CONTRADICTION RELATIONSHIP IN COMPOUND SENTENCES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
sentence / conjunction / contradiction relations / simple sentence / tone / grammar / equal binders. / предложение / союз / отношения противоречия / простое предложение / тон / грамматика / равные связи.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Polvonova, Mahfuza Rakhmatovna, Bazarbayeva, A.Sh.

In this article, the relations of opposition in conjunctions are highlighted. Conjunctive conjunctions connect the parts of a compound sentence and express the existence of a conflicting relationship. Connected clauses are divided into connected clauses with conjunction, contrast, subtraction and negation according to their connecting means. Connected joint sentences form and of content to the relationship according to: symmetrical and asymmetric to words is divided.

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В данной статье освещаются отношения противопоставления в союзах. Союзные союзы соединяют части сложносочиненного предложения и выражают наличие противоречащих друг другу отношений. Связные предложения делятся на связные предложения с союзом, противопоставлением, вычитанием и отрицанием в зависимости от их связующих средств. Связные предложения по форме и по содержанию относятся к отношениям по: симметричным и асимметричным к словам


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Polvonova Mahfuza Rakhmatovna

Master's student of Department of Linguistics (English). Fergana State University, makhfuzapolvonova1983 @gmail.com

In this article, the relations of opposition in conjunctions are highlighted. Conjunctive conjunctions connect the parts of a compound sentence and express the existence of a conflicting relationship. Connected clauses are divided into connected clauses with conjunction, contrast, subtraction and negation according to their connecting means. Connected joint sentences form and of content to the relationship according to: symmetrical and asymmetric to words is divided.

Key words: sentence, conjunction, contradiction relations, simple sentence, tone, grammar, equal binders.

В данной статье освещаются отношения противопоставления в союзах. Союзные союзы соединяют части сложносочиненного предложения и выражают наличие противоречащих друг другу отношений. Связные предложения делятся на связные предложения с союзом, противопоставлением, вычитанием и отрицанием в зависимости от их связующих средств. Связные предложения по форме и по содержанию относятся к отношениям по: симметричным и асимметричным к словам.

Ключевые слова: предложение, союз, отношения противоречия, простое предложение, тон, грамматика, равные связи.


A sentence composed of two or more simple sentences in terms of content, grammar and tone is called a compound sentence: The door opened slowly and Kalandarov's face appeared. Compound sentences are divided into 5 types according to the content-relationship of simple sentences.

These are: Conjunctive conjunctions, Contrastive conjunctions, Subjunctive conjunctions, Negative conjunctions, and if conjunctions.

In this article, I want to focus on conjunctions of contrast.


doctor sciences in philology Ferghana state university,



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


The simple sentences in the conjunctions related to contradiction are connected with each other using the conjunctions but, but, but, -u (-yu): This day of our country is beautiful, but the next day is even more beautiful. will be happier.

The weather cleared, and the temperature was not noticeable. Sometimes, to strengthen the relationship of opposition, the conjunction of opposition and the preposition -u, -yu used in this task are used together:

It snowed at night, but it didn't get too cold. Conjunctive conjunctions connect the parts of a compound sentence and express the existence of a conflicting relationship. But, but, but, maybe- is used in the second half of the sentence, and is preceded by a comma. Prepositions -u, -yu connect the parts of the compound sentence and indicate the existence of a conflicting relationship.

In writing, commas are placed before conjunctions and after superlatives. In traditional syntactic theories, connected clauses are interpreted as sentences consisting of syntactically and grammatically, on the basis of the equivalence relation of simple sentences that have equal rights in terms of position. The equal parts that make up connected sentences consist of sentences that are independent in form, interconnected in content, and sometimes logically subordinate to one or the other. Such a relationship is seen in the structure of the parts of a compound sentence, in the content and grammatical relationship of its parts, or in the presence of common parts of a sentence. It is understood that this is so kind of joint of words parts logically each other requirement although it is grammatical in terms of subordinate it won't be.

Connected joint in sentences the first component somewhat independence feature have if, the second component the first to the point depends without is made. Together, these parts form a holistic syntactic device, that is, a compound sentence.

Connected joint sentences parts: 1) equal conjunctions; 2) equal binder on duty applicable downloads; 3) if, then assistants; 4) equality tone using is connected.

The Scientist S.Solokhojaeva indicates that these means of connecting the connected parts of the compound sentence, which are recorded in theoretical sources, are "not an absolute state." In her opinion, there are also such joint speech manifestations in the Uzbek language that, although the form looks like a joint statement followed, are actually connected joint statements. For example, the feet of the moon came and the wedding days approached until they said "Yes xu", compiled using the grammatical form-B (-ib),- sa affixes", "if someone gives candy, someone gives biscuits", are considered to be connected compound sentences.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

It is characteristic that the means that connect the connected parts of a compound sentence, no matter what language unit they are made up of, together with connecting the parts of a joint sentence, also form different meaningful relationships.

G'.Abdurakhmanov connected joint sentences parts between formed substantive relationships based on the following 5 types distinguishes: a) comparison attitude; b) time attitude; c) subtraction attitude; g) cause and the result attitude; d) interpretation relationship.

M. Askarova was also contacted joint in sentences reason, time, combination, contradiction, separation and denial of relations formation shows. Scientist connected parts of a compound sentence binder tools based on his the following types divides :

a) attachment connective connected joint sentences;

b) conflict connective connected joint sentences;

c) subtraction connective connected joint sentences;

g) negation connective connected joint words

Attachment connective connected joint words. The parts of a sentence connected with a conjunction indicate an event that happens at a certain time or in a sequence, and and, and, and, -u (-yu), -da, if, and is connected through his assistants.

And, in conjunctions formed with the help of conjunctions and prepositional conjunctions, events or actions that occurred at the same time and at different times are expressed. Compare :

1. Joint _ in the sentence one at the time surface coming incident is expressed : Mudir jadal step threw without non-stop speaks and his words everyone interesting was _ (PT)

2. Joint _ in the sentence different at the time surface came reality or action is expressed: The stream roared and its ice-cold wind shook the grass that grew irregularly on the coast (S. Ahm.)

-da, -u ( yu ) loadings attachment connective _ connected in a compound sentence in use the following condition observed :

in download in a compound sentence of action than usual according to faster fulfillment represents : Door squeal reached opened in , permission asking Dervish entered _ (O.)

-u(- yu ) loading of events fulfillment time , reason , action or of the event suddenly , unexpectedly _ and consecutively fulfillment shows : At this point suddenly the street the door opened, Zunnunhoja until you get rid of it come in came (AQ). Conjunctive on duty applicable if words using Created connected joint the

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

same in sentences at the time or consecutively happen has been events is expressed, that 's it with together such in structure in sentences comparison , explanation , contrast such as meaning relationships are also formed . For example : His body very big, sound if very tall was.

Contrary connective _ connected joint words _ Contrary connective _ parts of a sentence own semantics suitable grammar requires form . _ Because of this such parts of a joint sentence in binding but, but , but , maybe contradiction conjunctions , this binders on duty applicable - u(- yu ) download is used . They are content opposite was _ parts of a compound sentence connects _

Contrary connective connected joint in sentences of the event or of action to each other contradiction, however of them one's surface coming or surface did not come is expressed . For example: Will that is how it was restored known that it was true , but from this of the child message no ! ( O'.U .)

-u (- yu ) downloads contradiction binders _ in place used , opposite relation connected parts of a compound sentence to connect service does _ Some cases this binders with attached joint in sentences u(- yu ) download contradiction strengthen for is used . For example : My work is very busy ko' p -u, to not come I can no ( Word .)

Contrary connective connected joint in sentences sometimes contradiction with together unobstructed relationship is also formed. Compare : I with him I didn't talk, but his eyes _ sometimes long eyelashes from underneath to me looked after (IR)

Subtraction connective connected joint words. Subtraction connective connected joint sentences consecutively surface coming or each other with alternately standing, turn - turn surface coming suddenly more than an event is an event or action expressively, semantically in terms of subtraction and internal contradiction, explanation, comparison, suspicion, condition such as meaning relationships represents.

1. Bir.. , dam.., sometimes .. , sometimes .. conjunctions with formed joint sentences consecutively happen has been events expressively, semantically in terms of contradiction and comment meaning relationships means. For example : I 'm angry it comes out, I'm happy it is cold . (O.)

2. Either, or, if not subtraction connective connected joint in sentences from events only one's happen to be reflection is enough and comparison , suspicion , condition meaning relationships is expressed . For example : Okay you go away this from the city , or we moved let 's go (AQ)

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

So , traditional syntactic in doctrine connected joint sentences : conjunction , contradiction , separation and denial connective connected joint to words is separated . Not only each species connective tools according to maybe them reflection reached substantive relationships on the basis of mutual different signs manifestation does.

Connected joint sentences are all types of sentences such as syntactic form and through it expressible of content dialectical from unity organize found is the whole . Connected joint in sentences semantic of units each one own material to the shape have when, the form and content unit does not break. For example, " Spring has come and everyone is wrapped in a lush green dress» in the sentence form and content to each other according to

Fig and of content dialectical unit sometimes controversial it is conflict their to each other inconsistency in cases surface will come Connected joint in sentences formal and substantive inconsistency most of the time hidden ( implicit ) expressions through surface will come It is known that in the sentence everyone the idea is also open ( explicit ) can not be expressed . The idea implicit to express based on syntactic form and his content between _ conflict surface will come For example , "He wants to talk." was , but the language to the mouth stuck left » in the sentence denial in character The information " He didn't speak " is also expressed . This is information the same connected joint talk internal from the structure hidden way understood. Contrary connective of the package (- want was , however) to the presupposition hint based on confirmation character in the sentence denial denotative information is formed and this condition connected joint in the sentence formal and substantive inconsistency surface brings. Connected joint in sentences surface came formal and substantive inconsistency their wrong or confused to be understood take doesn't come. Speaker and of the audience existence about common knowledge and language skills each how asymmetric the sentence is connected joint the sentences are also correct to understand help gives.

Connected joint sentences form and content to the relationship according to symmetrical and asymmetric to words separate can. Symmetrical sentences form and content unity reflection is asymmetrical in sentences form and content inconsistency observed.


Connected joint sentences construction pattern, syntactic composition, parts binder tool, tone in terms of talk another of types differs. Connected joint sentences binder tools according to attachment, conflict, separation and denial connective

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

connected joint to words is separated. Connected joint sentences form and of content to the relationship according to: symmetrical and asymmetric to words is divided.


1. Abdurakhmanov G'. Basics of compound sentence syntax. T., Science, 1958.

2. Grammar of the Uzbek language. Volume II. Syntax . T., 1976.

3. Abdurahmanov G' ., Sulaymanov H. Kholyirov H. Omonturdiev J. Modern Uzbek literary language. Syntax. T., 1976.

4. G'ulomov AG'., Askarova M. Modern Uzbek literary language. T., 1987.

5. www.ziyonet.uz

6. www.slayd.arxiv.uz

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