EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL APPROACHES IN CREATION OF IMITATION MODELS AND ITS NORMAL STRUCTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
society / innovative field / rapid development / intellectual product / information / scientific and technical / innovative activity / production / intellectual potential. / общество / инновационная сфера / опережающее развитие / интеллектуальный продукт / информация / научно-техническая / инновационная деятельность / производство / интеллектуальный потенциал.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Rakhimova, Rushana Eldarovna

This article discusses the fact that the rapid development of innovation in society today, the growth of the share of intellectual products, information and scientific and technical and innovative activities in the economy has led to the fact that innovation is becoming a wealth of the country reported. The effective use of innovative and scientific-technical potential in the interests of our country and each of its citizens would not have been possible without the creation of a legislative framework for the formation and implementation of a comprehensive innovation policy in the country.

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В данной статье рассматривается тот факт, что бурное развитие инновационной деятельности в современном обществе, рост доли интеллектуальной продукции, информации и научно-технической и инновационной деятельности в экономике привели к тому, что инновации становятся достоянием страны. . Эффективное использование инновационного и научно-технического потенциала в интересах нашей страны и каждого ее гражданина было бы невозможно без создания законодательной базы для формирования и реализации комплексной инновационной политики в стране.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Rushana Eldarovna Rakhimova

Lecturer at the Department of English, Journalism and mass communications university, Uzbekistan.

This article discusses the fact that the rapid development of innovation in society today, the growth of the share of intellectual products, information and scientific and technical and innovative activities in the economy has led to the fact that innovation is becoming a wealth of the country reported. The effective use of innovative and scientific-technical potential in the interests of our country and each of its citizens would not have been possible without the creation of a legislative framework for the formation and implementation of a comprehensive innovation policy in the country.

Keywords: society, innovative field, rapid development, intellectual product, information, scientific and technical, innovative activity, production, intellectual potential.

В данной статье рассматривается тот факт, что бурное развитие инновационной деятельности в современном обществе, рост доли интеллектуальной продукции, информации и научно-технической и инновационной деятельности в экономике привели к тому, что инновации становятся достоянием страны. . Эффективное использование инновационного и научно-технического потенциала в интересах нашей страны и каждого ее гражданина было бы невозможно без создания законодательной базы для формирования и реализации комплексной инновационной политики в стране.

Ключевые слова: общество, инновационная сфера, опережающее развитие, интеллектуальный продукт, информация, научно-техническая, инновационная деятельность, производство, интеллектуальный потенциал.


With the implementation of market reforms, the country's integration into the world community, the growing role of the world economic system in the growth of knowledge and information, the strengthening of ties between new technologies and the capital market, the transition of our economy to innovative development is important. Knowledge of the general laws and trends of development in the world's



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

leading developed and developing countries, as well as taking into account the specific conditions of Uzbekistan, rich in natural resources, production and scientific and technical potential, will lead to the path of innovative development of Uzbekistan. 'dental pathways and methods can be developed. In the modern world, due to the commercialization of intellectual property, the radical change in the role of science and technology, each state, as well as subordinate structures at the level of individual enterprises, allocate resources for scientific and innovative activities in market conditions. have a vision, that is, develop their own innovative policy that will allow the country, region, organization and individual to effectively achieve the set socioeconomic goals. The end of the twentieth century, the transition to the new millennium, coincided with the transition from one stage of the periodic development of society to another, more advanced stage. The general crisis in an industrial society that has taken place over the centuries has affected all stages of civilization: a person with a certain level of needs, abilities, knowledge and skills; technological method of production, socio-economic relations: property, distribution, exchange, national, political, legal relations; the world of spiritual values: science, education, culture, ideology, including religion.


In such a society, the concept of a computer simulation model began to enter the human body to accelerate the process of learning foreign languages, along with ICT tools. The term is used not only in education but also in other areas. Here it is necessary to explain the concept of model.

For example, the model of the Earth is a model of a globe, the sky and the stars in it. In the broadest sense, a model is an arbitrary representation or representation of real objects. Just as objects differ in their level of complexity, so do their models. They also differ in the nature of their expression: verbal representation, graphic representation, mathematical formulas and equations, physical objects (reduced or simplified analogs of real objects). Models can be static (reflecting a fixed system) or dynamic (able to monitor system performance over a period of time). The model is an important tool in the process of human cognition, showing the components of the object and the connections between them. It focuses on the important aspects and negates the secondary ones. This makes the model different from the image. For example, the table model reflects the fact that the horizontal surface is raised from the ground by special elements (legs). It does not matter what color the table is or whether it is scratched. For the fire truck model, red is an important feature because it

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

gives information about the specific function of the car. Large economic models are used to analyze and predict the dynamics and proportions of various complex indicators, including national income, employment, consumption, savings, and investment. Clearly, small economic systems are used to study economic conditions, and mathematical models are used to study complex economic systems. Historical processes also fall into this category, which does not apply to verbal modeling. In most cases, the method of mathematical modeling is effective, and the activity of the object under consideration is represented by a system of formulas and equations. Thus, the mathematical basis of probability theory allows to describe systems of random variables from one state to another. However, mathematical modeling is effective only when there are a large number of single or similar elements.

Philological models that describe many different types of objects are very complex and require large-scale calculations. Computer programs allow you to combine verbal, graphical, and mathematical modeling techniques. Modern information technology also has the ability to express results in numerical, graphical and dynamic (animated) forms. The theory of teaching and the results of a number of scientific studies in this field show that today teaching is mainly based on traditional methods of explanation. The creation of hypertext, hypermedia, graphics and computer audio programs allows not only the effective use of information technology in the education system, but also the organization of non-traditional lessons on science. When analyzing the process of teaching on the basis of computer technology in higher education institutions of developed countries and leading educational institutions of the republic, we can see several directions Modeling - models of objects of knowledge (physical phenomena and processes) research, making and studying models of existing objects and events.

The method of modeling is widely used in modern science. It simplifies the research process and, in some cases, becomes the only tool for studying complex objects. Modeling is important in the study of abstract objects, objects in capture, and very small objects. Modeling is also used in physics, astronomy, biology, and economics to determine only certain properties and relationships of an object. Modeling is now widely used in language learning. This modeling is often used as an imitation model. An imitation model is a product of a medium that reflects the movement of an object in an image and realizes the factor that affects it. The first issue in creating an imitation model is to know the normative requirements.

This program includes the following requirements.

1. Get acquainted with the software for creating simulation models

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

2. The effectiveness of the development of teaching methods and their application in the classroom. Software is the first piece of information needed to create this model. Because if the information is in a form that is not aimed at a specific goal, the product of the simulation model, prepared using virtual resources, will remain vague. After the data is collected, an approximate map is created. Using this map, an imitation model is created and polished. Before the product arrives ready, its shortcomings are re-examined. An example of this is the work of a special team at Karshi State University, in which the first map of the imitation model was created on the basis of special textbooks in English. After that, data were collected on the basis of programs that correspond to his teaching methods. After sorting this information, the program was created using virtual resources. These examples are taken from experience and are used not only in foreign languages, but also in other areas of education as a methodological method. For example, let's look at the simulation models being made at the Faculty of Biology. This model, which is mainly done by interpreting the drawings, can be seen as the movement of the drawing model through computer graphics. A foreign language can also be done through these graphs, in which case it is often done taking into account the historical and variability. The aim is to create a teaching methodology and check the quality of its application in the classroom, to apply the product in practice and to check how it affects the process through students. Because the imitation model must be able to meet the requirements of the methodological manual of a foreign language with a methodological direction. These manuals are considered as a guide in the creation of imitation models. In teaching English, the lesson is taught using a variety of methods to make it understandable to the student. This is of interest to the student.


As a result, the interest in science increases, and then the result is known. The most important thing in teaching English is how it is taught. The concept of method also has the concept of style and refers to the delivery of quality English to a student or learner using a variety of methods. The concept of method is used not only in language learning, but also in various fields. Such methods can also be used to create simulation models, as the method provides a way to implement and link virtual resources. Therefore, in creating virtual resources through simulation models, it is necessary to pay attention not only to its teaching methods, but also to its normative structure. Because its direction is determined by the content. The structure is created and the process is created. In the process of building an imitation model, the selection

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

of topics in a foreign language, especially English, and the activation of graphic images on them, which means that it is fully implemented. Because the last process is only a verification process, in which only the practical application of the finished model remains.


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