Научная статья на тему 'Content of means and methodologies of students’ physical upbringing in distance learning regime during pandemic'

Content of means and methodologies of students’ physical upbringing in distance learning regime during pandemic Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
students / immunity / health / distance learning / pandemic / motor activity / educational and independent classes

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Marina L. Listkova

Distance learning doesn’t contribute to motor activity of students. Sedentary life and the decreased level of physical activity can have a negative influence on health and life quality of young people. Motor activity deficiency during coronavirus pandemic makes physical culture teaches at higher educational establishments use more suitable and effective mode of physical culture lessons, which helps to support and improve studentshealth. In this article we would like to pay attention to more effective, in our opinion, kind of health protection. It is immune system strengthening by means of physical culture. We would like to offer more suitable for the existing situation of distance learning program of means and methodologies of physical upbringing for students. Materials. The results of a pedagogical experiment (questionnaire, questioning, conversation) during distance academic and independent physical culture lessons organization. Research methods. Scientific-methodical sources, internet sources, pedagogical observations analysis, questionnaire, questioning, conversations, pedagogical experiment. Results. As a result of 8months of physical culture academic and independent lessons (state of health, activity, mood) using earlier created and tested structure of means and methodologies we revealed the absence of cold in students, including COVID-19. Scientific novelty. We realized the created program-methodical support of distance physical culture academic and independent lessons in terms of distance learning during pandemic. Practical significance. The received research results can be used by teachers in pedagogical support organization of distance physical culture academic and independent lessons among students. Conclusion. In terms of distance learning in the situation of pandemic teachers from physical culture department should pay special attention to studentsmotor activity increase by means of not only academic, but also additional (for example, independent) physical culture lessons using therapeutic-preventive exercises for immunity system support and training for cold and viruses resistance development.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Content of means and methodologies of students’ physical upbringing in distance learning regime during pandemic»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-109-114

Content of means and methodologies of students' physical upbringing in distance learning regime during pandemic

Marina L. Listkova*

Omsk State Pedagogical University Omsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-7481-6059, Lest58@mail.ru*

Abstract: Distance learning doesn't contribute to motor activity of students. Sedentary life and the decreased level of physical activity can have a negative influence on health and life quality of young people. Motor activity deficiency during coronavirus pandemic makes physical culture teaches at higher educational establishments use more suitable and effective mode of physical culture lessons, which helps to support and improve students' health. In this article we would like to pay attention to more effective, in our opinion, kind of health protection. It is immune system strengthening by means of physical culture. We would like to offer more suitable for the existing situation of distance learning program of means and methodologies of physical upbringing for students. Materials. The results of a pedagogical experiment (questionnaire, questioning, conversation) during distance academic and independent physical culture lessons organization. Research methods. Scientific-methodical sources, internet sources, pedagogical observations analysis, questionnaire, questioning, conversations, pedagogical experiment. Results. As a result of 8- months of physical culture academic and independent lessons (state of health, activity, mood) using earlier created and tested structure of means and methodologies we revealed the absence of cold in students, including COVID-19. Scientific novelty. We realized the created program-methodical support of distance physical culture academic and independent lessons in terms of distance learning during pandemic. Practical significance. The received research results can be used by teachers in pedagogical support organization of distance physical culture academic and independent lessons among students. Conclusion. In terms of distance learning in the situation of pandemic teachers from physical culture department should pay special attention to students' motor activity increase by means of not only academic, but also additional (for example, independent) physical culture lessons using therapeutic-preventive exercises for immunity system support and training for cold and viruses resistance development. Keywords: students, immunity, health, distance learning, pandemic, motor activity, educational and independent classes.

For citation: Marina L. Listkova* Content of means and methodologies of students' physical upbringing in distance learning regime during pandemic. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(1): 87-90. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-109-114.

INTRODUCTION millions of people all over the world go through this

Nowadays there is non-standard situation of attack with cough, rhinitis or high temperature [6]. studying at educational establishments, conditioned

by epidemiologic situation in the world. It makes MATERIALS AND METH°DS

physical culture teachers use more suitable for The following research methods were used

extreme situation measures of distance lessons in the research: scientific-methodical sources, organization. They help to support and strengthen internet sources, pedagogical observations students' health. analysis, questionnaire, questioning, conversations,

Scientific sources, statistical data analysis pedag°gical experiment.

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and others] concerning the question toroMviras pandemic caused sufficiently

of health improvement proves an important role of serious health problems among great amount of

the immunity in our organism in struggle against population: respiratory OTg^s endocrine system

possible viruses and bacterial infections. cardiovascular system. Apart from that we revealed

During autumn-winter period every year locomotor apparatus sickness rate increase because

the immune system of our organism is attacked and of the restricted opportunity to go in for sports and

physical culture, immunity level decrease during self-isolation [7].

Pandemic caused not simple psychological conditions: self-isolation had a great influence on a regular life of people, causing psychological unsteadiness, as mentioned the head of World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Gheybreyesus in September, 28, 2020 [8].

Many research works revealed that in order to support health state a person needs 7-9 hours of sleep every day. Otherwise, the effectiveness of immunity system work decreases to 30% [9, 10]. The state of chronic lack of sleep, during the study, and especially during preparation for the exams, is typical for students [11].

Distance learning of students during a long-term period is connected with a long-term work

at a computer, it also doesn't contribute to motor activity support, decreases necessary amount of time outdoors in sunlight. It has negative influence on immunity state.


Our opinion concerning preventive measures of immunity system improvement in students was based on the necessity to increase motor activity during the day and on the range of health improving means and methodologies use. In our opinion, apart from distance lessons, independent physical culture lessons should be included into the regimen of students. The students of the main medical group (n=54) were recommended to have independent physical culture lessons 3-4 times a week according to offered by us content (picture 1).

Picture 1. Content of independent and academic physical culture lessons

Such kind of means and methodologies content was introduced by us and tested in independent physical culture lessons of a higher educational establishment students before the epidemic and had a positive influence on health level increase and physical qualities improvement [12].

In order to increase the effectiveness of planned by us events during the experiment we realized program-methodical support of students. The aim of the support was to create program resource of lessons during academic distance and independent physical culture lessons. This program resource included exercises, their dosage, methodologies of a complex health-improving

influence on an organism. The control over the lessons, physical activity, set tasks fulfillment was realized on the basis of self-control diary.

The program of lessons included physical exercises from pilates, yoga, stretching, fitness and other exercises. They provide students' power, endurance, coordination, flexibility, speed-power oriented qualities support and development.

Different complexes from remedial gymnastics (RG) were directed toward eyesight, bearing worsening prevention, toward pain in locomotor apparatus avoidance. They often appear during poor motor activity and long-term work at a computer.

Respiratory exercises from yoga provided

respiratory apparatus strengthening, organism resistance improvement in students [12].

Special role in immunity system strengthening in order to resist cold belongs to cold training by means cold water influence [13]. Cold training procedures were obligatory elements of physical upbringing, were very important for health, working capacity and mood improvement in

Table 1 - Results of health state, activity, students' m and cold training procedures use

students (table 1) [13].

The restricted opportunity to move, face-to-face communication between people, distance learning and work, frightening information from mass media lead to the fact that in terms of pandemic many people can have stress, anxiety, worry and depression. These symptoms are typical for the existing situation.

od before and after distance physical culture lessons

Health state Activity Mood

before after P before after P before after P

X + m X + m X + m X + m X + m X + m

5,1+1,38 5,7 + 0,93 < 0,001 4,7+1,36 5,4 +1,34 < 0,001 5 + 1,37 5,7 + 1,36 < 0,001

Table 2 presents the recommendations concerning the methodologies use in percentage of their application for students at morning, day time, evening independent and academic distance lessons. Table 2 - The recommended methodologies in % of their application in independent and academic distance physical culture lessons

Lesson Yoga Pilates Stretching fitness RG Auto-training Cold training

Morning 30% 25% 30% - 10% - +

Day time 15% 15% 15% 50% 5% + +

Evening 30% - 30% - 40% + +

Scientific novelty. We realized the created program-methodical support of distance physical culture academic and independent lessons in terms of distance learning during pandemic.

Practical significance. The offered program-methodical support, which includes a complex of health-improving means and methods, in terms of distance learning provides conditions creation for students' health improvement, immunity system resistance level increase against cold and virus diseases.


The situation caused by COVID-19 pandemic, which restricts motor activity of students, in our opinion, proves the necessity to have additional physical activity increase, apart from distance lessons use among students, involving them into independent physical culture lessons.

We recommend preventive means and

methods inclusion into students' regimen of motor activity: breathing exercises, cold training procedures, exercises of auto-training.

The created and introduced by us content of academic and independent lessons into the regimen of students distance learning strengthened the immunity system of the respondents, provided cold prevention, including COVID-19.

The offered program-methodical support of students is one of the forms, which provides the effectiveness of physical training control in the regimen of distance learning during the pandemic.

Mentioned above results help to come to the following conclusion: offered by us means and methodologies of physical upbringing for the regimen of distance learning had a positive influence on health improvement, physical indices support, influenced the activity and mood of students [13].


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Submitted: 11.02.2021 Author's information:

Marina L. Listkova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Omsk State Pedagogical University, 644099, Russia, Omsk, Tukhachevsky embankment, House 14, e-mail: Lest58@mail.ru

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