listen carefully to another point of view without interrupting opponents

• try to understand the point of view of opponents

• try to accurately formulate someone else's point of view - to show that the arguments are heard and correctly understood

The specifics of control in collaborative learning lies in the combination of internal and external control, as well as in the combination of mutual control with frontal and individual control. In addition, not only "academic knowledge" (D. Johnson, R. Johnson) is subject to control when learning in cooperation - when teaching a foreign language - the level of formation and development of the above skills and abilities - but also the nature of the interaction of students in small groups ( interpersonal interaction, communication culture, student activity). The control of interaction skills and abilities in small teams is carried out by the students themselves through self-control and mutual control and is supported by self-assessment.


Thus, based on the above, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the use of small groups of cooperation in teaching a foreign language depends on properly organized control.

Features of control are determined by the content of the stage of assimilation of cognitive activity, the characteristics of the stage of learning, the specifics of the method and are manifested in

• combination of external and internal control,

• a combination of self-control and mutual control,

• combination of mutual control and control,

• differentiation in the implementation of monitoring and evaluation (in team standings)

When monitoring the result of joint activities of students, the following forms of control are used:

Memo №1

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

• frontal control in the form of an oral survey at the stage of formation of lexical and grammatical skills,

• individual control in the form of testing or performing control written tasks at the stage of improving lexical and grammatical skills, frontal control in the form of an oral (or written) report of the group and individual control in the form of an individual oral or written statement on the problem at the stage of development of speech skills and the formation of intellectual skills.


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