GRAMMAR OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. INTRODUCTION TO MORPHOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
grammar / morphology / syntagmatic / paradigmatic / paradigm / parts of speech / interjections. / грамматика / морфология / синтагматика / парадигма / парадигма / части речи / междометия.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bobanazarova, Shoira Sodikovna, Nurmamatov, Bobur Botirovich

The Russian language, like other languages of the world, is regulated in a certain way: the formation of words and their operation are subject to objective laws, without which the language cannot fulfill its main function, the function of communication between people. This arrangement is called the grammatical structure of the language. Describing the grammatical structure of a language is the content and purpose of grammar. The word grammar is also called a branch of linguistics that studies the features of the grammatical structure of a language and the books that describe them. Morphology is the branch of grammar that studies words according to their grammatical properties. Morphology studies the rules of changing words, the knowledge of which is necessary for the construction of a sentence

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Русский язык, как и другие языки мира, определенным образом регламентирован: образование слов и их действие подчиняются объективным законам, без которых язык не может выполнять свою главную функцию, функцию общения между людьми. Такое расположение называется грамматической структурой языка. Описание грамматической структуры языка составляет содержание и цель грамматики. Грамматикой слова называют также раздел языкознания, изучающий особенности грамматического строя языка и книги, их описывающие. Морфология — это раздел грамматики, изучающий слова в соответствии с их грамматическими свойствами. Морфология изучает правила изменения слов, знание которых необходимо для построения предложения.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Bobanazarova Shoira Sodikovna

Teacher of the Russian language and literature of the military academic lyceum

The Russian language, like other languages of the world, is regulated in a certain way: the formation of words and their operation are subject to objective laws, without which the language cannot fulfill its main function, the function of communication between people. This arrangement is called the grammatical structure of the language. Describing the grammatical structure of a language is the content and purpose of grammar. The word grammar is also called a branch of linguistics that studies the features of the grammatical structure of a language and the books that describe them. Morphology is the branch of grammar that studies words according to their grammatical properties. Morphology studies the rules of changing words, the knowledge of which is necessary for the construction of a sentence

Keywords: grammar, morphology, syntagmatic, paradigmatic, paradigm, parts of speech, interjections.

Русский язык, как и другие языки мира, определенным образом регламентирован: образование слов и их действие подчиняются объективным законам, без которых язык не может выполнять свою главную функцию, функцию общения между людьми. Такое расположение называется грамматической структурой языка. Описание грамматической структуры языка составляет содержание и цель грамматики. Грамматикой слова называют также раздел языкознания, изучающий особенности грамматического строя языка и книги, их описывающие. Морфология — это раздел грамматики, изучающий слова в соответствии с их грамматическими свойствами. Морфология изучает правила изменения слов, знание которых необходимо для построения предложения.

Ключевые слова: грамматика, морфология, синтагматика, парадигма, парадигма, части речи, междометия.

"Yosh chegarachilar" Nurmamatov Bobur Botirovich,

Teacher of Russian language and literature. school No3




Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Concept or grammar. The term grammar is used in 2 meanings:

1) the grammatical structure of the language, including the means and rules for changing words and their combinations, combinations and sentences;

2) the science of the structure and laws of language.

Grammar is divided into morphology and syntax.

If in phonetics the main unit is the phoneme, in vocabulary - the word, then the grammatical unit means a broader concept - this includes a morpheme, and a word, and a phrase, and a sentence. Words simultaneously belong to the lexical and grammatical levels of the language. But if in lexicology words are considered from the point of view of meaning, use, use, then in grammar the general properties of words are studied. The main features of words are grouped into classes that have their own characteristics of formation, relationships and connections with other linguistic units.

Syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections of language units

Syntagmatic (linear) connection is a neighboring element.

Paradigmatic (non-linear) relations between different manifestations of the same grammatical formation: between morphemes and morphemes, between forms of the same word.

The concept of morphology. Morphology studies the formation of the form of words.The concept of morphology can be represented from different angles:

1. This is a means and a halt for the formation of words, a system with grammatical categories.

2. A section of grammar, which describes the formation of the form of words, as well as grammatical classes of words (parts of speech).

The form of a word is the form that a specific word receives during inflection, conjugation or formation by a comparative degree, retaining its lexical meaning and not acquiring a new grammatical one. Grammatical meaning considers a word with a certain part of speech, and within it with a certain grammatical category (gender, number, case), determines the possibility of changing the word and combining it with other words.


The grammatical form of a word explains the word from the point of view of a certain part of speech, and within it with a certain grammatical category (gender,

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

number, case), determines the possibility of changing the word and combining it with other words.

Word forms can be synthetic (simple) and analytical (complex).

Synthetic is a form that simultaneously contains both grammatical and lexical meaning.

Analytical - a combination of a significant word and a special service word, acting as a single whole. Functional words are the linking verb to be, the formative particle would, the words more, less, most.

In addition to them, there are also suppletive forms of the word formed from different roots (person - people, child - children).

In Russian, there are grammatical forms that form complex grammatical categories. For example, within the gender category of nouns, masculine, feminine, and neuter forms are distinguished; inside the indicative mood - forms of syntactic tenses.

All grammatical categories are in close interaction with each other and show a tendency to interpenetration. For example, the verb category of aspect is closely related to the category of tense; the category of the number of a noun is closely related to the category of the number of other parts of speech; the category of person connects verbs and pronouns.

Morphology studies the formation of word forms. Formation means:

1) inflection, i.e. attachment to the basis of the word of various endings;

2) the formation of correlative forms, which are forms of different words. This includes the formation of specific forms of the verb with the help of prefixes and suffixes (to paint - to paint, to jump - to jump) while their lexical meaning remains unchanged; as well as the formation of forms of the passive voice with the help of the postfix - sya.

Parts of speech are studied by morphology.

Part of speech - the largest grammatical classes of words, which are characterized by 3 main features:

1. Broad grammatical meaning (nouns denote an object in the broad sense of the word)

2. The system of grammatical categories (for nouns - gender, number, case).

3. The general role in the sentence (nouns more often in the sentence play the role of the sentence and the complement, the verbs - the predicate).

By parts of speech, all words are divided into 2 large groups: significant and auxiliary words. Separately, there are interjections. Significant - these are words that

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

name objects, their actions, signs or point to them and act as members of a sentence. These include nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, and words of the state category. Service - words that do not have lexical independence, and are used to connect words, sentences and parts of sentences. Among the service parts of speech, prepositions, conjunctions and particles are distinguished. Interjections - do not refer to significant or official words, but serve only to express feelings.

Classifications of parts of speech in Russian

The modern doctrine of the parts of speech in the Russian language is based on the classification of V. V. Vinogradov.

•At the first stage are parts of speech (significant words), particles of speech (functional words), modal words and interjections.

•At the second stage, names are distinguished in the system of significant words.

• At the third stage, the concretization of significant and functional words takes place.

Now in the system of parts of speech proposed in the "Russian Grammar" -80, 10 parts of speech are distinguished, it has 2 levels of generalization. This system is presented in most school textbooks. The formation of new classes of words is based on the process of transition of words from one part of speech to another. A consequence of the processes of transition is syncretism. Syncretic words are words that combine in their grammatical structure (in categorical meaning, morphological and syntactic properties) features of 2 or more parts of speech.

As a result of the process of transition from one part of speech to another, syncretic parts of speech arise in Russian, combining in their grammatical structure the properties of other parts of speech.


The grammatical meaning of a word is a meaning expressed by typified formal means characteristic of the entire given grammatical class of words or word forms (for example, the meaning of the person of a verb is grammatical, since it is expressed in all verbs by formal indicators - personal endings). In any significant word, two meanings are combined - lexical and grammatical. Lexical meanings are individual in relation to the word, that is, each individual meaning belongs to only one word (if we abstract from the fact of the existence of absolute synonyms in the language). Grammatical meanings are general, standard, they belong to a whole class of words or word forms; grammatical meanings differ from lexical ones in their

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

repetition and regular formal expression. The most general and most important grammatical meaning of a word, which determines all its other grammatical meanings, is a part-of-speech (general categorical) meaning: "objectiveness" for nouns, "processuality" for verbs, "quantitativeness" for numerals, etc. Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. So, the word dream has the meaning of a feminine noun, nominative case, singular; the word drew - the meaning of the verb of the indicative mood, past tense, singular, masculine, perfective.


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3. New technologies in teaching a foreign language. — http: //www.langinfo .ru/index.php?sect_id=

4. Ostapenko V.I. Teaching Russian grammar to foreigners at the initial stage. - 3rd ed., Rev. — M.: Rus. yaz., 1987. -144 p.

5. Skorina M. S. Interactive methods of teaching a foreign language. — http://www.rusnauka.com/8._NPE_2007/Philologia/20441.doc.htm

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