INCREASING EDUCATIONAL EFFICIENCY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE (RUSSIAN) LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
pedagogical system / theoretical and practical training / coordination / classification / innovation / process / type of education. / педагогическая система / теоретическая и практическая подготовка / координация / классификация / инновация / процесс / вид обучения.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abdualimova, Dilfuza Hikmatovna, Kalandarova, Mukhabbat Iskandarovna

The article discusses the general innovation of the general pedagogical system the process of coordinating its educational process and gathering the most convenient of the many opportunities. It is possible to work in such a complex, dynamic, multifaceted, close pedagogical system. There are alternatives, as well as targeted ways to organize flow and learning activities. But only one of them can fit a particular situation. Finding it is the main task of coordination. This task is solved by comparing possible alternatives and evaluating other available options.

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В статье рассматривается общее нововведение общей педагогической системы процесс координации ее образовательного процесса и собирания наиболее удобных из множества возможностей. В такой сложной, динамичной, многогранной, тесной педагогической системе можно работать. Существуют альтернативы, а также целевые способы организации потока и учебной деятельности. Но только один из них может подойти к конкретной ситуации. Нахождение его и есть основная задача согласования. Эта задача решается путем сравнения возможных альтернатив и оценки других доступных вариантов.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Abdualimova Dilfuza Hikmatovna

Teacher of the Department of Russian language Academic Liceyum at the National University of Uzbekistan Kalandarova Mukhabbat Iskandarovna Senior teacher of the Department of Russian language Academic Liceyum at the National University of Uzbekistan

The article discusses the general innovation of the general pedagogical system -the process of coordinating its educational process and gathering the most convenient of the many opportunities. It is possible to work in such a complex, dynamic, multifaceted, close pedagogical system. There are alternatives, as well as targeted ways to organize flow and learning activities. But only one of them can fit a particular situation. Finding it is the main task of coordination. This task is solved by comparing possible alternatives and evaluating other available options.

Keywords: pedagogical system, theoretical and practical training, coordination, classification, innovation, process, type of education.

В статье рассматривается общее нововведение общей педагогической системы - процесс координации ее образовательного процесса и собирания наиболее удобных из множества возможностей. В такой сложной, динамичной, многогранной, тесной педагогической системе можно работать. Существуют альтернативы, а также целевые способы организации потока и учебной деятельности. Но только один из них может подойти к конкретной ситуации. Нахождение его и есть основная задача согласования. Эта задача решается путем сравнения возможных альтернатив и оценки других доступных вариантов.

Ключевые слова: педагогическая система, теоретическая и практическая подготовка, координация, классификация, инновация, процесс, вид обучения.


First, it is necessary to determine which lessons are suitable for integration. The basis of such lessons is related to the closeness of the content and logical connections of the main topics of different disciplines.

Literacy classes (teaching reading and writing).




Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Integrated lessons An integrated course from the beginning is reading outside the classroom. Here is the whole process:

A) improve the skills acquired in reading lessons as a book reader;

B) work on the text;

C) choosing a circle of interlocutors, like choosing books.

English is also an integrated course that allows students to master the material of reading, writing, speaking, as well as the basics of algebra and geometry, labor education. Integration in interdisciplinary justification in the didactic system implies the compatibility of teacher (teaching) and student (learning) actions. Both activities have a common structure: goals, causes, content, tools, results, control. However, there is a difference in the content of teacher and student activities.

1. At the target stage, the teacher sets a common goal. Students, under the guidance of a teacher, need to understand the interdisciplinary relationships, select the necessary knowledge from different subjects, so that their attention is focused not only on the acquisition of general knowledge, but also on the transfer, analysis, should focus on the development of symptoms, abilities and interests.

2. At the proof stage, the teacher encourages students to generalize the concepts of different subjects to the knowledge that develops their worldview. Students will be interested in knowledge that expands their will, their worldview.

3. In the content phase of the activity, the teacher introduces new learning material, while integrating basic knowledge from other subjects at the level of integration evidence, concepts, problem sets. Students acquire a general understanding, problems at the level of general knowledge.

4. Textbooks, spreadsheets, new words, questionnaires, practical tasks. Students perform transfer, generalize, and attach characters using visual aids in solving integration problems.

5. The next step is the result. The teacher uses pedagogical knowledge to implement integration in order to teach, develop, nurture. The student generalizes in the knowledge system and applies them in practice.

6. At the control stage, the teacher assesses, monitors and evaluates the readiness of students for interrelated subjects. Students monitor their knowledge assessment, as well as their ability to combine them in different subjects.


The introduction of an integrated system that does not negate the stratification of education and complements it is a traditional way of educating educated young

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

people with a holistic outlook, the ability to independently organize their existing knowledge and a non-traditional approach to solving various problems. 'helps more than the unit.

What is the essence of integrating education? The concept of "integration" in relation to education has two meanings:

1. To give the student a good idea of the environment (where integration is seen as an educational goal).

2. Find a common platform for converging subject knowledge (where integration is a learning tool).

The goal of integrated education is not to impart knowledge that shows that the individual parts of the universe are interconnected, but to teach the child in the first steps to imagine a holistic universe in which all the elements are interconnected. This goal should be achieved by the primary school.

Integration is a means of accepting new ideas within the boundaries of subject knowledge. First of all, it is necessary to fill in the gaps between the knowledge of stratification, to study the connections between them.

It is aimed at increasing the knowledge of the learner, renewing the narrow specialization in education. At the same time, integration should not replace the classical subjects of education, it should only integrate the acquired knowledge into a single system, the difficult side of the problem is the dynamic development of integration from the beginning to the end of education. If in the beginning it was necessary to know a little about everything, then it is necessary to combine scattered knowledge or skills, and in the end it is necessary to "know all about a little"; that is, it is a new level of integration specialization.


Coordination means the level of conformity of the pedagogical system to the goals for which it was established. The conformity achieved for one condition is never consistent with other conditions. Therefore, the concept of coordination requires precision. Coordination cannot be general, it can only occur with respect to a specified distance. It can only occur with respect to a specified distance. At the same time, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the purpose for which the pedagogical system should be coordinated, and which guidelines should be consistent with the set goal.

It is necessary to distinguish between the theoretical and practical directions of coordination. A synonym for the concept of coordination is to theoretically calculate,

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

estimate, compare, and contrast alternatives. Coordination is the most convenient way to innovate, reorganize, restructure, solve problems in the practical direction.

The solution of coordination issues begins with the selection of the main criterion. Coordinating criteria are the appropriate criteria for evaluating possible development alternatives and selecting the best one.

Criterion - despite the fact that measurement requires the logic of a single indicator, pedagogy it always turns out to be complex, because the processes that take place in the pedagogical system can not be separated into causal streams. As mentioned earlier, the desired results can be achieved through over-employment of teachers and students. The additional load leads to a decrease in working capacity, deterioration. Measurement criteria for coordination are needed. Only then can the teacher and the students, working to the best of their ability, consider the learning process to be optimal.

It should be noted that according to the previous rules, no one has canceled them yet, 1 hour for the child to perform tasks in the first grade, 1.5 hours in the second grade, 2 hours in the third - fourth grade, fifth - sixth should spend 2.5 hours in grades, 3 hours in seventh grade, and 4 hours in eighth to ninth grade. Thus, the main criterion for the coordination of the educational process - as a measure, the two indicators are applied in relation to each other.

1. Education - to achieve the highest possible results in the upbringing and development of students in those conditions.

2. Students and teachers of all ages should follow the established norms of time spent on homework. The methodological basis of coordination is a systematic approach that requires the study of all components of the pedagogical process, the management of complex dynamic systems of mutual legal relations, based on a common theory. Coherence by philosophical categories is based on "boundaries". The pedagogical system opposes the hyperbolization of one or another organizer in increasing or decreasing the pace of activity, the complexity of teaching, requiring the selection of boundaries according to their vision.

The main methodological requirements for the coordination of the pedagogical system are: Coordination management procedures should cover the entire system.


Relying on the whole system of laws of the educational process in choosing the optimal alternative. Regularly record the ability of all system components to

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

coordinate. Coordination is seen as a constantly evolving innovative process that supports higher issues and more advanced technology in solving them.

It should be noted that, on the one hand, coordination implies the adaptation of the pedagogical process to the existing conditions, on the other hand, it creates new conditions and requires the adaptation of the pedagogical process to it. There is no contradiction here, because these two processes are interconnected. If you adapt to the situation today, it has to do with a situation that is not up to us.

But the educator always strives to coordinate them so that they can succeed. In practice, coordination begins with linking the knowledge acquired by students in the classroom and school in general, as well as the level of development of their upbringing, with established indicators. It is usually lower than the level of evaluation with a clearly defined indicator. After a while, the results are projected to the level of possibility of growth. Then a system of educational measures aimed at "ensuring the intended change is applied. The results obtained at the end of this work are compared with those that are optimal for hunting processes, student and teacher homework and the forces expended on extracurricular activities are compared with those in the norm and a conclusion is drawn about the degree of coordination.


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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

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